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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 320x180, Douki_sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53960712 No.53960712 [Reply] [Original]

shhh. your female broker is sleeping, edition.

>Educational sites:

>Financial TV Streams:




>Pre-Market and Live data:


>Boomer Investing 101:


previous: >>53957857

>> No.53960726 [DELETED] 


>> No.53960733


oil please hold above 80 wti thanks

>> No.53960750
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I love you guys. A-as friends.

>> No.53960758
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When will US stock exchanges be open 24/7?

>> No.53960762
File: 160 KB, 1200x900, boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought 1 share of tesla. Elon musk works for me now.

>> No.53960772

Honestly, if you NEED it, you should just trade spy futures with the chings and loos

>> No.53960775
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Futures are retard pumping again. I guess i was lucky to cover.

>> No.53960783 [DELETED] 

I was banned for making the following post, and then all of my posts were deleted, for anyone who is curious what the CORRUPT FAGGOT MODS are up to and why 4chan has turned into low IQ mainstream bullshit for Reddit politicos now. It's because CORRUPT PIECES OF SHIT are curating discussion for political pov:

>a bunch of retarded faggots learn the theory that systemic emergences can lead to inequitable outcomes
>proceed to petulantly defend the system no matter what because it's the system that gives them privilege

Sorry for talking about you and hurting your feelings, you glowfaggot pile of shit with no respect for the rights of others who is bringing your glowfaggot autocratic shadowbanning from Reddit to 4chan noww. You bootlicking, powertripping fly on a faggots turd. You literally state socialist literal Nazi.

>> No.53960784
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y-you too

>> No.53960785

>he thinks Elon is real

>> No.53960792
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>> No.53960800
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He's probably a made up intelligence operative like Tom Clancy.

>> No.53960825
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h-hey, that's not very nice...

>oil please hold above 80 wti
oh don't worry, it will go much above that when the SPR runs out (in two more weeks)

>> No.53960838
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I have around 110 shares at the moment. Thinking of just continuing to buy it for another 2-3 years instead of my usual index DCA.

>> No.53960841
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Think I fucked up my seasonality test
It claims the 72nd day of the year (March 13th) tends to have a huge drawdown, but it only averages +/- 1% changes historically

>> No.53960861

What weighting did you assign to your dataset? March 2020 was a giga big dick once in a lifetime crash and it looks like that's screwing your ANALysis.

>> No.53960864
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Why does Russell exist when sp500 is better?

>> No.53960868

Is it generic lag analysis? Correlation test? Band filters?

>> No.53960874

In order to have shit and piss 500 you need 2000 small craps

>> No.53960875

because one is small caps and one is large caps

>> No.53960888

RIP everyone who FOMOed in on Friday

>> No.53960901

Makes life more fun

>> No.53960920

Because funds have rules about how low cap a stock can be so they dont get liquidity trapped.

>> No.53960931

Currently looking into new tech for ISP in Canada. Since we get fucked over as it is, anyone with something to alter the established infrastructure would be worth looking into I thought.
Currently looking into Li-Fi tech, couple of companies are leading the way at the moment. The main one I am waiting to go public.

>> No.53960948

I bought on Friday and I'm buying more tomorrow.

>> No.53960951

I'm trying to use seasonality to detrend the data? I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing or if it's correct. I saw some stuff about stationary processes and unit roots and shit.
I think it was the ratio-to-MA approach (I cobbled it together from a YT video and wikipedia)

>Convert closing price into previous-day %-based price changes
>Take the last 5 years of data
>Sort the data into 366 buckets and take the average of each bucket

>> No.53960963

Learn about the situation first, retard. Videotron and bell have a stranglehold that is legally enforced sith big government backing. Even if someone wanted to introduce new tech it would not be allowed. Li-fi is also not viable because any and all obstacles kill it dead.

>> No.53961002
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Um it doesn’t matter what futures do.

>> No.53961018

That's a ~0.5d lag analysis, except deeply botched. First you shouldn't use more than 252 because there are 252 trading days in a year. Second you should use a weighted average with discount for things like 2020 as the other anon mentioned. Third it's not a good idea to use the last 5 years because it spans an unusual bullrun, using a longer durstion sould work better. Fourth you're hardly deteemding when yiu're just taking dailies.
Just look into the usual time series analysis tools of yesteryear and stop relying on zoomed crap like youshit

>> No.53961032

I actually bought last Monday at like 6.50 and bought the dip today so my baseline is like 6.20

>> No.53961037
File: 289 KB, 626x538, HerSmilAndOptimism-Gone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ummm actually sweaty small caps *outperform* in the long term when accounting for the value factor (And That's A Good Thing)

>> No.53961047
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>> No.53961058

>you shouldn't use more than 252 because there are 252 trading days in a year
>you should use a weighted average with discount for things like 2020
I'm using more data to get a better picture of how the price behaves long term, what do you mean by this? What about cycles that take longer, eg 4-year cycles for presidential trends, etc?
Ultimately, I want to work with detrended data so I can look for true correlations so I can use pairs trading

>> No.53961072

uh, you see, well, uhm, well.............it's just that.............uh.............

>> No.53961077

Why dont people buy into Russell 2000 ETF's versus the Nasdaq or S&P then?

>> No.53961094

because the russell still is full of bankruptcy cases.

>> No.53961103

How does one do this

>> No.53961119

leveraged etf's are not buy and holds

>> No.53961124

As I said, read a book, kid. You're throwing yourself into the deep end without knowing how to swim and you're surprised you're drowning. I would have to fill the thread to feed you the content you need before answering you directly. This is all covered in any time series analysis textbook. Start there. Libgen is your friend.

>> No.53961125
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That's a shame, I wanted to see AMZN dump down even more this week kek

>> No.53961126

Why not?

>> No.53961127
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but I do
>t. ~10% of port in VTWV

>> No.53961139


>> No.53961168

pull up a chart and you'll find out why

>> No.53961171

Trade the E mini or micro e mini. code: MESH3

>> No.53961173
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Would you buy this chart?

