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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5394992 No.5394992 [Reply] [Original]

is ARK one of those coins you will regret not buying when it was under $100? i just bought some.

>> No.5395010

Nah it's one of those coins that will make you wish you drank gasoline instead after watching it slowly tank and every other coin mooning.

>> No.5395016


> buy a coin
> immediately shill /biz/ about said coin

thanks pajeet

>> No.5395026

it's got potential certainly but the early adopter stage is nearly gone since it's no longer a $0.5 coin

>> No.5395034

hey everyone lets laugh at this guy who bought above 80k sats

>> No.5395061

Ark is /ourcoin/ and ponziwaifus will be /ourponzi/.

>> No.5395074

to be fair, it did dip to 80k at one point
it shall reach it again, there's no doubt in my mind about that happening

>> No.5395175

The only thing you will regret is buying ark, it’s literally useless. Got some hype about bridging blockchains and mobile wallets and all that, but scratch the surface and you’ll see that even the development team has no idea what this will actually do. Sure it’s fast now, but then they eventually deploy arkvm (onto its own separate chain) and muh push buttons. This will become a bloated mess of 6 gorillion different blockchains that will be at the mercy of whatever delegates you hope will run them.

>> No.5395261

as long as it's transparent to the user, noone would care about x, y or z blockchain the shit he's buying into runs on
agreed on lack of focus, there's so much on their plate it's difficult to keep track and manage it all at once but the team is steadily growing by recruiting talent from the ecosystem
it's pretty comfy desu senpai

>> No.5395510

It’ll be comfy until the delegate system runs into a “Byzantine general problem” and there is a lack of network consensus when it comes to running different blockchains and innumerable forks. Literally another bitcoin vs segwit vs Bitcoin Cash scenario in the making

>> No.5395565

100x this. pure bullshit coin about to get bogged down harder than etc ever could

>> No.5395634

what makes you think that?
as far as my own understanding goes, deployable blockchains will have a delegate system of their own (public/private, varying number, perhaps other params) and their nodes will run their blockchain as well as host ark's, thus acting as the bridge between the two

maintaining such blockchains would be up to the persons who made them while ark's remains lean and quick
desu the biggest negative I have with ark is their lack of commitment to any kind of dates when it comes to releases, makes hype difficult and the price movement/volume reflect that