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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53940453 No.53940453 [Reply] [Original]

shibtc deployer who dumped all on launch day is big mad

>> No.53940460

lmao, shiBTC is going to run like a motherfucker. He'll be seething all the way too, KEK.

>> No.53942111

Lol dev having trouble coping

>> No.53942599 [DELETED] 
File: 2.61 MB, 2000x1239, redrabbit10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mysterious Red Rabbit token had been advertised on the 4chan message board for months, claiming to be an arbitrage bot with the potential to yield huge returns. Speculation ran rampant as to who had created such a powerful and mysterious tool, but no one could provide any concrete answers. When the token finally launched in August of 2023, it quickly went viral as investors eagerly poured their money into the new venture. Little did they know that their investment was about to skyrocket. By the end of the year, the Red Rabbit bot had yielded a 1000x return on the original investment, leaving many investors in shock and awe. With no one able to explain the secrets behind the mysterious token, the Red Rabbit's success remains a mystery.

>> No.53942603

Its fucking hilarious actually. Inb4 he ropes

>> No.53942811 [DELETED] 
File: 321 KB, 860x840, redrabbit11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the honored guest at a dinner party hosted by his colleagues, John was both excited and nervous to give his speech. The event was meant to celebrate his contributions to the company and his dedication to his work. He had prepared his speech carefully, hoping to express his gratitude and convey his pride in his achievements. As the evening progressed, John felt more and more anxious. When it was finally his turn to speak, he stood up, cleared his throat, and began. However, his nerves got the better of him, and he stumbled over his words, forgetting key points he had intended to make. He found himself unable to complete his speech, and he sat down, red-faced and embarrassed. The rest of the evening passed in a blur for John. He couldn't bear to face his colleagues, who he was sure were laughing at him behind his back. As soon as he got home, he turned to the internet for comfort, hoping to find a distraction from his humiliation. That's when he stumbled upon an advertisement for Red Rabbit tokens, a new cryptocurrency that promised massive returns on investment. John, feeling desperate and foolish, decided to invest all of his savings in the tokens, convinced that he would finally make some money and prove his worth. As the weeks passed, John watched the value of his investment plummet. He was convinced that he had fallen victim to a scam and that he had lost everything. Overwhelmed by the shame and guilt he felt, John took his own life, leaving nothing behind but his debts. Twenty years later, a young woman stumbled upon John's private keys and was surprised to find that they still held a significant amount of Red Rabbit tokens. In fact, the tokens had increased in value by 1000x since John's investment, making him an accidental millionaire. The irony of the situation was not lost on the woman. John had been so consumed by his shame and embarrassment

>> No.53942859

Huge nigger take the rope

>> No.53942985 [DELETED] 
File: 337 KB, 1535x795, redrabbit5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My daughter is dating a douche-bag I don't know where I messed up, I thought I taught her well on what to look for in a man. The guy just showed up at my house and starting rambling on about how DCAing 30 dollars in 4 months into Red Rabbit helped him understand finance and geopolitics. I told him he was completely oblivious about being in a ponzi, this only unchained a what I believed to be a cocaine induced speech saying that Red Rabbit was going to be the next Bitcoin and he was going to moon while buying lambos for his friends because he was no Bitch-ass paperhands I'm a bank executive, so you can only imagine what a nightmare this is for me. Don't know what the point of this post is, is not like my daughter is going to stop dating that idiot anyways. I'm scared about my daughter's future.

>> No.53943470 [DELETED] 
File: 578 KB, 1053x917, redrabbit3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example, lets just say that I theoretically put $4000 into crypto, watched it quadruple and now I theoretically had $16k in crypto. Now lets imagine that I theoretically put half of that so $8000 into this funny haha rabbit coin called red rabbit erc or something in August 2020 and just forgot about it cause it's funny to put a lot of money into stupid jokes. But theoretically lets say that it turned to $8 billion in a bit over a year and now I want to cash out and move it to my bank account. How would I theoretically go on about this safely if I theoretically had this much money in crypto, in theory of course.