>> No.53961179
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>Libgen is your friend
Despite that, I only really know C#. I have a rather old computer (Win 7) so newer versions of Python (3.1) don't run on it. Also, R doesn't lend itself very well to OOP, so I'm basically trying to learn and reimplement shit as I go, which is obviously a foolish endeavor.
Just the same, I don't know whether the data I'm working with looks correct or not.

>> No.53961187
File: 697 KB, 811x809, lilprez_date.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chief. we need to talk about your use of trend lines.

>> No.53961233

You can use any language for this, from python to c# or java or ocaml or lisp. Python actually has all kinds of tools for just these tasks in scipy and numpy. Ocaml being used by jane street also has all kinds of finance analysis tooling. C# is also popular for this so again you should be able to find a library for this.
This is all bikeshedding because thhe core issue is that you don't understand what you're trying to do in the first place, even if your code was correct it would still be wrong.
Incidentally given how you described what you were trying to do and the result, it is likely correctly implemented or close to it.
An important skill in programming and elsewhere is logical reasoning: what are you doing, why, what do you expect, what so you see, what does it mean kind of loop. In programming specifically, 'how can I get a baseline to compare myself to' is an important question to keep in mind.

>> No.53961238
File: 258 KB, 800x600, 1643418927824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when I said to buy SOXS?
It was at 20 when I said to buy it.
That's when I bought it.
It's at 21.05 now.
I made 5.25% in a day.
You could have too, but you didn't listen.
You lost money on BOIL instead.

>> No.53961240

What are the chances that we get a real crash like 2008, it took 6 years to regain those losses.

>> No.53961251

Aaah a world without niggers. One can dream.

>> No.53961254

I think we are in for a big dip, but not a crash.

>> No.53961258

Macro is bearish so the chance is higher than usual but I'll believe it when I see it. No point trying to get ahead of it in this market

>> No.53961259

The fed has signaled they will prop the market up at all costs, while destroying the poor by making inelastic goods unaffordable.

>> No.53961285
File: 352 KB, 1232x868, FoO2BDKWIAIfK7k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly with credit card debt bubbles at peak, housing prices dumping, car loan delinquencies on the rise and savings at all time lows?

Yeah it will happen this year. All of that shit on top of interest rates and inflation mooning will have a colossal fucking domino effect imo.

>> No.53961291

JPow said explicitly that he wants poor people to lose their jobs and he hates Niggardly individuals.

>> No.53961293
File: 391 KB, 714x982, 6CF2A514-4B1A-4C53-B938-500A953E943B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know man. If I stop reading headlines and just look around me, I don’t see anyone struggling much. No one’s lost their house because they’re not retards on ARMs. If anything, they’re all locked in at the lowest rate we’ll ever see (as am I). They’re buying new cars still. Amazon vans all over 24/7. Restaurants are booming. I was in Reno at the casinos last week and it was poppin. Disneyland is full. The beaches are packed on the weekends.
I see no evidence of anything shown in charts.
I’m not saying it won’t happen, but I sure don’t see any evidence of it in my daily life.

>> No.53961294
File: 621 KB, 3504x2336, stallman_cringin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Python 3 won't run on Win7
the ABSOLUTE state of MSFT

Also. If you want to learn OOP. Unironically learn Java. People will laugh at you. But it's the best way for OOP specifically. Plus, then you can say you are a Weapon Of Java sir.

>> No.53961298

Hope you anons are buying puts on Ally with car delinquency rising

>> No.53961300

I agree with your sentiment but the biggest evidence shit's fucked right now is that everything is expensive

>> No.53961302

>Incidentally given how you described what you were trying to do and the result, it is likely correctly implemented or close to it.
This was one of the videos I followed ... I used his input data and was able to get the same results, so I do think it's correct. Not sure how to account for leap years.

Oh well, thanks for entertaining my dumb ass for a few minutes, I'll have to keep working away at it

>> No.53961314

It's 3.9+ not 3.1 that don't work on win7. It's also guido's greedy faggotty's fault, not microshit's. There are 3rd party python3.10 for win7 though.

>> No.53961320

Unreal how much better off this general would've been if retards chased SOXS over SOXL

>> No.53961324

There's some Aero-tier UI .dll that a lot of shit relies on now, even if it doesn't use whatever winforms is called now. This is only available on Win 8.1+. I got around it for a few programs by using a hacked file from fucking Blender.
Also I'm quite comfortable with C#, which is essentially Java

>> No.53961326

any interesting stocks on the italian market? shill me something

>> No.53961336

Yeah that's right, my bad. I wasn't able to use ChatGPT or whatever AI programs as a result

>> No.53961352

That’s true. I can’t deny that I’m feeling that. I can still afford things fine, but I get irritated at the prices of things.

>> No.53961355
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>> No.53961369

Credit card debt is almost always at its peak due to credit expansion. Income is has gone up 10% or more, and credit card debt is leveraged against income so of course its going to moonshot back up even after a return to normal trend. Until people get laid off significantly and defaults skyrocket to make those debt instruments toxic there won't be anything happening.

>> No.53961372

Java is unironically based. I remember hating it so much when I got my first job because of all the boilerplate needed to get anything more complex than hello world to run, but now with ~5 YoE I really start to appreciate its maturity.

>> No.53961379
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If it dips any I might break down and sell what's left of my $25 stake in CHRD and move it to BOIL, but I'm pretty interested in seeing what CHRD will wind up doing over many months so it will have to be a pretty strong feeling when the time comes. Back when BOIL was around 6.45 I thought about getting some then felt like I should have once it was over 7.50, but resisted any urge to buy on a little pump, so was glad to see the dump this morning and sold things I'd just bought to get it.

>> No.53961383


>> No.53961429

You could appreciate the maturity of 500 other language and still not have to deal with boilerplate.

>> No.53961432
File: 406 KB, 864x864, TakeASip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's Guido's fault
Fair enough, I'm on 2.7 myself since it just werks and I'm too lazy to learn 3.x so I haven't been knee-deep in the issues. But I can apt-get 3 at any time so Linux still solves this problem.

