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53899055 No.53899055 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53899077

Checked but who cares nobody has to hold link until staking 1.0, right now retail is staking while the actual nodes are dumping on those same retail.

>> No.53899131

Couldn’t the case be made that it’s a relatively good time to buy then? If nodes are dumping, we’re not priced in yet.

Also checked

>> No.53899185

you can also just pay in ETH, nothing else would even make sense. LINK is an optional alternative payment shitcoin. still uneeded, just offered.

>> No.53899200
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and more importantly: trueshit not needed
macaroni nigger BTFO

>> No.53899221

we're going to be rewarded for being early stakers, duh

>> No.53899296
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Only 0.1% of the supply is needed. The rest of the 99.9% is completely unneeded and useless. This is why it cant pump. Maybe if fat serg didnt arbitrarily bloat the supply and fuck up the tokenomics it could of pumped to 1k. But the greedy fuck just had to give himself 650 million tokens so he can dump for decades and buy luxury penthouses and designer luxury burgers while hiding from work and hiring hr roasties to churn out tech articles and slides to string along their bagholders

>> No.53899316

Chainlink token is mandated, literally any form of value can be used. Stable coins would be best

>> No.53899403

>"stable"coin loses peg
>"stable"coin blacklists oracle
>"stable"coin collateral value crashes because the dollar collapses in value

>> No.53899424

Why would anyone want to pay in some obsolete gas token to use bloatware?
The problem with ETH is they never fixed MEV. The problem is not scaling. The problem is spam. MEV hunters spam the blockchain looking for profit. ETH fees would be cheap as fuck Vitalik said it himself.
Daily reminder if you use ETH 2023 you deserve everything that is coming to you

>> No.53899457

But services are already denominated in USD paid for in LINK
Are you a nigger? serious question

>> No.53899519

Uhhh no way fag. Patrick Collins, the disgraced former Chainlink employee who moved down the street to crash in a cardboard box, confirms the LINK token will have the many moons ser just watch this NSFW video he released

>> No.53899529

i need some computation done - absolutely no one who owns link

>> No.53899546

dude i dont give a shit about staking. The point was to get good node rep early but the faggot kyc nodes and let his friends farm rep

>> No.53899601


>> No.53899640

Who's Don?

>> No.53899644

>instead of using a stable currency like USD or DAI you must instead buy our token and hope it doesnt crash 10% by the time you pay
yikes thats a shit payment method. instead of just paying in USD you have to jump through hoops... no way fortune 500s go for this

>> No.53899703

Now do Ada, BNB, XRP, Uni, …
Fucking retard lol

>instead of just paying in USD you have to jump through hoops
So much this!! Bitcoin nodes should be paid in USD and not some volatile make believe coin!

>> No.53899722
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>aws and meta devs using chainlink functions
>pump 2%

>> No.53899728

>>instead of using a stable currency like USD or DAI you must instead buy our token and hope it doesnt crash 10% by the time you pay
why doesn't ethereum do this instead of having some volatile gas token introducing friction into an otherwise healthy L1



>> No.53899777

Still not useful though.

>> No.53899801

Great idea anon. ETH is unneeded. The only people who need ETH are the rent seekers. ETH should be phased out and replaced by a stable coin to disincentivize network spam

>> No.53899819

really good idea fellow anons great minds think alike. how can we petition the foundation to uninstall the unneeded ETH token?

>> No.53899824

what are they using it for

>> No.53899825

>Bitcoin nodes should be paid in USD
Bitcoin is not Chainlink anon. One has its entire supply circulating and is deflationary. The other has more than 50% left to be circulated and is inflationary at Sergey's whim

>> No.53899838

Sassal.eth I need you to debonk this FUD please you're my only hope

>> No.53899868

why the in the hot fuck would you pay a decentralized network of miners located mostly in China with USD dumb fuck? Are you trying to start an international incident????
pay them in CNY not USD bucko

>> No.53899919


Oracles not so

>> No.53900188

Kek there go the goalposts

>> No.53900285

>paying chinks in USD
kekd that's a good one

>> No.53900326
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>you shouldn't do that, it's not right
oh really

>> No.53900340

chainlink is technically scarcer and less inflationary than bitcoin

>> No.53900357

oh vey in this case it must be undervalued!

