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53975434 No.53975434 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53975629

>tfw got capes in strength, fletching, woodcutting, and cooking

Bought all the supplies after making huge bank from the exchanges opening then just grinded until i got 99

>> No.53975790

The average zoomer have by far the worst attention span in humans history. This coming from someone literally diagnosed with an attention deficit disorder
>inb4 nooooo it’s not real!!!!

>> No.53975852

I don't think that's really the case, my entire family has terrible ADD and pretty much everyone but me fries their brain all day. My boomer mother watches those facebook videos all day, just like my nephews and nieces who do the same shit with tiktok and those youtube snippets. I don't really know if my sisters do or not I guess, though. Actually one of my nephews watches this shitty twitch streamer, which might just be worse.

>> No.53976400

99 woodcutting takes more like 300-350 hours if training on willows.

>> No.53976422

> we spend all day every day staring at a screen and somehow magically have become socially inept retards with no attention span
> it must be a LE DISORDER
fucking losers lol

>> No.53976452


>too young to realise the social event of cutting willows in draynor

>> No.53976453

The only thing you proved with this post was that you can't read

>> No.53976600

Millennials really think playing video games for hours upon hours is a flex. Kek.

>> No.53976625

His point is that between retarded videogaming kids, muhlennials could autistically focus on one task while zoomers who spend too much time on the internet need constant new stimulation or they get bored. Which is probably why the number of female zoomers in their 20s finding that they're diagnosable with ADHD is skyrocketing, because the origin is obviously that their shit parents gave them an ipad to fuck around with in 2010 and their little brains never recovered from that.

It's actually kind of amazing seeing shit you warned would turn out bad 10 years ago come fully to fruition, with kids raised on common core seething that they don't know how to use a computer because they only have a cellphone because computer class has been cut from the curriculum in most places to achieve 'equity' with black kids who don't give a fuck about computers n sheeit.

>> No.53976647

Back in my day both were nerds and deserved to be beaten.

>> No.53976655

I got 99 smithing and then remembered I can't smith dragon

>> No.53976661

I had spent thousands of hours mastering trading varrock Bank and orgrimmar auction house before I ever opened a brokerage account. Video games moulded me into what I am today.

>> No.53976669

>being that tinderbox and hatchet cuck on port sarim making fires for 100 virgins
I just realized I was a chud the whole time

>> No.53976679

Buying gf

>> No.53976688


Yeah bit in terms of profit:

>reeeeee 2 years of experience required for a jr role, knowledge of linux. How the fuck am I supposed to know how to troubleshoot I just graduated reeee

>thanks for the computer for my 12th birthday mom
>i already managed to retrieve registry logs to find out how my RuneScape account was hacked and managed to remove it via anti-rootkit.
I then took the time to downlod some libraries for CS skins for fun now that out internet speed was upgraded. Dont worry about the printer, i can get it working and troubleshoot it if you need to as i had to many times for printing homework

>> No.53976702

>the 30yo boomer meme is actually real

>> No.53976721

>heh yep *sips* Korn issues is a great album
>547th andarial/meph/cs run of the day
>>whole album can just be played no problem heh
God 90s take me back

>> No.53976726

Only difference is it was surge. We didn't have those faggy energy drinks yet

>> No.53976737

dont forget:
>yup Litecoin is one hell of a coin

>> No.53976758

Millennials won't be able to retire.

>> No.53976763

It still is. Don't know what it does but it's been around a long time like monero and ripple, good enough for me *sips*

>> No.53976770

Boomers will retire paying 5k a month to a nigger watch clinic. Nobody is retiring

>> No.53976780
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gen z will be a write off generation, they are the kids of the tiny gen x generation so that means they are already destined to be outnumbered. tiny generations make tiny generations. and their culture is dog shit. they think they are super technologically advanced but most of the tech made in the past 20 years has been regressive tech, like the smart phone. it's actually dumbed them down to where most of them can't use a computer, they don't know how to use files or search the web for forums, it's just discord and pecking at the tiny little screens. they will be a joke in their 30s and 40s because the higher education make-work job bubble has popped and AI is coming for the few that made it.

>> No.53976862

mmm nah bro...

>> No.53976892

wc levels?

holy seethe harder

>> No.53976897

Don't worry, they'll be prescribed with ADHD medicine and fix it all up.

>> No.53976970
File: 130 KB, 769x509, 125combat_zpsd21a2c83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RuneScape ruined my social life in high school but it taught me lifelong skills in commitment and personal finance. I can't believe it's already been 16 years since I quit the game entirely.
I dedicate this post to Zezima and ghjjf's forehead.

