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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 101 KB, 636x372, mcpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53893569 No.53893569 [Reply] [Original]

I know you get a lot of dumb shit shilled here but I just stumbled upon this looking to snipe on dex tools and I think I may have found my white whale.

I conservatively think this is going to 500mcap - this is probably the easiest x10-x15 of your life

The guys behind NFT.org and Blockparty just created a new NFT that is generated by AI and stealth launched it.

This is an OG team that has been around for years and years in the space, completely doxxed and are big players. This token already has an mcap of 20m after being launched for just a few hours - massive whales are coming in and buying shit. This is gonna explode once everyone wakes up tomorrow.

DYOR on this, please. Even if you don't believe me just take five minutes and look at these people, please. We all need a huge fucking win right now and I genuinely believe this is a gigantic hidden gem that just launched. They use AI to generate NFTs that you can mint and earn royalties on or some shit, this is absolutely insane. Again, the devs are not anon, they're not nobodies - they're fucking huge whales. I am not even fully convinced I'm awake right now for getting in on something like so early.

https://t(dooot)me/mcpepes - you can try out their AI here, its 100% working.

I know we get inundated with a million shill threads but just take five minutes and look this over. You're on 4chan past midnight anyway.

>> No.53893661

What have i stumbled onto. this is so fkin sick!

>> No.53893706


Did you read it? I minted a few NFTs just now, look for the one based off One Piece lol

>> No.53893738

gas yourself jeet
Jannies clean this shit up

>> No.53893762


You are going to be kicking yourself that you didn't buy tonight.


look at this shit

>> No.53893889

biz you are morons, pay attention to this shit you are seriously missing out on so much fucking money right now

>> No.53893896


do people really read these threads and think they're real? bunch of losers sitting in telegrams and discords going 'ok ok guys post now, we got it this time. respond to that guy and tell him he's missing out. we only have 6 hours left until the rug!!!"

>> No.53893905

I was able to make a Pepe with a pussy in the middle of its stomach. Need I say more?

>> No.53893909

newfags, take notes:
>OP pretending to be outsider, gives too much information (all positive)
>telegram link
>positive replies to OP
textbook scam
get fucked cocksuckers

>> No.53893911

this is actually not terrible. and the chart is fucking insane. ai could use some work for sure, but the site is polished af. and i love me some pepes, even if they look a little retarded

>> No.53893913


It's on Ethereum... lol

>> No.53893914
File: 8 KB, 255x255, 7E74CB48-B292-409D-807A-56FDAD721C4D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet jannies let it stay up

>> No.53893932


i've literally gotten a 1.5x since you first posted, check the chart - feelign fomo yet?

>> No.53894169

Pepe Infinity

>> No.53894290

It's a rug. You will get removed if you ask them about earn pepe coins as they mentioned on their medium. Check the token holders and the contract.

>> No.53894295

Aped the fuck outta this shitcoin with over 6 figs worth of ETH.

LFG. Make /biz/ great again!

>> No.53894301


I'm in the chat and no you didn't, if you are who I think you are you got banned for spamming fud. The devs are completely doxxed and aren't random people - look them up it would make no sense for them to rug at all.

Stay mad and seethe.

>> No.53894306

At least its better than pepl

>> No.53894312

Wow this is a real Gem!

>> No.53894325
File: 14 KB, 226x220, EA65F8D7-1D61-4796-891E-DF6824E4290C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so any anon is lurking, ops text is indicative of a rugpull/scam. His behavior is that of a literal shitskin scumbag or a low value white, whichever is true. Don’t fall for this insecure faggots rugpull, you’ve been warned. And no, I won’t be reading his reply or anyone else’s, I’m already out of the thread because I don’t care any further than this single warning.

>Pic related, you when you get scammed

>> No.53894429


I'll make you're in the screenscap when this hits 100m marketcap

>> No.53894497 [DELETED] 
File: 262 KB, 750x497, D4B2CCC4-6BC3-4F9D-AB9B-56CC8C16D171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Years in the space!”

>> No.53894797

fuck it im in

>> No.53894806

literally 800 new holders since this was posted... wtf

>> No.53894876

Calling it here - OP is a real one for this. I've been skimming /biz/ for years and very rarely do you get this combination of early and quality information.
Barely 6 hours old, working product (I minted a bunch of these things), massive whales buying, will appeal to memelords, NFTlords, basically everyone who holds ETH.
I have a feeling I'll regret not buying more.

>> No.53894897

Obvious rug. Do you really think /biz/ has enough idiots and newfags on it during thus economy for your time to be worth trying to scam this subset of /biz/?

>> No.53897345
File: 205 KB, 1010x1384, PND.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at this shit
yes, let's all, look at this shit, shall we?

>> No.53897567


Yes, charts don’t go up forever otherwise that would be a clear sign of a rug. It’s done a 180,000x in 6 hours - for the chart to remain healthy people have to take profits at some point otherwise no whale is going to ape in to this past a certain point

>> No.53897606

It's a shit. Buy something like ORE just 3.3m MC.

>> No.53897686


>> No.53897704

thats pathetic you have a tripcode but dont use candles. dont post here ever again

>> No.53898218

McPepe is gonna be copied endlessly when the model proves to work. This is gonna wake a lot of people up to ordinals.

>> No.53898672


Yeah there's about 100 imitators that have come out (McBabyPepe, McMemes, McDonalds (lol), McPepez, etc.).

This is the real deal, this isn't some random shitcoin. As usual /biz/ misses some of the most valuable alpha they could have gotten, if you bought when this thread was originally posted you'd be up 3x right now and the project isnt even 24 hours old

>> No.53898790

I hate this board. I get it, everyone's tired of jeet scams and we do hate jeets.. but people need to stop shouting "scam" at everything..

Some people are just trolls or hate others "making it"..

>> No.53898823

Anyway.. what's the sui and make it stacks in dollar terms?
$100 will be enough?

>> No.53898854

but this is a scam. A gay curry stinking scam.

>> No.53898886


how? the owners are doxed - they founded NFT.org, blockparty, portion, etc. You can literally just look them up - they're on their personal accounts on discord + TG

why are you lying like this? is it jealousy? FOMO? If you missed out on it then other people should as well? help me understand

>> No.53898981

Hmm, QRD on potential profits?

>> No.53899025

why is the market cap already so high if it's just been launched?

>> No.53899047

for jeet shit like this anything pass 1 mil mc is a no buy from me. this is just looking like the biggest rug since insureape

>> No.53899059


because the dev's last project did 8-9 figures and there are whales that follow everything that he does and ape in early

>> No.53899291

Rest the anchor men let’s float a bit on these high seas

>> No.53899595

This is easily going to a 100 million market cap.

>> No.53899638

poast OG wallet address so i can track this fucking chud nigger