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File: 161 KB, 1019x821, Home Partners_example home in Austin TX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53967955 No.53967955 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sure you've all heard about Wall Street "buying up homes".
Well, that's true. One of the companies doing this, which is owned by BlackRock, is called HomePartners: https://www.homepartners.com/how-it-works/communities
They currently own THOUSANDS of homes across several different metro-areas in the US.
How can you fight back against this bullshit?
You can find a home that is currently unoccupied, and squat there until they kick you out with a court order!

>> No.53967991

Many of the homes listed on this website are in undesirable locations, or are priced too high. Chances are, they are going to be empty for a while with no open-houses or anything like that.
Those are perfect houses to squat in, since your squatting time frame doesn't legally start until you're served with a notice to evict, which is usually 30-days after you first start squatting.
Check local/state laws on squatting, some states are more relaxed than others.
Some states have such a backlog of legal/court cases, that you could squat without paying ANY rent for 6-12 months (or longer) before having to be evicted.

>> No.53967995

or just burn it down with an r/c drone carrying gasoline. keep repeating until their insurance policy drops them.

>> No.53968011

Every month that you squat successfully, that's another month that you're not paying rent/mortgage, which you can then save/invest for your future.
Every time you get kicked out, just move your stuff into a new house and do it all again. This works especially well if you work from home. Just have payroll update your address, or use a P.O. Box.
You should also keep most of your stuff in storage.

>> No.53968020
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>> No.53968032

It's very easy to get utilities turned on too. Gas, water, electric, wifi, etc. As long as you're paying, the company can't legally restrict you from accessing utilities.
A company with Tens of thousands of homes does not have the ability/resources to combat that many cases of squatters, so the more people who do this, the more successful it will be for everyone involved.

>> No.53968038
File: 83 KB, 798x458, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever you do, do not bash this person's skull in with a claw hammer

>> No.53968041

>Squatting is totally based!

Ok poorfag nigger, go back toreddit

>> No.53968045

Don't pay any attention to demoralization faggots/shills in this thread.
Wall Street has a very high incentive to now allow proper information about squatting to be known by the public.

>> No.53968073

I'm already rich, and I squatted successfully back in the 2008-2009 depression while keeping a job, I was able to save something like $30k within 2-years, while everyone else was losing their jobs and being foreclosed on.
If you're in your 20s, have a job, and aren't dumb, then squatting is an excellent strategy to take advantage of Wall Street fuckwads who are only interested in bleeding people completely dry.
Or are you a Wall St Cuck??

>> No.53968077
File: 66 KB, 707x693, 1665495167123740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based thread, Godspeed OP!

>> No.53968125


>I'm totally rich dude!!!!
>also I somehow, for whatever reason, even think of squatting

No you aren't. You're a typical dirty antiwork commie redditor who probably couch surfs and burns bridges routinely.

>> No.53968148
File: 263 KB, 1025x821, Home Partners_Atlanta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Home Partners owns almost 3,000 homes in Atlanta alone.
Do you really think they have the resources available to fight squatting claims with any level of efficiency?
If you overload their system, you're likely to live for a minimum of 6-months rent free (all you have to do is pay the property taxes, utilities, and insurance).
Then, pack up your stuff and find another place to live after you get kicked out. You can do this for years without any criminal problems.

>> No.53968194

>I have half a million saved up in brokerage + retirement accounts
>I own a condo
>I've had a job continuously since I graduated college.
Try harder.
ITT I've literally said that in order to squat successfully, you SHOULD have a WFH job, and continue paying taxes, insurance, and utilities.
Only dirty commies/niggers don't understand that there's a big difference between squatting properly (so you don't get sued/charged with criminal property destruction) and squatting like a dirty commie/nigger.

>> No.53968227

Wall Street has continuously fucked over the residential housing market.
This is a perfectly legal way to fuck them back.

>> No.53968242

You do realize they actively rent these out right? They hire property management companies to do it too. There will be very few of them sitting empty.

>> No.53968244
File: 196 KB, 669x772, Long Island_Based squatter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's lots of successful squatter stories.
You could be one of them.