>> No.53976981


i was lucky, loads of people and friends played it in HS

>> No.53976999

>private chat
Haha why did jagex even bother with that

>> No.53977023

>no 99 range
into the trash it goes

>> No.53977027

>7 second tiktoks
dude, millennials had 7-second vines

>> No.53977055


i knew exactly 0 people my age using it when it was around, and it seems to be only zoomers always saying "BRING BACK VINE!!!!111!" in comment sections

>> No.53977063
File: 143 KB, 769x506, norcovpsri_zpsf27c88e4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally only met one person that played RuneScape but he quit before RS2 came out. Maybe there were loads of people but I was too socially inept back then to find out.
99 range wasn't needed

>> No.53977074

Your def isn't needed either but look at you noob maxing it. Gonna stand and wink at me while I ahrims dds you? ****ed your mom

>> No.53977077
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>> No.53977090


take me back. fml. redditors have completely ruined that game. they all scream "WE ARENT KIDS ANYMORE LE WIKI EXISTS" to justify it.
those faggots were the ones autistically min/maxing the game back then too. its nothing to do with them becoming grown up. every game is ruined by these min/maxers now.

that said its basically impossible to attract zoomers to this kind of game so i think the only real option for it to flourish is for them to make a mode where the game is randomised, and certain min/maxing shit like tick manipulation isn't possible

>> No.53977110

>he didn't swap in R2H to out perform lobby spamming
I smell newfag

>> No.53977123
File: 237 KB, 775x581, 99prayer_zpsf725527b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah def wasn't needed but it was easy and it looked nice to have the max 125 or 126 combat
It was a great game for the time period (2001-2008) and my age back then. I could never play it today even if it was exactly the same. I can't even play my PS5 for more than 3 hours a week.

>> No.53977131


same. i cant play almost any video game anymore, but i partly think its becase they all became gay ass min/maxing shit or zoomer bait.

i could see myself playing runescape as it was back then for like 30mins a day and enjoying it

>> No.53977151

>cutting willows
what a retard lmao

>> No.53977157

>>tfw got capes in strength, fletching, woodcutting, and cooking
>Bought all the supplies after making huge bank from the exchanges opening then just grinded until i got 99
Did you maintain wizardship?

>> No.53977159


>paid for membership for a free skill
>didnt grind woodcutting when parents wouldn't get membs tht month

>> No.53977163

>fucking losers lol

>> No.53977175

just buy a bond, what are you, poor?

>> No.53977182

>. Which is probably why the number of female zoomers in their 20s finding that they're diagnosable with ADHD is skyrocketing
People fake this shit for the free gibs and sympathy. Wandering round with the gay hidden disability lanyards on. Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.53977183
File: 156 KB, 767x505, warchandler_zpsc60e3367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if I could go p2p PKing at mage bank(?) with my old clan Damage Inc. But even that was gayed up by the time I quit the game.

>> No.53977192


bonds didnt exist when back then

>> No.53977215

just sell gold then, what are you, poor?

>> No.53977218

That's a bannable offense, son

>> No.53977221

I must be old because I remember runescape being noob shit that the youngsters played years after it came out

>> No.53977248

so is botting willows to 99, dad
didn't stop you tho

>> No.53977270

Runescrape was just a UO ripoff, both were turned to shit thou, although I never did play RS

>> No.53977289

I manually clicked on yew trees all the way to 99 wc and then used used those logs to click to 99 fletching. That's pretty retarded now that I think back on it.

>> No.53977290

Did you ever world hop pk at rune ore back when deep wild was only good place to mine it?
If so fuck you nigger I'm just a simple farmer what the fuck stop wasting blood runes to get blue rocks

>> No.53977326
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Me on the right. Over and over and over again. Can you imagine spending 10+ minutes walking out just to have some faggot ping you from a distance

>> No.53977337

Maybe a couple of times for trolling but that was never worth my time.

>> No.53977355

>never worth my time
That's the part that made me seethe so much. 9/10 I'd just die and drop bones. >doesn't matter still pwned noob

>> No.53977377

I used to that shit. Sorry bro.

