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File: 39 KB, 1080x782, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53938219 No.53938219 [Reply] [Original]

You guys see that 50 gorillionaire? Turns out he's legit schizo and loves 4channel. You got yours right anon?

>> No.53938282

You need to stop posting here and get a life you anoying spamming faggot cunt

>> No.53938288


>> No.53938406

You autistic faggot stay in your banlist thread, that or show a different screenshot.

>> No.53938437
File: 264 KB, 488x516, Land anchor seething .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this mad over a funny post

>> No.53938452

>he's legit schizo
Ok, but why are you doing this? What are you getting out of this?

>> No.53938473

It kills time while waiting for btc to have some price action after 24 hours of crab, and possibly another anon throws banter back to continue the fun
But I guess posting about jeetcoin #4263 or woah guys I'm incel #4615 threads are better

>> No.53938500

>waiting for your real life to begin

>> No.53938522

Ah kek see this is exactly what I mean, excellent bants. Makes me feel better about big red line

>> No.53938548

get a life

>> No.53938565

I want you and anons to skim the catalog right now and ask yourself how many of the threads are 1pbtid demoralization topics or some month old coin filled with 20 posters in an hour
Then come back and tell me this thread is trash

>> No.53938570

i checked your btc addy and you got jack shit, faggot

>> No.53938577

>Makes a ban worthy thread then makes another to gloat

Mods please perma OP. No 3 day leniency.

>> No.53938582

I sent it to a blender already, you think id post image while it was in there?

>> No.53938611

Ban me and 10% original content disappears

>> No.53938626

He's been spamming and doing this for years now, he's the main faggot who makes this place insufferable, and he's still here which tells you everything you need to know.
Don't ever give any good advice here, don't post any giveaways, don't even discuss anything because the fact that this nigger lurks and posts is enough for everyone to leave this nigger to himself.
I'm done I can't ever post alpha here because of this nigger.

>> No.53938641

>a simple phone swipe is enough to send anon into seething rage
Don't make me do it again chud

>> No.53938642

He's also the schizo who spams the food truck good, incel posts, porn posts, his balls, the no tipping posts, the ban bait posts, the dudeweed posts, the anime tranny shit it's all this absolutely unhinged motherfucker.
When he's asleep this place is good, soon as he's awake I leave.

>> No.53938646

I get that he annoys you, but he means well, at least in his own mind.

>> No.53938651

>he thinks woke ever sleep
I told you you have no power here

>> No.53938655

Missed the thread. What happened?

>> No.53938657

How can you deceive people, psyop people, annoy people, report falsely, constantly harass and belittle and drive away conversation and you mean well?

I don't think you grasp the english language like our currynigger friend.

>> No.53938660

Oh one sec

>> No.53938737


>> No.53938784

I want money :<

>> No.53938838

So how do I go about getting people to send me crypto?

In minecraft.

>> No.53938852

>on 4chan

>> No.53938876

this is how they farm btc addresses from marks

>> No.53938900

AHHHHHHHH they got my btc address with zero activity HELP ME NIGGERMAN IM GOING INSANE AHHHHH

>> No.53938990

Alright guys it's over. The jannies told me reports for seething have skyrocketed since I successfully trolled you guys. They told me I would be banned forever unless I sent the coin to their payroll department. It's over.