>> No.53968282

It is not ethical to take advantage of an elderly person like this.
Though if I was that guy, I would've shot the squatter in the face and claimed self-defence.

No reason to squat in an occupied home where there are THOUSANDS of unoccupied homes owned by Wall Street faggots.

>> No.53968429

I thought about doing this, OP.

But it is really kind of dangerous, unless you have a group of people with you. What are you going to do get delivery all the time and never leave the house? As soon as you leave to go buy food they will lock the doors.

We need a squatting Discord for Anons. I work remotely, but will be er be able to afford a Blackrock house.

>> No.53968483

It's definitely better if you do this with friends. If you have 2-3 friends occupying a house, then one can always stay behind.
It's not really dangerous. Police aren't going to be watching the home like hawks because they have more important stuff to do, and a company like Home Partners does not have the resources to have someone watching the house 24/7.

When you move in, show up with new locks and change them all. Set up electricity, utilities, and set up security cameras as well.
If you do this for a few months, that easily pays for itself.
If someone from blackrock steals any of your shit, you can sue them in small claims court.

>> No.53968593

I'd be down for a discord server too, that would definitely help to coordinate areas, houses, supplies, strategies, legal aid, etc.

>> No.53968611

If you really read into squatting it 100% requires a group to be done right. For safety in numbers, and to ensure at least 1 person is present at all times. Unfortunately, most people who are part of these "groups" tend to be straight up communist and untrustworthy. Undesireable to live with. But with the right group it can be done.

Then there is the initial break in and replacement of locks which is for me way too stressful in a country that owns weapons. If there's someone inside you could really get shot or something. But there are ways to make sure it is unoccupied by casing it for a few weeks.

In general, lots of work, lots of planning most people would like to do it but don't have anyone to do it with.

>> No.53968680

This is very niggerly but I support it, fuck massive corps buying up all the land and real estate. Until we have a high trust all White society I will support crime that doesn't physically hurt anyone.

>> No.53968708

They would know you're living there because electric and water usage would go up. Additionally, many (not all) of these companies are using cameras now. If you're in a position in life to do this, you need to accept that you will never make it.

That being said, fuck them, but I'm sure there has to be a better way.

>> No.53968717

based. I bet once they get him out he can just buy a house with all the money he has saved over the last 20 years.

>> No.53968800

The niggerly way to do it is to trash the house and be a complete asshole.
The good way to do it is to keep the house in good shape, be respectful of furnishings, pay all the taxes and utilities, and be a good neighbor overall (no noise or disturbance complaints).
Even if they find out, they have 30-days to evict you, and they are legally bared from doing it before then, otherwise you would be able to sue them for false eviction.
>If you're in a position in life to do this, you need to accept that you will never make it.
Hard disagree. None of this shows up on a criminal background check, since you can't be convicted of "illegal squatting".
I'm all about hearing better ways to fight back against corrupt Wall St dickheads, but this is the best way that I know of.

>> No.53968815

If you see anyone with their arms crossed in a profile picture then they are feces in bipedal form.

>> No.53968847

If only I was retarded enough to do this.

>> No.53968856

>They would know you're living there because electric and water usage would go up
orly? Sounds like you need to think outside the box, OP.
>collect rain water
>piss and shid outside
>BYOSP (bring your own solar panel)

>> No.53968861

>27 posts
>14 replies by OP
Just KYS attention whore, you're the weirdest schizo here.

>> No.53968928

It doesn't even matter if the company finds out, they still have to give you 30-days to vacate. So that's at least 1-month of free rent.

>> No.53968961

>why are there piles of shit outside of this vacant house?
>why are there solar panels and rainwater collection canisters here?
Uhhhhh. I can explain.

>> No.53969035

Who pays you to be a demoralization nigger?

