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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53941638 No.53941638 [Reply] [Original]

Why does the fud seems more organic than the rest? The threads defending link feel so forced now, with the anons in it talking like in telegram groups or Chainlink twitter. Also they are very aggressive and arrogant, and they do not produce any memes anymore, which is a good sign it is not real anons. Yesterday, an OG got mad and btfo one of them. I am starting to think Chainlink is actually sending goons in here to try and steer sentiment up. The thing is they probably asked their telegram or twitter mods to do it thinking they were fellow kids that could blend in. But they're very cringe and stick out. I guess it would be better if they just presented themselves as advocates and just provided technical details. This whole thing makes me very sad because I really liked link and the whole genuine excitement about it here, but now it's just very sad and cringe and they are destroying what we loved. It's ok to have a period of down sentiment and fud now, they should let it be.

>> No.53941663
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It's just so forced and desperate it's really depressing

>> No.53941666
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1. Sergey seriously fucked up partnering with scammers in the past few years.
2. Chainlink scaled up far too quickly and used the token to do so however it will take years and years for the actual use cases for link to come into fruition
3. Money is flowing away from tech and going towards commodity stocks. This sucks money away from link and means that link has to cut expenses and dump token to pay for operating expenses. Basically in the long term 10-25 years I think link will definitely be a good hold but for the next few years I don't see it doing much of anything.

>> No.53941669

idk i pooped myself

>> No.53941674

big macs

>> No.53941693

Yeah exactly, "you like those memes you guys haha let's all have fun responsibly and talk about how good the Chainlink team is"

>> No.53941787

This is spot on anon. There's currently one of this thread on the catalogue. It's gross they really think they fit in

>> No.53941791
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forgot pic

>> No.53941792

I will buy 10k link anon

>> No.53941798

God I wish I had 2.5k link, you're a lucky ass dude if you can afford 10k link.

>> No.53941902
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>OP samefagging

>> No.53941910

It's all so tiring. I noticed this too, that's why I almost don't come here anymore, the whole thing feels more like twitter than biz now

>> No.53941932

This is OP too >>53941910
Exact same writing style and phrasing, sad!
>inb4 meds

>> No.53941937


Thats a pretty accurate take of what happened to be honest.

See this wall of cope
It reads exactly like the ”mid wit” who is finding any excuse to blame when the reality is simple: LINK just had a bubble pop and cycle reset like eth and BTC have hd many times. These type of people just come up with endless cope “reasons” when it is literally as simple as stated.

Not surprised people have started noticing the FUD mostly stems from that and point it out.

>> No.53941943

Never bought anything but XMR and BTC in my life, all other coins and tokens are scams, ICO=Scam, VC=Scam, when the XRP loses it's case, all of your shitcoins going into the junk including ETH. Only OG l33ts will find peace in this massacre. BC this stuff will send the BTC to MOON so hard, we are gonna hear news about SUICIDES. WAIT AND SEE.

>> No.53941952

Yeah yeah, this is op, actually it's always been op, all the threads, all the posts, and let me guess, op is Bulgarian? Or a top buyer? What's the current group now?

>> No.53941953

Bothers you, maybe it hit a little close to home even if you don’t fully identify with it.

>> No.53941973

>obsessed with an altcoin that launched 7 years ago and topped 3 years ago
you're acting like a woman, just move on from the past already
how do you expect to ever get rich if you're clinging to old trends and narratives on a market that looks entirely different?

>> No.53942010

the difference is link is one of thousands of other alts that had a "cycle reset" and then never made a new high ever again. if you think link is different you're taking a bet that's wrong 99.95% of the time, but will never pay out anything close to 2000x if you luck into one that survives.

it's a thoroughly losing gamble and the odds get exponentially worse every year older each alt gets. if you think link is going to be a future success, you didn't need to hold it up to this point. you don't even need to hold it now. if you played the only success link had from 17-20, you won not because of anything link is, or anything it did, you won because you just played an altcoin's first (and almost always singular) cycle.

>> No.53942035

Lol. It is quite crazy the lengths Chainlink Community Managers will go to not blame the team. They are now at

>it's ICO buyers fault

>> No.53942040
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Shut up shut up shut up shut up

>> No.53942076
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It looks like it has barely completed one cycle. How can you even try to proclaim that when it has not even moved on yet.

BNB managed new highs against BTC, there is absolutely no reason LINK wont.

>> No.53942100

18 digits fuddie

>> No.53942105
File: 268 KB, 889x1385, Screenshot 2023-03-03 at 21-34-35 (0) _biz_ - Link is following the same chart as ETH in 2019. T - Business & Finance - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.53942109


Whats with the lame “treat people who arent fudding as fudders” shit now? I know its literally one person but why?

