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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 347x343, ICX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5391981 No.5391981 [Reply] [Original]

2.5 more hours until it starts mooning again. You've been warned.

>> No.5392064
File: 8 KB, 288x293, 1496244320754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5392113

Yup. I even bought the small dips to brace myself.

>> No.5392157
File: 9 KB, 216x234, 654278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying it will moon harder? I'm loving this.

>> No.5392161

About to sleep. Hope ur right and I wake up green Wojacked

>> No.5392204

when will it dip?

>> No.5392208

Yep, you can sleep comfy. It's going to rise for at least 12 hours.

>> No.5392223

the next dip will be from $10 to $9.55

>> No.5392285

Yep seems like the first thing Asians do when they wake up in the morning is buy ICX. It's like clockwork and I'm glad we're holding value through the night.

>> No.5392354


Being serious here how high do we think this will go in 2018?

>> No.5392447


>> No.5392496

It should be compared to NEM. It's about 1.x billion marketcap now. So about 7x. So 28 is my guess.

>> No.5392621


this is happening right now

>> No.5392836

just fomod in all my REQ profits

i swear to god you fickers better not be playing me

>> No.5392861

I honestly think we'll reach $10 or more within a couple of months given what we have to look forwards to in the short term.

>> No.5392981

Wow a double in a couple months.

Fuck off retard this is crypto anything less than $10 by EOTY will be a massive disappointment.

>> No.5393087

It's under $4 at the moment you colossal dickbag. Also I have more ICX than you so kys yourself.

>> No.5393101

Honestly looks like it's crashing, I'm selling and hoping in to TRX.

>> No.5393135


>> No.5393166
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>> No.5393181

Lol youre going to hodl those TRX bags soon

>> No.5393330

I mean it's been floating around 5400-5700 on the ETH pair for 12 hours but it doesn't look like it's being held down. Isn't that a sign it's going to tank combined with the massive sell walls?

I like the coin but am concerned I did get in yesterday at 4100 though.

>> No.5393383

It's being suppressed by whales. Bithumb is gonna make the cherry pop. I'm 90% in this and just HODL till other ventures appear in the early new year. I'm done trading for the year, this shit's backed by the Korean Gov't.

>> No.5393393

Don't watch the ETH pair. It bounced off a massive BTC wall at ATH, but it was out of steam from the day's pump. It'll get going again, and it chews through walls very quickly with the volume it's getting.

>> No.5393414

>something does not go up in value for more than 5mins
>it is obviously crashing
The mentality of /biz/ and idiots thinking crypto will make them millionaires in a few days

>> No.5393444

went from 55 rubles to 750k USD in 3 days

>> No.5393515

I like the ETH pair, I know it's so much easier to think and trade in BTC but I think BTC is a worthless shitcoin and want to keep ETH as my reserve currency.

>> No.5393536

Yeah BTC is shit, but its pairing gets more volume so it's more useful to watch.

>> No.5393563


i dont care about the btc ratio, i want to increase my eth stack, so im glad there's an eth pair

however im not sure if icx is a good boy atm, it did jump alot overnight, so it could go either way now tbqh desu

>> No.5393745
File: 110 KB, 657x539, 1508315947115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is why /biz/ stays poor

>> No.5393824

WTF was that on ICX / ETH ?

>> No.5393852

Pajeets and other retards.

>> No.5393889

This drop to 5150 tho.. thx god I don't have a stop loss

>> No.5393891

someone used the market sell function

pretty useful tbqh, but i have the feeling it tricks me

>> No.5394134

This dip needs to hurry n pass

>> No.5394161



>> No.5394194

If we're playing you then we're playing ourselves too. This shit is a sizable chunk of a lot of our portfolios

>> No.5394196
File: 7 KB, 224x225, 1507580235172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5394236

Even if it does dip now don't be fags and sell, there's so much happening in the next couple of weeks.

>> No.5394276

Guys maybe stupid question.
I also use the eth pair but how do you call the 0.000001 ethereum?
Its like 0.05 satoshi right?

>> No.5394300

that's the scary thing with this coin. people have millions of it and when a few of them sell the price drops by 20-30 sat and if they make new walls on that you get stuck high.

>> No.5394349
File: 45 KB, 383x530, 123www3333333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ethereum has alot of unit names

see pic

>> No.5394351

Anyone know anything about Elf? I want to get in, volume seems to be picking up on it, but seems like a piece of shit.

Ideally I could hope in there for a couple days, get a quick 50% pump, and get back in ICX cheaper.