>> No.53969093

Uncle Satoshi Nakomoto. he even paid for my 4chan pass because I can't fill out the captcha (it's too hard for me)

>> No.53969160
File: 67 KB, 166x208, Screenshot from 2023-03-06 20-03-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im already rich
>i have half a million and a cuckshack

unironically squatting can indeed work but everything you have suggested is completely the wrong way to go about it and sounds like a 19 year old larp

>> No.53969222

literally nothing wrong with this plan

>> No.53969281

Watch the movie Heat (1995) with Robert De Niro. The bank robbers basically live in the best homes, they have 0 furniture or belongings. That's basically how you'd need to prepare yourself to live as a squatter. It's how I live already as a digital nomad. I make 120K, but I own 1 spork and 1 knife.

>> No.53969355

zomg literally???
dumb nigger

>> No.53969431

so you own nothing and you're happy?

>> No.53969458

Nothing wrong with that, keep all your valuables in a storage locker, only keep the bare minimum with you (and a gun) at all times.
How fucking dumb are you?
Do you not have a brokerage account for savings/investments?

>> No.53969466


>> No.53969587

>no furniture
>gun at all times



>> No.53969691

>use a P.O. Box
imagine thinking you want any of your info forwarded to a place you're trying to squat.
if you're young, and you have absolutely no other options, there are less honorable ways of getting a roof.

>> No.53969951

It's about several things:
>Free place to stay
>Saving/investing more of your own income
>Taking revenue/profit away from Wall Street dickheads.

>> No.53970390

>None of this shows up on a criminal background check, since you can't be convicted of "illegal squatting".
Trespassing ?

>> No.53970715

Technically requires being ordered to leave, but doesn't cover residence? If you've claimed the location as your living quarters the law treats that differently.
It makes some amount of sense especially back in the day when we'd lose whole cities to famine and shit. Tracts of land just went empty in the course of a few years. The government had more interest in keeping the living than in honoring the dead.
It also reduces the influence of speculation.
But each jurisdiction probably words the charges differently, so don't take me as council on that.

>> No.53970742

Isnt it breaking and entering when you initially go into a locked house?

>> No.53971015


>> No.53971044

They'd have to prove that. The idea is to just show up inside one day, unseen by any camera.

>> No.53971493

Very tough to prove in a court of law when the home is unoccupied.
"I thought it was empty your honor. According to the legal definition of trespassing, this only comes into effect if the building is occupied."
You have to know the laws in your area 100%, and also provide examples of precedent/case-law that backs up squatters rights.
>One interesting exception to the rule here in Illinois is if a person in Illinois “beautifies unoccupied and abandoned residential and industrial properties located in any municipality” (see, 720 ILCS 5/21-3(d), et seq). Basically, in Illinois, if you plant flowers or remove debris (adding in a few other technicalities), one could avoid prosecution for trespass.

>> No.53971516

The city of Chicago maintains a database of abandoned buildings.
Pick one that's not in a high-crime area, and you can move in tomorrow.

>> No.53971683
File: 336 KB, 1317x837, 6209 S Morgan St_Chicago IL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an example of an abandoned home in Chicago. Probably wouldn't even need to spend that much to fix it up.
Move in with a few buddies from college and you wouldn't have to worry about rent or a mortgage for a decade (or longer).

>> No.53971752
File: 322 KB, 1297x828, Chicago neighbors_kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then again, you have to be very careful of where you move to, lmfao.

>> No.53971774
File: 258 KB, 1312x821, 5832 S Talman Ave_Chicago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This actually looks like a nice neighborhood.

>> No.53971905

Sounds like a great way to get shot.

>> No.53971973

I've squatted empty houses too, it's a cooked lifestyle and if you're too normie/boomer-psyoped you most likely can't comprehend the benefits of the lifestyle; like a flea in a jar.

Genuinely based af to squat, I didn't ask to be born into a world where I'd have to be worked like a dog to have a roof over my head. I luckily live in an old, relatively nigger free area so don't need to worry about that shit.

>> No.53972037

could you share some of your experiences while squatting? like how did you get started, how you find a good abandoned house, and how do you stay covert?

>> No.53972042

>Abandoned home
>No one lives there
>Worried about getting shot
Congrats, the Fake MSM and Wall Street owns you.

