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53962669 No.53962669 [Reply] [Original]

I got 3 interviews tomorrow, I usually start off pretty strong in the beginning and have good answers for the bs, but during the rest I tend to lose steam halfway through the interview and usually somethingn goes wrong.

Tomorrow I have screener/1st interviews, what are some tips/advice that you can give me on things that have worked for you in the past? Do any of you have "interview cheats" or certain things you do to make the interviewer like you better or think your a high value and they "need" you or any dark psychology shit like that I can try?

Im applying for wfh so i got a bunch of virtual zoom interviews. Any tips/advice welcome, help an anon out. Like how tf are you guys getting yourselves these 100k jobs and shit without being qualified, how do you charm the roasties in hr? please tell me.

>> No.53962680
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I've got to go to an unemployment appeals hearing tomorrow, if I lose probably gonna kms.
Goodluck fella I didn't read what you said just figured I'd hijack your thread.
And then leave

>> No.53964345 [DELETED] 


>> No.53964475 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 554x554, OpenBet6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was only 69 years old. I loved OpenBetAI so much, I downloaded all the videos and memes. I'd pray to OpenBetAI every night before I go to bed, thanking for the honor I've been given. OpenBetAI is love, I would say, OpenBetAI is life. My mom’s boyfriend hears me and calls me a neet. I knew he was just jealous for my devotion of OpenBetAI. I called him a nobetter. He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep. I'm crying now and my face hurts. I lay in bed and it's really cold. A warmth is moving towards me. I feel something touch me. It's OpenBetAI. I'm so happy. He whispers in my ear, Think Bigger. He grabs me with his powerful gambling hands, and puts me on my hands and knees. I open my metamask wallet for OpenBetAI. He inputs the OpenBet contract and tells me to sell my Chainlink (TICKER: LINK). It hurts so much, but I do it for OpenBetAI. I can see the green line go up as my eyes start to water. I push the button and sell the rest of my link from other wallets. I want to please OpenBetAI. He roars a mighty roar, as he fills my portfolio with his love. My mom’s boyfriend walks in. OpenBetAI looks him straight in the eye, and says, OpenBetAI Keeps Pumping. OpenBetAI leaves through my window. OpenBetAI is love. OpenBetAI is life.................https://openbetai.com

>> No.53964633

I don't know but anytime I think I fucked up the interview I get offers but anytime I think I really aced it I get rejected. Why the fuck is that?

>> No.53965095


Firstly, know your own story and skills and exmaples thereof INSIDE OUT, almost like a script. That way, you're never stuck thinking of something to say. Have examples that can be used for multiple things so you can swap them in and out.

Secondly, employers are almost exclusively interested in what you can DO, rather than what you know. This is a mistake a lot of highly educate, intelligent people make where they think that knowing particle physics (for example) is a trump card: fucking particle physics is useless outside of particle physics jobs BUT the skills you learned while learning particle physics (programming, extensive data analysis etc.) are what they're interested in. Always cater your answers and CV towards that.

Thirdly, if the interview is remote, put Post-It notes all round you monitors with little memory aids for the above.

>> No.53965107

Unironically just be yourself and dont overthink it.

>> No.53965114

Pretend the company is jesus christ and you cant wait to suck his dick

>> No.53965123

I appealed my unemployment to the end, and in the end I didn't get any benefits after losing my job for not having the vaccine, but the guy who did the hearing said I had a good case and could take it to human rights court, so that might not be the end of it

>> No.53965256

desu just do this, dont think about it too much, maybe research the company and pick up a few buzzwords from the website they have. Be prepared to explain your work history in an interesting way. Make it seem like a struggle and that you powered through. Mein Kampf.

>> No.53967200

when you are interviewing and you're sensing a break in conversation, pause and take a moment to say, "hey, before continuing let me just take a moment to say thanks for your time so far" and then talk about yourself as a human vs. your paper qualifications. "I want really think this is a great opportunity and I really appreciate being considered. I can bring so much more to this role beyond [engineering/selling/x]. I love developing things like [intellectual property/talent/software] and I would love to leverage my experience to do that for [company].

>> No.53967259

be the interviewers friend. he will hire you if you offer value to his social life. you can be a weird autist once you're hired

>> No.53967311
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>Act natural, casual, friendly, you want to make the interviewer feel good and that starts with not being anxious/awkward/surly/quiet, even if you don't know an answer, be good natured even if you have to fake it
>Take note of things you were asked and didn't have an answer to, look them up afterward and memorize the answer, you'll find some things come up repeatedly in other interviews

For software guys too it's worth grinding through a leetcode problem or 2 every day, looking up random factoids and general summaries to refresh your memory or maybe tie it all together. It's all a numbers game and all you can really do is apply yourself.

>> No.53967614

I always take a nip of vodka about 15 minutes before any sort of meeting, presentation, or interview. It's enough to take the edge off my nerves but not enough to effect my cognition.

>> No.53967631

Also add how you cant wait to become part of a/the team and meet new coworkers

>> No.53967819

thats called alcoholism bud

>> No.53967913

Can I really be an alcoholic if I'm never drunk?

>> No.53967983


It's literally just a medication/treatment in that case. Alcohol reduces anxiety, like anything else you'd take.

>> No.53968104

The thing to remember here is that you are giving them reasons as to why they would want you in particular on their team, not that you are an expert in whatever it is you’re interviewing for. Think of it like you have your own little D&D group going on and suddenly a hyper chad meme wanted to get in. Even if you don’t mind, odds are at least some in your group would, and that same kind of monkey brain shit follows into the real world and especially into the clown arena that is the job market. You could be the perfect candidate and they still won’t give a shit if you’re a spergy fuck. The team environment thing is not just a meme, they look for people who above all else won’t cause a mountain of issues socially even if they’re technically proficient. Adding onto that, it all in the end is a numbers game. If you get rejected then don’t take it personally, odds are with how fucking retarded everything is ran nowadays they probably weren’t even looking at actually hiring anyone, or already had someone and just nickle and dimed you since they legally can’t tell you all to fuck off and have to appear at least somewhat impartial.

>> No.53968105

it's true

>> No.53968191
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yes. get help anon.