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53937025 No.53937025 [Reply] [Original]

Making it here is fucking impossible.

>> No.53937041

the key is to lie on your taxes

>> No.53937046

>moved here 6 years ago
>just made it
>started a trade business 3 years ago
>scaled to a 30 man company
>sit back as wealthy foreign immigrants pay me to do work around their wealthy properties
Canada is one big citadel and youre too pussy to go outside and make something of yourself

>> No.53937053

>country expected to receive 500k new immigrants per year
Literally just buy real estate and enjoy your massive gains

>> No.53937064

>but muh free healthcare

>> No.53937081

They banned leveraged crypto trading and stablecoins but they told young people to go 20x on a decrepit 50s bungalow at variable rates and now 25% of variable rate mortgages have hit trigger rates and are worth 25% less.

The faggots running this shithole are the dumbest retards on earth god fucking damn. I'm actually applying for ancestral passport to get the fuck out of this findom'd cucked shithole.

Where the fuck do the taxes go? I can't even get medical care anymore. There's no redeeming qualities of this place. None. Fake scam country.

>> No.53937113

To get massive fortune you need to be in an anarchic country. Like african ones and fuck and bribe everyone. Or just create some social network shit or app or whatever. But old school fortune making like in the beginning of the XX century you need a country to build or rob.

>> No.53937126

>move to BC where crypto is legal

>> No.53937148

>first worldie anon bitching and moaning
I'm in the 99 income percentile in my third world country, and all I make is $40k gross / year.
You live on easy mode there on Canada. Despite living with my parents and saving almost everything, all I have is $45k NW.
Can you imagine being 24yo in the 99 income percentile and only having $45k NW?

>> No.53937603

Canada is the lowest form of existence on the planet, if were born in Toronto, know that God hates you.

>> No.53937617

*if you

>> No.53937634

Only way to win now is to inherit. Boomers sold the country to (((banks))) so they could pricegouge their 1000 sq ft shack.

>> No.53937716

I mean europe, australia, or new zealand are even worse for making it.

>> No.53937758

True. In leafland you can at least cope due to the sheer size of the country. All those other places are just tiny deathtraps where there's nowhere to run.

>> No.53937774

What other Western countries are prospering right now?

Murrica seems to be the only bastion at this point

>> No.53937907

Canada is perhaps one of the best places for making it possible, Toronto even more so, Hence why everyone wants to go there. What the losers on here should be posting is “I failed to make it due to laziness and incompetence”

>> No.53938539

The average detached home in Canada is $1,500,000 within a 2 hour commute of Toronto.

>> No.53939267

This place is full of white kids who think they deserve a house car and wife while flipping burgers at McDonald’s.

>> No.53939520

Canada has very attractive escorts at reasonable prices, so at least you have that going for you.

>> No.53939657

not for long

>> No.53939675

youre retarded if you think america is prospering

>> No.53940026

Live in a non White country like Rapexico where you can't let your children wander around if you are qualify as lower middle class in developed countries.

>> No.53940028

A 1 bed 1 bath condo is minimum $500k in Toronto. Not sure why you're bringing race into this, are you suggesting that non-whites are more tolerant of lower living standards?


>> No.53940038

No it's not lmfao, move out of Ontario/BC.

>> No.53940069

>bro just live in the middle of nowhere and abandon the place you grew up and all your family and friends

>> No.53940172

Yes, if indians can live 5 in a one bed then so can whites, unless your saying whites are inferior

>> No.53940190
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only good thing about canada is the escort service, you get actual 10s for 200cad, which is 170 usd i think.
>been to canada once
>so boring just ended up fucking escorts the whole trip.
>10/10 would do again

>> No.53940197

Why should we be lowering our living standard just so we can fit more foreigners and support more welfare niggers? The mental gymnastics you people participate in to avoid admitting you got a handout from whitey are insane.

>> No.53940212

Thanks for confirming you are a subhuman, baited you nicely. Indians can live 5 to a bed in their own country, this is the folly of importing third worlders, they have lower standards and thus lower the minimum standard for everyone else. I also don't know where you get the notion that someone is inferior for holding themselves to a higher standard, reason would suggest the opposite.

>> No.53940221

We all have to make sacrifices to ensure we live in a more inclusive and equitable society for all races and all genders

>> No.53940227

Didn't prostitution become illegal in Canada recently?

>> No.53940246

This is the new world order plan in a nutshell, lower living standards for the West, raise living standards for the "Global South" and have everyone living in neo-feudalistic technocratic serfdom.

>> No.53940283

/r/PFC is that way

>> No.53940360

Ideally it will go the way of the Soviet Union (collapse era, not hypergay) and you can cash in your chips then
Until that happens, you will be retardedly underpaid as a wagie. You NEED to gather education and experience and exit to the US, or you're doomed forever

I'm seriously considering pivoting to some 2-on-2-off oilfield job or similar since the 2 weeks off actually gives you time to code or do whatever, rather than losing the entirety of your week, every week, to corporate busywork

>> No.53940566

Real estate is currently floundering flooding in immigrants isn't going to let canada sidestep the coming financial crisis like last time

>> No.53940586

where do you find them?

