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File: 1.13 MB, 3024x1652, Screenshot 2023-03-02 at 11.18.49 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53930947 No.53930947 [Reply] [Original]

Jordan Peterson HAHAHA. This guy's a joke. He's a clinical psychologist who's somehow managed to build a cult following by spouting off half-baked ideas about "sorting yourself out." His entire shtick is about taking personal responsibility and cleaning your room - as if that's going to solve all your problems. What a load of horseshit. This guy doesn't have any real solutions to offer - he's just cashing in on people's insecurities.

And don't even get me started on Andrew Tate. This guy's a former kickboxer who's now trying to peddle himself as some kind of motivational speaker. His whole thing is about "taking what you want" and being a "champion" - as if life is just a game to be won. Newsflash, you sorry ass losers - life is hard, and there are no shortcuts. You can't just listen to some dipshit on the internet and expect your life to magically improve.

The saddest thing about all of this is that there are so many people out there who actually believe this bullshit. They're so desperate for a quick fix that they'll latch onto anyone who promises them the world - even if it means ignoring their own common sense. They're like sheep being led to the slaughter, and it's fucking pathetic.

So if you're one of these losers who's wasting your time listening to Jordan Peterson or Andrew Tate, I have a message for you - wake the fuck up. Stop looking for easy answers and start taking real action. Stop listening to these clowns who don't know shit about your life and start thinking for yourself. It's time to grow up and face reality, because the only way you're going to succeed in life is by putting in the work. So get off your ass and start making shit happen.

>> No.53931122

>He didn't choose a sacrifice
>He didn't pet a cat
>He didn't slay his dragons
NGMI, bucko

>> No.53931325

J P a joke? But you're still mentioning his name, he is based by the sole fact he wants to do an opposite WEF and he is certainly not alone, Andrew Tate is a beta male though

>> No.53931337

Whats your pic supposed to mean about JP? Is jordan washing penis with BAT?

>> No.53931350

J P a joke? But you're still mentioning his name, he is based by the sole fact he wants to do an opposite WEF and he is certainly not alone, Andrew Tate is a beta male though

>> No.53931407

>wake the fuck up. Stop looking for easy answers and start taking real action.
>JP lecture in a nutshell

Why is this more valuable from you than it is from him?

>> No.53931411

>the only way you're going to succeed in life is by putting in the work. So get off your ass and start making shit happen.
>Literally the message of every JP lecture

>> No.53931428

Yeah, he's telling you those words, but you're not discarding the easy answer. You're still engaging in hollow sloganeering about washing your room.

>> No.53931448

His self authoring changed my life.

Thinking about what my ideal future would be and writing down a plan made my subconscious execute the plan without me being conscious about it.
I was shocked when I read it again 3 years later after having completely forgotten about it, only to find out everything I wrote down was made into reality.

>> No.53931456
File: 17 KB, 600x315, 08b0dd191e705eabd26831fee7377db9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi wojak

>> No.53931468
File: 33 KB, 333x499, 1658e1e46617d627e1eef58de0cd946d0a0d4807d4d535d4814893a23f95cd14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clean your damn room bucko

>> No.53931491


On another note.. People should be searching and watching Brenden O Connell. True dissidents do not make millions of dollars and have huge studios. They are persecuted, left with nothing, destroyed, and possibly assassinated.

Brenden O Connell is the only voice speaking reason. Most alt right media spews “globalist”… it’s the GLOBALIST!!!

If you know so much about the “globalists” why don’t you make them? No one names the true puppet masters. It’s not gates or low hanging fruit soros…

>> No.53931503


Holy. Fucking. Based.

Whatever it is you're selling dude I'm buying it. Perfectly said. A rare find on this cesspit board full of losers.

Incredible, truly breathtaking

>> No.53931645

Dunning–Kruger effect is palpable in Peterson haters

>> No.53931657


Ha! Dunning-Kruger effect my ass. It's just common sense to see through the bullshit that Jordan Peterson spews. The man is a charlatan who preys on vulnerable people who are looking for guidance and meaning in their lives. He's a hack who masquerades as an intellectual, and he's only successful because he tells people what they want to hear. Anyone with half a brain can see through his pseudo-scientific, self-help nonsense. So yeah, keep defending your hero all you want, but the fact remains - Jordan Peterson is a fraud.

>> No.53931703


>> No.53931968

You're dumb, we propped up jordan peterson intentionally after some wackos brought a "white noise generator" to protest his "white opinion". A mild "fuck you" to the people who were getting him fired from the university.

It's not my fault you idiots took him as your savior.

>> No.53931992

t. Bedeviled egg