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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53903026 No.53903026 [Reply] [Original]

If China did have sanctions put on it, how so /biz/nessmen like ourselves profit? Drop shipping cheap Mexican good? Load up on something before the sanctions would hit? No Ukraine talk, just money making ideas

>> No.53903035

Its going to be so satisfying watching amerilards slooooowly realize that China already won a long time ago.

>> No.53903036

Ignore anyone who tries to derail thread away from business or making money

>> No.53903385

Kill yourself. Never bet against America.

>> No.53903413

Invest in holding cash, because inflation would skyrocket, and the Fed would need to keep raising rates.

>> No.53903423

Stock in American manufacturers?

>> No.53903435

If you lived in Aussie you would understand.

>> No.53903448

I'd assume that the international pivot in manufacturing cheap goods will be moving from China to India on a faster time table than it already is. If I were more liquid I'd consider opening up a factory somewhere that my money would go further than it would in China.

>> No.53903482

cool its the throw wild hail marys phase of the collapse of empire

>> No.53903526

seeking allies willing to sacrifice infrastructure in our terrorist attacks and win an unwinnable war

>> No.53903534

Amerilard here. Yes.

>> No.53903782

China main imports are oil from Middle East, iron, copper, basedbeans. Main exports are electrical/electronic equipment and clothing

>> No.53903801

Indian firms would pick up a lot of the slack. Invest in those?

>> No.53903847

If by won a long time ago you mean completely raped their land and people for overpriced high speed rail and real estate and dystopian chink internet then yes

>> No.53903998

Invest in Vietnam. It's China's backdoor. Worst part of Trump's China trade-war was turning Vietnam into China's well-paid middleman, and in effect turning them from ancestral-enemies into symbiotic partners in business.

>> No.53905521


>> No.53906012

India Mexico Vietnam

>> No.53906018

Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.53906085

I love how chink shills always say dumb shit like this but when asked how they talk about irreverent culture war /pol/ bullshit

>> No.53906283
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Everyone at biz knows that eventually the markets are going to have to root out the Chinese. And this doesn't just apply to commodity markets, cryptos too. That's why I invest only in non-Chinese cryptos, because I know that eventually all my savings are going to fall when China is wiped off the planet. I switched to arbitrum recently (all eastern devs), for example $HAMI finance has all broadly anti-china developers, and the coin only gives rewards in coins that share this same philosophy. Anyway, it's time to get ready anons