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53954298 No.53954298 [Reply] [Original]

people are becoming more and more disconnected, anxious, depressed, too much screentime etc
i want to do some sort of business/service that helps people reconnect, resocialize, decrease anxiety/depression, ground, etc

i think this industry will grow a lot over the next 10-20 years, because people won't be able to bear their suffering anymore

what type of businesses do this?(yoga, float tank, meditation center, sports center, therapy center, social/entertainment centers?)

would you go to a place where you can meet random strangers and socialize/play sports/entertainment?
i think this will be big business sometime in the near future as people become more and more desperate for social connection.

how do i create something that enables this? any ideas?

>> No.53954332

It's called a sports bar

>> No.53954347

LMAO, zoomers are really the biggest fucking retards ever to have walked the face of the Earth

>> No.53954357

ok but i want the business to cater to socially awkward neets who haven't left their moms basements in years
something where even 'these people' or should i say 'us' would feel comfortable enough to go to

>> No.53954385

imagine a 'fast-food' version mcdonalds, except it's for your social needs
you spend 20-30 minutes there and BAM you feel socially fulfilled and connected again for the day
you feel less anxious, and you slowly become more outgoing, social, happy, make new friends, etc

>> No.53954393
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Recreate the Mesolithic, as a kind of holiday experience. Everyone hunker up around the fire or die. Great way to start conversation.

>> No.53954417

sport bars are too intimidating for fragile, socially anxious neets
need something that is more delicate

>> No.53954425

Are you asking this as a business idea or as a request for personal advice?

>> No.53954441


>> No.53954447

This isn't too bad of an idea. Imagine charging people thousands to put them in a controlled "survival" situation. You literally give them sticks and leaves and just make sure they don't die and charge them up the ass for the "experience"

>> No.53954467

>ok but i want the business to cater to socially awkward neets who haven't left their moms basements in years

they dont have money and if they did it would go gacha shit, dragon dildos and twitch e-girls.

>> No.53954526

>business idea
While one could plausibly think that VR will be big, as long as the technology doesn't reach Matrix-levels of immersion, it'll remain a clunky novelty. The other and much more serious problem is that companies are trying to squeeze every penny of cashflow from thee marks, which imposes suffering on them (the grind and ads are put into products to make you suffer, consider how annoying Youtube ads are on mobile - the code was put in with the intent of causing you suffering until you pay). Any high-investment VR product would inevitably be saddled with so many money-extracting tricks like 600-hour grind sessions for the golden cow or whatever the fuck in VR Farmville that people would become disgusted with the whole genre. Since that Matrix-level VR is inherently capital-intensive, this is the inevitable outcome. A literal world mirroring our own. Pointless.
>personal advice
The same thing again.

>> No.53954572

Minus the cashflow issues obviously. I have know knowledge of this universe generating any cashflows.

>> No.53954736

>too much screen time
wrong. its too many chinks immigrating in.

>> No.53955010

therapy group that engages in activities of some sort? need a registered counsellor to facilitate and make sure that no one gets uppity or angry lest they scare off everyone else.

>> No.53955036

This is an app called Meetup and yes I agree with the first thing you said

>> No.53955285

unironically irl asmr

like a jack shack but some cute e-girl gives you attention and sensory stimulation.

zoomers are lonely as fuck

>> No.53955304

Make a place where people come in and play co-op video games with each other. Charge a small fee for admission and bigger prices for mountain dew.

>> No.53955322

There's alot of money to be made in rehab like programs without them necessarily being rehabs. I don't like them, I was sent to some.

>> No.53955553

Provide a service that lets me never have to touch a single piece of paperwork or deal with any boomer bureaucracy ever again. In fact automate any interaction I have with any boomer that isn't my parents.

>> No.53955700

Actually, I'm pretty sure 2 out of 3 influencers would like to do it which means a shit ton of reach pretty much for free (unless they charge you to go?)

This sounds like extreme tourism but dialed up further, I like it.

>> No.53956281

They aren't intimidating, I just fucking hate sports and sports fans.