>Also I'm quite comfortable with C#, which is essentially Java
Yeah my bad I misread the other post. If you are just processing shitloads of data you're either going to want Python with fancy addons (for non-real time it'd be Numpy/Pandas/Matplotlib) or Matlab equivalents (Octave), or I guess R for statistical stuff. I doubt real-time will net you much as the big boys are probably using optical direct links to the exchange and FPGA's anyways so non-real-time is acceptable.

>> No.53961439

the layoffs happened AFTER that crash in 08

>> No.53961442

Mine's still up 2.76% in the after hours and I would buy more right now if I could at sub 6. Of course, the entire idea came from the usual Anon here that regularly shills the plays (and other good ones, usually), but it was a Bing AI chat that convinced me he had a good thesis for this particular cycle. I posted a screenshot from one chat, and he replied to it with a view I considered satisfactory.

>> No.53961449
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>he wants poor people to lose their jobs
The only people I've seen lose their jobs are people with 120k student loan debt making 120k a year for answering emails. This is, in fact, bullish.

You should tune into investing grandpa sometime.

>> No.53961453
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The market is remaining irrational longer than I can remain solvent.

>> No.53961462
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chatting with (female) brokers

>> No.53961469

Imagine not buying into TRKA when it was at .30, or .60, or .77. Couldn't be me.

>> No.53961472

next year im going to use all my tuition credit to get $10K back in refunds and use that to help buy a GR86

i need to consoom, whats the point of having saved/built up 6-figs in my portfolio if i never spend it

>> No.53961483
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If it doesn't have a globally recognized logo, I don't buy. Simple as

>> No.53961484

they can go to zero in bear markets easily: excessive leverage


>> No.53961526
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I typically use TA and trade trends on the daily chart. The only place I can get historical data for the entire market for free is Yahoo, but it only has daily candles. Tradingview is nice but it doesn't let me download historical data for free.
Separately, what I want to do is make some desktop-side TA and bruteforce it over historical data (every input combination to find optimal values, and figure out what TA combinations work best). While TView has a good backtester, it's cumbersome to use and this won't work on it

>> No.53961538
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>he didn't do his DD
>he doesn't know the story

>> No.53961546
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doesn't change that consumer debt is within normal range.

>> No.53961553


>> No.53961567

VOO, VT, or VTI gives me just as much exposure to those companies, very liquid, and has tangible options.

>> No.53961568

damn this nigga retarded

>> No.53961571

>percent change
>clearly above average
based retard

>> No.53961581
File: 266 KB, 499x352, -.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have Fidelity? You might be able to download more-than-daily candles from them. I know you can at least download daily open/close if you have an account.

>brute force historical data
OK, maybe you do need C after all if your plan is to do this on 1min candles or something...

>> No.53961591

You'll be shoving anime figurines up your ass just like the SOXL trannies soon.

>> No.53961605

You sure you reading that graph right anon?

>> No.53961606

chop. chop.

>> No.53961611

If it means Powell actually tightens then so be it

>> No.53961617


Small Cap Value.

French Fama.

They Don't Listen.

Small Cap Value. SCV they call it.

Try to listen.

>> No.53961632
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jerome goes to washington tomorrow morning
>whoa black betty

>> No.53961633

Keep us posted on your TRKA

>> No.53961637

im dumping my last 1000 into BOIL once the funds clear tomorrow. Are we going to make it?

>> No.53961683

It's on daily candles since I don't have the time or desire to day trade, less stressful too. I'm just kinda screwing around and learning as much as I can while I try to develop an edge. Right now I've been trying to do the NNFX system on equities with mixed/mild success (compared to no success last year), so this is a way to extend what I'm already doing.

I do not have Fidelity, I'm using Questrade since I'm stuck in Canada. There's 16,000 tradeable symbols on all the US markets, including OTC. But if you strip away the penny stocks, REITs, most ETFs, keep it to $10m+ companies, etc etc, you're down to maybe 3,000 valid symbols. Restrict it to the top 5-10 in each sector/industry, or things that have higher volatility (for smaller position sizes and more efficient use of capital in each trade) and you have maybe 300-500 symbols to consider.
Even right now, my TView has 4-5 indicators on it, which are mostly tuned for SPY, but I have about 100 symbols across various sectors/industries that I can flip through very quickly to see how each sector is doing. Countries too.

I can also generate a heatmap to see more detail about each sector based on the cash inflows/outflows. The idea is that I can see what the total mcap of the market is, and see whether a particular sector is hot, or if money is flowing out into risk-free assets. Some of it works, crudely, but I want to make it more robust

>> No.53961687

lmao 'murica

>> No.53961690

i don't trade pennyshits sorry

>> No.53961694

Same Anon but different device, but I do not personally understand it anywhere near *well* enough to either 1) put my last or whole into it 2) encourage others to do the same. I feel good enough to put in what would be mighty painful, but survivable to lose.

>> No.53961717

Hft is usually done in java or c# in practice, with special snowflakes using ocaml or python (usually the distrib known as stackless python). You absolutely don't need C and even if you did you'd use c++ instead.

>> No.53961718

Russ is unironically better than shit and piss 500

>> No.53961727

>French Fama.
lol. lmao even.

>> No.53961740

French Fama is sort of bullshit, you don't need to tell me. Lol.

>> No.53961751

>Hft is usually done in java or c# in practice
The matching engine is in Java / c++, but the trading algos themselves are in Python. Everyone in the stock HFT space knows to use c++ / Java matching engines, the but the crypto retards at FTX used a matching engine in Python.


>> No.53961780

I highly recommend you just stick to pandas / numpy / scikit / seaborn / matplotlib , etc. on Jupyter notebook.

Don't bog yourself down with le virginlord c++ shit.

Just know how to manipulate dataframes lol.

If you work with a nice time series db or some OLAP db involving finance SQL is great. I interviewed for a buy-side role that really really wanted someone with SQL analytics experience for a simple equities analysis position. L/S fund

>> No.53961791

>simple equities analysis position. L/S fund

>> No.53961807
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Behold the fruits of my 200 IQ project

>> No.53961809

Yes. It shows consumer credit card debt is growing faster than normal.