>> No.53900611
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BTC cucks are such lolcows. I guess hodling BTC for five years with no profits does that to you

>> No.53900643

>Daily Gwei
Bro you sound quite based. Do you collect Funko Pops by chance?

>> No.53900676
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>oracles should not be part of web3
>buy my bags!

>> No.53900740
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>> No.53900748

Kek- notice he never answered your question. He painted himself right in a corner lol

>> No.53900791

>Daily Gwei Chads
Based. I love Lego and Star Wars too. I also own a whole wall of Funkos (I like to shorten them to Funkos but I want to assure everyone reading that I do in fact mean the uber cool collectables Funko Pops). Haha remember when Luke had his hand cut off by his father and kissed his sister?

>> No.53900837

no way this is too remarkable. I was just thinking to myself the other day after binge watching all nine Star Wars movies what it would be like to run into some fellow Daily Gwei listeners. Hey did you comrades get the presale for the Gavin Wood Pedo NFT sponsored by the Daily Gwei?

>> No.53900864
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>Hey did you comrades get the presale for the Gavin Wood Pedo NFT sponsored by the Daily Gwei?
what the fuck am i reading?

>> No.53901126

Blockchains require their token to pay for gas fees. Which is why their demand goes up.

Unfortunately chainlink doesnt have this same privilege, and the demand for oracle calls is extremely low, because there is only 2m users of "defi" apps across the entire crypto industry and most of those are just nft lottery scam bullshit. Turns out Normal people dont actually need web3 or oracles and tokens to watch tiktok videos or play games

>> No.53901194

>Chainlink crashes in value
>oracle now needs more collateral
>Chainlink goes up in value
>oracle now over collaterized

>> No.53901228

Why do you take time out of your day to write this?

>> No.53901360

Holy shit, how did they not think of this?

>> No.53901507

> Blockchains require their token to pay for gas fees. Which is why their demand goes up.
You need to pay directly in Link for a lot of Chainlink’s popular products like VRF, Keepers, …
Just like L1 transaction fees.

And then there are the services like price feeds where node payments are inflationary.
Just like L1 mining fees.

>the demand for oracle calls is extremely low
Lmao, now I get it, it’s satire.

>> No.53901537

This retarded coin doesn't do anything. None of the coins in this space do anything except btc, eth, and monero. Literally everything else just exists to try and dump your bags on someone else higher than what you bought in for.
>muh use case
>muh utility
>muh tech
Blow it out your ass.

>> No.53901539

token not needed

>> No.53901633

Great, that means there’s nothing for you to worry about; you’re totally not going to miss out on anything and you can completely stop paying attention to Chainlink.

>> No.53901871

>Hey did you comrades get the presale for the Gavin Wood Pedo NFT sponsored by the Daily Gwei?
Anons I want to assure you there are no limited edition Gavin Wood Pedo NFTs available on OpenSea

>> No.53901994

This shitcoin has already pumped. I missed it over 2 years ago. Why the fuck would I care about "missing" it now? Missing a 3.5 times back to 25? A 7 times back to 50? Even a 14 times to 100 is a fucking waste of time and far from a guarantee. There's much better shit to accumulate now.

And no this shitcoin is not going over 100 dollars and you're lucky im even entertaining the idea. Sergey himself and his endless dumps will make sure of that.

>> No.53902354

I dont know any other shitcoin that motivates you lolcows so much seriously name one other dead shitcoin from 2017 that motivates a sentence out of random internet weirdos

>> No.53902768

Is it really needed if the feature is still in beta? I'm hearing that they're going to test it for 12-24 months before they expect to release it to production.

>> No.53902820

They did but they don’t care, they are hoping investors don’t realize it so they can continue collecting money from regard investors

>> No.53902925

>The point was to get good node rep early
there is no advantage to this you fucking idiot

>> No.53903571

are you stupid or just new? or has the project changed that much?

>> No.53905214
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>designer luxury burgers

>> No.53905496

So when is it going or hit $1,000

>> No.53905587


>> No.53906709

2037 maybe. Take ORE instead.

>> No.53908293


>> No.53908356
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>> No.53908390
