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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5391765 No.5391765 [Reply] [Original]

Seems like a huge crash happens to take all the normie money and then it shoots right back up.
Basically seems like the real investors want to shake out the non investor class.
'Thanks for the funds. Go back to 9-5'.

>> No.5391806

Miner fees.

Coinbase fees.

>> No.5391862

Just the universe killing off the weak faggots. Normal

>> No.5392347

honestly there is no "THEY" driving the market

we are all driving the market. the hivemind, the herd.

when the amount of profit takers is greater than the buying power of the new speculators, we get a sell off. sometimes the sell off is large and we get a PANIC dip

then suddenly bitcoin is looking very """cheap""" to many people, and we have the opposite chart movements. HYPE vs PANIC.

for someone who was trading bitcoin under $1000, everything looks very expensive. for someone who just arrived last week, 13000 looks very cheap!

that is what moves markets

>> No.5392371

Finally someone speaking with sense

>> No.5392416


I call BS, a few whales control most of the BTC supply. It's rigged worse than Wallstreet.

>> No.5392422

This is EXACTLY what they want you to believe. But in fact its an inordinately small number of people that control the vast majority of coins out there. They manipulate the fuck out of the market, and can make rises and falls, crashes and recovers, happen incredibly easily. They are playing you and taking your money.

>> No.5392423

Yes, and I'm happy with it. Let the normies burn.

>> No.5392462

rich people / hedge funds / banks etc. are part of the herd too

>> No.5392480

And do you think they're literally betting vast swathes of their portfolio at once trying to manipulate exchanges? I doubt they ever let their shit touch an exchange after mt gox happened.

Whales and pump groups can manipulate alts but bitcoin is too fuckijg big.

>> No.5392508
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you know nothing. bots and pump n' dump groups, combined with shady exchanges and dirty money are the factors which control the market (there's also the shadow hand of the illuminati behind all of this, one day you will realize this is the truth).

>> No.5392523

This is the point of crypto in general, FUCK THE NORMIES, FUCK THE JEWS, BETA URPISING NOW!
see you in lamboland

>> No.5392565

sure they just happened to forget about /biz/ and let us make millions for free

>> No.5392714

you are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. when the time comes, they will manipulate you easily, like always. your millions are an illusion, because your mind is not free. you live in bondage of thought.

>> No.5392760

if this is so big then how is your message not instantly deleted, now everyone knows their plans :/

>> No.5392823

oh no, not the nameless, shapeless "THEY". God damn, they always fuck me over

>> No.5392856

There is.

>> No.5392870


>> No.5392888

In the grand scheme, we are simply riding on their coattails. We are like plankton on the whales. They don't give a shit about some NEETs getting a small amount of wealth. Millions to them is pocket change.

>> No.5392906

and what happpens when two whales disagree

what happens when a new speculator whale decides to enter the market and an oldfag whale is trying to take profit at the same time

the whales
are part
of the herd

>> No.5392913

Oh sweet summer child.

>> No.5392951
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Normies (general public) is not in and not even consider getting in yet, if you look at any forums outside of financial focus 95% of super bearish. It's just few "normies" with loud mouth and pennies, dont confuse that to general public. And yes, dips generally are profits for professional traders and big losses for masses

>> No.5393042

>someone finaly makes sense on /biz/
>get shat on

never change /biz/

>> No.5393169

Ever occurred to you that we shat on him because how overly naive his perception of reality is? Of course not, since you agreed with him. You'll understand when you have spent more than a week in crypto.

>> No.5393176

In every news comment section all I read is no coiner tears and muh crash any moment now bullshit.

>> No.5393194

for your reference, I first bought bitcoin around $300
i dont give a shit what you think of me

>> No.5393241


>> No.5393249

Sure thing buddy. By the way, I bought much earlier, at $0.5 :^)

>> No.5393265

so is it the illuminate, the freemasons, the NSA, NASA, or the jews now? please elaborate

>> No.5393278

I bought at $0.001

>> No.5393277

if thats true then you should understand what I am saying
but you think theres some conspiracy of whales
like at the whale meet up everyone decides where we are going to move the bitcoin price for this week

you are being stupid

>> No.5393283

I've managed to x10 my play money in a month daytrading, i'm in this game since 6 months (I know i'm still new), but the market isn't something an entity can control enterily. They have influence but this isn't different from stock market and every other markets since the man can trade goods.
I bet you are the kind of guy that say TA is bullshits.

Keep blaming others for your problem, you'll be fine in life.

>> No.5393315

Those are all different ways of naming (((them)))

But yeah, the lattermost in your list is correct.

>> No.5393358

post any shred of evidence or you're just /pol/ LARPing for reasons you don't understand yourself :^)

>> No.5393392

Okay, suit yourself. Not massive market manipulations in a global, unregulated market even though thousands of laws have been made to prevent such phenomenon in more traditional markets. Because it makes sense making laws to forbid things that don't exist.

>> No.5393432


answer this

>> No.5393445

You are a moron assuming things you know nothing about, like my stance towards TA. But then again, that is what morons do.

>> No.5393514

Seems like the case with that new tax bill trump has planned.
Everything else could've cared less about.
But he is killing any manueverability in SES.
Killing obamacare keeps the poor sick.
Putting tax on crypto will prety much put a ceiling on the middle class.
And financial warfare will still be a secret club of pseudo kikery and full blown kikery alike.

This will be a sweaty year for crypto.

>> No.5393558

You were the first assuming things on me (you are here since a week).
And for me, you can't believe in TA if you don't understand that the price is driven by the crowd, and not some super whale in an ovale desk deciding where to go next. That's why I assumed that.

>> No.5393616

Since when has it ever been a normie thing to trade on financial markets?
Its all necromancy to them.

Its hasnt fully been embraced by the financial sector but when it does that will cap new investors.

>> No.5393666

Like talking to a wall. Even you idea of what "driven by whales" mean is retardly simplistic. I hope you are still in high school because if you are already in college you'll find life to be a very perplexing place.

>> No.5393708

what the fuck are you talking about.
I give up.