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File: 17 KB, 100x100, Bigcomfy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53893542 No.53893542 [Reply] [Original]

Hello everybody
It is, the bagel goblin
Some of you may recognize me as the no tippers anon, or as the wagie destroyer
I came back to check the board and my bagel thread, only to see that an anon has been officially mindbroken
I just came to say to that anon:
I only ever make bagel threads
I have no reason to make slide threads
I just like dabbing on the wagies and not tipping to the ilks such as you
That is all
Have a great night friends

>> No.53893554

You can't juggle multiple threads and samefag at the same time moron it's easy for me to keep backtracking back to your original post and show the mods how much you actually spam this place.
You won't be here after today i guarantee you that.

>> No.53893563
File: 137 KB, 1200x1200, D857E2F9-736C-4BB2-B0FD-AB3BFBBBD33C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make the threads with the occasional cat saying “I fucked your butt” because jannies are faggots. But I guess I’m you. I guess we are the same person.

>> No.53893587

This guy lmao
Why are you broken?
What broke you?
The no tipping or me ordering plain bagels?

>> No.53893716

chud spammer reporting in, cat spammer is a faggot who needs range banned

>> No.53893723

did we ever get to the bottom of why they were plain bagels? anyone got the "fuck you bobo just spent my last $50 on this" goyslop picture?

>> No.53893728

I just like the taste
I like plain, nothing else
>last $50
Oh anon

>> No.53893730

who's cat spammer? weed anon is okay in my book

>> No.53893731

>cat spammer
who's that?

i only recognize the tranny chud poster
the non tipper
and the 'cado ass poster

>> No.53893742

>I want to be a thing so desperately please notice me daddy

>> No.53893824

All spammers are trannies. All trannies (on 4chan) are schizos. Mods won't do shit because they'd rather eat hot pockets.


>> No.53893830


>> No.53894008


>> No.53894021

You guys ok?

>> No.53894122
