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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53918645 No.53918645 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking of starting my own business (in California) so I can put some bullshit on my resume and actually get someone to give a shit about me. Is this a good idea?
Thanks in advance.

>> No.53918679

under capitalism the government subsidizes farmers to produce gmo corn and cheese and feeds it to poor people who become bloated monstrosities addicted to sugar and afflicted with diabetes and heart disease, thus in turn driving profit to food companies and medical companies

>> No.53918686

>starting a business in Commiefornia
not a good idea

>> No.53918704

Even if I'm the only "employee"? I was thinking I could pay myself, operate on a loss, and maybe get some tax refunds from the state.

>> No.53918735
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And under communism the state can starve political dissidents to death because they control every part of agriculture.

>> No.53918750

Do it. You don't need to even register if your business makes less than a certain amount.

You can write your title as CEO. A lot of software devs put that in their title when all they've done is write a small app for their "startup"

>> No.53918764

>capitalism is the problem
>not human nature
retards somehow fail to realize that a system not designed around human nature and its failings will inevitably result in a situation much worse

>> No.53918777
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>dude, we're doing things for profit
Damn bro, fuck this capatalism shit.
Let's run unprofitable businesses draining resources from profitable ones just to grow weed, labor is clearly magic and the very existence of it regardless of its setting makes thermodynamics a spook.

>> No.53918822

Thanks. I'd rather not put CEO on a resume, that would obviously be bullshit. I'm thinking more along the lines of "Lead of Software Design" or something similar.

>> No.53919124

>when it's not profitable to feed people
We are reaching cosmic levels of retardation

>> No.53919203

It's why subsidies exist and the govt buys milk when there's too much supply.
There's always the third position when you decide to grow out of the commie vs capitalist spectrum.

>> No.53920112
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Under communism food isn't produced. It's not profitable to feed people, we let them starve. There is scarcity despite using forced labor. Retarded faggots try to justify its existence.

>> No.53920161

Brainwashed by capitalism. The economy is collapsing and profits have never been higher.

>> No.53920166

>thinking of being a freeman so I can price I'm a worthwhile slave
What the fuck is up in California?

>> No.53920203

Same as everywhere else. California isn't a bad place, but it's still part of the USA, which has been an unbearable shithole and closely approaching middle-east shithole status. Gotta make money, and then get out.

>> No.53920522


self-employment and business ownership is basically an empty gap in your resume

employers don't want to hire a wagie that can go into business against them

>> No.53920570

Where does this government milk go? Can I get some for free? I am interested in suckling the literal milk from the taxpayer's teat.

>> No.53920641

i can't wait until humans are so economically marginal that they simply starve to death by the billions

>> No.53920654

Human nature? All systems are darwinian, it is a consequence of entropy! We will be shoved aside and starved out by our technological offspring.

>> No.53920664

>our labor has conquered scarcity
Citation needed. Also any system that imposes malthusian constraints on Africa sounds good by me. I think we have enough.

>> No.53920671

Or you can aggressively halt the development of technology with extreme violence, and only allow a limited form of human centric capitalism.

The future is either total tyranny, mass surveillance, and control in favor of human survival.


liberty, freedom of speech, and mass famines that kill billions of useless parasites.

I choose the latter, I choose DEATH.

>> No.53920680

And I don't mean I choose to join the machines, I mean I would rather literally starve to death while machines take over.

>> No.53920946

Is this considered 3-D chess ?

>> No.53920951

Is this 3-D chess ?

>> No.53920968

Can 3-D chess solve this problem ?

>> No.53920973

Profits have never been higher because inflation made everything more expensive and made our money more worthlesss.

>> No.53921001
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This guide we made might help you out OP:


But no, in general it's probably going to cost you, and the administrative work you need to put out even for a fake business might bite you in the ass. You're better off saying you were a manger at a closed down business, and have an experienced friend pretend to be your reference from that business.

>> No.53921056

Yes poor people die from corn syrup at 60 and stop being a drain on the system.

>> No.53921203

Huge mistake starting it in Cuckfornia.
They will tax you to oblivion and have a bunch of fucked up regulations by the Marxists.
You'd be smart not to live in California.
When you leave they will charge you an exit tax as well.
Get the fuck out before you do this.
Thank me later.