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5391850 No.5391850 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say I have 2000 dollars.

I find a team that has the odds 1.04 for one team, and 10.00 for the other. Obviously the 1.04 one will win. Inb4 "there's a chance it won't though and you'll lose everything!" but come on, seriously? How the fuck can it lose?

So I bet 2000 on that, and make 60 dollars.

I make one bet like that every day of the week, and end up with 400 altogether.


>> No.5391900

it should work, I dont see a flaw

>> No.5391939

yes it can fail you idiot
one upset game and you eat a -2000 loss

>> No.5391957
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Do it OP. The method is ironclad though so you should use your entire life savings to maximize profits.

>> No.5391989

it's very unlikely, but that doesn't mean that it's im impossible.
the expectation value of these bets is always negative, so you will lose it all if you bet many times.

>> No.5391993

You obviously don't watch sports

>> No.5391996
File: 59 KB, 700x438, 1513917146831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to this fud OP. He wants you to stay poor. Chase your dreams

>> No.5392025

Big teams like Barca and Real contractory obligated to lose at least couple of times a year.
After Arsenal's unbeaten run no one repeated that in big leagues. Because after that bookmakers understand that they can loose market if the same situation repeats.

>> No.5392030

i dunno, go look through the history and see how often the 10.00 team wins and use that data to determine if it's worth it

maybe you win 25 days in a row and profit $1500 and then lose once and you're down $2000

>> No.5392062

is there an email address i can reahc you? i woukd like to send you my money so you can invest it for me. i will pay your fees as necessary

>> No.5392094

basically this:

you have a 92% chance of winning your bet
when you win you get 4%

notice something?

>> No.5392106
File: 56 KB, 1080x616, 1510361470425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao what the fuck

Anyway, thanks guys. Goddamnit I thought I was onto something there. :(

>> No.5392120


to that i need to add that your downside is bascially infinite but your upside doesnt even cover your exposure

>> No.5392131

pls delete this post you're ruining my livelyhood

>> No.5392155
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, muddaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, another question then...

Is betting basically a huge fucking scam? I dream of the day I come across a "his mudda was a mudda" scenario like in Seinfeld.

>> No.5392174


I think that you can use this strategy somewhat, but don't let it be purely mathematical.

3 years ago I started with $20 at the beginning of the NBA season and turned it into $500 through betting on games with short odds. But I didn't bet on all games with short odds. If it's a sport that you have good knowledge of, or you're prepared to take the time to understand the various factors which contribute to the win, then there's a chance it can work out.

>> No.5392249

Just bought 20k BZC, who cares, maybe it'll get to the normies.

>> No.5392303

most people will lose money, some will make money. the house is guaranteed to make money. how old are you?

>> No.5392338

you can do it in one day on those bets that combine different ones. forgot the word on it.

just put all those 1.04 bets on one ticket and you are set. will speed up the process.

>> No.5392399



got it

>> No.5392476


I'm 27 but I'm desperate to win big after losing out on so many opportunities in my life. :(

>> No.5392947

You don't know which games are fixed but the whales do. Before doing something like this you'd need to tag and track a whale.

>> No.5393097

How about when the result is a draw, smart guy? You're betting over and over on one of three potential outcomes. Take this from someone who used to bet on sports every week: on a long enough time scale the house will always win.

>> No.5393246
File: 47 KB, 800x450, Armstrong-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will die having left behind nothing but possibly a few disappointed children.

>> No.5393276

Please castrate yourself

>> No.5393322
File: 111 KB, 625x773, 1513365572840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally a fucking brainlet, pic related is you

don't do this if you enjoy having money

>> No.5393382
File: 33 KB, 408x406, brainletwojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but come on, seriously? How the fuck can it lose?

>> No.5393386

The odds of the Patriots winning the Superbowl last year was only 0.04% at one point in the game.

>> No.5393403

I've done this with 1k but i placed 1.01 bets, just believe me you will eventually lose all your money.

I can actually take a loan and bet all my money that you will lose, that how sure i am, google this strategy and you'll see some guys that have explained very well why you'll lose.