>> No.53961815

Fed has the tools to prevent serious crashes from occurring now. You will never see another 1929 stock market type crash ever again.

>> No.53961819

Credit limits don't scale off of inflation. Is the number higher because the cost of living is simply higher? Eg, is there real demand or are people just using credit cards to get by? I suppose it doesn't matter if the end result is the same

>> No.53961821
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You know what I always wondered? What happens to those tenths and hundredths of a cent in your account?

>> No.53961828

Why didn't they "prevent" the covid crash then? They only reacted to it after it happened, and did so by printing the money that led to our current predicament.

>> No.53961832
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don't worry about em

>> No.53961846
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Mike Judge will one day be recognized as the most intelligent man of the 20th century.

>> No.53961854


>> No.53961863

I saw more trading firm jobs in C++ than I did when searching for Python. Modern C++ is really nice and a smart enough dev can be just as fast in it as python. Less jeets too.

>> No.53961867

Until new woke King of the Hill comes out and he's tarred and feathered

>> No.53961869


Just wanted to let you all know I'm putting a small chunk of money into $OP tomorrow morning, hoping for a pump to swing. Whenever I buy anything it descends into the deepest realm of hell, so get ready to short it guaranteed dropping easy money for you all!

>> No.53961874
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Reminder to stay up to date on your portfolio ESG score.

>> No.53961883

Maybe he'll do it wrong, as a joke. Also Luanne is dead I think.

>> No.53961885

How do I find that? I should hopefully be a 3/10 max.

>> No.53961887

No. C++ is for writing infrastructure and systems software. It is never (*NEVER*) used for algorithms/ML work. There is a reason why most of /g/ is unemployed.

>> No.53961892

It depends on if you're doing R&D or deployment. The market makers (a type of HFT) I talk to have impressed upon me that deployment is c++ and python is R&D.

C++ is not for the actual algorithmic trading component, just deployment.

Look up what a "matching engine" is.

>Less jeets too
Everyone I know at Citadel is a jeet, albeit 2nd gen

>> No.53961907
File: 29 KB, 564x576, 2cbd621d0feff1f369615b8d6e9ccd66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JUST IN: China says that relations with the U.S. have left a rational path and warned of conflict.

China's Foreign Minister just said that if the U.S. "does not hit the brakes... there will be confrontation."

A trade war with China would make taming inflation near impossible.


>> No.53961908
File: 31 KB, 640x480, oyasumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to dca into JEPI and SPXS anons! JPow can't take all your gains!

>> No.53961914

My bhenchod those python libraries are wrapped around C implementations. Only reason those wrappers see use is because data "artisans" are mouth breathers that have no clue how to cumpile code.
FINALLY an industry that realizes python is for exploration and prototyping and not for production systems. Shame about the jeets, sounded kinda nice.

>> No.53961919

AI is already writing code for companies.

>> No.53961922

I am glad to see I wasn't the only one thinking the media has been saber rattling a bit hard with China lately. For a second I thought maybe I was being retarded.

>> No.53961927

YANG China bears, where you at???

>> No.53961930

It will still be off putting. As did the latest beavis and buuhead feature film

>> No.53961935

Yes, they use native compute kernels for performance reasons when it's appropriate, which makes it even more retarded to use a relatively unproductive language likes sepples when there's not that much of a performance benefit. I'm trying to give you advice as someone who does this professionally.

>> No.53961937
File: 974 KB, 1285x1312, 1652197000377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomorrow is going to be like a WRESTLEMANIA!!!

The Battle of 0dte CALLS vs PUTS.

Fincinalmania. Gamblemania


>> No.53961951

>FINALLY an industry that realizes python is for exploration and prototyping and not for production systems.
Is this something that isn't common in other industries? Like python ML frameworks and data science functions are beautiful for R&D in the hft space, and even in the equities factor research (Smart beta, other memes) areas on wall street.

Realistically SQL is more useful for a lot of longer-horizon trading strategies because you can analyze stochastic variables much better

Funny you complain about jeets, because Wall Street is maybe 50% indian in the quant space. You can try to run away from jeets but we will always be in the most remunerative fields. I used to work in compliance, which was 90% white boomers and i was the only indian zoomer in the office. now work in data science R&D and it's the first time ive worked in an office where everyone else looks like me

>> No.53961975

I'm talking to a really cute girl on Hinge and she wants to facetime me in a couple hours. problem is that i ate some salad that was in the fridge for too long and i keep shitting every 30 minutes. like just straight diarrhea.

I've been dirty talking this chick as we text so I'm assuming the call will get hot and heavy. The thing is I will be wanting to take my pants off and masturbate in bed while i talk to her but shitting liquefied diarrhea every 20-30 minutes makes being sexy on a FaceTime call very difficult

>> No.53961983
File: 112 KB, 2255x1150, wef forecast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So then the disruptions will be blamed on Chinese hackers. What will be affected and what will the outcome be, I wonder?

>> No.53961989

Python, Ruby even fuckin JavaScript have been dominating the server side space for over a decade. Since aws is "cheap" slinging schlock and scaling horizontally is the meta. If you're just gluing the output of a SQL query to something else it works fine, but unfortunately that is a rare use case. DAMN why didn't I buy MDB under 200.

>> No.53961996
File: 59 KB, 600x760, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's the first time ive worked in an office where everyone else looks like me
What about call centers?

>> No.53962009
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Immodium. NOW
Always keep Immodium in you medicine cabinet.

>> No.53962022 [DELETED] 

It really is amazing how they broadcast all of their plans ahead of time.

>> No.53962049 [DELETED] 

>DAMN why didn't I buy MDB under 200.
You're long Big Data ™? explain your rationale here.

>> No.53962062

Take the call after a good shit, but warn her your time is limited. You now have a couple of hours to figure out what you are going to say other than you needing a diaper.

