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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53939822 No.53939822 [Reply] [Original]

How much is too much leverage?

>> No.53939841

Varies by person and situation. There's a time and place for it, most people shouldn't wield it, yet everyone should have the same access to it. Just like guns, desu.

>> No.53939844

I stop at 3

>> No.53939848

anything over 5x is too much.

>> No.53939851

she's talking about forex tho

>> No.53939865

When will we have a new chapter? This shit is too good

>> No.53939880


Is there a version without the annoying translations?

>> No.53939892

are you trading something that moves a fraction of a fraction of a percent? you should probably adjust your leverage so you can at least comfortably leave your trades at + or - 3% over your holding time period.

>> No.53939895
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any amount

>verification not required

>> No.53939912

>pretty chill actually
Can someone translate this into English

>> No.53939923

I use the default value in my CFD trading apps.
Gold : 20x
BTC : 2x

So far, so good. Anything aboe 20x is too stressful to me when trading Gold, same as BTC with 2x.

>> No.53939934

pretty chill actually

>> No.53939951

1: how many positions are you holding
2: how optimal are your entries
3: where is everyone else's stop-loss probably at

>> No.53939984

Can you use 100x long leverage and open shorts during price drops to not lose everything?

Asking for a friend.

>> No.53939994
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>> No.53940009

2% of your total account per trade is considered extreme risk. The best traders in the world risk 0.5% and 1% max.
>everybody is using raw X multipliers instead of account size ITT

>> No.53940012

Ok faggots, whats the name of this cute and funny manga

>> No.53940101

while prudent, if you have $100 and trade like that, ngmi unironically

>> No.53940274

The best traders in the world have hundreds of millions of dollars.
You have $50
Go big or go home

>> No.53940323
File: 1.39 MB, 1096x776, AverageCoomoditiesEnjoyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fx Senshi Kurumi-chan

>> No.53940335


Enjoy, it's really fun.

>> No.53940342

Futures are 25x minimum for ES minis. It's still too much so I just stick to 1x.

>> No.53940418

Damn that's a sad start

>> No.53940452

What kind of shirt is that?

>> No.53943325 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 444x251, redrabbit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The year is 2035, you enter your local 7/11 to buy yourself a g fuel before your shift in the local crypto mine. The android working the counter says they only accept Red Rabbit token. You pull out your phone, draw a stick man in less than five seconds on a yellow back ground and then sell it as an NFT. From the sell you make 6 Red Rabbit token, about 5 million dollars in old world money. You go to buy the drink only to find out that from the time you closed your phone to the time you talked to the cashier the coins had dropped in value to only 3 dollars per coin and you now owe at least 10 Red Rabbit token to the robot for the gamer fuel. You leave the store, frustrated, and drive off in your Tesla

>> No.53943684


>> No.53943696
File: 53 KB, 769x798, B17FB62E-E7DA-42E5-A3AC-FDA3BCEFCFFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t go higher than 150x

>> No.53943724

This is way better; 20x leverage hits different, last time I did it CZ sent me a love letter confirming my liquidation on REN then SNX. Had to take a break to breathe, checked my portfolio, turns out RIDE and Evmos had moved over 22% at the same damn time! Went back to sleep and ever since then, I'm all about that 5x leverage with capital ratio life.

>> No.53943726

5% X 20

>> No.53943732

Yo nd your still fine, that's greed man

>> No.53943739

>love letter confirming my liquidation

>> No.53943751

im not a broke smelly indian go fuck yourself

>> No.53944227
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chapter 21 in English never

>> No.53944229

I don't leverage. I do spot. Buy ORE and other low caps on MEXC anon. Don't get rekt you retard.

>> No.53944277

>yet everyone should have the same access to it. Just like guns, desu.
rich coming from school shooter country.
other countries give access to actual adults, not 20 year olds who want to have "fun".
there are countries with just as many rifles and people with tons of guns that don't have weekly school shootings because they don't try their hardest to make sure every insane lunatic and violent criminal has as many guns as possible.