Care to share which city/country? It's difficult to find abandoned homes to move into in white-majority areas.

>> No.53972313

Most consumer-grade drones wouldn't be strong enough to carry enough gas to actually burn down the whole building.

>> No.53972346

perfect. We only want to leave a message not destroy housing.

>> No.53972497

Oy vey why so antisemitic?

>> No.53972809

you have to pay property taxes and insurance? how would you even find out the amount owed?

>> No.53972842

Funny how the gov is ok if you squat someone's property but if you even dare not paying tax on this stolen house you will go to prison!

>> No.53972906

You can go down to the town office and find out.
Yup, it's completely bullshit.
You have to pay property taxes even if your home is paid off and you don't have any kids in school. Too many missed payments and the government will steal your house.
If I ever get diagnosed with a terminal disease, my plan is to stop paying property taxes, camp out at my home, and shoot any police or government agents who try to enter my property.
Hopefully I'll take a few with me.

>> No.53972915

How do you get inside without catching a breaking and entering charge in Minecraft

>> No.53972963

but I mean, if the house isnt entirely abandoned, it has an owner and is unoccupied, you as a squatter are still somehow beholden to pay that person's property tax legally?

>> No.53972964

>"Your honor, the backdoor was unlocked. I thought the property was abandoned."
>"Your honor, there was no one living there at the time. I thought the property was abandoned."
>"Your honor, I lived there for 30-days before anyone mentioned anything to me about "trespassing." The home was not occupied by anyone at the time."
>"Your honor, the front door lock was already broken when I stopped by. I simply replaced the lock with a new one, since I figured the house was abandoned."
Many such examples.

>> No.53972999

Interesting, looks like it's only SFH available.

Which is interesting - check their Chicago metro locations - all suburbs. The suburbs are only barely gaining in population, and primarily from poorer black/hispanic people fleeing the city proper.

Meanwhile, the northside and downtown in Chicago proper have gained 20-25% population since 2010. Primarily high-income renters too. Surprised why this isn't every landlord's wet dream. It's been my RE investing strategy for a while now.

>> No.53973003

Paying property taxes is a sign of good faith to the government that you are legally squatting, and not illegally trespassing.
It means that you actually wanted to live there, not just use is as a drug den or something like that.
It's basically used by a court of law to distinguish between legal squatting in an abandoned residence and felony trespassing.
These are the laws.
I did not make them, I'm only explaining how it works so that you can profit. There's plenty of case law to back up legal squatting, it's just there aren't enough people interested in going about doing this because they think it's "bad" or "illegal".

>> No.53973007

There are a LOT of really good multifamily deals in the gentrifying neighborhoods. PLEASE stop talking about it.

>> No.53973020
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>> No.53973034

I feel like unless you know what you're doing chem-wise the drone would have to be big and this fancy and thus KYC/why-fi, gps connected

>> No.53973049

That's a decent area, primarily indian/middle eastern. Surprisingly safe too.

>> No.53973072

If you have a team to deal with low-income tenants and evictions, then by all means that's an excellent strategy. I don't know enough about that.
Idk, Chicago is a dying city. There might be "deals" for a reason; everyone is moving to states like Texas and Florida. Illinois, California, and New York are losing residents year-over-year.
The only reason to move to an area like this to squat is because you can potentially save tens of thousands of dollars over a few years.

>> No.53973079

Court Order ? Much easier to pay 2 tall niggers to jump you and beat the shit out of you.

>> No.53973094

>Always be carrying
>Never relax
>Live in a Stand your ground State with No Duty to Retreat
The odds of a publicly traded company hiring black thugs to beat you up is literally 0.0%.

>> No.53973105

Which is why you squat in a corporate controlled house. You burn down the mom and pop rental properties lol.

>> No.53973109



>> No.53973127

Get a load of this nigger.
Do you work for Home Partners or something?

>> No.53973137

>Seething hoomer.

>> No.53973210

If you're in college, take note of this thread.
Shacking up in an abandoned multi-family home and fixing it up with friends is an excellent strategy for wealth building.
If you work from home, it will allow you to bank/invest over 50% of your take home pay.
That is a MASSIVE amount so early in your career.