>> No.53962067

>new woke King of the Hill
I'm seriously waiting for the day they run out of old IPs to fucking ruin

>> No.53962078

Good evening. I am purchasing a house. I am not sure how to feel.

>> No.53962085
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I dunno, some other anon shilled it. The stock sounds like Medb who is a hot ass anime chick. My best trades were when I was trading anime tickers. I like ESTC because their service is useful but I don't see them making money anytime soon.

>> No.53962086

Like a bagholder.

>> No.53962101
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They are going to ban TICK TOCK. META is going to have a nice little rally.

>> No.53962109

They do. They buy VTI or VT.

>> No.53962120

If you made 400k on a single trade what would you do presuming you're 28 and make $19/hr?

>> No.53962133

Will we get a second season of Firefly?

>> No.53962134

Do those outperform the regular US equity indexes like the Russell, Nasdaq, S&P and DJI?

>> No.53962137
File: 2.70 MB, 200x200, 555559.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the only way to usher in the RENT revolution. OWN NOTHING economy. Everything is going to be expensive. The elites wants you to share and rent underwear...

This is the only way for it to occur. No more CHEAP imports.

Shit is getting real. HORDE UP ON UNDERWEAR!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.53962138

Accept that I took on a disproportionate amount of risk, realize that it's easy come, easy go, and that I have no concept of risk management

>> No.53962141
File: 184 KB, 1432x1103, IMG_20230219_102627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomer like a mofo

>> No.53962143

hey guys… I got an extra $50k laying around… what should I put it in?… looking for something that grows a lot but not an average long-term exponential decay like options or any of those 3X ETFs like TVIX… thanks…

>> No.53962146

what did you buy?

>> No.53962154


>> No.53962155

Home price growth offsets maintenance +taxes. Provides a real asset with equity that can be tapped. Or even better: refinance the debt away when next time rates go to zero. Provides more living space (even as a single man my 700sqft apartment is getting tight in the kitchen). Can get a dog. Home gym. No longer having to fight neighbors to do laundry. Downside is, the bathroom is designed for a woman.

>> No.53962159

consider if I want to pack up and move anywhere nice like an 30 minutes to an hour from a beach or something and then find myself another job.

>> No.53962160

Oh that reminds me, if I'm doing the Equity:Bond portfolio meme, can I substitute the bonds with precious metals or other risk-off assets?

>> No.53962161


>> No.53962165
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>> No.53962166
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F for this dude

>> No.53962168

Wtf is a Tvix?

>> No.53962178

>15% Pacific equities
What the fuck were they thinking. I understand the 15% European because there's some decent companies. VW, LVMUY, RYCEY, ASML, all them shits are badass. But what the fuck you should double up that extra 15% on just pure SPX.

>> No.53962180
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They don't even need to go to 0. What retarded smggers can't grasp is that
>Proshares can just say "fuck it" at any time and close down the fund and liquidate the shares
>Bad or scary times = too much outflow = not profitable to run = etf closes down
So basically they can get forced out at the bottom if the rest of the market gives up on it. It's going to be glorious seeing BOIL niggers get boiled alive.

>> No.53962190


>> No.53962192
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>> No.53962202

Do you really think the price of natural gas will NEVER go up again? Seriously? BOIL is also one of the most traded leveraged ETFs out there. Absolute delusion.

>> No.53962205
File: 58 KB, 726x741, 1678109890337903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scoopsies did you forget to change your tripcode?
>buy SPY

>> No.53962209

>why did the chicken cross the road?
>cuz futures

>> No.53962217

no :^) didn’t think anybody actually had the fucking thing memorized

>> No.53962219

While not Pacific, Mexico is up 18.5% ytd. Best performing global market currently. Id say Indonesia is prime for a kick off soon.

>> No.53962221
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I have insider info that this debt crisis's is going to get worse. It's not re-payable and they will do a debt jubilee into a new digital currency. Which means the old paper dollar debt will be wiped away. People who still own debt in the old money may not need to pay it back and their assets will be repriced in the new monetary system. Which means people in debt might win.

HOWEVER... BUT>>>>>>>>
Since the new currency is controlled by the government, they can control the price of your assets. Which means your house might only be worth a fraction of the previous value. They will also put a huge tax increase because own a home is not carbon friendly.

So you might win or you might not.

>> No.53962228
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Are we chickenposting?

>> No.53962230
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That's not what I said. BOIL can get screwed before /NG rips.
And volume is one thing, the fund needs high Assets Under Management to stay profitable. You're stuck in the box of thinking Proshares is bound to what the price of natural gas does. It's their etf and they can close it if that's what's convenient for them.

>> No.53962236
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Something that existed during better times

>> No.53962237

Haven't you heard of the /sp/ autist that got stalked by one anon? It might've been 8ch, or here, but someone basically cataloged every post a certain tripfag made and had a shrine

>> No.53962239
File: 132 KB, 638x657, 1673731872474474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would become extremely ungovernable if I lost all my money and degen debt holders got a clean slate. Glowniggers can quote me on that.

>> No.53962248


>> No.53962266

>Haven't you heard of the /sp/ autist that got stalked by one anon?
No, but I’ve heard of the lolcow website, which catalogs pretty hard
>someone basically cataloged every post a certain tripfag made and had a shrine
rokler has saved basically every picture that I’ve ever posted
also, there’s the archive websites

>> No.53962268

>because own a home is not carbon friendly.
All those other schizo shit might be true but globohomo lost as far as I'm concerned. People aren't going to get in the pods, get the boosters and eat the bugs as willingly as you imply. I also don't see cash being printed back into the air it came from. Too much human history with physical currency imo. That's like trying to get a dog to go against its breed. Not gunna happen.

>> No.53962274

>they can close it if that's what's convenient for them.
And why would they?