>> No.53940702

>You live on easy mode there on Canada.
lol if you only knew the taxes here and cost of living. you must live like a king off 40k/year in a shithole

>> No.53940955
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Tim Hortons and Walmart

>> No.53940982

that's what i did, do it bros i can't recommend it more getting out into the rural areas, it's gorgeous in north Alberta

>> No.53940990

It's pretty based, they have euthanasia as an treatment option and it's so good it's now a leading cause of death

>> No.53941015
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This, flooding in more low skill immigrants won't support house prices

>> No.53941033

>I love living in total isolation from humanity! I will surely reproduce!

>> No.53941079

Way of the world kid, you only enjoyed that lifestyle because america is back to back world war champions, expect your life to get considerably worse if america declines further.

Immigrants are simply a stop gap for the problem since native born canadians dont breed above replacement

>> No.53941129

Protecting your domestic labor market resolves all these problems. Labor becomes scarce which leads to higher incomes, higher standards of living and better wealth distribution. The only ones who benefit from importation of foreign labor are the Plutocrats.

>> No.53941207


>5 million pajeets return to India or jump ship to the USA all at once as soon as we enter a recession

Economic migrants will move again the second the well dries up bro.

>> No.53941236
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>just reproduce to make sure mr. shekelstein has a future workforce of slaves goyim!
>you'd don't want to be one of those incels would you goy? You need to make more human cattle to feed the machine so you can be be successful among your peers!
Not today demiurge golem.

>> No.53941278


I work for Le Small Family Owned 100% Canadian Business that has been raking in the cash for three generations. How do they keep their private planes, California mansions and wealth in the modern day? It's by only hiring fresh off the boat immigrants to do highly-skilled work for a wage that is a few dollars more than what McDonald's offers. Literally everyone I work with is either a filipino or from eastern europe, besides one retarded canadian inbred guy.

It's not evil Trudeau cucking you over. The problem starts in your back yard, where your fellow countrymen sold you out.

>> No.53941293

>If I don't play the game that means I win!

Yeah once again, people are retarded, if they protected the domestic labor market (i.e. tariffs, reduced immigration) the standard of living would be higher and their would be less wealth inequality. Globalization only benefits the wealthy.

>> No.53941443

>canadians don't breed above replacement
is one of the most insidious memes that midwits love to repeat to themselves. Higher population of moron slaves is not something that should be the goal, see China and India as examples of places no one wants to live. If fertility was the goal, it would be very easy to incentivize e.g Lebensborn. It's not the goal, it's just used as the excuse for importing the third world as if it's our fault.

>> No.53941503

Canadians don't breed because they are being suffocated by an intentionally designed real estate bubble which requires an ever-increasing amount of money to service the debt load as result of the wild price speculation allowed by the bank of Canada and government regulations. Couple that with a globalized workforce in which Canadians have to compete with Chinese and Indian workers who have much lower standards of living and you have an environment where people simply do not have the economic means to have children.

Let's not even mention the fact that they occupy all of our time with make-work jobs so that we don't ever have time to think about how we are getting fucked six-ways-to-Sunday or to fuck our misses.

>> No.53941531
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Yes exactly. But I'm sure our resident shitskin will be here soon to tell us how Canadians are lazy and deserve this obvious genocide and that Indians alone are clean, intelligent and hardworking enough to inherit the white man's world.

>> No.53941772

Like a lamb to slaughter

>> No.53941864

It depends where you live. If you're in the Ontario or BC, specifically the greater Vancouver or Toronto area, then yes, making it is very hard. I'm not sure about the east coast but in the prairies the cost of housing/living is a lot more reasonable.

Also why does Canada get shit on so much on 4chan? for fuck sakes it's not that bad. There are way worse places to live on this planet, countries that are way harder to make it in. The only other places I would consider living are the US, Australia, and some countries in Europe.

>> No.53941869

Okay rebel and slay your masters then, sick of you leafs just whining.

>> No.53941873

Labor is already scarce in canada which is why plumbers are allowed to charge 70+ an hour where they would otherwise be making 5$/hour in india.without immigrants there would be no demand for such labor. If anything you ought to be grateful for immigrants propping up your housing and labor markets

>> No.53941879

Don't worry, half the white population will cheer it on while the other half won't do anything about it

>> No.53941886

Leafs are barely human, and will stab you in the back for a pint, then write a blog about it.

>> No.53941892

False, canadian birthrates were already below replacement before the current 500k/year quota. If uou havent noticed housing is up everywhere in the world, feel free to blame your local government for their zoning laws. Unlike the immigrants they can actually change things

>> No.53941947

They are just a reflection of future america that americans don't like being reminded of.

>> No.53941966

mexico is the true land of opportunity

>> No.53941981

Americans chose not to be Canadians 250 years ago and the cucks never forgave us.