>> No.53942129

Lol ok fudtranny, Hfsp

>> No.53942151

ive bought and sold chainlink in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and now in 2023

>> No.53942154

lol what's with all the advertising in my mongoloid feces facebook group?

>> No.53942179

alt cycles don't extend more than one bitcoin cycle by definition. link's was almost a perfect 4 year cycle that ended with it's terminal crash in 2020 as money flowed out into new opportunities, just like it does every time a new bull market comes around.
and don't forget to measure your alts in bitcoin. not fiat, or else you're just measuring bitcoin's price more than you are chainlink's.

binance is the super dominant altcoin market and bnb is regularly getting burnt by the centralized exchange that owns it. by definition of what link is trying to do it can never be public facing the same way binance/bnb is, it's backend infrastructure at best not something shoved in your face every time you use your exchange.

>> No.53942206


You make too many judgements on what boils down to your own criteria and definitions - You are not being objective or empirical at all. I have seen you parrot this dozens of times in many threads. Please remember this is YOUR own SUBJECTIVE rules and logic, nothing you are stating is objectively empirical at all.

You created your own goal posts, criteria and parameters.

Even when i pointed out one exception to you, here you go with "ok here is a load of reasons why this exception doesnt fit my super subjective non empirical format so my model is still correct ok?".
it pays to look at facts sometimes rather than your own little personal treads of logic. The same exact shit you are doing is what MUH 100K BTC logic was based on. You kind of people always try model things on the past way too rigidly and it just doesnt fucking work.

>> No.53942216


to add its also what that cringe cunt Bejamin Cohen does. "omg it did this before so it'll do this next base on my subjective interpretation" and he is literally fucking wrong every time.

>> No.53942227

I saw you're posts. I want you to know that I am more retarded than you will even be lol seeth

>> No.53942243

it's simply the market. price is objective, not subjective, and link has objectively topped in all metrics in 2020, and shown not a single hint of doing anything over this massive influx of capital over the past 2-3 years.

i didn't become wealthy from marrying my altcoin bags, but you seem to think you will. thankfully in the case of link the argument is already settled, maybe you should take some of this insight into 24-25 instead of getting all emotional about it.

>> No.53942245
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And yeah, obviously it applies to Sats. Same situation on the sat chart

>> No.53942256

Youtubers are the real reason this last cycle failed. Too many people got on the bandwagon so it didn't pump as hard and they pumped and dumped Bitcoin twice (that's what a double top is) to get their pound of flesh. Biz thought BNB was a CCP scam when it was $4 and under. Everything here is a lie and a cope. Now that Chainlink is dipping down to support the fud is ramping up to demoralize anyone from buying.

>> No.53942265

You aren't just looking at "the market" though so nice try.
You are guiding it all on your own personal logic, definitions and rule sets and interpretations, and anything that doesnt fit you just label as "that is different, and here is some more subjective logical gobbledegook why".

LINK itself breaks your own little model, and you fail to address that itself. It was trending up for years against BTC while other alts didn't even ones born at the same time as it that had similar price action in 2017/2018.

You need to start being a little more objective. you think you are but you are just coloring everything with your personal view on how the market works and self referencing it on all of your information. exactly what Benjamin Cohen does.

>> No.53942268

Textbook .382 Fibonacci pullback.
LINK WAS the 2020 bullrun. It made defi possible. It was a 100x and the profits were used to pump defi and BTC and ETH to a lesser extent afterwards.

>> No.53942274

and, like i said, the exceptions are exceptions because they've shown themselves to be one. bnb didn't skip a cycle, but link has, for example. if you think link is going to come back and make a new bitcoin high again then that's an even more extreme example and one that isn't coming from any logical position whatsoever.

the most used and dependent defi protocols show market cycles no different from litecoin's. these cycles exist because you're trading hype and emotion not technology or adoption. once you realize that making money becomes rote.

>> No.53942291

link had a bear market rally, like many alts did in 2014-2016. then they collapsed once the real market rally started as the hype and freshness expired and money cycled into new alts.

yeah, i am. you know what's objective? not even paying attention to link until it does something worth paying attention to, which it hasn't since the 2020 top.
objectively, you've left trivial 100-200x on the table by emotionally attaching yourself to someone else's ico funding token.

>> No.53942298

>Youtubers are the real reason this last cycle failed
Lol retard every cycle has had YouTubers and grifters popping up to shill their shitcoins. You are just a fucking idiot who failed to play the rotations correctly. Keep shifting blames and assigning copes to make yourself feel better though. Stay poor.