>> No.5394371

var unitMap = {
'wei': '1',
'kwei': '1000',
'ada': '1000',
'femtoether': '1000',
'mwei': '1000000',
'babbage': '1000000',
'picoether': '1000000',
'gwei': '1000000000',
'shannon': '1000000000',
'nanoether': '1000000000',
'nano': '1000000000',
'szabo': '1000000000000',
'microether': '1000000000000',
'micro': '1000000000000',
'finney': '1000000000000000',
'milliether': '1000000000000000',
'milli': '1000000000000000',
'ether': '1000000000000000000',
'kether': '1000000000000000000000',
'grand': '1000000000000000000000',
'einstein': '1000000000000000000000',
'mether': '1000000000000000000000000',
'gether': '1000000000000000000000000000',
'tether': '1000000000000000000000000000000'

>> No.5394445

I will be able to deposit €1500 on Jan 1. Will this coin still be worth it by then?

>> No.5394449


>> No.5394483

Yes anything under 10$ is a steal in the long term, if you're in it for the short term then ı'd say anything under 5-6$ is a steal but we might see those numbers tomorrow already.

>> No.5394556

Alright, thanks, looking for 1-2 year hold. What's the realistic price by then? 25$?

>> No.5394574


>> No.5394617


>> No.5394725

ICX is crash resilient

>> No.5394775
File: 2.43 MB, 5476x6797, Spec-R-ICON-partnership-300ppi-Final-V2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you all at $100

>> No.5394784

At least 100$ (conservative thinking too) if all this crypto business keep going this way.

>> No.5394848

the question is do i buy AION?

>> No.5394860

spam CMC with updated info


>> No.5394872

aion is good but why not just buy more icon?

>> No.5394909
File: 79 KB, 916x892, 1493105127001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 ETH = 0.000000000001 USDT

>> No.5395060


> WE

>> No.5395158


>> No.5395551

Not realy mooning today, Korean not working on saturday ?

>> No.5395640

its not on any korean exchanges yet.

>> No.5395759

It's 3 AM over there. The yellow people need to sleep too, you know.

>> No.5396058

I held for the first 3 or so days after listing and this shit would just jump back and forth between 2.10 and 2.90 everyday. The second I drop it starts to jump from 2.60 to 4.10+. Salty as fuck

I do agree with others though, it will more than likely jump again in approx 4 hours, it jumps up every day at this time

>> No.5396777

Req was going sideways for days, so I sold it for this coin. The second I did that Req moond -_- WTF

>> No.5396821

Don't day trade this nubs, you will lose money. Just put some lunch money into this and wait 6 months, easiest 10-20x of your life. This is like getting into Ethereum when it was $70.

>> No.5397001

Maybe you faggots should try holding more than a few days

>> No.5397066

I was holding Req for weeks, I made some good profit and I sold only 30% of my Req for ICX. But the second I sold it moon

>> No.5397265

Sold half my TRX and all my WABI to buy this at ATH. /biz/ way boys. Am I fucked?

>> No.5397309

Why aren't you stupid cucks buying more of this shit up. I bought more last night at 2300 and I'm already up from that. Its already 40% of my portfolio and I'm gonna be filthy rich. Up 50% from my initial entry.

Get on it faggots

>> No.5397355


How many do you have anon? I went all in at 1800 sats and have 8100 of it

>> No.5397441


I went in at 1655, I have almost the same as you. we gonna be rich senpai

>> No.5397478

i sold at 5700 and bought back in at 5700 this shit is about to pump another 25-50%

>> No.5397482
File: 1001 KB, 638x639, GOTIME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

64 snm here, bought last night, am i gonna make it?

>> No.5397505

This is gonna pull a ada and run to top 5 coin easily. You have been warned biz idiots. If you dont buy now you will regret it for life.

>> No.5397506
File: 61 KB, 1354x889, 1512867208307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol wait, 64 icx, got a little more snm than that xD

>> No.5397518

KEK love it anon

>> No.5397526

Stocked up and ready, getting in heavy before the takeoff this time

>> No.5397574
File: 82 KB, 582x582, cKWkYtc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You gonna make it when it hits $800 by the end of next year XDDDD

>> No.5397579

wow, i just have found this info http://spec-rationality.com/icon/#23Dec icon looks more amazing by the day

>> No.5397604

Just traded all my snek money for this. The chart doesn’t look very good to me but fuck it they never do before they moon.

>> No.5397649


I'm gonna sell half my ICX in a few weeks and put it into XLM for January. ICX should moon much sooner with mainnet and korean exchanges.

>> No.5397657

really trying not to fomo into this but looks promising as fuck. I want to make it with you /biz/bros

>> No.5397703

This guy gets it