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53945820 No.53945820 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feels like the typical biz jobs like programmer and fintech bro really fits well with asians, especially if you have autism like most of us?

I'm not some faggot incel or anything, it's just that east asians and their faces and clean hair fits my sense of not too many impressions at the same time like a true autist.

They also like math, financen and engineering so it's just so natural to talk to them

I don't know anything about the latest Miley Cyrus or Rihanna video so I can never talk about that with girls, but if I mention some book I read recently about japanese car making philosophy(like ikigai together with 6 sigma) the asians can listen for hours

I can be social if I want at family dinners and stuff but this whole netflix/hollywood/tiktok thing most american girls is into I have 0 knowledge and interest in

>> No.53945840

Why are female wojaks so pretty?

>> No.53945860

Another white boy with an Asian fetish. Yawn.

>> No.53945879
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as I said, autists have a bad memory for faces and weird features etc

so the clean look and hair I think is adding to the attraction. Just like how I like professional looking UXs with buttons and you don't need to scroll and make gestures and shit

>> No.53945886
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>Anyone else feels like the typical biz jobs like programmer and fintech bro really fits well with asians, especially if you have autism like most of us?
>I'm not some faggot incel or anything, it's just that east asians and their faces and clean hair fits my sense of not too many impressions at the same time like a true autist.
>They also like math, financen and engineering so it's just so natural to talk to them
>I don't know anything about the latest Miley Cyrus or Rihanna video so I can never talk about that with girls, but if I mention some book I read recently about japanese car making philosophy(like ikigai together with 6 sigma) the asians can listen for hours
>I can be social if I want at family dinners and stuff but this whole netflix/hollywood/tiktok thing most american girls is into I have 0 knowledge and interest in

>> No.53945897
File: 200 KB, 1524x971, 1677580075828531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back

>> No.53945920

I have an Asian gf and is anime irl. I even make her reenact my favorite doujinshis

>> No.53946012
File: 110 KB, 545x1024, c871260a2653ce4eb242012004611b9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going to go digging for sources, but I believe that Asians on average have larger spatial and lower verbal intelligence than whites. For comparison, Ashenazi Jews are the other way around, which is why Stanley Kubric stands out as the only visually competent Jewish director, despite them dominating the movie industry.

Or compare pic related to the abstract art championed by the Jewish dominated art-world. A picture says more than a thousand words, but for that stuff they need a thousand words to "explain" the value of the art

I'm white, but I also have a high spatial bias to to my intelligence. At uni I really struggled with matrix algebra, since I could no longer visualize what's happening

>> No.53946037

On the one hand, I think it's a statistical fact that there are more Asians in high-earning white collar professions, so successful /biz/ anons will interact with them more than other races and will likely have some shared values to bond over.
At the same time, I think OP is just coping with his inability to socialize like a normal person and using the "meek quiet Asian girl" stereotype to justify it. Please seek counseling OP. You don't have to be a social reject for the rest of your life.

>> No.53946046
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asians literally has the highest apart from ashkenazis bro

But I think it's more cultural

>> No.53946063

>just coping with his inability to socialize like a normal person and using the
I'm not "coping" I'm just 100% interested in western normie stuff. I don't hate it or like it , it'as indifferent to me as if there is a blue car out on the street right now

>> No.53946095

Yes, but I'm talking about the ability visualize vs the ability to play with words and logic. You can use both to solve engineering problems and both factor into IQ

>> No.53946184

That said, Jew do have a culture of valuing "cleverness" which probably has resulted in selection pressure over 2 millenia, in particular when the Ashenazi established themselves as merchants in Europe and were taking european wifes

Not sure what made Asians the way they are, but probably a long history of living in highly populated societies with rigid hierarchies made "cleverness" (of the type where you even try to fool god with kosher light switches) a detriment

>> No.53946200

yes I see, didn't know that was a different thing

>> No.53946897

thats also where the chutzpah comes from I guess

Be bold and deceiving towards anyone except your own, and be proud about it

>> No.53946953

I work construction, because I'm alpha

>> No.53947085

>Anyone else feels like the typical biz jobs like programmer and fintech bro really fits well with asians, especially if you have autism like most of us?
> I'm not some faggot incel or anything, it's just that east asians and their faces and clean hair fits my sense of not too many impressions at the same time like a true autist.

false. coding skill is directly proportional to the length of one's unix beard.

>> No.53947593

miscegenation is the ultimate sin
you lack the courage to speak with real women about whatever you feel like so you chose to speak to insectoids that couldnt give less of a fuck and only want you because of your skin color and le hebbin happa babiessssssssssssssssssssss

>> No.53947650

why would i "lack courage" because I like to talk about my interests? are you low iq?

>> No.53947691

biz is the new pol, back to closet

>> No.53947709

He's literally me.