>> No.53962293

caretakers are out of the house. I can watch goyslop on full volume

>> No.53962302

It's not too late to DCA into SQQQ bros. You have months to accumulate

>> No.53962320

>Too much human history with physical currency imo

>Economy crashes because [reason]
>Blamed on Chinrussiastan and hackers
>Mass layoffs happen and the economy is stagnant
>Government issues a universal basic income package to everyone to kickstart the economy again
>But it's tied to your identity and subject to various restrictions
>You get free money, but only if you eg limit meat purchases etc, rationing is very important during hardships and war you know

You can take any piece of information and spin it more than one way. It doesn't matter what happens or how it gets justified, only that it occurred. We're still early, their goal is 2030. So suppose 2027 or 2028 is the cutoff time, when things get really nasty. That still gives you 3-4 years to prepare yourself.
Did you know you can apply for citizenship or foreign residency to Mexico and South America countries rather cheaply? Might as well register now before everyone else tries to do it.
And I'm not trying to doompost; just saying that everyone should have options and a 5-10 year plan with multiple outcomes

>> No.53962329

I explained that in my first comment if you can read

>> No.53962350
File: 199 KB, 600x420, Screenshot 2023-02-26 at 09-24-39 paul tudor jones 1980s - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait.. inflation will start running again. And the bond market will explode. no longer believing the fed can tame inflation.

WEF already priced in a debt crises in the near future.

>> No.53962367
File: 9 KB, 194x259, 475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got the bond marketing exploding.
Inflation running SUPER HOT.
FED still continues to printing dollars
Assets prices falling or running who CARES. either way it's becoming worthless.

US economy gets japaneesssyyy

>> No.53962376

If a dip in the price of an instrument as volatile as Natural Gas futures would make them unprofitable and insolvent, they wouldve never opened up the ETF to begin with. Stop being dumb. You act as if BOIL is some weird, illiquid, esoteric ETF that tracks the wetness Jerome Powell's farts or some shit. Just give it up bro.

>> No.53962398
File: 262 KB, 1572x738, Multifamily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd dump it all into JEPI. Then keep working but instead of $19 an hour I'd get into bartending and get in-shape. That way JEPI would make me $3500 per month, plus if you became a good bartender you'd make another $3000-$4000 a month. The purpose of the bar-tending job is to bang girls who also work at the bar or are regulars, while also staying on your feet and networking as well as improving social skills.

After a few years of this setup and you will approach 33-35, where you should really be getting married and settling down. You and your fiancee should have enough money to put a down payment on a multifamily house like this is a non-nogged city.

See link:

In this type of house-hack, you and your family will live on the first or second floor and you rent out the other two units to either totally pay the mortgage, or at least 80% of it. From here, you are living very cheaply, while still having JEPI pay you around $44k/yr in addition to both of your jobs. As you raise your children the house appreciates enough in value that you can remove equity by taking out a HELOC loan and totally pay for your kids college. The JEPI investment and ownership of the house (which other people are paying the mortgage for) is enough to put you on a "glass floor" level of "fuck you." While you aren't rich, you are able to live rent-free and put your kids through college on a bartending job. If you desire to work harder and make even more money you could potentially make another down payment on a non-multifamily house in better condition than the one I linked. You then move out and have a tenant replace your old unit for extra income. You also keep the old mortgage and house as an appreciating asset that you can borrow against in a non-recourse loan.

>> No.53962403

0dte expiry niggers are about to explode.

>> No.53962407
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US dollar getting so expensive it will not longer be capable of being used as the world reserve currency. Goodbye and Goodnight. I'm simplifying a very complex thesis into a few sentences.

>> No.53962410
File: 81 KB, 900x900, VERY_evil_Wehrmacht_themed_GuP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US economy gets japaneesssyyy
>Implying we'll be able to maintain deflation for decades with de-facto YCC in place the whole time
nice guess my friend. but I think you have the wrong Axis power.

>> No.53962417

>This stupid company is up 44% today

>> No.53962423
File: 75 KB, 256x256, GOFxWexeqpsUMEoJVjKJWLR-wr8Q4PWZYTOT0TnMaME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Fed cannot print consumer goods. Fed will not be able to tame inflation if CHINA stops importing cheap shit into the US.

>> No.53962427

Uh huh. You know how many closed during 2020?
It's not that any dip would cause it or that's it an obscure ticker, but when the fund is experiencing a large outflow it increases the risk of a shutdown. And that they can and will shut it down.
You seem pretty emotional and have problems with reading comprehension. If you want to serve up your bussy on a silver platter to the jews that's up to you.

>> No.53962437
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so what you're saying. is that we'll have INFLATION. Like a certain pre-3rd Reich nation-state. not deflation like Japan has had for three decades. I'm glad we are agreeing.

>> No.53962438
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, fasdfsaault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is TSLA/tesla going to pump or dump this week?

>> No.53962440

I'll buy $200k worth of VTI when it's around $170 or so
wake me up when it happens bros I'm gonna take a nap

>> No.53962444

Did natural gas dump because freeport is not fully operational yet?

>> No.53962455
File: 107 KB, 996x1024, 1677905373417278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>terrible economic news
>market pumps
The market is pricing in near future hyperinflation. There's no other explanation.

>> No.53962458

nah m8 its yer mum shes been eatin a lot of beans lately

>verification not required

>> No.53962472

What do you mean

>> No.53962481

Until we have a clear direction for the rest of the market I'm leaning towards the dip being slurped

>> No.53962501
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Stonks the most overvalued they've been besides precovid, 40 year chart.

>> No.53962509

bullish, bottom is in. dumb bobo chuds

>> No.53962513
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surely futures will not dump while i am asleep

>> No.53962521
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Sleep tight anon...

>> No.53962524
File: 443 KB, 828x713, 1A170728-E31C-46DE-AD31-0BD9C4C4CE94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I’m bummed about my receding hairline. I’m married with 3 kids so whatever. Then I see guys with the full size solar panel in the back like that and I think I’d take my curse over that.

>> No.53962536

Does anyone debt max the better I get at trading the more I want to overdraft the maximum amount, use higher leverage, and even take out loans.

>> No.53962538

>They are going to ban TICK TOCK
Please be true.

