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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53941455 No.53941455 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53941511


>> No.53941523

Mate u've been on this site for too long, take your meds

>> No.53941539

>Implying a well known coin is a jeet scam just because you're a moron who doesn't pay attention.

>> No.53941544
File: 681 KB, 2048x1536, 1665615412711636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey is way bigger than that.

>> No.53941560

I look like link but buy xmr

>> No.53941576

In reality, all are bottom right

>> No.53941597

Okay now do kadena

>> No.53941629

Don't tell me you're the retard who's also in on haven?

>> No.53941637

i want to fuck BTC owo

>> No.53941643
File: 125 KB, 814x783, xhv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am glad you can recognize me. That's the only thing I am buying the last month.

>> No.53941644
File: 127 KB, 720x721, 1661254490752709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is literally the ideal male body type. Anything overtly muscular is not ideal for hunting and intense bouts of physical movement, and is rather for show/fistfights. Humanity evolved to look like top right, a lean apex predator that's strong as an ox but fast as a cheetah.

>> No.53941657


>> No.53941670

Good luck buying UST, but only worse and more centralized.

>> No.53941682

It's not more centralized. There is one whale who was exploiting the protocol and is now stuck with $13m xUSD. He is dumping on TradeOgre at $0.24. It's going to take a long time for arbitrageurs to buy it up and convert it, but I think it will happen, especially if the crypto markets enters an actual bullrun then $13m is nothing. Haven is the original algostable, and survives, albeit in a weakened state. Terra copied them and blew up.

>> No.53941697

The new tokenomics and hardfork in January that implemented VBS will restore the peg over time. You shouldn't be so down it. The crypto world needs a decentralized stablecoin. And a private one is even better. I may be ideologically motivated, but I think the economics and game theory behind the new design will play out.

>> No.53941719

It's difficult to even get past 2 without steroids'.

>> No.53941730

If they can shut off withdrawals to prevent a death spiral, then it's centralized. And you're not buying a stablecoin, you're buying a derivative of Haven.

The fact that you know what kujira is, and how they collateralize their stablecoin, indicates you should understand this. And that you think well of BTC, XMR, and Thorchain indicates you should understand the difference between actual utility and ponzinomics.

>> No.53941763

>If they can shut off withdrawals to prevent a death spiral, then it's centralized.
Yes, well this is a good point.

>> No.53941802

No fucking shit. And the #1 lesson from this entire past bear market has been that if a team uses their own shitcoin as collateral, it's all worthless, whether UST, FTX, or anything else. You collateralize stablecoins with BTC, ETH, etc., not ponzis.

>> No.53941815

I don't agree it is ponzinomics though. The incentives and mathematics behind stablecoins should work. It just needs refining. They are too new. A lot of fuckery happened with Terra and Haven that broke the pegs on the secondary markets, even though they were healthy on the primary markets. I would have agreed with you last year and I thought the Terra collapse was funny. However, since then, I've looked into the design of algostables and believe they are not doomed for failure altogether.

>> No.53941824

I'll keep your words in mind and may exit the position.

>> No.53941841

>another high-estrogen op thread

>> No.53941842

>You collateralize stablecoins with BTC, ETH, etc., not ponzis.
This will never work in the long run though. There isn't enough collateral for the demand of stables. DAI and USK are overcollateralized like a mf, that's the only way it works.

>> No.53941866

USK can't even maintain a peg, because there is too much demand for it in BOW pools. So it constantly trades over $1.

>> No.53941908

So then you do what the other stablecoins are doing, use bonds or USDC as backing, something connected to the fed money printer. Not some shitcoin that nobodies pulled out of their fucking ass. xUSD is literally a derivative of haven, not a stablecoin.
And yes, USK trades above peg because they're being slow about it, since they learned their lesson with anchor, rather than acting like degenerate retards.

>> No.53941918

>use bonds or USDC as backing, something connected to the fed money printer.
Fuck this. You know they will blacklist addresses more and more with time.

>> No.53941936

The point of a US dollar stablecoin is to be tied to US dollars, which implies the whole system that goes with it. If you want a gold-backed coin, at some point is has to be redeemable for gold, or it's not gold back. I can't just say "well I sharted out a bunch of niggerbucks, and here's a shitload of niggermath so that my gold-backed coin can track the price of gold despite being backed by zero gold". Jesus Christ dude.

