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53899195 No.53899195 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here practice the mystery school teachings like Qabalah, Freenasonry, transcendental meditation, etc?
Does anyone have any tips on where to start like books or podcasts?
Pic is related because I’m an INFJ and trying to unlock my inner magician

>> No.53899219

INFJ is just INTP but weaker

>> No.53899318

take psychedelics and ask what is the path you must take to achieve great success (this is probably the most effective and direct advice you will receive from your unconscious/subconscious)

meditate and try to visualize and FEEL what kind of life you want, your dream life, no limitations, no fear
the key is to visualize (images) and feel what it'd be like to be in the position of financial success
do it while you're driving, walking down the street, sitting at home, etc
feel the euphoria you'd feel if you we're in that position of financial success

the feeling must be genuine
and you must actually truly believe in your vision and your feeling

what follows next is you will get inspired to take certain actions, that align with that particular FEELING and VISION you have been practicing
the key is to follow through in these actions, you must put in the WORK

by VISUALIZING and FEELING, you make it so your body resonates with a particular vibration, and naturally you gravitate towards things that resonate with that vibration

godspeed anon

>> No.53899382

>imagine believing there are real people making these threads
gpt4chan gate

>> No.53899406

by VISUALIZING and FEELING, you make it so your body resonates with a particular reality, and naturally you gravitate towards things that resonate with that reality

it's pretty much, summed up

>> No.53899432

as an INFJ you must learn how to utilize your intuition and gut feeling
it is your greatest asset
pair that with logic, analysis and critical thinking and you will be unstoppable

the combination of critical thinking/logic and intuition makes the best biznessmen and investor

>> No.53899926

Yes. But all Im going to tell you is that the shit we do is wacky on purpose to discourage most of the cattle from realising what's beneath the facade.
The same way meditation and controlled breathing is made to look like valley-girl starbucks retardation or tinky woo-woo indian magic man on a flying carpet but actually has a valid fundamental basis in mental acuity.
Also all the "magic" is only worth it to a point. Shit gets weird and starts mentally messing with you when some ritual involves you fucking your CEO buddy's 20 y/o daughter and you know for a fact the kid is yours but you cant say shit or get involved without someone outside the circles getting nosy.

>> No.53899955

The same way meditation and controlled breathing is made to look like valley-girl starbucks retardation or tinky woo-woo indian magic man on a flying carpet but actually has a valid fundamental basis in mental acuity.
>mental acuity

mental acuity is the key
it's all about getting your mind into a certain state/perspective/mental acuity
this is the key, if you're able to understand

i wonder why elites try to keep this information from the masses
wouldn't it be better to mass-advertise and mass-educate how all this stuff works?
society would progress, evolve and reach utopian-like states and we would all be happy?

>> No.53900161

>wouldn't it be better to mass-advertise and mass-educate how all this stuff works?
Fuck no. Its already happened a few times and each and every time its been disasterous. If you think we're bad then you have no clue the destruction and hell we caused already by sharing some of this stuff with the wrong people. All it takes is one horror show of a person with enough determination and things go bad. See any generationally political family in any 1st world western nation.

>society would progress, evolve and reach utopian-like states and we would all be happy?
Society has progressed. Just not publicly. Same way you dont hand a chimpanzee a gun, you dont hand an already overburdened, oversized society more advancement. Things are bad enough as is and it'll take decades before your lowest common denominator can even handle current societal matters let alone the other stuff. Also utopia isnt nearly what you think it is.

>> No.53900174

Thanks for the insightful response.
I guess I'm too idealistic and naive.

>> No.53900215

ENTJ shitposter here.
You have no idea how much I used this board and bent it to my will.

>> No.53900224

I guess this stuff may become widely publicly available once society has reached >50% positive
Once society in general becomes 'good' and 'ethical', then these things may become widely available?

This is a bit off topic. But I've heard society surpassed >50% positive energy as a whole since 2012, when the we entered Aquarius age. Meaning that, the world is now slightly more positive than negative. I mean, if you look back in history, human beings have been in 'dark ages' for quite a while. The things humans have done to each other historically, have been much worst than what they are now?

So maybe there is hope here? Maybe it's why we are seeing a 'renaissance' in psychedelics? I don't want to be naive, but I also want to have hope for humanity.

>> No.53900225

when you are bound by logic, you lack the capacity to grow beyond it. Intuition trumps taking things at face value in this clown world

>> No.53900239

Since planets are large bodies of energy, their positioning must have some sort of an energetic effect on humanity?

>> No.53900278

What is your vision of 'utopia'? What will it look like?

>> No.53900321


emotions tied to to energy/vibrations

weak emotions that are self-serving like fear and anger only attract more of this low-vibration bullshit

ruling class fearful of the potential of those who have mastered their mind and rise above the bullshit

>> No.53900526

The trick is that it was within you all along.

>Habakkuk 2:2-3 King James Version (KJV)
>And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

>> No.53900614

Its got to be way higher than 50%. 50% is a losing battle as we've discovered. The way to achieve this though is rather brutal and still being debated to reduce the timeline. The dark age is still occurring if you track laws according to Moore's (a bit outdated) law. There's always hope, its just not always the prettiest hope.

