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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53955501 No.53955501 [Reply] [Original]

Why is no one hiring right now?

>> No.53955540

My factory job is rehiring druggies, felons, and chronic absentees because they can't find people

>> No.53955563

Hiring people costs money, and nobody is buying enough goods and services to justify increasing the payroll burden.

>> No.53955569

No one is hiring in big tech positions, but absolutely everyone is desperately trying to hire in any minimum wage retail position.

Basically everyone wants the le comfy well paid WFH job doing nothing every day, which obviously isn't sustainable.

>> No.53955573

Literally every window in every retail shop and restaurant in my entire county has help wanted signs.

>> No.53955577

they're getting ready to lay people off.

>> No.53955581

Because we are heading towards a major fucking recession jesus christ you dont do macro economic research at all?

>> No.53955592

because those are wage slave jobs. they don't pay enough to survive, even if you're a 16 year old kid who lives at home for free.

>> No.53955593

Unemployment rate is at historically low levels right now though.
>inb4 nooo the joos are fudging the numbers
The metric hasn't changed in decades, yet the unemployment figures keep going down.

>> No.53955624

Look at this big boy doing his "macro economic research" lmao

If I could somehow short """macro experts""" I'd go 20x leverage short on that. At this point even the braindead hairdresser thinks he's a macro economic expert because he learned what interest rates are a month or two ago.

>> No.53955627


We've been in a recession ever since the hoax flu lockdowns started. This year marks the start of the depression.

>> No.53955676

>I for one, believe the gaslighting

>> No.53955915

>work part time cashier job(literally 24 hours a week)
>make $1600 a month
>split rent with my GF
>usually have $500 or so to throw around a month
>if I worked full time and wasn't a lazy lil' guy I'd have an additional $250 or so
You're literally just a retarded child with your money if you can't live off wagie pay

>> No.53956122

why am i being talked to by a part time retail cashier?

>> No.53956133

Everyone is hiring

>> No.53956138

Ruling class smacking worker's peepees so they go back to their $10hr dollar general warehouse jobs. They lost their influx of slave labor for like two years and some of it even left the country which even after COVID payouts ceased caused workers to demand higher salaries or have upward mobility and turn down low-ball offers from shitty companies.

There were multiple years of counter-revolutionary political terror and censorship culminating in economic terror to get things back to pre-covid levels.

>> No.53956270

I'd be asking the same question if I was you
> "Why does a part time cashier who makes $1600 a month have a car from 2021, a GF and an apartment when while I whine about how it's impossible to live off of $1500-$2500 a month "
Perhaps if you didn't spend all your money on blacked subscriptions, weed and video game weapon skins you'd see how far your money could go

>> No.53956352

The covid money (printed money that resulted in our current inflation) ran out of the market and is sitting in bank accounts, being eaten by inflation. Work is slowing down, things are costing more, and the only help you'll get is "pull yourself up by the bootstraps". 2024 is going to be a funny election

>> No.53956415

Uh sorry Chud, Biden said this recovery is the strongest ever

>> No.53956420

i work from home and put $4000 a month into savings and investments.

>> No.53956428
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I think the question you should be asking is:
>Why is a part time retail cashier better at basic budgeting then me?

>> No.53956434

What jobs are you looking for?i go online and there is tons of jobs for sage slave labour niggers. What are you too good to be a wage slave nigger doing labour or something? You want your comfy at desk computer job where you do nothing and make 100k a year?Lel too bad, not for you faggot ass bitch. Dig the fucking hole, mix the wheel barrel of concrete, carry the stacks of bricks, pull weeds out of the garden for 8 hours. Hahahahaha