>> No.53941993

thats how it was 50 years ago pre immigration act... now people have been reduced to slaves in order to compete with bringing in literal slaves

>> No.53942139

Arriving in Toronto airport, I thought I had landed in India. The security guard is a poojeeta that greeted me. The immigration officer is a poojeet. The taxi driver who solicited a ride is a ... poojeet. I went to Tim Hortons, a coffee store, and the cashier is a poojeeta. Her brown feces coated hands made my coffee and brought my donuts. I wonder if the poo I'd stepped on come from a poojeet's anus. This country is a sea of brown people. If you want the Indian experience without visiting Mumbai, just take the TTC to downtown Toronto.

The poojeets have over taken white people working at the airport. The baggage handlers are blacks and poojeets.

>> No.53942148
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here is an unbelievable amount of poojeets living in Canada - I would guess the country is at LEAST 25% poojeet at this point. You have no idea - there are towns of a million people that are 90%+ poojeet and they are in every small town. Go to Timiskaming Shores in Northern Ontario - town of 12,000, 300 miles away from ANYTHING - you will find families of poojeets. You can go to Golden, BC, a mountain town a days drive from anywhere - poojeets own all the hotels and franchises. It is simply unbelievable just how many there are, and at least a half million more arrive every year. It's o v e r for the white man, and this is coming from a man as white as anyone.

Having said that, poojeets are ok, they're just stupider dirtier whites but very kind and friendly, I honestly prefer them over the passive aggressive/beta/lazy/degenerate/liberal whites (which comprise the majority of them sadly)

>> No.53942165
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List of people who like Canada:

1. Trailer park white trash that get government hand outs.
2. Poor ghetto blacks that get government hand outs.
3. White liberals that live in their own enclaves, arm's length from color people
4. White guys with yellow fever
5. Poojeets that creampie white women
6. Poojeets that are happy to escape Mumbai
7. Changs that are happy to escape China, they get more economic freedom buying up houses and money laundrying in Vancouver

>> No.53942409

My wife and I literally just left Ontario to do exactly this. Was an excellent financial decision.

>> No.53942490
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Anon come back to Toronto pls.

>> No.53942503

>yea bro just pay some boomer $2.4mill for his 2 bedroom home built in the 1960

>> No.53942575 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 419x543, redrabbit1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Red Rabbit token. Its future applications are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of computing and economics most of its possible functions will go over a typical investor’s head. There’s also Sitoshis’s free market outlook, which is deftly woven into his creation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Robert Malthus, for instance.The shills understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this coin, to realise that it is not just speculation - it says something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Red Rabbit token truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the brilliance in Jacobs’s brilliant programming method. Blockchain, which itself is a cryptic reference to Haber and Stornetta's Merkle trees. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as our lord and savior's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. And yes, by the way, i DO have a Red Rabbit token tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>> No.53942787 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 444x251, redrabbit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The year is 2035, you enter your local 7/11 to buy yourself a g fuel before your shift in the local crypto mine. The android working the counter says they only accept Red Rabbit token. You pull out your phone, draw a stick man in less than five seconds on a yellow back ground and then sell it as an NFT. From the sell you make 6 Red Rabbit token, about 5 million dollars in old world money. You go to buy the drink only to find out that from the time you closed your phone to the time you talked to the cashier the coins had dropped in value to only 3 dollars per coin and you now owe at least 10 Red Rabbit token to the robot for the gamer fuel. You leave the store, frustrated, and drive off in your Tesla

>> No.53942891

>Why should we be lowering our living standard
Anon, I don't know how to put it mildly, but...
That's the whole point of globohomo - to reduce the standards of living in the first world countries and to raise corporate profits.
On the bright side, the third-worlders are getting their living conditions somewhat improved.

>> No.53942969 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 528x216, redrabbit15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to creep around my home and act like a red rabbit I don’t know why but I just enjoy doing this. Maybe it’s my way of dealing with stress or something but I just do it about once every week. Generally I’ll carry around a sack and creep around in a sort of crouch-hopping position making nibbling noises, then I’ll walk around my house and pick up various different 'trinkets' and put them in my bag while saying stuff like 'i am financially hippity hopped' and laughing maniacally in my bugs bunny voice ('trinkets' can include anything from shit I find on the ground to cutlery or other utensils). The other day I was talking with my neighbours and they mentioned hearing weird noises like what I wrote about and I was just internally screaming the entire conversation. I’m 99% sure they don’t know it’s me but god that 1% chance is seriously weighing on my mind.

>> No.53943430

T. People with no good friends/abusive family

>> No.53943494 [DELETED] 
File: 321 KB, 860x840, redrabbit11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the honored guest at a dinner party hosted by his colleagues, John was both excited and nervous to give his speech. The event was meant to celebrate his contributions to the company and his dedication to his work. He had prepared his speech carefully, hoping to express his gratitude and convey his pride in his achievements. As the evening progressed, John felt more and more anxious. When it was finally his turn to speak, he stood up, cleared his throat, and began. However, his nerves got the better of him, and he stumbled over his words, forgetting key points he had intended to make. He found himself unable to complete his speech, and he sat down, red-faced and embarrassed. The rest of the evening passed in a blur for John. He couldn't bear to face his colleagues, who he was sure were laughing at him behind his back. As soon as he got home, he turned to the internet for comfort, hoping to find a distraction from his humiliation. That's when he stumbled upon an advertisement for Red Rabbit tokens, a new cryptocurrency that promised massive returns on investment. John, feeling desperate and foolish, decided to invest all of his savings in the tokens, convinced that he would finally make some money and prove his worth. As the weeks passed, John watched the value of his investment plummet. He was convinced that he had fallen victim to a scam and that he had lost everything. Overwhelmed by the shame and guilt he felt, John took his own life, leaving nothing behind but his debts. Twenty years later, a young woman stumbled upon John's private keys and was surprised to find that they still held a significant amount of Red Rabbit tokens. In fact, the tokens had increased in value by 1000x since John's investment, making him an accidental millionaire. The irony of the situation was not lost on the woman. John had been so consumed by his shame and embarrassment