>> No.53956316
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Barcades are very popular in big cities. Classic video and pinball games. Alcohol. Very social. Love them.

>> No.53956338

its called a social club, recreational club, sports club, etc they exist in every town/city. Try going outside once and touch grass

>> No.53956529

>more and more disconnected
People are depressed because we are way too connected and oversocialized. If anything, we have to disconnect from each other. I went from a city to living in the mountains with a very sparse population and my mental health improved by orders of magnitude.

>> No.53956577

this already exists. learn to google

>> No.53956615
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>> No.53956724

OP I will say, one thing you aren't wrong about is a potential turn of face in the near future.

The youngest zoomers and oldest gen A's are notably aware of their addictive social media overlords. The older zoomers don't seem to care, literally the lost generation of this era, they'll probably stare at their screens til they are on their death bed and only then will they realize they spent 95% of their existence living a fake life on the Internet. But the young ones have been very anti phone anti internet, and I think as more people notice, this conversation will expand. I've noticed that it is coming to be considered as "trendy rebellious" to stay off social media, kinda like your "emo kids" but their friend group trait is that they hate the internet and go around the school telling everyone that the internet needs to be destroyed and all this other shit. The reason that's important is because I want you older people to think back on unpopular trends over the years, and how as the years went by, those unpopular trends ended up surfacing as a major trend for awhile in the future, some even being maintained today (nerd culture not being nearly as taboo for ex).

Now will the internet go away of course not, but the financial implications of an Internet hating trend is very peculiar because suddenly, people would use the internet to get away from the internet, and it'd be socially acceptable as well. Think of a bar that is called NoPhonesOut Saloon, and every time someone pulls their phone out there's some annoying bell people can ring and everyone says OHHH PHONE OUT PHONE OUT. I believe stuff like that will be in our near future as the lost generation ages out of their 20s and the young generation rotates in to adulthood in a technological world that they are bored of.

>> No.53956897

>Think of a bar that is called NoPhonesOut Saloon, and every time someone pulls their phone out there's some annoying bell people can ring and everyone says OHHH PHONE OUT PHONE OUT.
I want to do this but call it the NoNiggersOut Saloon, if a nigger shows up everyone has to yell OHH NIGGERS OUT

>> No.53957257

How big of a business are you thinking? It depends on that

>> No.53957981

>oldest gen A's

2 year olds?

>> No.53958173

>that helps people reconnect, resocialize, decrease anxiety/depression, ground, etc

Your business plan is trying to commoditize one's purpose in life, which may only be determined by one's self.
Some problems don't have an immediate "reverse" to them.
Addictions of all sorts are a "break" from living; going "back" to living isn't as simple as resocializing and reconnecting.

Without a PURPOSE there is no PATH forward.

>> No.53960540

get paid not to use digital devices and meet people irl
create a shitcoin for it

>> No.53961560


It's a weird situation rn. I work with some pretty shallow individuals, emotionally and intellectually speaking. I was on that line too, but I worked hard on myself and figured out it was a chemical depression, induced by food and other consoomables like screens and weed.

I went 100% carnivore and my true self emerged from within. My IQ ramped 20 points, got over stuttering, finished books, learned to surf, got laid like never before. Chronic join pain gone.

And I'm fine, I'm happy, I just get too excited sometimes. It's like bringing back all the excitement I missed when I was a teenager.

This lifestyle has made me connect with my community, and actually enjoy people, while being a controversial character due to strong opinions on common topics.

Then, when I indulge on a "normal" diet (think of christmas with cakes and drinks, movies and TV), I immediately and temporarily go back to being the same sperg I was at 15 y/o.

My thought here is we live in a era of mass chemical inhibition, where shallow, anxious or depressive people are baited into lifestyles that perpetually feeds them poison and don't allow for emotions to emerge, for thoughts to mature, for their bodies to expend energy and express.