>> No.53962540

>a woman incorrectly reading a bearish sign as a bullish sign

>> No.53962541

>debt max
Yeah sure if you don't ever want to own anything besides a shitbox for a car and government housing

>> No.53962550

my batting average tells me I am successful, but the fact that nothing ever happens when I expect it to happen keeps me from doing stuff like this. On more than one occasion I have had my investments halve themselves before pumping. Imagine getting margin called and then finding out a few months later that you were actually right.

>> No.53962552

I sometimes like to write really thirsty comments to black girls that try to hupe their onlyfans on reddit about how much I want to “enslave their pussy”

>> No.53962555

Based answer. I'm trying to get there. My end goal is to make a fuck ton and throw it into JEPI

>> No.53962558

>Breaks away from safe range and could snap back to the mean
>Never even considered someone could be so stupid as to assume the breakout was a continuation to a previous trend
Jesus christ I nearly had an aneurysm processing that. Please don't tell me most people are bullish from that?

>> No.53962564

Where do you think the bottom is on BOIL? I'm selling puts around the $4.50-$5.00 range and hoping for a clean assignment. Ready for a comfy long-term hold.

>> No.53962567
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either new or balls deep in leveraged etfs
either way you're retarded for holding stuff you know shit about

>> No.53962574

My 2 year return is 13%. Am I a good investor?

>> No.53962575
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>> No.53962586

I was able to replicate the results in this article:

oil is probably fucked though.

>> No.53962587

>6.5% a year
Underperformer, but still probably better than most posters here

>> No.53962600

I knew that but re-reading this bit:
>This drop always occurs because x2 is always positive and the sign in front is negative. So whenever the market has volatility we lose money. We call this volatility drag.
>leverage 1x

Interesting to think about how that affects even regular stocks. No wonder the rich people are in safe assets right now, and that would explain my daily 1% bleedoff for the last year.

>> No.53962610

oh shit, that’s right.
0.5x leverage actually outperforms in some cases

>> No.53962613
File: 39 KB, 560x577, c0d95ff51dcb8319e7e02c34d8cae5ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, but Japan cannot maintain YCC anymore. Something is about to break in Japan and will have a cascading effect into the US.

You know what I meant when I said japanesy... and it certainty does not mean decades of deflation.. They will implement similar policies but with vastly different results.

>> No.53962618 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 448x450, 1675779829950320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey the paint tripfag nigger is back
quick post his personal infos

>> No.53962629


>> No.53962634

I sold today...

>> No.53962636

Ok so here's the real question. Do you go long into equities once the crash happens and then take profits and buy real estate once the latter bubble pops?

>> No.53962638
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>> No.53962641

Does choosing between FXIAX and VOO matter? Does one outperform another you think?

>> No.53962648

I'm not sure what happened in 08 but I thought real estate was a leading indicator for equities

>> No.53962653
File: 262 KB, 1012x720, SOXL_trannies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leveraged ETFs
>in 2023

>> No.53962659

tracking error, look at voo vs fxiax on a 5 year, voo has done better

>> No.53962661
File: 191 KB, 774x924, Maybe TikTok is hiring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon cut 80% and saved a boatload of expenses in exchange for, what, an hour or two of downtime? Zuck's gonna catch on.

>> No.53962662 [DELETED] 

can someone run this pic through faceapp for what a female (female) scoopsie would look like

>> No.53962675 [DELETED] 

Mod Jed?

>> No.53962681
File: 141 KB, 1000x1000, TANSTAAFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Threadly reminder not to tell JEPIfags they've underperformed SPY by 5% over the past 3 months

>> No.53962704 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53962708

stocks go faster both ways. but volatility will disappear after this crash, the fed will be reluctant to start printing again for some time.

>> No.53962713

you forgot to include the 3% quarterly dividend. If you bought after that dip in december you're ahead.

>> No.53962714


the people in charge are happy to sell the country out to china as long as their pockets get filled

>> No.53962727
File: 390 KB, 2048x1536, FkgML1TUoAA_ZHz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banks are telling you to buy stocks, saying the bottom is in & cancelling their recession calls for Europe.

Meanwhile, all of them are closing investments, departments & laying off staff.

Seems unusual, no?

>> No.53962735

ignore the banks putting aside billions and billions for the looming credit default crisis
they are confident in the economy! everything is fine!
don't pay attention to what they are doing, pay attention only to what they are saying!

>> No.53962739 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53962741

what does that have to do with tik tok?

>> No.53962746

But enough about Canada

>> No.53962749

What’s the euro equivalent of BOIL?

>> No.53962752


>> No.53962756

Doesn't Europe trade German natty gas futures? Those would be back to normal now.

>> No.53962758

Uh, 3NGL?

>> No.53962775

BOIL. they'd normally be buying from Putler (gazprom) but he destroyed his own pipeline. so they're buying from america now.

>> No.53962783

Found it thanks

>> No.53962807

>a swaption gives you the right to excerise and purchase a predetermined swap
I mean given Bill hwang, I have to say this just sounds like an even further way to avoid reporting exposure to certain assets. I would be very interested to see how brokers hedge these though

>> No.53962827

>Europe has trees

>> No.53962840

Weird, I was just now thinking I hate women and what might be good stocks for that.

>> No.53962859
File: 84 KB, 1141x478, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Sumitomo Pharma Co. (OTC: DNPUF)?
>Japanese pharma company
>Owns a subsidiary that produces Latuda®, a prescription drug used to treat schizophrenia
>Had a discussion with a friend who is basically going to get fucked in 5-15 years due to progressive narcolepsy
>Realized that libshits and normalfags are just going to consume product and chase dopamine highs and become addicted to simple pleasure
>This apparent can lead to schizophrenia in excess
Also if they use it as a form of escapism. Just an idea. It's pretty illiquid with a wide spread, but I could see the price move if it took off

I never fucking considered that, but yes, that's correct. Wow.

I was just reading up on them a few hours ago. They're basically a derivative that either exposes you to fixed or floating interest rates. I think they themselves are more intended as a hedge, but again, people can trade them and make money. Though it's more used at a corporate/investment firm level.

