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File: 18 KB, 680x314, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53945505 No.53945505 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink secures over $11B (excluding CeFi) and secures more than 250 protocols.

Today the network generated $1,995 in fees and stands at the 67th spot, just behind BabyDodgeSwapat $2,080.

>> No.53945513

pretty bullish

>> No.53945518

Which is number 1

>> No.53945523

VRF only. On 3 networks only.

>> No.53945528
File: 73 KB, 1440x791, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As for revenue, Chainlink stands at 42 just behind some dead Solana vaporware token and WOOFI.

This is absolutely horrendous. This whole thing is still in the bootstrapping phase, and you as retail buying the token and holding it right now are funding all of it.

Top it off with only half of token supply circulating yet and 'not looking great' is an understatement. Tech is great but the token... ouch. Anyone saying otherwise is either ignorant or lying to you because they're (heavily) underwater.

>> No.53945539

Here, I've improved your shitty thread.

>> No.53945547

this is msnbc levels of intentional misinformation

lmaoing though because everyone knows it and is beating their chests and drooling anyways

>> No.53945560

That's because no one uses public blockchains for anything IRL yet. Blockchains are solely useful for speculating/gambling on shitcoins. So obviously the major application (swaps) that enable this will make much more money,

>> No.53945564

When will this happen

>> No.53945570

Probably Uniswap or one of its many clones.

>> No.53945573

I can’t believe how bullish this is. The bar is set so low they’ve got no where else to go but up :)

>> No.53945579


Here comes the baggie trying to change the subject. Piss off.

Oh, so this is another entity trying to FUD Chainlink? Interesting how it's never Chainlink's fault. OK, can you show us the correct information? Post the "real" fees/revenue data. I'll wait.


>> No.53945584

What is the speculation of what go.chain.link is?

>> No.53945587
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Forgot pic.

>> No.53945598

How is what I said cope? I made a factual statement regarding the current state of this tech

>> No.53945602
File: 210 KB, 1642x947, 73F62E04-219B-465C-BDCE-273C0A7BCE7B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so excited for you kids

>> No.53945612

My bad I clicked your post by mistake. You're right, I agree.

>> No.53945614

oh no I have been FUDDED out of my speculative internet meme moneys, which I have held a large portion of, since .65 cents in December of 2017. Despite taking large profits, I am not utterly demoralized and have sold the remaining amounts right now based upon a fee and revenue model that is continually improving

>> No.53945622

Chainlink is pure vaporware

All the Link shills have a 90 point IQ and legit believe the "partnerships" will one day pump their premined shitcoin

>> No.53945653

>B-but I actually bought at ATL, haha take that!
Ah yes, the last line of defense. No one cares if you sell or hold. This thread is discussing the horrible revenue of Chainlink as a company and how retail is the one holding Chainlink afloat.

>> No.53945659

What site is this?

>> No.53945671

I think the ATL and ICO was far lower. But I think you got me, I’m selling all my remaining chainlinks right now. Despite holding a speculative may May frog coin for years, with zero revenue, I have no decided to sell due to your convincing argument of growing revenue is bad.

>> No.53945672

he's bragging about a x10 after six years lol

If he simply bought Dogecoin he would have x100 his investment. Chainlink is such a shitcoin it barely made anyone rich, this is why the salty bagholders lash out against anyone calling them out

>> No.53945678

I took profits on the way up ;)

but I am selling the rest because of you are correct chainlinks revenue is bad.

>> No.53945686

do not try and stop me 4chan, I am selling my remaining Chainlink tokens right now. I’d give them away for free but my wife won’t let me

>> No.53945707


Even OGs who bought 100K+ LINK still haven't made it after 6 years. Just ignore him, he's pathetic.

>> No.53945723

oh no im logging in right now, you’ve convinced me to sell! you were so right, what was a thinking taking profits and buying a house. don’t try and stop me, their argument about revenue and token not needed is to great

>> No.53945727

im moving my wallet right now, I have been FUDDED out of my wallet because of an anonymous post regarding growing revenue from the industry standard

>> No.53945746
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word on the street is sirgay is about to turn up the fees x100 because he has a new ladyfriend who's high maintenance

>> No.53945747

im now logging in, i am very excited to be free of a profitable investment because of one post on the series of tubes and click sell

>> No.53945753

Is there some way to figure out the actual profit for a chain? Eth produced 5.8 mil in revenue in the last 24h but how much does it cost to run all the nodes?

