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53960941 No.53960941 [Reply] [Original]

Post it, lads.

>> No.53960954
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>> No.53961014
File: 400 KB, 837x650, 1652399022594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all gamblers quit just before they make it

>> No.53961020

Didn't Caroline say something similar about stop losses?

>> No.53961045

Meh, she's not wrong desu, Warren Buffett said something similar too about portfolio diversification. He said diversification is fine if you are unsure about your position and not a confident investor, but he said if youre absolutely sure about your position and you know what you're doing, you should absolutely go all in on the position. George Soros has a similar philosophy.

>> No.53961055

he never said that, you nigger

>> No.53961102

This is shit tier advice, it’s great to have a win at all costs mentality but not having contingency plans is just stupid. There will always be things out of your control and you need to game plan different scenarios so you know how to react quickly if your preferred plan doesn’t work out.

You end up doing stupid desperate thing when you have no back up plan, which is why she is now going to jail while pregnant with a sympathy baby she didn’t even want but was her plan to get jury sympathy for a lesser sentence

>> No.53961309

>This is shit tier advice

Do you know who Elizabeth Holmes IS, anon?

>> No.53961337

Yes he did you fucking retard.


>> No.53961373

"you should absolutely go all in on the position."
>not 50, not 20

Dumb faggot

>> No.53961412

So I was right and you were wrong. Thanks for playing.

>> No.53961433
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>> No.53961448

What happened? Did it fall right away? Who did he reply to last slide?

>> No.53961488

>do you even know who Elizabeth Holmes IS Anon?

Clearly I do from the second half of my post

>You end up doing stupid desperate thing when you have no back up plan, which is why she is now going to jail while pregnant with a sympathy baby she didn’t even want but was her plan to get jury sympathy for a lesser sentence

My point was showing how her shit tier advice landed her in prison

>> No.53961531

hey nigger, check his portfolio - he diversifies
he is talking about over-diversification

i knew you were alluding to that conference... I wasn't familiar with the faggoty version with the faggot music and faggot visuals added

>> No.53961625

the mind of a psychopath
>believe in yourself and you will never fail!

>> No.53961648

it fell 99% like 10 more times because wagie doesn't understand percentages

>> No.53961824

That's funny. Especially since it's the same day. Didn't realize he said 4% because 96+4= 100 lol
Thought it was some "surely this won't continue at this momentum. The dip will be bought" thing

>> No.53961852

didnt read lol

>> No.53962114

So basically stop loss fags are in fact fags. Thank you Elizabeth. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm on my way to buy RSR to fap to more lamentations of the luna shills. Thank you.

>> No.53962801

this bitch is literally crazy and insane, i can tell just by looking at her.
she is the type of girl that will chop up her whole family and then drive into a lake

>> No.53963281

i didnt expect a woman to say something logical anyways

>> No.53963324

>literally crazy and insane

you got to expand your vocabulary anon

>> No.53963366
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>le hecking chinese martial combat is totally relatable to my middle management role at a daiper company in Ohio!

>> No.53963433

Man, you btfo’d her at the end there. Irrefutable truths, anons

>> No.53963546 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 600x600, OpenBet9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bob is a man who still lives in his mom's basement. Bob spends his days playing video games, watching anime, and eating Cheetos. He has no job, no girlfriend, and no life. One day, while taking out the trash, Bob notices a stray cat meowing at him. He tries to shoo it away, but the cat keeps following him, leading him to a dirty alleyway. Bob reluctantly follows the cat, thinking it's probably leading him to some sort of crack den.But instead, the cat leads Bob to a filthy bulletin board covered in advertisements. One in particular catches Bob's eye: OpenBetAI token. 'What the hell is this?' he mutters, reading the ad. Bob decides to take a chance and invests all of his mom's money in OpenBetAI. He doesn't know anything about crypto, but he figures it's better than sitting on his arse all day. To his surprise, OpenBetAI takes off like a rocket, making Bob filthy rich. Bob can't believe his luck. He goes out and buys a flashy car, a mansion, and a whole lot of hookers and blow. He's living the life of a rock star, and he loves it. But Bob soon realizes that money can't buy happiness. He misses playing video games in his mom's basement and eating Cheetos. He's lonely and bored, despite his riches. In the end, Bob realizes that he was happier before OpenBetAI came into his life. He sells all his belongings and goes back to his mom's basement, where he resumes his life of video games and Cheetos. But now, he's got a little extra cash to spend on his guilty pleasures. Lesson learned: sometimes, the most unexpected things can change your life. But in the end, it's the simple things that make you happy. And also, don't follow stray cats into alleys. You never know what kind of mess you'll get yourself into.

>> No.53964984

I love her.