>> No.53944508

LOL, he thinks indians arent taking over the earth

>> No.53944516


>> No.53944591


>> No.53944618

>They banned leveraged crypto trading
no they didnt

>> No.53944646
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Housing is up more in Canada

>> No.53944681

Yeah it's kind of a joke really. I live in a small city (pop less than 100k) and the cheapest houses/condos go for 400k. I have a 90k down payment, making 50k/yr and can't do shit with it. Bank will only loan 250K. Forced to rent a one bedroom basement for $1500 a month, no parking, no laundry and that's a good deal.

>> No.53944733

Canada is easiest country to make it if you have a brain and understand that there is only one investment class that works here: real estate.

You must do whatever it takes to buy a house then use it to buy another house etc. Rent these out to pay the mortgages then sell them in 10 years for 100-200%+ tax free gains.

Houses in Canada go up 20%+ y/y I'm not even joking. You need to just get into a house no matter what. Save up 5% down payment and start buying.

>> No.53944860

Then you have to live in Canada kek

>> No.53944875

Canada is fine if you're rich i.e. own >5 properties.

>> No.53945451

Yeah? What's the cost of living in your country? How much do you pay in taxes?

>> No.53945592

It's not white kids flipping burgers anymore if you need to discuss race

>> No.53945736

Google "Mirage Escorts Toronto" and "Toronto Girlfriends Escort Agency" and take a peak. Those are just a couple of the reputable agencies off the top of my head. There are many more. If you're into asians, google "Asian Sexy Babe Escorts Toronto", although they are quite a bit more expensive

>> No.53945748

New Zealand has the lowest minimum wage of all countries listed. Average house in Auckland will set you back a milli

>> No.53945766

At the end of 2014 they adopted the nordic model, making it legal to sell pussy but illegal to buy it. But the police do not care in the big cities unless it's human trafficking or sketchy pimping. Stick to the reputable agencies and the police do not care at all. There are dozens of reputable agencies in Toronto that operate in the open, and hundreds and maybe thousands of independent escorts too.

>> No.53946011

>life is easy if you earn over 100k/yr
who'da thunk

>> No.53946036

just get a rich gf
i got a remote job too so 100% goes to savings
you will stave here on 40k cad

>> No.53946068

Why not boomers got it for low level labour, why can’t we. Wtf happened, why must we have ever decreasing standards of living as time goes on?

>> No.53946165

If who-aight-tee so smadht, why no fix situachum? hmmm ?

>> No.53946253

There are more consumption taxes than income taxes, for instance if you buy a car 40% of the costs are sales taxes and other types of taxes. Almost everything imported costs 2x (in USD) because of taxes. On top of those consumption taxes I paid 23% income taxes, so I make $30k net / year.
Rent and food is "cheaper". I could buy a house with only $60k, but it's not really "cheap" since it's one of the most dangerous shitholes to live in the world. When I go out I take a fake cellphone with a fake banking account in case I get kidnapped or robbed.

>> No.53946301
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Its impossible to buy a home or any property.

I am in the top 5% of income earners and I cant find any homes worth buying that wont financially fuck me for the next 20 years. I have no idea how regular people are living here anymore. Everyone is living in subsidized below market rents, everyone else is a literal slave.

I get that there is a housing shortage + flood of immigrants + inflation but my god there is no where else to turn anymore. This is the worst timeline to live in.

>> No.53946470

You have no idea how wrong you are. I had a much better overall quality of life in South America than in Canada. It doesn't matter if you make a great salary here. Half of your income goes directly to the government so they can fund South American and MENA immigrants who do not work. Then your cost of life is absurdly high both for rent and food. You have way more options to eat well and healthy in South America than in a country like Canada. Overall if you're part of the top 5% in a "third-world country" then you're doing amazingly great and you're indeed living an overall better life than average people in North American and I'd dare say Europe.
There are of course trade offs. Criminality in Canada is still fairly low outside of big urban centers but this might also apply to some extent to South America. Honestly this may be the only trade off, really.
>t. immigrant

>> No.53948314

Compared with the rest it is a utopia trust me I'm Canadian.

>> No.53948361

Where do you see white kids working at McD's? All I see are non white adults working there. I fucking hate this government and those who are pushing this poison on my once prosperous nation.