>> No.53945767

okay OP I am almost ready to click sell, your argument was so convincing about chainlink revenue being

>> No.53945773

>Today the network generated $1,995 in fees
You're looking at Defillama, which only counts VRF, and only on some networks.

According to the last update, daily fee revenue across all nodes is about $100k per day.

>> No.53945785

don’t tell him that

you hear that OP? i am clicking sell right now, the remaining chainlinks are being sold right now. you have convinced me and I am utterly demoralized

>> No.53945796

I literally just bought more, thanks

>> No.53945803

Wrong measurement

>> No.53945809

you are supposed to sell OP did due diligence for you, so you can be free of this allegedly bad speculative meme coin with marginal revenue

you hear that OP? you have convinced me and I believe that Chainlinks revenue is bad, I have sold almost all of my chuck e cheese oracle coins because you made a post on a series of tubes

>> No.53945816

>According to the last update, daily fee revenue across all nodes is about $100k per day.
Let me guess, your source for that is some website associated with Chainlink and we just cannot verify its data, right? How convenient.

>> No.53945835

he is right, you cannot trust that site so you might as well sell your chainlink token’s because they are bad

thanks to OP I have sold all of my tokens by clicking market sell repeatedly

It is so nice people on an anonymous image board look out for Luther’s financial wellness

>> No.53945868

so what you're saying is, Chainlink is worth 10x it's current price as soon as they stop subsidizing network to bootstrap and incubate new participants? That's crazy. Thanks for this!

>> No.53945875

okay OP I have sold all my tokens, you have successfully FUDDED me out of my bad choices

>> No.53945915

I would sell but can’t, stuck staking

>> No.53945923

Really angers us that you bought this shitcoin in the first place. Apologize.

>> No.53945934

you are right!

I apologize OP, I am now also talking to a realtor to donate my home. how dare I make money off ill gotten interwebs meme coins

>> No.53945942

thanks to OP and his argument, I am now setting fire to my deed and will set the home on fire and cancel my home owners insurance due to chainlink being a bad economic speculation for web3

>> No.53945957

Something devs created with webflow.com to trick you autistic niggers. KEK.

>> No.53945963

OP I am also donating all the money I made from chainlink to charity. i apologize for buying chainlink web3 oracle may may coin and am now giving it to the United Negro College Fund

>> No.53945983

i am so glad OP made his post on an anonymous Norwegian cigar aficionado subreddit for me to see, so I can be FUDDED out of a bad speculative coin.

I have set my deed in fire, sold all of my Chainlinks, and donated the profit to the UNCF, while getting a realtor to donate the house to coats for penguins campaign

>> No.53946027

okay thanks to you OP coats for penguins now have a new home they can sell or use for their 501c3

>> No.53946047

It's pretty much all on chain; the oracle responses, the nodes involved, etc. You can easily do a rough data collation and analysis yourself if you want to.

>> No.53946074

dont tell him that, just sell your chainlink coins like I did, you will be so much happier that you no longer made an investment in Dave and Busters fun money

>> No.53946081

>20 pbti
bro you ok?

>> No.53946094

yeah i feel great, OP told me I needed to sell my chainlink tokens because it only had a dollar in revenue

ive been blinded so long but now I truly see

>> No.53946138

>No! You should invest AFTER the price has mooned and everyone uses the token, not BEFORE omg you are such retards REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Loving the investment strategy

>> No.53946168

OP here, I just made a rough calculation thanks to Anon here >>53946047 and it turns out it's much higher than what the website showed. In addition, the co-founder of the website defillama just liked a meme tweet showing Sergey dumping LINK. So, I take back all what I said.

>> No.53946203

oh no but I sold all of my chainlinks based upon your financial advice

>> No.53946238

I already sold my 4 links for BabyDodgeSwapat, don’t do me like this man…

>> No.53946280

oopsie daisies! it appears I've already sold my vbucks so now it's too late D: because an anonymous moron on 4chan made a misinformed and extraordinarily low effort post i sold my golden ticket to a king sized pod and eating real meat in 2030.

>> No.53946291

Wait wait wait wait wait... so you're telling me... crypto is basically a shell game full of grifters who all want you to buy their bags, and will facetiously obfuscate and lie about any potentially profitable paradigm shift out of pure greed? And here I thought the ethereum foundation actually cared about me! My world view is shattered!

