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File: 218 KB, 1334x1240, dominic-williams-e1508964331450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53935161 No.53935161 [Reply] [Original]

Give it to my straight biz

Should I buy ICP?

>> No.53935219

It's not web3 but that doesn't make it completely worthless desu. It's like a super inconvenient and gimped but more affordable AWS. Once your project gets banned for breaking their code of conduct you'll have to start over with a completely different tech stack on traditional web2. If you start on AWS and get banned you can fairly easily migrate to some competitor or build your own datacenter.

>> No.53935258

>its not web3
>completely decentralized social media platforms run on it
>its not web3
>just build your own datacenter bro
absolute kek

>> No.53935287

Yes, you should definitely buy ICP, only project with serious 100x potential right now.

>> No.53935293
File: 90 KB, 510x510, 75C338D2-4402-477E-B134-D89CEFED4DEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, if you don’t buy sns1 stack you will never make it

>> No.53935307

I have 9… is that enough

>> No.53935330

if you have to ask...

>> No.53935338
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join us on team eth

>> No.53935357
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>> No.53935385
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>> No.53935423

If nothing else, it's cheap right now. The 2021 money printing bonanza is over and now you can buy things at currently fair valuation. Not that I didn't say "currently fair valuation", not "future fair valuation". Given future events, it can go to 0 too.

>> No.53935428
File: 31 KB, 303x298, 4FA4FB5A-EF66-47A9-BE91-5BDF0DC67E94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50 to /make it/ like ludo

>> No.53935457

It's decentralized in the same sense that AWS is decentralized. Multiple datacenters that offer redundancy, containing multiple servers that offer redundancy within a datacenter. Amazon is a DAO but it has shares instead of tokens. ICP is not permissionless. It's not web3 in any sense at all.

>> No.53935468

I appreciate the irony in that picture. Isn't Salt Bae involved in numerous scandals? Fraud and other scams?

>> No.53935479

This is correct I use my Amazon shares to vote on things just like with ICP. Amazon is the true web3 vision where I vote to remove your content and you have no say. We also have all your data like web3 which is another aspect of web3 owning *your* data.

>> No.53935482

I was unironically looking at the ICP / I Can't Pump chart considering getting some before opening biz and seeing this thread
is this a sign anons ?

>> No.53935558

>just build your own datacenter bro
This is quite trivial, and far less of a headache compared to forking ICP. I don't see why you'd ever fork that garbage. The entire value of ICP is the network.

>> No.53935588

Could you summarize this?

>> No.53935727
File: 26 KB, 639x344, 261011885206958001706878717555636174848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2021: icp it's real web3
>2023: well of course there's got to be filters, what are you a pedophile?

>> No.53935808
File: 266 KB, 481x520, 1677373247019271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based cunny appreciators incidentally exposing ICP's centralization

>> No.53935835
File: 129 KB, 1088x1088, D10DEA34-58DF-4107-8483-ACE39FB92718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you arent smart enough to do a deep dive into ICP and why its important, I cant help you and you are reddit/undeserving of making it.

>> No.53935934

>amazon is a dao
these are the retards that are browsing this mongolian basket weaving forum. so tell me where do i vote for a change in the way amazon works?

>> No.53935936

There's nothing else out there currently that has more potential than the internet computer.

A 10x from here is just $50. Which is completely and totally reasonable. A 100x will be $500 which still isn't even the internet computers all time high and is totally possible in the next bull run.
Some are saying $2k icp. Within the next 10 years who knows what could happen. All I know is ICP is by far the best tech in crypto, is the next technological step forward in cryptocurrencies evolution, and that these numbers don't seem out of reach at all when you consider what the internet computer is and is capable of. Realistically anything you want to multiply by 100 GUARANTEED in the next 10 years, put it in ICP.

>> No.53936192

The only swing I'll do on ICP is from one Bull to the next. 2030 when it's hype deflationary shit is going to 3k and I'll already be retired from 2025

>> No.53936411

based openchat user.

>> No.53938851

Anticipating CHAT tokens, like mad!!!
Got my stash of ICP still but then the likes of KDA, Sylo, and Hbar are really good, keeping tabs on 'em.

>> No.53938875

i bought a single ICP at $4 for the memes

>> No.53939014

>only project with serious 100x potential right now
I guess you are sleeping on QANX, the mcap and its growing ecosystem make 100x an easy ride. Deal with this message however you want.

>> No.53939050

ICP is a good gem, you can get a bag but be weary of going all in. Just diversify into promising alts like NAKA, UTK, and METIS to be safe.

>> No.53939504


>> No.53939604

Yes. We just hit and held 0.618 support. Should it go lower, around $5, $4.7-8 and $4.4-5 are good buy-in levels. I wouldn't count on it though. The provably upcoming wave up might just be part of the correction, but a wave up nontheless. You don't wanna get fomo at $6.7 just to be caught in another drop. We could also be gearing up for the move to $10 from here, whi knows. Nfa.

>> No.53939660

>don't go all in on this blue chip. instead split between these bottom of the barrel mumbai shitcoins no one ever heard of

>> No.53939890

Thanks jeet poster. But his image name is in the format of openchat images.