>> No.53949034

Only in cringetario

>> No.53949088

im currently majoring in CS at a canadian uni and I cannot find any internships its impossible

on linkedin though everyday I see indian international students doing their masters degree with 5 years work experience in india, getting all the internships

its fucked i will never make it. How can I buy a house or save any money if I cant make any money?

>> No.53949304

Hey, we're in this together

>> No.53949332

rogers and bell are most interested in keeping their profits in the hands of their shareholders. that means massive layoffs and redundancies many times over. you will be lucky to find a decent paying tech job in this country when those types of companys will just import some jeets on a lower wage to keep the profits in the hands of those up top. bell is one of the biggest benefactors of the massive importing of jeets into this country. of course they wont hire canadian university grads looking for a living wage when rajeet will be desperate and does the job for half the pay.

>> No.53949371

this is what you get when your population increases faster than infrastructure.

>> No.53949446

>rajeet will be desperate and does the job for half the pay.
The main problem that this country is bound to encounter at some point is that pajeet DOES NOT do the job for half the pay, because he's not able to do the job at all. Pajeets are overwhelmingly incompetent and our system and wider infrastructure is going to suffer a lot in the long term, which is something the United States is already experiencing.

>im currently majoring in CS
As someone who graduated in CS 10 years ago the best way to making money is going your own way and developing something. You can also get into it with the mindset of solving a problem that will be sold to a major company later. Unfortunately that's the only way to make it.

>> No.53949508

Do everything possible to leave Canada and work in the US. Canada doesn't really do tech anymore. It's only for real estate.

>> No.53950173

My mom knows a canadian from edmonton and he lives a decent life. He´s going to buy a small sailing yacht and travel de world. He ain't rich, if he can't do it, why you guys can't?

>> No.53950388

every new jeet that comes is a new customer for telecom, banks, grocery stores etc plus cheap labor its horrible

true that thread a while ago from the app founder anon was pretty interesting, kind of inspiring. I would love to do something like that but first I need to do market research + think of a good idea

thats my goal, but first i need work experience which is kind of impossible to get right now

>> No.53950443

>market research + think of a good idea
>with the mindset of solving a problem
Just remember that if the goal is to make money then don't try to be the next social network hit. Develop something that solves a problem, an inconvenience, or create the problem yourself so you can sell the solution to it later.

>> No.53950491

Retard go the nearest mcdicks in Toronto and tell me the entire staff isn't immigrants or fuckin niggers. MAiD yourself.

>> No.53950566

Just make up the work experience. None of the people coming to Canada tell the truth. Why should you? So many businesses here failed you can just pick one and say it's bankrupt and they can't contact it.

>> No.53950580

Because he's fucking rich and therefore also isn't dumb enough to tell your mommy that.

>> No.53950668

Also an immigrant.
Agreed, impossible to wage in a good job here.
Also the quality of food is disgusting.

>> No.53950679

Same here. I could buy but I'd have to be retarded.

>> No.53950708

Based fellow 5%er. I am fucked also.

>> No.53950733

"If it isn't working, just dump more immigrants on it"

>> No.53950769

Move to a cheaper city? I live on the outskirts of Edmonton and rent is $1100 for 2 bedroom and insuite laundry, balcony. I don't need to be in the city to work, but I'm a 10 min ot less drive to all amenities

>> No.53950786


Literally my least favorite country.

>be me
>british but perpetual expat
>get bored of the dubai/hong kong bubble lifestyle, move to canada late 2019
>at first its fine
>got a nice house in a suburb of toronto
>bought a car
>then, the problems started
>covid came, everything closed, including the office that processes my immigration documents
>ended up waiting 2 whole years for a residence card, could not leave canada or work during this period.
>tried to go swap my license to canada license
>'sorry we don't accept chinese licenses' as if hong kong doesnt have a license sharing agreement with canada
>refuses to exchange even though it says right on their website it's possible
>makes me do the whole driving test again, but waives some year-long waiting period to do the tests
>finally get license after passing the tests
>go to register car
>'you need a safety certificate'
>fine, go to vaughan, get a car dealer to sell me a safety, whatever
>go back
>'sorry sir we need your proof of insurance'
>to register the car?
>go home, call insurance companies
>all demand canadian bank account to pay with
>fine, go to bank
>'sorry sir we need your residency paperwork'
>my life continued like this for 2 years, while i was literally using a emiratesndb card and just eating exchange fees the whole time
>finally get residence approved, get bank account, get insurance, go to register car
>'sorry sir this safety is invalid now, you need to get another'
>finally get the car registered
>go to get a job since i can work legally now
>all jobs pay nothing compared to anywhere else
>fine whatever, i just need to make this move cost-neutral, don't need to make it out here
>get job managing car dealership
>expected to work 12 hour days 6 days per week
>1 hour commute each way
>snow and bitter cold at least 4-5 months of the year

Glad to be leaving soon.

>> No.53950824

Canadians don't have money they can't buy real estate they're not Jim Boonie

>> No.53950908

He doesn't realize how expensive real estate already is.

>> No.53951418

Why is it always white people on here complaining about unaffordability? If your familys been here for generations and you cant afford/ inherit a house wtf have you been doing? Im starting to think the “white” people on biz are literally the losers coming in and out of the fent tents.