>> No.53946329

I would sell all my LINK tokens immediately because of your astute and thoroughly researched post but I'm staking :(

>> No.53946478

Go back to plebbit faggot

>> No.53946551

this. someone needs to go full incel chainlinkgod style and take out these grifters

>> No.53946582

I'm going to be rich and literally nothing you can say or do can prevent it. How does that feel?

>> No.53946642

Swift Go
Allen Day of Google
How does that make you feel fuddie?

18 digits booya

>> No.53946713

I have just bought 400,000 worth of chainlink thanks to your post, I feel revitalized

>> No.53946721

thank you apeyieldgod based king

>> No.53946735 [DELETED] 

after linkpool nearly imploded they stopped maintaining market.link
apparently they're figuring out now what happens to it
the latest figures from november were $125,000 a day in fees (some of this subsidisation from cll) so around top 10
it's pretty depressing how dumb that defillama person is... all the link payments are on chain, the only thing we don't know is what percentage is subsidised from the price feeds
for vrf, functions and automation it's fully transparent though

>> No.53946751

Bro stop it you fundamentally destroyed that fudfag

>> No.53946792

he got you bulgarian tranny of discord I hope you think twice before you fud here again

>> No.53946800
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i'm looking forward to the day when a.i. is sophisticated enough to one click dox all these le ebin fudsters who were stupid enough to think anonymity is possible on a web2 service like twitter. i'm also looking forward to the days of assassination contracts, for completely unrelated reasons.

>> No.53946872
File: 150 KB, 568x1200, BBE3394F-59D1-4A54-B155-B741A4890336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>duuuuuuuuuuuuuude everything runs on Link hurrrrr durrrrrr
>revenue: 3 cents
>duuuuuuuuuude its le future
>regular person: umm ok so it makes nothing and no one uses
>duuuuuuude youre a heckin bulgarian

Your brain in a cult folks. Linkies…THE cuckolds of crypto

>> No.53946914
File: 1.14 MB, 4032x2030, ChainlinkBooth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was at ETH Denver today. I planted a bomb underneath the Chainlink Booth. The device was immaculate. The wiring impeccable. The parts untraceable. When I got up to leave several Chainlink worker drones dressed in Lemming Blue approached me and asked "If I was going good about the oracles and the data" when I replied "Huh?" the Chainlink worker drones bobbed their heads up and down like Seagulls repeating "Huh? Huh?". When I tried to walk away (to get clear of the blast radius) the Chainlink worker drones said they had to pat me down to make sure I didn't have any data infetterence on me I don't think that's a real word. They touched my penis and balls before shouting "ALL CLEAR". As I left ETH Denver I heard an explosion and I will never forget the screams.

>> No.53946966
File: 64 KB, 680x680, Tradwife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey duuuuuuuuuuuude poster hows the fudding going with your little fuddy buddies? Do you guys want some snacks?
>mooooooooooooom get outta my room hurrr
Okay honey, I'll bring lemonade and cookies back for you boys. You must get so hungry fudding all day!

>> No.53946982

>Mensjae fijado
Oh no I’m demoralized again by a third worlder

>> No.53946993

Love the "Confidential Confidential Confidential" participants.

>> No.53947052
File: 93 KB, 615x819, 1618499040122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's kind of nuts they put that there. kind of a fucking big dick move desu

>> No.53947073

anon was marked safe [ETH Denver Bombing (Chainlink)]

>> No.53947192
File: 391 KB, 800x985, nosess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When I tried to walk away

>> No.53947237

duuude how is your nofap going

>> No.53947244


oh boy, dis gon be gud

>> No.53947260

If you like that you're really going to like this.

>> No.53947265

Is this the depression thread, where we all pick a topic that we don't disagree on, pretend to disagree on it, and use the pretend arguing to mask all of our depression?

>> No.53947273



Surely you jest; surely this is a blank page

>> No.53947287



Anon, what is there to be depressed about? We've already won. Clown world just needs to finish going through the motions around us.

>> No.53947297

Could it be the Toilet Witches latest ruse to lure you into a rape? Only one way to find out.

>> No.53947309

Take your meds schizos there was no bombing at ETHDenver

>> No.53947328

I simply don't know if I'm willing to take that chance. My village needs me, after all.

>> No.53947329
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>> No.53947344
File: 361 KB, 1080x1062, EthDenverSusin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is ETH Denver suspended on Twitter? Media blackout?

What are you hiding?

