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53892530 No.53892530 [Reply] [Original]

Any other Mech e’s noticing this? I’ve been interviewing for a new job and I’ve gotten two 90k+ job offers in the Midwest, I only have 3 years of experience. I figured I’d only get low 70s offers.

>> No.53892544

I'll be making 75k/y soon to sit on my ass playing video games in IT, feels like the less work a job is the more I get paid

>> No.53892843
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I'm EE, honestly the pay is roughly the same as ME.
I got an offer for $70k out of school, in the Midwest
...in 2015

As far as I can tell, the pay really doesn't pick up with experience either, unless you're willing to take on massive responsibility/liability/increase in hours

IMHO none of that really matters, it's a fool's errand to try and derive wealth from the income from your employer regardless of what your field is, your employer is deeply invested in making sure you can NEVER become independently wealthy

>> No.53893060


>> No.53893076

5 figures is still a shit income in the USA unless that’s after tax and you don’t need to save anything for retirement

>> No.53893084
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I fucked up and fell into a shitty gis role and only make 67k at 28. Am I just fucked out of any decent engineering role at this point or what

>> No.53893387

It's a commodities market now

>> No.53893633

I agree but it’s still a lot more than I thought I’d get

I currently make 66k and got offered 95k so doesn’t seem like it

>> No.53895163


>> No.53895179

Hmm, I'm almost 2x what I was at when I got out of school in 2015.

>> No.53896290

That's someone's son

>> No.53896419

>cankles and hobbit feet
why do you have this saved on your computer?

>> No.53896574

It's my phone

>> No.53896695

I got a good job offer and big raise last year. Still not near 90k though.

>> No.53896793

Switch jobs, if you're staying at the same spot unhappy about your wage you're doing it wrong. Find a niche and go hard.
>t. EE undergrad making 220k/year + benefits

>> No.53897221

Frankly I'm just overly comfy because I work from home and get to dick around half the day kek. 74k salary doesn't look as bad when you can live anywhere and your boss doesn't give a shit. I imagine during one of these shake ups he will get replaced by a cranky boomer and revoke my wfh and I'll just let them sack me

>> No.53897431

Similar to >>53897221 I accept less than optimal pay for the sake of non-monetary perks. I get to pick my own hours and schedule. I take more time off than most large corporations would tolerate. Last time I looked into changing jobs, the place I interviewed told me I'd get only one week off, without even the option of taking unpaid time off in addition to that.

>> No.53897628

I call complete bullshit and nobody should believe you unless you provide proof. Even the coders that lie about their income don't even bullshit that high.

>> No.53898010

those are the ugliest, fattest, most dwarven-looking clog of feet I've ever seen on a woman creature. Holy cow. Why even show them?

>> No.53898384

Yeah my vacation policy is ass. I only get 4 weeks of pto a year and I can't take unpaid time off either. I can go negative but if I quit then I have to pay my company back that time apparently. Kind of cracked.

>> No.53898649
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>salaries skyrocketing
oh god...
you know not everyone works at taco bell...

>> No.53898890

mine's up $25k but the only way to make more in the area is to put "Senior" or "Lead" in your title
in case you are dense, that's actually a fucking terrible idea and you are a chump if you fall for it

also this
post your W-2 or fuck off

>> No.53899246
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>$90k for hard, valuable, well earned degree
>My fat skank friend who worked at Starbucks until she was 30 went to a web dev boot camp and got a job 6 months later making $70k
Pic related

>> No.53901551

Apply to half decent sounding startups, better if they are medtech or finance.
>Sr. Advanced R&D EE
>don't take the promotion chump
I work with a lot of ME's that make around 130k at the low end, half of them did dual major in something biomedical. I don't work Fridays and my responsibilities are project based, which is far preferable to middle management riding your dick.
Cope, seethe, dialate.

>> No.53902131

machinist too, i went from 19 to 33. 4 years exp. getting into robotics technician stuff next.

>> No.53902240

>be me
>mechanical engineer
>55k salary in any city i want
I feel like i won the lottery bros

>> No.53902264

If you can, look into machining in Southern California for something involving aerospace. Those Boeing and Raytheon contracts are fukn juicy.