>> No.53942303


Lol i can tell you have basically decided this after looking at fuck all data there are literally dozens of "exceptions" and you aren't even fucking aware. but i bet you'll have some more subjective gibberish to explain why they dont matter and your little ivory tower model is reality. you are literally those youtubers.

in fact if we are more empirical about it more often than not it appears mostly random, and there more exceptions than what fits your stupid little rules even in the top 100 among coins that have been around minimum of 5 years

>> No.53942317

now go find out how much defi volume is secured by or reliant on link in anyway. what link rode was the defi bubble in 2020, the food coins, the yield farming. it fit the narrative that started building in 2019.

if you don't want to go looking for obvious examples of how link/btc is going to end up just wait another 2 years and you'll see the full cycle terminate rather than the aforementioned bull phase which terminated a couple of years ago

>> No.53942505 [DELETED] 
File: 2.61 MB, 2000x1239, redrabbit10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mysterious Red Rabbit token had been advertised on the 4chan message board for months, claiming to be an arbitrage bot with the potential to yield huge returns. Speculation ran rampant as to who had created such a powerful and mysterious tool, but no one could provide any concrete answers. When the token finally launched in August of 2023, it quickly went viral as investors eagerly poured their money into the new venture. Little did they know that their investment was about to skyrocket. By the end of the year, the Red Rabbit bot had yielded a 1000x return on the original investment, leaving many investors in shock and awe. With no one able to explain the secrets behind the mysterious token, the Red Rabbit's success remains a mystery.

>> No.53942714 [DELETED] 
File: 321 KB, 860x840, redrabbit11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the honored guest at a dinner party hosted by his colleagues, John was both excited and nervous to give his speech. The event was meant to celebrate his contributions to the company and his dedication to his work. He had prepared his speech carefully, hoping to express his gratitude and convey his pride in his achievements. As the evening progressed, John felt more and more anxious. When it was finally his turn to speak, he stood up, cleared his throat, and began. However, his nerves got the better of him, and he stumbled over his words, forgetting key points he had intended to make. He found himself unable to complete his speech, and he sat down, red-faced and embarrassed. The rest of the evening passed in a blur for John. He couldn't bear to face his colleagues, who he was sure were laughing at him behind his back. As soon as he got home, he turned to the internet for comfort, hoping to find a distraction from his humiliation. That's when he stumbled upon an advertisement for Red Rabbit tokens, a new cryptocurrency that promised massive returns on investment. John, feeling desperate and foolish, decided to invest all of his savings in the tokens, convinced that he would finally make some money and prove his worth. As the weeks passed, John watched the value of his investment plummet. He was convinced that he had fallen victim to a scam and that he had lost everything. Overwhelmed by the shame and guilt he felt, John took his own life, leaving nothing behind but his debts. Twenty years later, a young woman stumbled upon John's private keys and was surprised to find that they still held a significant amount of Red Rabbit tokens. In fact, the tokens had increased in value by 1000x since John's investment, making him an accidental millionaire. The irony of the situation was not lost on the woman. John had been so consumed by his shame and embarrassment

>> No.53942921 [DELETED] 
File: 2.61 MB, 2000x1239, redrabbit10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mysterious Red Rabbit token had been advertised on the 4chan message board for months, claiming to be an arbitrage bot with the potential to yield huge returns. Speculation ran rampant as to who had created such a powerful and mysterious tool, but no one could provide any concrete answers. When the token finally launched in August of 2023, it quickly went viral as investors eagerly poured their money into the new venture. Little did they know that their investment was about to skyrocket. By the end of the year, the Red Rabbit bot had yielded a 1000x return on the original investment, leaving many investors in shock and awe. With no one able to explain the secrets behind the mysterious token, the Red Rabbit's success remains a mystery.

>> No.53943346

Yeah, they're obvious and annoying. I can't believe I'm saying this but I miss Adelyn's non-existent marketing

>> No.53943394

>Biz thought BNB was a CCP scam when it was $4 and under.
I was one of those. It still hurts. At least my entire portfolio (mostly Link, ETH, BTC) is still around 300% in the green but I could have been a millionaire.

>> No.53943418

why do they need to market here? pretending to be different groups to spark discussion is fucking cringe too ID fags are the worst. what is the point of their marketing campaign here? Crypto is niche. why didn't they convince some VCs to buy LINK? or at the very least help to promote it

>> No.53943677
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you love to see it

>> No.53943702
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Try fudding this without sounding like a tryhard discord tranny Bulgarian. Just try.