>> No.53947365
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>> No.53947378

I have to be honest with you guys. I'm never selling.

I know, I know I'm retarded, but the thing is I'm just never going to sell my 50k Link.

I'm sorry, I'm just never going to sell a single Link despite all of this wonderful research you've done on my behalf.

>> No.53947391

oh shit its real checked

>> No.53947421

OH THE HUMANITY wont someone think of the unicorns???

>> No.53947454

how do i stake babyniggermuskdogesonicobamashibbatsushi coin?

>> No.53947459

Same except I only have 40k so when I never sell I’ll be poorer than when you never sell. Nbd though I’m excited for all of us.

>> No.53947825

>Today the network generated $1,995 in fees
I didn't read the rest of your retarded post. just wanted to let you know that everyone knows this information is objectively false and you are a dumb piece of shit

>> No.53947957

>$1,995 in fees
That's $1.955 you dumb fuck

>> No.53948392

Vitalik has just announced from the underground bunker beyond the Denver Airport that the rescue crews have found a Bulgarian passport and box cutters in the ETH Denver wreckage. Frens we might have a real smoking gun here.

>> No.53948488

>in Bulgaria it is customary to tip the town rapist.
Tip your rapist? That can't be a thing.

>> No.53948978

>found a Bulgarian passport and box cutters in the ETH Denver wreckage
Fuck you man this is the biggest psyop since 9/11

>> No.53948993




Check em, faggots.

It's just a wiki lmfao

>> No.53949042

QRD on this

>> No.53949243
File: 53 KB, 499x663, Fnbw5ORagAAYuEz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well to be honest with you, it's not cope. No one really gives a fuck about actual use cases. Everyone in crypto is pretty much just gamboling with dog or food tokens.

Pic very related.

>> No.53950212
File: 456 KB, 1125x1062, 6F686779-1F6B-4933-BA2A-2220918C6D64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why does that faggot chainlinkgod always make himself look like a fucking retard when dispelling fud? He cant even work out that the OP is just not collecting data correctly and writes some stupid shit and makes things look worse because hes too stupid to figure out OP is just wrong.

So glad the new CMO is pushing that faggot away as fast as possible rather than using him as active CMO like adelyn did

>> No.53950247

If you really spent 12 years on the Guatemalan Bobsled Team you would know his name.

>> No.53950378

that is pathetic how he can't even properly dispel this extremely low effort fud

>> No.53950551

>replying to apeyieldgod
>there's also our brand name fees from some of our brand name projects that are not on chain so just trust us
Its all so tiresome. I really wish someone bombed ETH Denver not in minecraft but for reals

>> No.53950571

I'm a mudslime man and I approve this message of peace

>> No.53950574

*muslim man

>> No.53950595

>it was the Bulgarians again
I fucking knew it anons those dastardly Bulgarians are up to no good again

>> No.53950613

The spreading of misinformation in a Chainlink thread is punishable up by to ten years of no gains. The team have the power to make this happen. Please consider only using approved data to reduce the flow of misinformation. Thank you this has no been an automated reply.

Hey guys great to be here does anyone have any Chainlink related questions I can help with?

>> No.53950647

meds asap schizo

>> No.53950963
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They will make $60 million this year and that number will 10x every year until 2030;.

>> No.53952070


Hahahaha holy shit did you literally just use my own material back to me? Ive made that joke here a ton…this is a cultue brain folks. Have a little more creativity bro

>> No.53952599
File: 8 KB, 259x195, 1622409754736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok cool how many LINK tokens were used to obtain that revenue?

>> No.53955183
File: 1.56 MB, 1399x1622, 1673931593646356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yet another thread filled with the same 6ish esl fudcucks switching ids and reusing the same old debunked fud and poorly made memes over and over again
>this is how they spend every single day, even holidays
>theyre also confirmed to be mentally ill coomers / lending platform gamblers
>every single post they make about this token they dont hold or think is important just makes them look worse and worse
Im just impressed that theres a lower form of life than a biz jannie
probably even worse than being a plebbit or facebook mod actually

>> No.53955475

>heyyyy guysthhhhhhh I police the board for free
>check out this heckin identity research I did. Im an elite autisthhh detective guysthhh

Ahhaahahahaahahahahahah. This is the guy calling people losers. He wants to cancel people for speaking out about a cult he joined based on a crypto altcoin that is scamming him. You cant make this stuff up holy shit