>> No.53903695

>got an Associates in Engineering
>Hated seeing my mom live poor, decide to not go to uni and now a fulltime CAD monkey.
>Job hop for almost a year and a half.
>New job is gonna be paying me $24, over 70% increase from 13.50 from my 1st job.
I honestly don't even want to pursue engineering anymore, I'm satisfied with just putting shit into a CAD software.
Better than dealing with the braindead normalfags in retail or god forbid dealing with the subhuman customers in fast food

>> No.53903890
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All the boomers SMEs are dying/retiring. I started a $150k position at a new company over the summer. They are desperate for more people. After years of getting shit on it's finally our moment to shine ME bros.

>> No.53903912


>> No.53903959

wtf are these low expectations. are MechEs really that buckbroken?

>> No.53904093

Lol I was thinking the same thing. You guys realize random finance bros with business degrees are making $120k in a decent city? And software(engineers) are making $200k+?

>> No.53904104

Cool i work with my hands and change people’s lives for the better! My salary is just a bonus.

>> No.53904122

Those aren’t mechanical engineers.

That’s a
>troll post

In that order, none of them are engineers. But yes, this career and engineering in general are painful in today’s economy, we’ve been surpassed hard.

>> No.53904435

My wife's

>> No.53904516


I’m glad I’m not on the design/engineering side. I love being in the senior role of project construction & estimation.

But many of these posts are correct. Unless you take the risk, and open up your own company, or get in good with ownership and make it into top leadership, you’ll always be a disposable wagie. I have a great job, and love my company.

>> No.53904566

So go make your own thread about how awesome you are.

>> No.53904648

Bachelors in ME in the mid Atlantic here. I work in nuclear power with split roles between a our metallurgical lab and doing tooling and component design for our shops as well as weld coordination. I make 100k base with up to 15% bonus with 4 years experience (only 2 are relevant). Gonna move up the track to a management path in the next couple years with solid pay raises and really good bonuses as you move up in grade as well as company stock incentives. Working for a large power company is actually amazing, almost like working for the government without many of the downsides, like working with incompetent nigs. I did grind for two years working rotating shifts as a station operator at a fossil plant. Shit is hard but the pay is amazing. If any of you MEs want to make 100k+ with very little experience, go work operations at a coal or gas plant. The requirements are really low and you’ll be working with a bunch of rednecks if that’s your thing. Good experience too if you want to work in power

>> No.53904712
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Biomedical Engineering degree with a senior role in medical device development. I'm 33.

>> No.53904759


Yikes 42000k in federal income tax.

That’s ridiculous. I’ve maxed out S.S a few times, but they really screw you once you pass that 150 k bracket.

Middle class always pays high taxes. And the government really only attacks middle class.

>> No.53904765

Very nice.

>> No.53904766

Do you work in santa clata too?

>> No.53904812
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>> No.53904860
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Headquartered on the east coast, but I travel a lot for work. I spent several weeks at St. Helena Hospital in Napa this year which was quite nice.

>> No.53904895 [DELETED] 
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Yes, most casuals don't realize how badly middle/upper middle gets screwed.

>> No.53904977

What industry anon? I have bs in EE and am stuck around $115k

>> No.53905047
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I wouldn't mind the tax rate if the money was being used to improve this country. Instead, the middle class is taxed to death while the country slowly collapses.

>> No.53905074

Why aren't you maxing the 401K to reduce tax burden?

>> No.53905189


Pretty much… the middle class bears the full brunt. The mega wealthy pay no tax. And the super poor live free

>> No.53906118

Im a cad monkey in architecture its comfy.

>> No.53906271

>and go hard
Anon, my peepee is hard all the time already

>> No.53906607

You VILL eat zem

>> No.53908903

See >>53901551
It me. Not sure how anybody is making money outside of healthcare or finance at the moment, aerospace honorable mention.

>> No.53908933


>> No.53910698
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what's the matter, did I hit too close to home?
>I do this and this and that
who's the one coping here, exactly?
I sit at my desk and nap, they get what they pay for

>> No.53911344

>heh I sit around wasting my own time while they pay me shit to be on retainer
>showed them
How ever you want to justify being a poorfag, thats fine by me anon, but goddamn thats the saddest cope I have seen in a long time.

>> No.53912777

Gonna guess u live in Western MD/PA

>> No.53914328

God damn, so 90k is the new 70k? What did i work 3 yrs just to be at entry level again

>> No.53914991

after all this time I've realized that I'd rather pour lattes and live in a box than have to report to and have visibility of the dickweeds in upper management
if the only way to get more pay is to do what you say you can keep your good goy bux

>> No.53915066

will probably get even higher the more you wait, most big techs delved too much into diversity hires for the sake of it and are now feeling the hole left by actual competent people.