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53930133 No.53930133 [Reply] [Original]

on the 7th, I know by all rights I should win (They cut my hours to nothing and now pretended like it's a mystery why I told them I'm not gonna keep clocking in for one hour a day)
If I fail I'm fucked it will hold back about 3.1k of my unemployment which I desperately need, if I win I can move on with my life.

But my gut says they will lie and the judge will favor them because they are black and business owners, I didn't know they were black until I was already hired they bait and switched me using all white hires/HR then boom niggerville and lies through their teeth right off the bat and fucked me out of hours and never let me take my breaks, meanwhile all the niggers who worked for them got 40 hours guaranteed and were doing 10 hours a work a week.

I fucking hate this god damn system we are in, what are the chances of me winning and if I feel like I'm gonna lose I just wanna scream nigger over and over.

>> No.53930145

Just get a job lol

>> No.53930151

Yeah I need one but these fucking douchebags cut my hours and pretended I'd get more eventually till the point I was so fucking behind in bills now and expecting an easy UI to pay off the previous bills, now I can't even fucking get enough gas to get a job and am completely beyond fucked because a few dumb young niggers wanted to lie to save some money.

>> No.53930221

just get another job retard. muh gas lmfao. you don't have $2? retard

>> No.53930240

>blacks did this to me

>> No.53930258

What was the job and company?

>> No.53930276

He was a fluffer for BLACKED.COM

>> No.53930289

Amazon DSP driver.

>> No.53930309

I don't live in mumbai ranjesh unemployment is strictly a burger issue and it's $3 a gallon here.

>> No.53930340

Which of these is more soul crushing and humiliating?

>> No.53930371

A response from a non nigger would be interesting.

>> No.53930382

Goes to show you how many threads are fake here, all fake responses for some shitty larp and I make a real thread and get 8 trolls.

>> No.53930392

If the judge is black or a woman it's gg

>> No.53930403

Unironically either an african or pajeet, might be fucked regardless I can see his name and it looks like a jeets.

>> No.53930446

you might have a chance, just be clean and present yourself well

>> No.53930480

It's a phone interview which might help my case since I sound better than I look, I'm just going to be matter of fact, they hired me and too many people, let me work a month then after the new year rolled around cut me down to less than 25 hours a week sometimes 5 a week which was unacceptable and should be good cause to leave a job, was costing me an hour in gas/driving to work an hour.

They tried to claim it was because my medical issues is why they cut me then claimed it was my driving record then said it was my pace.
(Driving record was perfect pace was ahead of everyone elses)
They didn't like it cause I called them out on being cheapskates when they gave me a van with no brakes and tried to claim it was a factory setting for a van to have no brakes.
Soon as I called them out they cut me to nothing.

>> No.53930521

What the hell kind of job was this supposed to be anyway?

>> No.53930525

Gay ass deliver job for amazon I actually enjoyed it, they (niggerbosses and redheaded cucked wigger middle management) made the job a fucking nightmare and wasn't only me I got emails from other workers complaining of the exact same shit which I put in the appeals docket.

>> No.53932098


>> No.53932201
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I use to work at a chipotle that tried the 1 hour a day thing but worse is they would have me come in at open everyday and then say they didn't need me so come back in 1 hour but what they didn't know is that I lived literally 1 min away so I never said anything, specifically because I would get a free meal with double meat each time I worked the 1 hour and I would come in almost every day that I didn't work and get a 50% off meals, all in all despite only working 4 days a week and only 1 hour each of those days, when you factor in how much food I was getting and how little hours I actually had I was probably one of the highest paid per hour chipotle workers in the world. It was the same shit where I was the only white guy and they were trying to get me to quit, this 1 hour work days went on for about 4 months until I finally decided to quit because I was absolute sick of eating chipotle but it was fun while it lasted.

Anyways good luck anon but you're probably fucked because white people bad.

>> No.53932356
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>They tried to claim it was because my medical issues
lmao, try that shit in Europe. It ain't the best, but at least you won't get shafted like this.

Sorry I can't give you any actual advice

>> No.53933198

You could probably sue them with your coworkers and if the like you, you could have a chance, go talk to a lawyer because it's against so many laws to not have breaks.
Here is a video that you should watch, know your rights

>> No.53933364

>they gave me a van with no brakes and tried to claim it was a factory setting for a van to have no brakes
kek, what?

