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File: 346 KB, 2114x1342, 20230302_235023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53918505 No.53918505 [Reply] [Original]

Link is following the same chart as ETH in 2019. The pump will start sometime in July. Link will go to $240 in 2024. Start stacking NOW
Screenshot this

>> No.53918514
File: 36 KB, 394x370, 1676763560414865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are such a fucking faggot

>> No.53918530


>> No.53918534

ETH is needed
LINK is not needed

>> No.53918540

Based, is 2m enough to make it?

>> No.53918542

Why is this board full of mathcels? Like seriously, how does someone overlap charts like a literal child and convince themselves that it has any scientific merit whatsoever, without being mentally retarded?

>> No.53918549
File: 418 KB, 537x616, 1500354642212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will NEVER buy your shitcoin
do you understand

>> No.53918560

Eth is “needed”
Link is needed

>> No.53918575

cope and seethe linklets. you had SIX YEARS

>> No.53918598

yeah and guess what
we're gonna have 6 more
and you're gonna be poor

>> No.53918630

inconceivable unfathomable incompressible boot licking amounts of mental illness, crippling learning disabilities, special needs, and phonically acute immeasurable magnitudes of severe retardation and deluded delusional psychosis homeless piece of drift wood levels of cope

>> No.53918665

I screencapped this just in case you are correct. I will post it if you are right and tell no linkers to seethe and dilate.

>> No.53918675

Market conditions for ETH in 2019 does not equate to market conditions in 2023 and [insert crypto here]

>> No.53918701

I would be pretty sad if it only got to $240.

>> No.53918705

I’ll take it.

>> No.53918724

The vitriol is something to be seen

>> No.53918737
File: 1.51 MB, 1242x1238, 21848962-0C87-461F-9493-256E85577DBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53918742
File: 116 KB, 1170x221, 202A82C7-EAAD-4FD6-AAA1-453812E7E2DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I screencapped so many retard takes. Gonna have so much fun with these in a year lmao

>> No.53918775

It’ll barely scrape $100

>> No.53918873

Are you blind? The charts aren't the "same" you delusional bagholder. Open your eyes. If you really want to know where LINK is headed, check XRP's chart.

>> No.53918887

>coins go up in a bullmarket!!!

no shit retard lmao nothing mystic about your "prediction"

>> No.53918902
File: 39 KB, 979x141, A98C5189-5525-4687-8AAD-23D176CC7AFB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah fuck Bulgarians

>> No.53918911

But is it sneeded?

>> No.53918956

Enough of this link shill roasties. This is already a sign not to ape in for me, instead I will add more CYMI that enables me to spend my BTC.

>> No.53919513

>eth is needed

>> No.53919642

>Look at this rare pattern it went up and it also went down !!!!!!!

>> No.53919710

this kills the fudfags

>> No.53919723

Couldn't a link holder post a that to make it look like Bulgarians are really trying to steal his stinkies?

>> No.53919748

>If you really want to know where LINK is headed, check XRP's chart.
Alright, rank 6 here we come!

>> No.53920137

Lmao is xrp still rank 6 after 6 years of dumping on goyim and getting sued by sec

>> No.53920165
File: 122 KB, 1080x881, 1623314474649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal rugpull
>projected to have the same groth of the blockchain it was minted on
>after the SEC debacle
>in a bear market
Comedy gold

>> No.53920207

>in a bear market
Bull market is coming you can tell because of the binance fud

>> No.53920374

Is the link fudder an eth maxi?

>> No.53920444

Most of them are the faggots who were posting threads gloating about their 5% APY on Celsius, Bancor and the like. So no, they're poormaxis.

>> No.53920477

If and when this shit reclaims $7 I'm buuuuuying so hard.

>> No.53920527

Why do linkies do this to themselves?