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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53906721 No.53906721 [Reply] [Original]

Some even say that banks will have a semi-negative relationship with people that partook in this ponzi, similar to people who were drug dealers.
Why are you still holding?

>> No.53906739

Because fuck kikes. Any man who doesn't hate kike at least half as much as I do is no friend of mine.

>> No.53906757

What a retarded fucking take. Yeah let’s not worry about Tesla , Microstrat , and plenty others literally holding this shit on their company balance sheets, because OP’s jew friends think crypto is ‘on the way out’. I’ve been hearing this shit for almost 10 years now! It’s going the literal opposite direction of OP’s gay take!

>> No.53906785

Those companies deliver value, though. Actual use cases, you know. What value has crypto delivered in 15 years?

>> No.53906791

Because it's a lie for normalfags to buy at the top

>> No.53906796

>everyone is saying
>following the majority
>in investing
I agree.

I will only buy when Jim Cramer tells me live on CNBC that the recession is over and that Joe Biden saved the economy.

Only when Powell pivots and joe biden wins 2024 and says he saved the economy will I buy

>> No.53906809

I never said anything about the mainstream. From sub stack doomberg to Zeihan to Buffet to GeoHotz to AllIn pod to whatever. It’s a constant message:crypto didn’t deliver on its promise, it’s kinda useless and a ponzi

>> No.53906816
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has our man been unJUSTed yet?

>> No.53906818

>it's a ponzi
do you even know what charles ponzi did?
honestly you sound like a fucking /pol/ blow in

just leave now but please do post again in 2025 asking where to buy so I know it's the top I can sell

>> No.53906834

>do you even know what charles ponzi did?
He was legit and doing arbitrage. He was a business man doing business man stuff. They didn't want the ordinary man to make it so the man shut him down and bankrupt all his investors to keep them in line and stay with the banks!

>> No.53906838

Oh shit will banks have a SEMI-negative relationship?!?? Is that latina teller going to give me nasty looks for buying Bitcoin instead of me staring at her tits like usual? Lol...

>> No.53906848

Crypto is never getting to pandemic levels again. You’re forgetting that people with money are retiring now en masse and they’re not gonna buy into funny internet coins. They’re gonna spend it on vacations

>> No.53906865
File: 132 KB, 543x519, cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit you are so dumb, stop posting man.
I don't care if niggers with stimmy cheques aren't buying
I don't care if amerimutt tiktok zoomers aren't buying dog coins

>they're spending it on vacations
you are literally a high schooler
not even an amerimutt goyslop consuming college student could have such an immature grasp of economics

kill yourself

>> No.53906872

Good luck, I guess. How heavy is your bag?

>> No.53906881

Crypto isn’t there to ‘deliver’ value the same way a company does you dumb fucking zoom zoom. You said your jew overlords were telling you crypto is “on its way out” , then you followed it up with “companies that produce value hold it”. Do you realize how disconnected and retarded both your posts are?

>> No.53906890

lmao now that's a projection.
you just admitted that you LOST money on crypto, since you can't even fathom that many, many people profited immensely on the 2020-2021 run (myself included).

you can't even begin to imagine how comfy I am DCAing since late last year.

anyone who's been here more than 3 years would know how crypto presents the greatest opportunities (and risks) to make money

git gud or fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.53906896

done replying to your garbage btw
but just so you know, we all know your a dumb amerimutt who has tiktok installed on his phone, and is posting from his phone right now

you believe everything fed to you and probably took your boosters

bye faggot

>> No.53906897

I did profit too . But that ship has sailed. You can short it I guess, but I don’t like doing that

>> No.53906911

Then what’s the purpose of crypto? How is it going to get adoption if it’s not useful? People don’t want to maintain hardware. Do I look like I know what a JPEG is? That’s the level, and you expect people to understand what exactly?

>> No.53906982
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Thanks for the demoralization thread Mr glowie, now GTFO.

>> No.53906986

You seem confused. What's happening is that it's becoming mainstream enough to warrant regulation by legal normies who didn't really understand or care about it during the last ten years. It's finding actual adoption by large companies for specific uses, and the incidents with exchanges stealing money are causing regulation to be passed. These things encourage investment in the long term.

>> No.53907028

>Banks will have a 'semi-negative' relationship with people trading in currency that isn't directly controlled by them.
u w0t m8?

>> No.53907075

substack or whatever platform permabears arent really investors they are influencers who cater to an especially retarded public and as such must always shill doom and despair, you should have figured this out on yourself by now
peter on the other while saying a lot of good stuff on heavy industry and global supply chains is clearly paid by the alphabet soup to push certain narratives, nobody with a brain would publicly on normie podcast and on the day of the reversal from the bottom state that btc goes to negative 1000 usd
buffet is way too old for the world and cant use connections to manipulate his way into code

>> No.53907097

>You’re forgetting that people with money are retiring now en masse and they’re not gonna buy into funny internet coins. They’re gonna spend it on vacations
thats directly one of peters talking points, but guess what boomer retail was never the market mover they were the cattle to sell the bottom and buy the top for 4 decades either themselves or via their cta based accounts

boomers were never going to push crypto higher, that will all come from both adoption and fed going brrrr again soon enough
the idea that the boomer retirement is the biggest impact on capital availability when it has been brrr'ing since the cold war ended is a joke peter gets paid to tell you so you stay out

>> No.53907200

78% of wealth is controlled by baby boomers. 5% by millennials. Who exactly is supposed to move it then?

>> No.53907246

FTX has done incredible damage to the reputation of crypto amongst normies

>> No.53907270

those graphs are a joke almost all wealth is controlled by institutions that dont depend on generational strife bullshit
dont fall for the narrative(tm) anon

>> No.53907280

wasnt here for mtgox
they'll be back buying the top like they always do and same in the end dont matter

>> No.53907285

How about this leaked video from FDIC?

Free money is over.

>> No.53907325

listening to inlfuencers peddlign the narrative
now riddle me this if the tradfi system has another heart attack with bailins what would that possible do for crypto
also everyone that says the era of free money is over is lying
the state of fiat and government debt/deficit spending demands forever inflation/printing
the roman empire got away with 3 centuries of it, we are barely at 1
but by all means join your favorite influencer cry the world is ending and hide yourself away
guess you werent old enough to remember 2008, people were saying the real capitulation wasnt in til 2013 back then

>> No.53907384

Why do you behave like removing one the biggest exporter of resources in the world from the global market is nothing compared to 2008? 2008 is kids glove compared to what is currently happening

>> No.53907409

Those people also told you to take the vaccine.

>> No.53907462

opposite actually, 2008 was the almost complete collapse of the western tradfi system
this today is kids gloves, they'll just print and make commodities unaffordable for the peasants a process already well underway
your continued inability to grasp the situation and fall back to the talking points of the known influencers leads me to believe you should go back to pleddit you will be much happier there
also sell all your assets into dollars and hold them there its the safe thing to do