>> No.53933750

OP you sound like the person to blame literally everything and everyone but yourself for any inconvenience in your life, and constantly seek retribution from the world like it owes you something

>> No.53933799

Learn to use punctuation you dumb drop out.

>> No.53933860

You'll probably win, and if you'd don't, appeal and you'll probably win that.

>> No.53933904

I used to work in this shitty little office and the cunt office manager used to actually go out of her way to fight the unemployment of these poor ghetto people that were just trying to get by. because she "didn't think that the deserved it" She tried to make it look like she was doing that because it was the right thing to do, but she was really doing it out of spite. People like that deserve brain cancer.

>> No.53933939

Right back at you ranjesh.
If you hire a full time worker (32 hours minimum a week)
And you get scheduled 5 hours a week for multiple weeks, let's see how you like it.
I wasn't seasonal and I told them about my disabilities before I was hired.
Literally didn't do anything wrong but glad you decide you know me better than myself.

>> No.53933956

Yeah that's the response that caused me to rip into my middle management for being absolutely clueless, I was raised working on cars when the brakes his the floor it's because you got no fluid or brakes have failed
(In this case the brakes were shot the van was from the early 90s')

>> No.53934033

If you have any prove of that, you could make their live literal hell, or at least in Germany.
I mean it's probably easier what laws it won't break

>> No.53934063

>They are black business owners

You already lost. Jewish judge will 100% side with them. You are fucked. Should have never worked for black people

>> No.53934102

I would quit, and find a new job.

>> No.53934173

Imagine being a burger and having rights as a worker LMAO

>> No.53934176

It’s great seeing white people getting a taste of their own medicine and seeing how much it sucks

>> No.53934192
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technically white owned how they tricked me but all black management and general manager so they kiss ass to the rich white social justice cuck that ran the place so they could get money, I knew it was weird when the owned offered me $100 to come take an extra shift near the holidays and the nigger who was suppose to give me my money pretended he didn't know what I was talking about then I asked the owner and he then begrudgingly brought out an envelope with my money.
told me right then and there the niggers are pocketing extra money they are saving by cutting people and lying.
Email from another worker who quit the same day.

What I did and what I'm attempting to do, they owe my UI by something called "constructive dismissal" basically when an employer cuts 25% of your scheduled hours just once is good enough cause to quit and get UI, they cut me over 50% for an entire month.
Then asked me to do their nigger work owner is flipping houses and wanted me to move their furniture for them instead of the job I was hired to do.

>> No.53934209

Yeah cause I've been a business owner hiring black people and fucking them over before....

>> No.53934249

Yea that’s the point. Regardless of who you are and your individual past actions, you get discriminated against and are treated unfairly. For the last decade whites have been getting this treatment and can’t seem to get the lightbulb to go off, ie “oooooooh this is what WE did to everyone else for so long”

>> No.53934320

>whites are a monolith
Dumb nigger

>> No.53934400

Blacks have had free jobs, food, shelter, and literal income for being born black since way before I was ever born.
If anyone is owed anything in this country is the lower class whites who have had to put up with this nigger shit for ages now.
And nigger is a mentality not a skin color, the owner was a nigger for cucking to young black incompetent management when there were plenty of responsible righteous and hard working people to choose from.
Fucking trailer where the niggers worked out of smelled like vodka all the time and just blasted nigger rap music, they kept losing keys and blaming it on other good workers and turns out if was the niggers the whole time.

>> No.53934709


Thieves in high positions will cause any company to rot. It sounds like the management is embezzling. If the owner hired a forensic accountant and a lawyer to get work times/statements from employees who were cut in conjunction with their pay into paper they could remove the offenders. I fucking hate SA tier niggers. We’re going to collapse because of them in much the same way that SA will, unless the virtuously racist Hispanics fight the shit out of them like they do in their home countries. (I’m in USA. I don’t like any other groups btw, but tolerate Hispanics for their outwards racism towards blacks.)

>> No.53934873

Hispanics at least work and aren't complete jews I still get used tires and some basic mechanic work from them, and they never tax because you know they aren't paying that shit.
Yeah I'm fairly sure amazon was suppose to be paying us 40 hours guaranteed I could never break 40 even when I took on 5th shifts we were suppose to get 10 hours a day but they made sure never to allow more than 7.60 and I started pacing myself more to get 10 hours soon as I did boom 1 hour the next day every week until the last week I had worked 5 total hours and drove into work 5 times, was a 30 minute drive mind you and I knew people working there driving an hour.

>> No.53934948

yes hahahaha keep coping yt boy !