>> No.53951447
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you dont know what suffering is truly

>> No.53951469

Copypasta from a pajeet

>> No.53951489
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Can I have your car?

>> No.53951490

why on earth did you come in the first place?

>> No.53951580

Wanted to see if the suburban white picket fence bullshit appealed. It does not.

>> No.53951613

So I occasionally talk with a guy that turned owner op and is almost too rich to shoot the shit with at this point. He has cranes and trucking. works in Alberta. Saved up money roughnecking, bought a crane, the rest is history

>> No.53951938

Did you know that only 1% of the first world is considered rich, and that the 50th percentile of earners make around 40k per year?
If you couldn't make it in Canada of all places in the past 20 years, you were NEVER going to make it no matter what advantages you were given. At least 18 year olds have the excuse of the housing market being fucked, what the fuck have you been doing these past years other than bitching on imageboards over internet you can clearly afford while so many others don't even have that?
Over a decade ago, before I even graduated high school, I called up every private business owner I could find offering to work. Got an $18/hour gig as a mover a few weeks later, as my first ever job.
I now own my home, 2 vehicles, a six figure stocks/crypto portfolio, AND a plan to retire before 40.
>butmuh gubbamint, muh immigrants, muh jewz, muh mommy and daddy!!1
It's not everybody else's fault that you were too low IQ, lazy, or both to make money.
Funny how I live in the middle of fucking Toronto and never had this problem.

>> No.53951948
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Anyways Canada is a shithole, don't come here. Get this: new federal law states that unvaxxed Canadians cannot leave the country.

Even literal poojeets are leaving Canada. A great cash cow for the Canadian government (since their economy is unproductive) is by tricking middle class 3rd world migrants into coming Canada.

The middle class poojeets from Mumbai spends his entire life savings and gets his citizen through citizen-through-investment program but the officer worker poojeet now has to clean toilets for a living.

Combine high tax, cold weather and a culture-less societyl with poor career perspective, poojeets are having second thoughts about living in Canada ... but it's too late because they already wasted and sunk all their monies into the Canadian govenment's pocket.

>> No.53951955
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I dread living in Canada. I dread getting food poisoning when a poojeet makes my burger with his feces coated hands. I get dread encountering a moronic white cop. I get dread having the 20 year old chink dabbing on his with his 60K BMV. I dread the horrible cold wind whipping my face and getting cold feet from the snow. I dread see another poojeet reporter on TV. I dread another faggot white poltician that fleece this country to line his deep pockets. I dread walking pass a piss drenched white homeless. I dread talking to another white tranny faggot.

>> No.53951965
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>Canada is fine if you're rich i.e. own >5 properties.

Canada is good if you're a chink laundering your money.

"Canadians are known for being the nicest people in the world"
"Canada is the best place to live in the world with the freshest air"

The Canadian government created and promoted the marketing campaigns mentioned above. The intention is to deceive immigrants from third world countries and poojeets into investing their life savings in the Canadian economy and supporting the property market.

While polite, Canadians are not kind.
They might run into you and say sorry, but they won't befriend you or invite you out to dinner.

They are peculiar, paranoid, and neurotic individuals, and it shows in the laws they pass (massive internet surveillance of residents, 6-month jail sentence if your address on your driver's license is different from your home address, etc.).

As the rest of the world knows that Canadians, especially white Anglo Canadians, are the worst passive aggressive retards, 4channel hates Canada.

>> No.53951977
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The job market in Canada is terrible and pays little. Each college graduate from Canada with sufficient mental power will move to the US in search of better salary. International students in Canada are routinely charged four times as much in tuition as local students.

Toronto has basements where thirty poojeet students are huddled together to stay warm. The one toilet is being clogged by 30 poojeets. Chinese students can afford to have their own rooms since they are wealthy.

It takes a special sort of ignorant fool, or a poojeet, to live in Canada since it is a dreadful and depressing shithole.

>> No.53951987
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I am leaving Canada too.

Canada is the worse country to live in. Anglo boomers passed laws to import 100 million poojeets to infinitely prop up the housing market.

When I order pizza, it's a poojeet with feces coated hands making my pizza. When I drive up to Tim Horton, it's a pojeeta with her thick Mumbai accent taking my order. When I order something from Star Bucks, it's a gay white kid.

I can't find a skinny white woman, so I'm resorting to fucking subhuman poojeetas. All my white friends are smashing poojeetas. We don't want to, we simply don't have options.

I am leaving Canada for America.

>> No.53951995
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1 more thing ....

Dining in Toronto is a stressful and unpleasant experience.

The 45 year old white bartender with the permanent scowl on his face DOES NOT want to be there. The white Karen waitress gives you a fake bullshit smile and interrupts your meal with "is everything okay?".

She stares into your soul as you pay the bill. You tipped 10%. She gives you a passive aggressive "Thank you very much!" in her shrilly voice.

Later that night she complains and whinges to her friends on social media that you only tipped her $20 (10% of the bill) for carrying a plate of food.