>> No.53962021

you are what you eat

>> No.53963379

My take as well. Anything with money involved basically is capable of enshrining mammon unless you're clear about what's flowing through you when you handle the so-called money. You're forced to use their money. It's enslavement by choice and it influences how you connect with partners in any action.. Thinking you'll be 'recreative' by making someone 'earn' his living by providing you some sort of space for you to place yourself in won't get you out of the cycle.
OP, if you wish to accomodate some sort of space for people to be 'recreational' in, the deep platter has already been invented. The inderdependency angle that bars, sports arenas etc. revolve around is bad for you and others to get hooked on. Basically. A single, dependable factor is what determines your pleasure levels. Sad. Instead, perhaps research mutual therapy.
It's something where you meet up ince a week and mix up in groups, dance a bit to get the energy up a bit and then get a quick instruction on how to listen, avoid judging and ask open questions in sets together where the partner then open up and talk about his/her problems. It's not bar talk you open up to and you only pay the instructors and the business. Therapywise, otherwise, you won't get into some roots of the matter to why you're depressed etc compared to finding 'true love' in the sports bar. My mother got out of her depression mostly this way, but still managed to fuck every single one of the regular guys she went to these therapy sessions with. So avoid that type if you ever find such a group or wish to start up something similiar.

>> No.53963447

>what type of businesses do this?(yoga, float tank, meditation center, sports center, therapy center, social/entertainment centers?)
You do not have the next big business idea, you yourself pointed to countless examples of businesses that already exist and existed for decades. Why would anyone go to your dinky little entertainment center when they go to Disneyland or some shit?

>> No.53963538 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 554x554, OpenBet6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was only 69 years old. I loved OpenBetAI so much, I downloaded all the videos and memes. I'd pray to OpenBetAI every night before I go to bed, thanking for the honor I've been given. OpenBetAI is love, I would say, OpenBetAI is life. My mom’s boyfriend hears me and calls me a neet. I knew he was just jealous for my devotion of OpenBetAI. I called him a nobetter. He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep. I'm crying now and my face hurts. I lay in bed and it's really cold. A warmth is moving towards me. I feel something touch me. It's OpenBetAI. I'm so happy. He whispers in my ear, Think Bigger. He grabs me with his powerful gambling hands, and puts me on my hands and knees. I open my metamask wallet for OpenBetAI. He inputs the OpenBet contract and tells me to sell my Chainlink (TICKER: LINK). It hurts so much, but I do it for OpenBetAI. I can see the green line go up as my eyes start to water. I push the button and sell the rest of my link from other wallets. I want to please OpenBetAI. He roars a mighty roar, as he fills my portfolio with his love. My mom’s boyfriend walks in. OpenBetAI looks him straight in the eye, and says, OpenBetAI Keeps Pumping. OpenBetAI leaves through my window. OpenBetAI is love. OpenBetAI is life.

>> No.53963955

>men's club
Pretty sure gender-segregated spaces are illegal nowadays except for bathrooms and private schools.

>> No.53964007

Ted is a mentally ill retard.

>> No.53965584

Basically a spiritual center or area where individuals would be guided through new thought patterns with psychedelic's and other substances. This will happen in less than 5-10 years as we face immense social challenges of our collective future.

>> No.53965729

How about something where a common people with a common ethnic roots, religion, behavior, and mentality share the same border controlled land region? We can call it a nation or something, lol

>> No.53965823


>> No.53965851
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>ome sort of business/service that helps people reconnect, resocialize, decrease anxiety/depression, ground, etc

It's called a cult, cult leader is not a bad position tho.

>> No.53965921

do you cut people up into tiny bits and eat them?

>> No.53965957

dude, it's therapy. nothing fancy just the same old thing but in significantly higher demand because the generation is fucked by design

>> No.53965962
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Not necessarily, but if that's your thing, you can create your own rules.

>> No.53966001

>It's called a sports bar
>a metaverse sports bar

>> No.53966025

Gets competitive though, people try to kill you when you fuck their girlfriends and stuff.

>> No.53966189

Its called Weed stocks and you are 5 years late. Still trillions in value to be realized. Weed>Alcohol