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53950913 No.53950913 [Reply] [Original]

I will never marry. A girl can live with me if she wants to but I'm never giving another person the ability to financially suck me dry.

>> No.53950941

Good boy.

>> No.53950948

De facto laws. You get cucked either way. Welcome to the jewnited states of jewmerica

>> No.53950973

i will suck you dry

>> No.53950981

If she lives with you for 7 years it’s common law marriage and she gets half your shit

>> No.53950988

I think it's 3 in some states now. God bless america.

>> No.53950998


it's the hermit life for me then

>> No.53951073
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why not just keep your shit on cold storage or better yet, monero and secure it? bam, problem solved. I don't understand why every married man doesn't just do this.. You can eventually maybe tell her you have access to some money, but don't tell her how much, where it is, or what it is.

>> No.53951098

okay my state doesn't recognize it so i don't have to hermit right away if i don't want to

>> No.53951141

If she lives with you, you are common law same as being married in the eyes of the court. Sometimes even if they don’t live with you but take them on trips or have them over every once in a while there is loop holes for women to get common law status and still take 50% of all your shit.

>> No.53951152

In Canada it’s one year

>> No.53951179

In Sweden it's two hours.

>> No.53953402

Do you want kids? If not, absolutely zero reason to get married. Sub zero.
If you want to have kids maybe think about marrying a chick with a career who makes as much money as you. Not bullshit like marketing where she never invested much into it in the first place and will likely just quit if she can stop working. I mean like a doctor or engineer.

>> No.53953551

I'm hermitting just in case

>> No.53955148

Be careful with living with roasties. The kiked government still considers it "marriage" in many states. Check your local laws before ever letting a woman live with you. Also enjoy her trashing the house.

>> No.53955154

common law marriage only exists in a few states and only applies if you present yourself as married, retard.

>> No.53955201
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>I pump crypto, not women

>> No.53955255
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> want to be a father
> find women insufferable
If I go the adoption or surrogacy route, will I fuck up the child's life? Assume for the sake of argument that I could afford good schools, a vacation or two per year, and a few extracurriculars.

>> No.53955294

You will never be a father
No one will ever love you like a son loves his father. You will die alone and the last sound you hear will be the maniacal cackling of an obese nigger who neglected your care and abused you in a shitty state run nursing home for your final years. No one will care and no one will be at your funeral.

>> No.53955315

Yes. A son needs a mother, idiot. Who's going to raise the kid while you're working? Not anyone who loves the child more than their own life, that's for sure you fucking idiot.

>> No.53955940

Your odds of getting approved for adoption as a single man are very low anon.

>> No.53956232

Unironically go live in a gun state and kill her if she ever tries to take your shit

>> No.53956875
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I can live with that. I'm the most introverted person on the planet and I'm not comfortable being around more than a couple of people.

I also don't need genetic copies of me sitting around pretending that they care that I'm dying. Your kids will put you in a nursing home because nobody wants to change your diapers and you'll die after Shaqueena forgets to give you your meds. They'll call and tell your kids that you're dead and your kids will say "Dad is dead" and maybe they'll shed a tear. Then they'll have to go through the inconvenient motions of paying for a funeral and sitting there looking at your corpse because they'll feel obligated to do so. They might be sad for a little bit after but eventually you'll vanish from their memories as they return to focusing on their own lives and everyday stresses. When your kids get old and die they'll remember you again for a second while they think back on their own lives. After that then you're already pretty much forgotten. The only memory of you will be from your grandkids (if your kids even have kids) remembering one time they went fishing with you when they were little. When they're gone no one will remember you at all. It will be like you never even existed.

>> No.53957067

Based, markerers are whores.
If a woman truly loves me then she'll be willing to live in her own place forever. If she is a strong, independent woman like she should be. If I want kids I will marry a virgin with morals from another country.

>> No.53957163

I'm adopted and have never met my real parents
I went to college on scholarship and work from home now
So I'd say adopting does not necessarily fuck a child up
Though knowing you're adopted carries its own weight

>> No.53957230


>> No.53957266

What if she was richer than you?

>> No.53957310
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You are going to get richer and self improve all your life. Then you will die and your well travelled muscular cadaver will rot in a box, all your shit going to distant cousins or the state, squandered either way, all youw life wisdom and knowledge consigned to oblivion, having been passed to no one. It will all have been for nothing.

>> No.53957359

Or you can sell everything to go all in LINK and use it as collateral for a perpetual assassination smart contract.
The memes will write themselves while your body rots, and you will laugh from the heavens.

>> No.53957367

Sill not worth they hassle, mind games, wasted time., chores, cash burn, emotional problems, etc. Having a wife is like being a 24/7 guidance counselor to an emotionally unstable child who doesn't appreciate you and has every incentive to leave when they get bored

>> No.53957414

Genuinely how the fuck did this happen?

>> No.53957444

You can literally get a prenuptial agreement, and never tie finances together.

>> No.53957473

Then she'll fuck another guy who's richer than her
If you're richer than her, that just gives her more incentive to divorce rape you
There is zero reason to ever spend more than one night with a woman, let alone your entire life, other than being convinced you need to worry about procreating because your estrogen levels are high. Unless an incel spring happens and our laws suddenly revert to pre-1st wave feminism it just isnt the move
t. gen-you-wine sex haver

>> No.53957476

Lol you've never spoken to a woman before, have you?

>> No.53957498

They arent capable of feeling real love for anyone or anything except in some cases their children

>> No.53957550
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Congratulations on correctly responding to your environment.

>> No.53957571
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Congratulations on incorrectly responding to your environment.

>> No.53957586

>Not anyone who loves the child more than their own life, that's for sure
That applies to most mothers too, idiot

>> No.53957633

This is why people become teachers after they master their professions. It's human nature for the old and wise to teach the young and inexperienced to prepare them better for life. Early in the beginning this was telling others which plants are toxic or how to make tools. The idea is to teach what is useful and what will help ensure the survival of the species.

If you're a talentless idiot teaching your own worthless spawn how to drink beer, shoot a gun, or play football, then you should kill yourself and your kid because you're worthless trash.

The more you know and the more you reach to help humanity the more useful you are. The problem people have these days is they only care about themselves and their own filthy spawn.

If you're thinking that you don't care if the species survives, then you should think more on it. It's because of those that cared to pass on wisdom and help others survive that you're even here in the first place.

>> No.53957644

Not America. Don't care

>> No.53957692
File: 828 KB, 2732x1688, 6D096522-BE74-4D36-A017-B448C8C2F14E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically Jews.

>> No.53957714

I'm going to take the Brendan Pill and doing a 360 on my fiancee. If she loves me, she'll cohabit and have childrenses with me

>> No.53957738

Absolutely tragic. She should be forced to pay him back with some new bullshit law

>> No.53957847

>never got married
>never had kids together
>you’re still obligated to give some woman half your income and assets because you lived together once

>> No.53958737

I think there is also a certain time frame criteria as well that can be met. Giga annoying yo. Glad I live in Florida

>> No.53958796

Only in a few cucked states

>> No.53959978

He can claim he's LGBT and they'll practically throw kids at him

>> No.53962401

>A girl can live with me if she wants
gross cohabitation fucking sucks

>> No.53962900

Other than your mom, no
Some cases.. many such cases where they'll vax and trannificate them at age 5