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53919324 No.53919324 [Reply] [Original]

what certifications should I get to land a comfy work-from-home job

>> No.53919351


>a comfy work-from-home job

Working from home is not comfy, sir. Last time I had a real life non-ZOOM conversation with another human being was in 2020. I have no gf at 31 years old and I won't get her unless I change my job. But I can't because it is extremely well paid and other jobs adopted this retarded remote practice as well. Fuck my life, no money is worth dying alone and childless. Should have become an architect or something.

t. CS monkey from Easter Europe

>> No.53919354

Welding certification

>> No.53919449
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Same except 33. Got evicted last year and now I literally work in my Mom's basement and eat lunch with her every day. I've got nothing else except great income.

>> No.53919484
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>AAAAAAAaAaaaaAAA nooo I have a ton of disposable income and no rib to waste it all for me!!!

>> No.53919498

Imagine licking her armpits. That wouldn't be weird right haha

>> No.53919511

learn solidity, thank me later

>> No.53919514

It’s called humble bragging. A common activity of low self esteem incels fishing for compliments. Unfortunately for him he would probably be an incel regardless of whether or not he drives to work. I don’t know why all of these computer programmer types have suddenly deluded themselves into thinking they’re attractive - when being a coder was always associated with being an autistic shut in nerd virgin and now also a tranny

>> No.53919525

Just a out and meet people or find a social hobby. This way you will get friends and they will provide a gf.

>> No.53919545

That's a man

>> No.53919551
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If you're not physically attractive, flirting at work is a death sentence.

You will just get reported to HR for sexual harrasament and get fired without benefits.>

Today it's app or nothing.

>> No.53919564

The good news is that he doesn’t have to worry about sexual harassment at work because he works at a job comprised of predominately men. At best he would be working with autistic crossdressing males who think being a woman is dressing like a final fantasy character.

There’s a reason the stereotype of software engineer sexpat in Southeast Asia goes back 40 years at this point, because coderfags have always been social retards who have to pay for sex and nothing will ever change that

>> No.53919594


>flirting at work is a death sentence.

Not in Eastern Europe. At least where I live.


I am not that social and neither my hobbies, that's the problem. I have no reasons to leave my home and I'm not sure I'll ever have them. I am not the most attractive person on Earth and I do consider myself somewhat autistic in social situations, but I have no problem interacting with people in general and I am confident I could get a gf if I had a woman around my social circle.

>> No.53919616

>I have no reasons to leave my home

This is exactly the problem with software dev types. You all have Asperger’s syndrome. “I cannot come up with any mathematical or utilitarian purpose to leave my house”

That is fucking autistic. That is why you have few friends and no women in your life, because you’re too cold and calculating. Stick to southeast Asian whoremongering because the part of your brain that decides whether or not you’re a human being never developed. You will have to settle for sexual intercourse in a purely cold and transactional nature because all you seem to understand is numbers and utility

>> No.53919626

Should i take flying lessons?

>> No.53919658


>humble bragging

I swear I din't had intentions of bragging in any way. My situation is a combination of my own personality, retarded decisions I took in the past and external factors. Even if I didn't have my current wage I would be in the same situation and most likely wrote similar post.

>> No.53919684

Fucking based post. The autists with remote jobs don’t even deserve them.

>> No.53919686

>I am not that social and neither my hobbies, that's the problem. I have no reasons to leave my home and I'm not sure I'll ever have them. I am not the most attractive person on Earth and I do consider myself somewhat autistic in social situations, but I have no problem interacting with people in general and I am confident I could get a gf if I had a woman around my social circle.
Women are generally a waste of resources, having one isn't really all it's cracked up to be. Regardless, you can develop a social circle outside of a work environment. Find a hobby you enjoy that has to take place outside of the house and find some fb group for your area for it or something like that. Most relationships I've had and those around me have had stemmed from mutual friends. Ex: a male friend of mine introduced me to a female friend of theirs.

>> No.53919692

Since you have autism, think of life as an MMORPG.

Who is more likable?:
1. East Asian insectoid constantly grinding and increasing his numbers. Never going off the path of chasing more experience points and better gear as doing anything else is a waste of time and XP. Doesn’t speak or interact with other players unless it’s necessary for increasing skill level or in game currency.

2. Teenagers who periodically organize raids of the low level zone, killing opposing factions not for the purpose of increasing their skill level but because it’s funny to make the other guys seethe, the weirdos using their character to roleplay a gay interracial sexual experience, or the guys who just login periodically to shoot the shit with their friends not worrying about the outcome or worrying about XP waste

I would say the people in the 2nd scenario are more likable and fun to be around. Unfortunately “Leaving the house is XP waste” is more closer to the Chinese XP farmer’s frame of thinking. Very few people want to play the game with Chinese XP farmer except other Chinese XP farmers who want maximum efficiency out of a friend. In the real world this translates to only the employment machine and purely transactional entities care about you.

>> No.53919702

>Women are generally a waste of resources

You’re right, women are EXP waste. So is eating a delicious cheeseburger or going skiing. Life is about making number go up

>> No.53919805

why do roasties get tattoos?

>> No.53919927

Whoa, friendly fire mate. I'm not that level of autistic. I just don't think women are worth going out of your way to pursue. Generally cause more issues than they solve

>> No.53920211

her toes like lollipops fren