>> No.53943719
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How organic is it to attack literally everything Chainlink does, even if it's the most normal thing in the world?

>> No.53943727

Indeed my fellow OG ICO Chainlinkers, I also am fearful, uncertain and doubtful of my investment and I will be shortly heading to the Binance cryptocurrency exchange to market sell all of my Chainlink (ticker: LINK) there because I've made such a bad investment and I urge every other OG ICO Chainlink (ticker: LINK) investor to do the same because I, an anonymous poster, care deeply about your financial well-being.
We've held for so long, but in all honesty it's time to stop the cope and just market sell our Chainlink (ticker: LINK) tokens immediately. I'm just so tired. You tired too? Let's sell together

>> No.53943731
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>> No.53944060

the community advocates are here

>> No.53944244
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How's that working out for you buddy?

>> No.53944261

I really enjoy the gaslighting going on with
>uh we didn't flood the board with link threads for years
>oy vey why do they persecute me so?
Kicking baggies while they are down is a great american /biz/ passtime. We do it with GMEfags, Silverfags, LUNCfags, and of course Linkies who didn't sell the top.
>t. 1500 LINK holder

>> No.53944279
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Some Link holders are so detached from reality they seriously believe there is a global Bulgarian conspiracy also involving Telgram shills flodding 4channel to make them sell their bags with "FUD" threads

They don't realize people are simply making fun of their shitty investment after they spammed the board for years and after Link proved to be a shitty rank 24 altcoin that underperforms the market

>> No.53944308

>sounds exactly like a tryhard discord tranny Bulgarian

>> No.53944393


>> No.53944814

Really who cares? This shit has been down only since it peaked around 50$, it could partner with Elon Musk, Google, the US government or whatever else and it wouldn't matter unless the price actually pumped (which it never does)

>> No.53944843

>who cares?
Vodafone, Mastercard, R3, Tata, IBM.

>> No.53944852

It seems less organic than ever actually
t. been holding since early 2018
your kike gaslighting astroturfing tricks wont work here

>> No.53945093

And that's making you rich? Price is all that matters, the market doesn't care about all these "partnerships"

>> No.53945107

I don't know what you want from me, I literally answered your question.

>> No.53945133

I hope you're trolling, it was obviously a rhetorical question

>> No.53945134

Ironically link is finally in the perfect position to pull a 2017 eth. It couldn’t happen the last 4 years because since 2019, everyone believed it would happen, even nolinkers. Now nobody believes it can, even og neversellers are talking about taking profits at previous ath, or that it’ll maybe hit triple digits in 2030. Still think we might be due for one final shakeout to $3 or so but that’ll be a flash crash covid 2020 event if it does happen (and cz will be waiting), but the bottom signals are piling up.

>> No.53945167

You asked kind of a silly question and the joke wrote itself, don't take it personally lol

>> No.53945181

Right this whole thread feels forced af

>> No.53945197

Too many people got hurt by the crash

>> No.53945206

>muh silly questionz
riddle me this, shill, if they care so much why aren't they buying?

>> No.53945239

They could've bought hundreds of thousands of Link during that massive market-wide dump caused by BTC a few days ago.

>> No.53945344

>could have
kek, but they didn't though

>> No.53945374

Is this how you're coping with the increasing enterprise adoption of Link?

>> No.53945380
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/pol/chuds are cringe and deserve disinformation
all the /biz/bros left a long time ago dude

>> No.53945445

The fud is part of the grift. It’s fake opposition to trick holders into thinking they hold something special in that people are hired to fud them out of their bags

>> No.53945473

Anon, can you explain to me what this is? I get it that it is a shill posting BS on random boards, but why? What is the end game?

>> No.53945478

Holy shit 4d chess

>> No.53945542

Occam's razor faggot. It's all simple:

Many fags here bought chainlink early and made more money than they ever would have otherwise. They lost a lot of that and are upset about it because they were promised the world and it feels like it was taken away. Some fudders are those disgruntled longtime holders. Some were tricked into buying high and are now mad and think it's all a scam, but especially because Link was shilled here so much. Finally, there are other people who are just crazy.

>> No.53945569

we are past that stage. The team has misslead early holders since day one. everyone realized they have been grifting on actually doing shit this whole time and just started working on key parts of the protocol. all we have after six years is test nets , two whitepapers, and v.01 version of staking which could have bene done in a weekend. Oh and nodes are still KYC

>> No.53945578

oh and two add sergey lied to us about ccip and staking to keep people from selling the top. They did it again this past week when the announced functions and left out the part about tests nets while dumping more tokens