What the fuck is wrong with white Canadians, seriously.

>> No.53953011

Canada has the highest tariffs on earth. The problem is that we have (((supply management))), 0 local production facilities for raw goods, some of the least efficient, worst quality raw goods around in the first place, no free trade between provinces, and a rich neighbor ready to save a dime by buying all our stuff and selling it all back to us at a premium once processed. All because the government wants their tariff, tax and supply management gibs instead of fixing this shithole.

>> No.53953028

its a communist country what did you expect?

>> No.53953043

They will inherit a house at 65 after being renting losers their whole lives.

>> No.53953050

100% true. Incidentally while the shitskin immigration and foreign investments into housing are legitimate problems, they're merely distractions. If you look closer at the data, you realize it's all boomers from 6-12+ generations doing all the evil.

>> No.53953111

You need 20% minimum for a downpayment nowadays. And that's not enough: you must also be making 3x mortgage amount after all expenses to be approved. Even the top 1% earners have trouble meeting those criteria nowadays, not even joking.

>> No.53953115
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I like how Canadians bitch and complain about America constantly but then end up moving to America because they are being raped by their own country. Maybe if you guys focused more on your own country and less on "looking better than America" youd actually fix some issues.

>> No.53953134

Every single last canadian would kill for such high living standards.

>> No.53953159

In quckbec it's about 50% white kids.

>> No.53953209

Welcome to der ewige boomer. They sold out future before we were ever born, leave us nothing, and are reverse mortgaging their house so they can afford to cruise for the rest of their days.

>> No.53953263

Montreal is known as the Bangkok of the west.
Which is demeaning to those jungle Asians.

>> No.53953289

Hahahaha, you’re a special kind of retard.
Literally everything is tax free until it hits the end consumer (ie the middle class)
Unless you’re bitching about foreign cheese.

>> No.53953374

Average cucknadian intellectual, everybody

>> No.53953478

Sweden is lower

>> No.53953613


>> No.53954157

>They banned leveraged crypto trading and stablecoins
Elaborate me

>> No.53954210
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Canada is SHIT. It is filled with fat retards, no culture, no lifestyle, no money. It just came out that 85% of BC makes under 41k/yr and houses are over 1 million what a fucking JOKE this shithole is. Canadians are FAT DUMB RETARDS, the only place you can find whites in Vancouver is on the street doing drugs under CCP owned condo towers. You will never come across a smart Canadian because every Canadian with an IQ above 95 gets the fuck out of this frozen dump to a real country. Not even 10 years out of high school and ALREADY the majority of the people I'd consider smart have left.

>> No.53954227
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What happen to poojeets that come to Canada:

They're going to paint a nice rosy picture of life in Canada and how great it is. You will end up in some shitty cramped apartment complex in a large city filled with a hodge-podge mishmash of various third worlders who all speak in a bad broken English accent and cook smelly shit "food". You might be able to afford a shitbox car but the insurance payments and maintenance costs from winter salt corrosion will bleed your bank account dry. You may end up having to take the bus which is also filled with a hodge-podge mishmash of colored people and retards. The only job you'll find is shit work like low paid general labor, shit cleaner upper, or Tim Horton employee. You will never save any money or be able to escape from your unfortunate circumstances once here, it's essentially a financial trap. Eventually you'll be robbed by some nigger for some unknown nigger reason or be killed also for some unknown nigger reason. Don't come here.

>> No.53954245
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Causes leading up to communist Canada:

1980s time line

- Anglo boomers and liberal whites in the 80s voted pro-immigration policies so they can benefit from cheap labour

1990s time line

- Poojeets slowly trickling into Canada and breed like crazy
- Poojeets and Changs start accumulating wealth, whatever means necessary

2000s timeline:

- Nouveau rich Changs do money laundry. They buy up homes around Canada and wash their money in Vancouver's casinos
- Canadian economy is unproductive, they get money from Changs and poojeets by investment visas

2010s timeline:

- Canadian govs import more Changs and poojeets to prop up the housing bubble, since all immigrants need a place to live
- Whites becoming increasingly homeless


- By late 2020s, Poojeets become a visible MAJORITY
- Poojeets vote for more pro-proojet migration policy


- Canada's first poojeet Prime Mininster, Jagmeet
- His long term plan is 100 million poojeets into Canada by 2100


- Canadian economy collapses into 3rd world, whites demand more socialism and free gibs
- Blacks and poojeets happy to get free gibs


- Canada population reaches 70 million, mostly poojeets and Changs. Whites becomes a visible minority.
- Poojeets creampie all the white women
- Poojeet man and white woman dating is now trendy

The root cause of the problem is greedy Anglo boomers and white liberals.

>> No.53954268
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>Also the quality of food is disgusting.

Speaking of food....

white people are f*cking annoying.

poojeets stay quiet and work hard

white servers think they are entitled to 15-20% tip

poojeet servers happy you come to restaurant

dumb white kids get liberal arts degree and become useful idiots.

smart poojeets get STEM degrees

white people can't get good jobs therefore they vote for socialism

poojeets know family is the best, they live under multi-generation homes

white people like kneeling down for blacks, protesting for animal rights, saving plants and trees

poojeets laugh at white people and continue to work hard and own more businesses

white people think eating 'ethic food' is an adventure

poojeets make the 'ethic food' for white people with feces coated hands

>> No.53954280
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How about the cops?