Constant challenge and evolution of the human mind body and pneuma. Efficient and effective suffering in all the most satisfying ways is the best approximation I can tell you. Much like states in quantum mechanics, human languages without futher specialization training just arent built to describe the concept fully

>> No.53900834

I had a personal mentor who taught me a lot about these things
he mentioned how if a person dwells in these things, they must act ethical, otherwise if they act unethical, the consequences will be 10x worst.
as the universe is an ethical consciousness, if you go against it, you will eventually pay for it (pay more than what you gained)

>> No.53900869
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I have been paid for mystical practices before. I don't recommend it. You don't do that shit for the money, you do it because you're mystically attuned and don't have much choice because you vibe with it on a spiritual level so it's just part of your life.

>> No.53900878

Read Aleister Crowley's Liber AL vel Legis aka The Book of the Law, and begin to practice the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram aka LBRP at least once daily. From there you can look at Crowley's AA system for additional practices including meditation, yoga, and planetary magic.

Don't approach spiritual development for the sake of material success. But I can say that if you attain, then material success will become perfectly easy.

>> No.53901064

I wonder. The lizards at the top seem more into the self serving occult stuff. That's not how INFJs roll.

INFJs are far more altruistic then the ones pulling the levers. We will endure personal pain if the outcome is for the greater good. Most put themselves first and I only default to that when I can see obvious beneficial paths for people I know can take and they dismiss everything I say and go on to their predictable fuck ups. So the only fuck ups I can control are my own.

I've used vibrations / manifest / Intuition and when it's focused it's like sending a lure out with what your putting out vibe wise but it also works both ways where you are doing a vibe check of something else.

We see the bullshit and the way out very clearly but we don't want to impose on others so we just are on the sidelines. Also people are such emotional drains that it turns you into a husk if you don't go into hermit mode. INTJs don't have that burden but also aren't as good at manipulating people as we are, only situations.

So to tap into it is check out astrology, manifest thinking, vibrations aka vibe checks and just zone out and send your mind out there and see what information you pick up.

>> No.53901083

>Efficient and effective suffering in all the most satisfying ways is the best approximation I can tell you. Much like states in quantum mechanics, human languages without futher specialization training just arent built to describe the concept fully

Aka an awesome video game with that perfect setting of Hard Mode.

>> No.53901707

I use crystals and talk to them. Usually I follow the path they advise me.

>> No.53901970

Crystals are based

>> No.53902110

INTJ here. I practice Crowley's Thoth tarot, that's my stepping stone into Thelemic magick. Costs around 50 bucks for a deck and The Book of Thoth which is a great read. I've used it to read trades in the past to various degrees of success. Otherwise I meditate, dabble in hallucinogens, and practice art.

>> No.53902130
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yes, very good anon but there is an important tool we need to become adept at this.
that is to become a master at finding, assessing and removing our negative/self limiting beliefs. these thoughtforms and energies, while they initially might make us fearful, are actually there to help us become more of our true selves. most of them are imprinted on us by others we kind of just 'borrow' them from people. also, the more aware we become of our greater self, the more negative beliefs we will find as we exist in all planes and are all things, but we choose where we want to go with everything.

i haven read the rest of this thread and didn't mean to imply that i am teaching you anything or that you don't know these things, just adding to it.

>> No.53902167
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>> No.53902306

This is what real astrology is about. Not the fake magazine version.
Each planet pulls magnetic energy from the sun, when they align they can have an even bigger effect. I don’t understand the details but this is how I’ve read it explained.

>> No.53902324

Really good advice

>> No.53903184

You're not spiritual, you're a delusional junkie.

>> No.53903246
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im reading through this. will let you know

>> No.53903265

i actually know some junkies who we're addicted to meth/coke, but after a large dose of psychedelics they turned their life around 180 degrees

>> No.53903631 [DELETED] 

I know this won't be taken well but my hope is that someone who sees this understands my struggle and could help raise a hand to lift me out of darkness, I'm unhealthy I don't know exactly but I'm only twenty six years old and can't seem to get through a single day without crippling pain, my family doesn't believe me or care the state won't help without a proper diagnoses and I can't see a doctor because I don't have insurance, the ER just gives me pain medicine to help but just refer my to a specialist that requires insurance.
If anyone has the means to be able to assist me in getting enough to pay for insurance for a couple months so I could get my foot in the door you would be my hero for the rest of my life, I've tried the site we all hate and was quickly revoked any access to posting for help.

I'd do charity sites but I'm a total autist with no friends or social media so nobody even viewed my page when I would make it.

Thank you friends for taking the time if you actually read this far and i genuinely hope you all have a good week, I know mine has been just awful.
If you choose to help I have an ETH and BTC address I figured this would be the best route if someone could if it's not a good way let me know, I can't thank you enough for any help at all.

If alchemy is true someone will help me

>> No.53904469
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>Introverted Intuition
>Weaker than introverted thinking

Kek, no.