>> No.53977389

personally enjoyed spamming door open and closed to busy general stores and areas so people struggled to enter/leave. i was very sad when the update to prevent it + home tele came

>> No.53977398

>you will never play a game where pointless functions exist just to grief
Zoomers need to remember what bullying is

>> No.53977422


yea it sucks. i moved on to gmod when it was getting rare. i think i clocked in about 5000 hours on there just griefing darkRP.

i dont play modern games but a friend told me he managed to find a way to grief on Read Dead redemption game mode by putting a carriage on train tracks on a certain mode and not getting out, or shooting explosive arrows when the train was going over a bridge onto the floor causing his teammates to be launched off the train

>> No.53977469

I fell out of computers before that. My childhood vanishes from runescape and Diablo 2

>tfw HC necromancer with shit gear sitting in baal run
>>wow guys thanks for exp this is nice haha
>MyTeethAreYello has expressed hostility towards you
>libtard was slain by MyTeethAreYello
>MyTeethAreYello has left the game
my God my fucking sides

>> No.53977555
File: 51 KB, 498x357, Screenshot_20230307-225016_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now I'll be 40 soon, holding shitcoins and shilling whatever animal token has a bunch of upvotes

>> No.53978280

so randos wont pm you

>> No.53978288


>> No.53978390 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 1200x1169, OpenBet5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girlfriend’s dad is a banking exec, I told him I’m all in on crypto. He and I met yesterday. He is a kind and mild mannered guy who comes off as deeply intelligent. I asked him how he felt about decentralized finance and he said it was a risky venture (no surprise from his banking point of view) and anyone putting money into it is a fool. He seemed disappointed that his daughter’s boyfriend wanted to talk about crypto and OpenBetAI token. For me, crypto has fundamentally changed my life - it has taught me about finance, geopolitics, and that I have the agency to live a life I wasn’t sure was possible. So, when he seemed disappointed, what did I do? I doubled down. I gave an impassioned speech about why cryptocurrency is changing the world and democratizing resources that traditionally only the wealthy had access to. It is giving poor communities a fighting chance and that it is revolutionary and something that is a big part of my investment strategy. I don’t know what the point of this post is, but I just, idk, he made me feel like a fool of an investor because he either just doesn’t get it or is scared of it and I feel like his view of me has become less favorable in terms of dating his daughter, but I’m going to stand up for what I believe in. Ramble over.................https://openbetai.io

>> No.53978831

we will have more bearable boomers, or very whiny ones, they will probably do nothing but cry that they are not rich or that nfts suck, while I will be here having a nft of ai universe just to annoy them with my existence, fuck old ppl

>> No.53978924

It will much easier to climb the corporate ladder since most people will be dopamine-wrecked.
The simple fact of not using social media will put you above 90% of the population already.

>> No.53978929

You can't get gibs for ADHD.

>> No.53979033

im older than you. ive played le runescape. youre a pussy faggot and le adhd is fake

>> No.53979058
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>managed to be in well over profit in all the mmos I played
>only managed to break even with no debts and like $10k in savings IRL

>> No.53979093


>> No.53979095
File: 341 KB, 1080x1422, Zoomer recruits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomers are apparently so retarded, even the military won't let them join. So, yeah. Future is gonna be kinda bleak when Gen Z starts primarily running shit.

>> No.53979112

>when Gen Z starts primarily running shit.
thats not going to happen. chinese people will be running shit when that time comes

imagine zoomers trying to repair power lines or repave a road. i mean they wouldnt even try because doing those things would require leaving yoir house and not looking at a phone for periods of time which the LE ADHD/ANXIETY/DEPRESSION/BIPOLAR/GENDER DYSPHORIA will not allow them to do

>> No.53979600

Sips Red Bull. Ahh yes that was me once. I couldn't go back to grinding game chores like that. We were all doing it for the same but slower dopamine rush.

You can train your attention span back but it takes some practice. Forcing myself to read books and play longer RPGs I used to enjoy instead of 2 minute articles. I can't handle social media. It all sounds like bots having a stroke screaming at each other. I skim past any biz threads if I scan random acronyms which means the jeets are shilling some trash.

>> No.53979620

I'm a millennial (born in 1990) and i haven't even started working yet

>> No.53981503

selling fire

>> No.53981819

I remember doing this, too. Or killing the river troll that spawns while fishing despite zero good drops

>> No.53982829

>when Gen Z starts primarily running shit.
Not happening. Everything will have long collapsed and reset by then. Ffs boomers are still in charge for the most part.

>> No.53982882
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You get your 401k nationalized and your wealth redistributed to pay for a horde of dumb spics that have no retirement money and have drained the government of gibs. You get to die in your house broke and alone assuming they don't forcefully take that too.

>> No.53983566

>401 distributino age raised to 69 1/2 years of age
>more welfare for venezuelans to keep them fed enough to toil on the hamster wheel for 12 hours a day at a factory