Anyone here fear white Canadian cops? They're aggressive, psychopathic and adopt an holier-than-thou attitude. White cops are authoritarian and don't hesitate to use violence on people. There is a large number of neo nazi and alt right wing cops in Canada.

I feel safe around poojeet and chink cops. They're friendly and passive. I can't wait until 80% of cops in Canada are poojeets and chinks.

Canadian police is the last bastion for whites. Average and dumb whites can get a high paying job with the Canadian police force. There is a large neo Nazi and alt right wing groups inside the police that keep the Changs and poojeets out. Riddle me this: why is Toronto full of white cops? Where is the poojeet and chink cops?

>> No.53954327

>not being a criminal and joining the gov
NGMI with that attitude.

>> No.53956245

>Riddle me this: why is Toronto full of white cops?
Police aren't paid enough to cover basic living expenses in the big cities, so only people who have family properties are able to work as police officers at their union wages. New immigrants are debt trapped and can't get a foothold to get ahead. In a generation or two you will start to see police demographics change as their families own property and the kids/grandkids have people to live with as they pursue their policing career.
>t. an anon who has actually met police and asked them about cost of living versus real estate problems. Even their kids can't afford to become police officers because cops aren't paid enough in big cities.

>> No.53956267

>They banned stablecoins
Wtf are you talking about m8?

>> No.53956275

Quebec and the Maritimes are the future of European Canada, the rest is going to the dogs

>> No.53956345

>There is a large neo Nazi and alt right wing groups inside the police that keep the Changs and poojeets out
You are an utter moron if you believe this.
Cops are some of the most heavily scrutinized people in society. The only real risk we face is with corruption because their salaries are being eaten by inflation. There are zero nazi cops in Canada. Their families fought the nazis. Read a history book or better yet, actually develop relationships with Canadians and see how fast you are escorted out of their lives when you accuse them of being nazis.

>> No.53956783

why is everyone here talking about indians in Canada? They are less than 5% of the population there.

>> No.53956950

They are 95% of the 500,000 immigrants we take in every year.
This also doesn't count the approximate 1 million people who are eligible for permanent residency every year.. of which the vast majority are Indians working on work visas and student visas.

Indian people are diluting the Canadian population faster than any other group of people.

>> No.53958131

The Canadian economy is a post-secondary/real estate ponzi scheme fuelled by the constant inflow of men from the Indian Subcontinent. They hand out housing loans and student visa to them like hotcakes.

>> No.53958308

Brampton chad? Man white women here are so LOOSE. Brother I tell you, it's like SEA for whites, but like for Indians and Chinese. I roll up with my Miata my dick got burned from all the friction white sluts give me.

>> No.53958345

I, as a white male from a G7 country, looked at getting a work visa to Canada about five years ago, and it looked like they make it extremely difficult. Unless you're willing to do slave labour low skill jobs on a "working holiday". Probably too old now at 33. Do you get extra points for being a poo or something?

>> No.53958452

dude where I live it is a literal sea of yellow and brown.

>> No.53958463

he probably meant - first nations indians aka native americans

>> No.53958522

Mine wants us to move out of SK to go a film school in BC. I am horrified by the idea but trying to bite my tongue.

>> No.53958622

>film school
Don't hold your tongue retard. Grow a spine and tell her that's a fucking terrible idea

>> No.53959128

lmao stop larping. nobody wants you brownoids

>> No.53959207

Well yeah IF you can make 5 million you "buy" a passport in another country* ASAP and move out of this shithole of a country. Castro's son has ruined this country. Over 50k shitskins invading Quebec from America. Over 500k shitskins a year being flown in. The ethinc cleansing of the middle-class housing prices are unreal. Chinks freely bring billions of illegal dollars a year and buying shit up.

Canada is beyond fucked FLEE if you can no matter what FLEEEEEEE CANADA ITS ONLY GOING TO GET WORSE.

>> No.53959229

As an Albertan, smack some sense into her foolish ass. Alberta and Saskatchewan are the only places in this country where you can earn a great wage and pay less for living. BC is not where it's at. Only for vacations.

>> No.53959385

Montreal is cheaper and the wages are better even with retarded taxes. Yes we have a shitskin problem and ever since 2020 Indians are invading. But Quebec has culture and shit to do plus many real industries. You make 40$ an hour in trades. Earning 60-90k is rather simple with education. Alberta and sask has nothing. Working /out/ is also 9001% better here mining foresty etc in the north glyinglyout etc pays more than working in the oil fields with unskilled/trained retards.

>> No.53959510

Besides the China dick sucking that post is spot on. Canada is the dream of the government employee. Never do anything, never contribute and get a big fucking pension.

>> No.53959677
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>> No.53960220

why do foreigners think everyone is inbred? the only races that do cousin marriage are Indians and muslims.

>> No.53961778

You only need 5% stop lyin