>> No.53942213

Suicide stack anon? Maybe I could add it to my long term gems of Ride, Mana and Hero

>> No.53942451


>> No.53942560 [DELETED] 
File: 499 KB, 1000x1000, redrabbit13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bob is a man who still lives in his mom's basement. Bob spends his days playing video games, watching anime, and eating Cheetos. He has no job, no girlfriend, and no life. One day, while taking out the trash, Bob notices a stray cat meowing at him. He tries to shoo it away, but the cat keeps following him, leading him to a dirty alleyway. Bob reluctantly follows the cat, thinking it's probably leading him to some sort of crack den.But instead, the cat leads Bob to a filthy bulletin board covered in advertisements. One in particular catches Bob's eye: Red Rabbit token. 'What the hell is this?' he mutters, reading the ad. Bob decides to take a chance and invests all of his mom's money in Red Rabbit. He doesn't know anything about crypto, but he figures it's better than sitting on his arse all day. To his surprise, Red Rabbit takes off like a rocket, making Bob filthy rich. Bob can't believe his luck. He goes out and buys a flashy car, a mansion, and a whole lot of hookers and blow. He's living the life of a rock star, and he loves it. But Bob soon realizes that money can't buy happiness. He misses playing video games in his mom's basement and eating Cheetos. He's lonely and bored, despite his riches. In the end, Bob realizes that he was happier before Red Rabbit came into his life. He sells all his belongings and goes back to his mom's basement, where he resumes his life of video games and Cheetos. But now, he's got a little extra cash to spend on his guilty pleasures. Lesson learned: sometimes, the most unexpected things can change your life. But in the end, it's the simple things that make you happy. And also, don't follow stray cats into alleys. You never know what kind of mess you'll get yourself into.

>> No.53942774 [DELETED] 
File: 296 KB, 1280x1280, redrabbit14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet Jerry. He's a 35-year-old man who still lives in his mom's basement. He spends his days browsing 4chan, watching anime, and avoiding sunlight like a vampire. He has no job, no social skills, and no prospects.One day, while on a rare trip outside to buy some tendies, Jerry encounters a stray cat. The cat meows at him, and Jerry's heart melts. He decides to follow the cat, thinking that maybe it will lead him to a new anime convention or a store that sells waifu pillows.But instead, the cat leads Jerry to a dirty alleyway where he spots an ad for Red Rabbit token. He's never heard of it before, but the cat seems to be nodding in approval, so Jerry decides to take a chance.He goes back to his mom's basement, logs into his Robinhood account, and invests all of his savings in Red Rabbit. To his surprise, the value of the token skyrockets overnight. Jerry becomes an overnight millionaire, and he's ecstatic.He goes on a wild spending spree, buying himself a brand new gaming PC, a life-sized anime figurine, and a bunch of body pillows. He even pays a bunch of camgirls to cosplay as his favorite anime characters.But as the saying goes, money can't buy happiness. Jerry realizes that all the tendies and anime in the world can't fill the void in his heart. He's still a loser living in his mom's basement, and no amount of money can change that.In the end, Jerry realizes that the only way to truly be happy is to accept who he is and try to make the most of his situation. He sells all his expensive toys and goes back to his mom's basement, but this time, he's content. He spends his days browsing 4chan, watching anime, and eating tendies, but now he's also got a ton of cash to burn.

>> No.53942960 [DELETED] 
File: 2.61 MB, 2000x1239, redrabbit10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mysterious Red Rabbit token had been advertised on the 4chan message board for months, claiming to be an arbitrage bot with the potential to yield huge returns. Speculation ran rampant as to who had created such a powerful and mysterious tool, but no one could provide any concrete answers. When the token finally launched in August of 2023, it quickly went viral as investors eagerly poured their money into the new venture. Little did they know that their investment was about to skyrocket. By the end of the year, the Red Rabbit bot had yielded a 1000x return on the original investment, leaving many investors in shock and awe. With no one able to explain the secrets behind the mysterious token, the Red Rabbit's success remains a mystery.

>> No.53943730

kek baggies

>> No.53943754

You just an idiot fr, can't fathom what you saying in relation to the person you replying.

>> No.53943975

>three indicators
Why should anyone listen to a dude that can't afford a TV subscription?

>> No.53944132


sub ONE United States Dollar till EOY, but you would not believe it

>> No.53944343

The image name format is named the exact way all openchat images are.
Like how iphone photos have the same naming convention.

>> No.53945059

>The holders of our common stock are entitled to one vote per share on all matters submitted for action by our stockholders.


Anyone that has shares can attend the shareholder's meeting and cast their vote. The shareholders are akin to a parliament, and the board of directors are akin to the government. The board can make proposals and the shareholders can vote on the proposals. The board is elected by the shareholders.

This is how pretty much all publicly traded companies work. How the fuck did you think it worked?

>> No.53945102

And BTC 4k I guess?

>> No.53945231

Listen to this guy. A DAO is a smart contract and Amazon's board of directors is a smart contract.

>> No.53945336

Literally nobody in this thread said that. Are you on drugs?

>> No.53945433

What? I'm agreeing with you. Amazon is a smart contract DAO