>> No.53962868

I cant wait for nuclear sea mines in the south china sea. This is the future I choose.

>> No.53962915

I'm down 50% on INTC (intel). is this shit ever gonna recover? I should have bought more nvidia, baka...

>> No.53962933

It won't recover, you're an INTCel now

>> No.53962939

When’s Powell talking?

>> No.53962944

10am EST
helpful website for you:

>> No.53962945

Well it looks like the opposite is happening now? Because equities have slid down far faster than real estate

>> No.53962950

30 minutes after market open 10am Eastern. Day 1 is Senate which will be soft ball questions only, dovish, market pump. Wednesday will be with House and there's actually some loose cannons who will ask some actually challenge questions (more Bearish)

>> No.53962956

You might get a random pump on some chips act stuff, just take the L and get out while you can.

>> No.53962959
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If you're long on weapons etf, you're implicitly short on women and equality.

>> No.53962988

>10am EST
I'm not waking up for this shit

>> No.53963000
File: 15 KB, 275x314, 1653964696928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day you won't wake up at all

>> No.53963007

You stay asleep until 10am? Anon that’s lazy

>> No.53963027
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10 AM EST is 7 AM PST

>> No.53963030

>they’re basically a derivative that exposes you to fixed or floating interest rates
Anon, if you were to buy a swaption on a total return swap, the floating leg would be an equity. This would allow you to essentially get around reporting beneficial option ownership I believe, as you can sell an option for fixed leg payer which would then make the options value worth the equity leg, which is what makes me think this could be Bill Hwang status

>> No.53963039

Ew, I only talk to eastern or midwestern Americans please leave

>> No.53963042

youre getting up too early then. 9 PST gives the best amount of sleep

>> No.53963044
File: 1.15 MB, 1023x1022, chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unemployment benefits are taxable

>> No.53963048

No I live in faggotland (OR)

>> No.53963067

Did you know China only has one time zone, because it’s so massive people in the far east of the country are in the middle of the night when it’s Midday for Beijing

>> No.53963078

there are more stars in the night sky than there are atoms in the universe

>> No.53963080

uh oh chudzone

>> No.53963096

Chink autism knows no bounds

>> No.53963102
File: 99 KB, 886x886, 07f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I listen to the sound of people farting. If the fart is a low rumble, does that mean their butthole is flabby and loose? I call this the buttclapper.

>> No.53963103

Explain this

>> No.53963111

So in simpler terms, you pay the fixed cost and have exposure to the floating rate, and depending on the underyling, this is effectively exposing yourself to an option delta? Interesting for tax implications.

>> No.53963113

Wow. I'm going to start watching Fox News again.

>> No.53963121

SPR won't run out because the US government is buying at 69 dollars a barrel, which is why it gets rejected at 81 and falls back to 73 now.

>> No.53963126

Who’s selling it at 69 a barrel?

>> No.53963128

>muh chop
The reddit fear

>> No.53963136

Your mom. Higher rates force oil to come down, government buying at 69 forces it to come back up. It's not going to dump or pump significantly, the commodity boom is over.

>> No.53963137
File: 76 KB, 235x360, Hank the Tank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So will chinese stocks pump or dump from conflict? What do I invest in for China?

>> No.53963144

>the far east

>> No.53963145
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i will be baking, do not bake

>> No.53963146
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He's going to rip the bandaid just to spite me exiting my short yesterday.

>> No.53963158

Yes, exactly. You pay premium and this exposes you to the value of the swap contract, which in a TRS is essentially the value of an equity minus the discount rate.

I didn’t think about taxes but you’re right, it’s probably tax advantaged too. I’m more thinking about how this impacts liquidity reporting. You’re not required to post Margin for swaptions, so they’re not included in standard counterparty risk, which is where the real money is at by leveraging higher than regulatory approval.

>> No.53963157

I ment west

>> No.53963174
File: 86 KB, 898x1198, Denny's Taylor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fuck it up, Taylor. Like by forgetting to recommend everyone pick up some DENN.

>> No.53963187

>I’m more thinking about how this impacts liquidity reporting. You’re not required to post Margin for swaptions, so they’re not included in standard counterparty risk, which is where the real money is at by leveraging higher than regulatory approval.
Not something I considered since I wasnt even aware of liquidity reporting or how higher level finance operates behind the scenes.
I am rapidly hitting the lows of dunning kruger after 3 years

>> No.53963189



>> No.53963204

Three more rate hikes

>> No.53963222

Oh there’s always more to learn, chin up anon if you realize how much you don’t know that means you’re actually starting to learn impactful knowledge.

I love finance, I think it’s the most interesting industry, and I feel like I’m barely scratching the surface of a super deep ocean.

>> No.53963226

tree fitties

>> No.53963267

>>53963222 (checked)
The issue is that investing protects wealth, but does not generate it (unless you take on excessive risk). I dont have the drive to go to school again or move from my mcjob. Im comfortable where I am but theres so much potential elsewhere. But things are fine the way they are

>> No.53963588
File: 731 KB, 1440x1865, OpenBet2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The year is 2035, you enter your local 7/11 to buy yourself a g fuel before your shift in the local crypto mine. The android working the counter says they only accept OpenBetAI token. You pull out your phone, draw a stick man in less than five seconds on a yellow back ground and then sell it as an NFT. From the sell you make 6 OpenBetAI token, about 5 million dollars in old world money. You go to buy the drink only to find out that from the time you closed your phone to the time you talked to the cashier the coins had dropped in value to only 3 dollars per coin and you now owe at least 10 OpenBetAI token to the robot for the gamer fuel. You leave the store, frustrated, and drive off in your Tesla

>> No.53963596

I wish someone had taught me this shit ten years ago in my 20s. I only started figuring it out in my 30s and I feel its too late and Im chasing a runaway kart rolling down a hill. I made a promise to myself last night to teach my kids finance, how companies work, how stocks work, and to get them a junior stock and share portfolio which I'll manage till they're 16 and then we'll work together on until they're 18 and ready to take it over.