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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53900105 No.53900105 [Reply] [Original]

What's the next big thing to get rich at a reasonable rate?
BTC will never make you rich unless you own like half a million already.
Other shitcoins have too much risk of permabagholding.
TSLA bubble already been ridden as well.
So what the fuck is next.

>> No.53900110

make your own scheme if you want to be rich

>> No.53900114
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>> No.53900124


>> No.53900157

Still without question


>> No.53900172

This, pretty much.
The internet computer is the best tech in crypto. The most undervalued by far.
And unironically probably our last chance at actually fucking making it.

>> No.53900208

>>53900105Literally just stop buying stupid fucking meme coins and trying to ride meme momentum and invest in longterm sure things. Tons of people missed the information technologies boom because they overgenerally dismissed it as fax machine tier. Just as many, particularly in venture capital lost out because they greedily chased the bubble stocks with no fundamenals. Literally just don't be a conventional or greedy idiot and buy (keeping in mind the obviously impending death of Tether and probable market flatline) the surefire staples which will clearly outperform the market in the longterm even if you buy now before the crash. Don't be greedy and park at unregulated banks like Nexo/Blockfi/etc. for unrealistic clearly ponzi yield and hold what you are comfortable watching go to zero (for sake of not missing a potential moment) and aim to buy the majority when everything crashes. Buy "ISO" coins which will clearly beat the SPY over the next several years. It isn't that difficult, you are just unsuccessful at being the greedy retard and are now coping by reverting to being the conventional "le fax machine" retard. Just be a normal fucking person in the sense of not being a cucked idiot like everyone else

>> No.53900462
File: 513 KB, 512x768, DfinityJuice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP and maybe SNS-1. There hasn't been a more sure thing on /biz/ since 2018 link. The only real fud left is number gone down. Yeah SBF literally slam dunked on it hiring 'researchers' to make reports about it that even the Arkham guys just admitted they have no data to back up. It's trading started at a valuation of #3 crypto in marketcap LMAO, easiest shit for SBF and his gang to short his competition to SOL into the ground.

Here's an ICP spoonfeed:
>Fully decentralized BTC ordinal NFT marketplace coming out now, will also be able to trade ICP NFTs and ETH NFTs on the same marketplace once integration is complete.
>Huge surge in devs, as the price has gone down, dev activity has gone up massively
>ETH integration will bring all DEFI fully on-chain instead of using AWS, also making ETH DEFI fully interoperable with native BTC and ICP
>Integrations for every other major crypto thereafter
>VCs buying at 0.03 is mostly a meme, this was a small seed round in 2017 when there was no product, no team, no development, basically just a pitch
>Most VCs like Multicoin Capital had their investment rounds at ~$4 per pee around 2020
>ICP has never had a pump - the mega downtrend has just reversed, all the development we've been waiting for is coming out now (not in 2 weeks, now) and you can still buy at a price VCs bought for years ago

If this didn't convince you you are a braindead gorilla niger. Literally use any of the dapps or try to build an ENTIRE WEBSITE on it. Nothing compares.

>> No.53900484

FLR, if you buy now while people are fudding it.

>> No.53900515

Terra Luan Classic.

I know...I know. You all sold long ago but you will rope yourselves once a certain thing happens that will for sure happen.

>> No.53900596

AI and subsequently the materials and hardware used to create it.

>> No.53900690

shorting is the next big thing