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53925669 No.53925669 [Reply] [Original]

24yo Dropout. I’ve been in Engineering, smoked weed, wasted a lot of time. Dropped out last year ago. Matured and wageslaved , will go back to uni for Law School. Not from Burgerland btw. Thought about studying hard af , big law entry level jobs for the top people are like 150k+.

>> No.53925730

Chase your dreams because you never know when you'll be diagnosed with AIDS or a nigger stabs you or nukes fall andd everyone dies.

>> No.53925890

I hope you have connections, otherwise it's a pipe dream for most.
t. worked at Dentons

>> No.53926646

the fact that you dropped out at 24 and are a pothead tells me you're not cutout for being a top-tier lawyer. People that find success in that field made it look easy since middle school.

Hate to break it to all you pot heads, but they did a long-term study in New Zealand that showed, clearly, there are long term effects from smoking pot while your brain is still developing.


>> No.53926712

That being said, you should still try. Get some modafinil and swing for the fences.

>> No.53927953

waste of time and effort
dropped out after 1st year of lawschool

>> No.53928150

why would you want to go into law? Literally the most boring garbage imaginable, I know people who 'made it' as in got in top tier places in law, and they work completely insane hours doing fucking horrible shit. There are better ways of making a lot of money if that's what you want and willing to grind

>> No.53928192

My 6'2 gigachad cousin that my mom always compares me to was a D1 scholarship tennis player and decided to go into law school and now he's a corporate attourney and makes over 100k a month

>> No.53928213

if you become a lawyer you are automatically also stuck in your area of law later. hope you don't want to move to a different country or work remote dear fren.

>> No.53928219


I just googled his name and its all over Google. All his law firms n shit. Apparently he's a "super laywer"..
Makes it look so easy.

>> No.53928241

This. Just found out I have covid. Made me reflect on how much time I waste online or taking notes of things I want to do instead of doing them.

>> No.53930033

>top tier places in law, and they work completely insane hours doing fucking horrible shit
Yup I went to law school, got a taste...and said fuck that. OP should get an MBA and do something interesting.

>> No.53930941

I'm a lawyer and don't recommend it to anyone.

IMO the best way to become wealthy without connections is to study medicine.

Literally every other field will just make you comfortably middle class at best, unless you have connections or get extremely lucky. If you work very hard in law

If you have connections then it doesn't really matter what field you choose.

>> No.53931251

>the fact that you dropped out at 24 and are a pothead tells me you're not cutout for being a top-tier lawyer

I've been smoking weed every day since age 15. I've been a lawyer for nine years. Started with nothing. I'm a multimillionaire now. I'm working 2 cases with 1 mil plus in damages right now. Got a 1 mil settlement last year. Also a high school dropout. How come my brain wasn't destroyed by all that pot i smoked when you were reading great expectations and learning calculus bullshit? Who was smarter anon? I wasn't dumb enough to waste time on that bullshit when I could be smoking dope and doing fun shit

>> No.53931290

You’re not top people. Not even close.

>> No.53931319

>big law

PLEB you are NGMI.

I can think of like 20 ways to make a lot of money as a lawyer and none of them require me to wage for BIG LAW. I honestly dont think you have the mind for it based on this.

>> No.53932089

How do you become a lawyer while being a high school dropout? Also this sounds suspicious, smoking occasionally is one one thing, but every day it will start to fuck up your brain after years of doing it. However if I've learned anything as I've gotten older its that you can be pretty much retarded and highly successful in a career. Seen it many times. Also success is very personal, being a lawyer would be a nightmare to most people, its incredible boring meaningless tedious work, and no amount of money is going to change that. I'd rather drink my own piss than have to work on one of your cases

>> No.53932562

Law is dumb.
Profession with a high probability to be replaced (at least to a large extent) my AI.

>> No.53932811
File: 32 KB, 500x330, 8F203970-2D07-45EF-8785-F6F92EB04670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not live in the states, I am from Europe. Doctors aren also Not Rich Here. I donˋt know, I like the humanities, that´s why Engineering wasnˋt for me. I‘ll Start next month, if it‘s shit I‘ll Start Saving Money and Go eastern Europe next year to study medicine. Sorry for weird Auto Korrektur

>I can think of like 20 ways to make a lot of money as a lawyer and none of them require me to wage for BIG LAW.
Like for example? Beine a crypto lawyer? Or e–Sports?

>> No.53932855

just become a maxed out on ravens progressive matrices autist like me and turn 2k into 5m within a year trading

>> No.53932862

>have a low IQ
>make sweeping predictions about things you don't understand
many such cases

>> No.53932884

to be honest, if you were still smoking pot at age 24 chances are your IQ is simply not that high

it's completely okay being mediocre.

before the age of 18, i did everything, i even injected heroin in my vain, because i'm very high iq and open to experience, but after the age of 18, all i did was read milton friedman, friedrich hayek. this is the coming of age of an high iq person.

smoking pot after the age of 20 is like playing with batman after the age of 10 (when by than you shuold be owning geeks on mmorpgs or fps)

its really okay to be mediocre don't worry