>> No.53947712
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funny, it's always the retards that bring up iq
you think white women only want to talk about Rihanna or Miley Cyrus
men lead all conversations, women are water, the subject material shouldn't matter in the slightest and if you weren't autistic as fuck or had any friendship circle you would realize this without making the worst thread on /biz/ rn
you have the mentality of an infant, go outside more faggot
nothing more crinj than a beta white dude pursuing soulless asian succubi

>> No.53947755
File: 251 KB, 862x1207, femdomrevised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Femdom stuff?

>> No.53947796
File: 2.57 MB, 395x374, nice3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real women
/biz/ has always been about making money and Asian women, go back to /pol/eddit. Sorry you lost your money in the crash, no refunds.

>> No.53948135

no, i said it seems like east asian women are more into tech and finance stuff compared to ohters

>> No.53948151

>if you weren't autistic as fuck
also, i literally said "for people who have autism like us"

So why are you trying to make a point by saing "hurr if you don't have autism", when I literally have it to prove something I already know?

>> No.53948473

>good for asian
Hell. Fucking. No. I love asians, dating one, programming does not do well with their weird brain

>> No.53948498

delete this NOW

>> No.53949082

>thinks he's an oldfag yet doesn't realize the entirety of /pol/ migrated to /biz/ the moment the donald fags plagued the board
>projects his financial situation unto me
dumb cunt, i'm glad your lineage dies with you since you have no other virtue than sex with those that want you eradicated

>> No.53949678

Thats not true
Had a date with an engineer student and even she talked about some weird game shows on tv and some top 100 'musicians' i never heard off

Was so boring desu, i just walked off after dinner

I dont get why he thinks asians are different (the girls)

The guys are more nerdy tho and i could relate better to then than to the white drinking monkey guys or basedboys, the asians arent even onions but give a shit about women kek

>> No.53949696

exquisite bait anon

>> No.53949755
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You identify with wojak, having posted him as an expression of your own emotions for so long, so you have an immediate emotional connection with a female wojak. It's not so much that she's pretty, although she is quite attractive, it's more that you identify with and feel affection for her.

>> No.53949983
File: 364 KB, 600x690, 1674792373861423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going on a multi-day hiking/camping trip with an asian girl next week. She's also richer than me.

>> No.53949999

ITT: future parents of hapas
heard of silicon valley?

>> No.53950025


How about you fucking grow up and realise you are making shit up about asian ppl?
I lived in Japan for almost a decade. You just don’t know what normies look like in asia. They are WORSE than in western countries.

You’re just autistic and have no life experience and are idolising some imaginary stereotype. You get on with certain people and east asians are not any more likely to be that way than others you just imagine it.

>> No.53950052

>in fact, censored so poorly it even covers nearly half the text
2/10, apply yourself

>> No.53950053

Sounds like you are exclusively seeking asian geek women and imagine all are that way. Fucking lol.
Plenty of geeky white women but guess what? You probably aren’t attracted to them because you can tell that are not good looking usually.
With geeky asian women you cant, so you think a 4/10 is a 7

>> No.53950061

2018 and earlier /biz/ was absolutely pro asian women, even to the point of being anti white women in fact. you clearly were not here then if you dispute this

>> No.53950062

anon... the sauce?

>> No.53951131

This chart is insane, I know black people are low IQ, but 54 and 34 for tribals? If they were profoundly mentally retarded and needed assistance for eating how would they even survive? I'm beginning to think IQ is as much cultural as it is genetic. Otherwise why was China locked in Africa tier civil wars with warlords up until the beginning of the 20th century, or why would Japan be a backwater feudal kingdom with a strictly imitative culture while the rest of the world was industrializing? Semites, Meds, and to a lesser extent Germans, Saxons, and Anglos. All were at constant war and needed to innovate, ancient China as well before they were Mongol'd back into the stone age, but Japan never really had to worry about being invaded because they were a tributary state of Ancient China and every navy in east Asia was pretty trash so they never had to worry about being invaded.

>> No.53951253

the sin is brown children
a brown child represents destruction and regression. a curtailing of all animal births would be the healthiest thing for both humanity and the planet.

>> No.53951319

why is this femjak so cute? what is it about her that stabds apart from the rest and invites an appreciation for her appearance in every thread she's in the OP of?

>> No.53951328
File: 39 KB, 600x600, 241686CC-9490-4BD5-BE2D-864CD3828CD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else here follow the yellow fever -> white girl -> Jewish girl -> Latina pipeline? Never thought I’d be a Latina but this current one I’m probably gonna marry, was with Asian women before and had strong yellow fever for a while but now I don’t think I’m gonna date an Asian again. Either white/Jewish/Latina for me from now on or maybe middle eastern

>> No.53951386

The industrial revolution came from a number of factors, but one is that the church strictly outlawing cousin marriage a few centuries earlier, thereby breaking up clan-like loyalties and creating the foundation for homogenous hight-trust nation states.

>> No.53952223

she wants the D but is too afraid to ask about it

I had 1 japanese gf and 2 chinese ones, Im not making anything up at all.ofc there is asian normies but they are not so prevalent in US and Europe

>> No.53953656
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gemming this bump