>> No.53973724
File: 272 KB, 1400x1547, chicago change in population by neighborhood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Idk, Chicago is a dying city.
Dis-a-fucking-gree. Pic rel.

The city is gentrifying, quickly. Population loss is occurring in the poorest wards, primarily black.

So why is the city still growing? Easy: high-income, educated whites in downtown. This is starting to be felt in the neighborhoods (especially where I live in Edgewater) too. I have numerous reasons as to why the city is a great long-term play as well, but those are for another thread.

>> No.53973756

ITT homeless niggers that lost all their money in crypto. Get fucked no pity

>> No.53973764

>Population loss is occurring in the poorest wards, primarily black
where are they all going?

>> No.53974046

How would I get into one of these houses, just break in or what?

>> No.53974806

Read this thread first then ask me any follow-up questions.
If you're too dumb to do that, then you're a nigger brain and don't deserve any help in this matter.

>> No.53974841
File: 341 KB, 1504x781, Chicago real estate_mar2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, interesting.
Lots of cheap condos too, and the property taxes aren't too bad for most of them.
I guess if there aren't any niggers or crime around, it would be pretty sweet to live in an area like that.

>> No.53975406

But hey, tax da rich reee
tax the boomer who rents out cuckshed
tax the fag who bought his first house
also le evul chinks and pajeets are buying all the houses
just don't touch corporations who own thousands

>> No.53976575

Wouldn't some people just come at nite, break in, taze the squatters, throw them in a trunk and drive them hundreds of miles away and just dump them in the middle of nowhere?

>> No.53976710

This is America. We squaters have guns here. If someone tazes me in my squatting home, that will just make my trigger finger contract sooner.

>> No.53976755


Main Street renewal and other similar companies leave these vacant for multiple months and decrease the rent every two weeks until some retard takes it. Usually starting at 25% over market value

>> No.53978608 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 225x225, OpenBet4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My daughter is dating a douche-bag I don't know where I messed up, I thought I taught her well on what to look for in a man. The guy just showed up at my house and starting rambling on about how DCAing 30 dollars in 4 months into OpenBetAI helped him understand finance and geopolitics. I told him he was completely oblivious about being in a ponzi, this only unchained what I believed to be a cocaine induced speech saying that OpenBetAI was going to be the next Bitcoin and he was going to moon while buying lambos for his friends because he was no Bitch-ass paperhands I'm a bank executive, so you can only imagine what a nightmare this is for me. Don't know what the point of this post is, is not like my daughter is going to stop dating that idiot anyways. I'm scared about my daughter's future.................https://openbetai.io

>> No.53978629

it would require much gas, a strategically placed 2 cups of burning gas would get the job done

>> No.53979489

Umm, you'd have to be retarded to believe this.
Is this like a ghost story Wall Street Execs tell their kids so they don't squat in some ones home?

When you're squatting, you're making improvements to the property.
That includes motion sensor flood lights at all entrances, a security system with cameras, and of course guns.

>> No.53979503

Plenty of time to get in their and squat for a few months before they get a court order to kick you out.

>> No.53979646
File: 333 KB, 1252x848, logan square multifamily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful with those condos downtown. Assessments + insanely high HOAs will make your investment a huge money pit.

The value is in the neighborhoods - especially 2-3 flats. If I were you, and looking to invest in the city, I'd start here. Be sure to do your research on the neighborhood you're looking in.

The suburbs + south. Numerous reports will tell you that people "fleeing" chicago are headed to cities like

It's because they're black. Seriously.

>> No.53980218

Who the fuck would flee to Memphis? You would be better off fleeing to Ukraine. Memphis is too dangerous for fucking Project Pat and DJ Paul to live there anymore.

>> No.53980529

Most black families don't want to live near niggers either, and they probably can't afford to live in the nicer parts of Chicago.
Cities like Memphis and Atlanta actually have lots of nice suburbs where black families can afford to buy a house and have access to decent schools.