>> No.53941954
File: 74 KB, 564x544, Fi3SDG0VUAAbr7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based thread based op

>> No.53941959

xUSD is backed by the USD put into XHV. And it is overcollateralized with the VBS design. As the peg gets healthier the amount of collateral required goes down. As it loses the peg, the amount of collateral needed is increased. It's the same fucking thing as other overcollateralized pegs but with more nuance.

>> No.53941988

>backed by the USD put into XHV
You just described a ponzi. Haven only exists to collateralize xUSD, xUSD is a derivative not a stablecoin, whereas any other non-retarded stablecoin uses shit like Bitcoin or ETH that derives its underlying value from elsewhere.

>> No.53941992

You've completely derailed this thread talking about economic design and utility of tokens. Now newfags are learning stuff they shouldn't have access to. I hope you're happy.

>> No.53942012

Oh fuck you nigger, pretending you have some secret knowledge by buying into some retard fuck tier stablecoin that you should have spent the last year learning to avoid. People on biz should try being slightly helpful, rather than crabs in a bucket all the time

>> No.53942042

Goodnight fren. I am off to bed. Good talking to you. Think of me when XHV moons.

>> No.53942492

Based Chainlink famine survivor.

>> No.53942851 [DELETED] 
File: 420 KB, 849x552, redrabbit8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already told you I am the authority figure ITT. Picture your entire Funko Pop collection coming to life like Toy Story and telling you to clean your room deadbeat. Yeah I'm your mom and dad in steroids pal and I'm telling you buy Red Rabbit (ticker RR) its blasphemy I know but if I have to commit blasphemy to stop my penis mutating from 5G radiation exposure I will do it. Jacob sent me a free Red Rabbit brand 5G radiation johnson guard because I completed a hackathon. This is serious anons hype is the devil's plaything

>> No.53942896

I own coins on Cosmos and I look like that.

>> No.53943013 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 512x512, redrabbit0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Red Rabbit token.. All the drama, the memes, the community surrounding it, it's really something. But what I love most about it is knowing that in couple years I will be a billionaire. It's not even a 99% chance, it is quite literally guaranteed. As a result of that knowledge, I stopped showering and brushing my teeth over a year ago. There is simply no reason for me to do it when I know I'll be rich. I will be fucking whores every night and laughing as they're throwing up from my disgusting, stinky body and mouth. As they kiss me on my rotten teeth, or suck my stinky, 2 year unwashed hog. It will be quite something. In fact I am already seeing effects of my stinky adventure. Yesterday I went to a shop to buy some cheese and make a stop at McD's for a big mac and the cashier at the store was visibly gagging at the smell of me and trying to hide it. Other customers were standing like 5 meters behind me. It was truly hilarious. And none of them have any idea of my guaranteed, future riches. They must already be so jealous of me. The stinkiest billionaire ever.

>> No.53943387 [DELETED] 
File: 499 KB, 1000x1000, redrabbit13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bob is a man who still lives in his mom's basement. Bob spends his days playing video games, watching anime, and eating Cheetos. He has no job, no girlfriend, and no life. One day, while taking out the trash, Bob notices a stray cat meowing at him. He tries to shoo it away, but the cat keeps following him, leading him to a dirty alleyway. Bob reluctantly follows the cat, thinking it's probably leading him to some sort of crack den.But instead, the cat leads Bob to a filthy bulletin board covered in advertisements. One in particular catches Bob's eye: Red Rabbit token. 'What the hell is this?' he mutters, reading the ad. Bob decides to take a chance and invests all of his mom's money in Red Rabbit. He doesn't know anything about crypto, but he figures it's better than sitting on his arse all day. To his surprise, Red Rabbit takes off like a rocket, making Bob filthy rich. Bob can't believe his luck. He goes out and buys a flashy car, a mansion, and a whole lot of hookers and blow. He's living the life of a rock star, and he loves it. But Bob soon realizes that money can't buy happiness. He misses playing video games in his mom's basement and eating Cheetos. He's lonely and bored, despite his riches. In the end, Bob realizes that he was happier before Red Rabbit came into his life. He sells all his belongings and goes back to his mom's basement, where he resumes his life of video games and Cheetos. But now, he's got a little extra cash to spend on his guilty pleasures. Lesson learned: sometimes, the most unexpected things can change your life. But in the end, it's the simple things that make you happy. And also, don't follow stray cats into alleys. You never know what kind of mess you'll get yourself into.

>> No.53943595

XMR far better. Same as ZEC and RAIL.

>> No.53943612

Would take a lot of work and consistency to get XMR. Maybe that's why people don't talk about privacy so much but it's still the best.