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File: 92 KB, 1168x584, LINKcard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53889647 No.53889647 [Reply] [Original]

Please talk me out of buying some more of this

>> No.53889678

When was the last time you used a link token?

>> No.53889684

The Vodafone thing got to me ngl

>> No.53889708
File: 48 KB, 750x1334, 1668041608657146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asking an individual when they last purchased rights to use a decentralized oracle network service
big homie don't be ridiculous, you can do better than that

>> No.53889739

It’s a donation coin to fund sergey’s Bigmac fund.

>> No.53889747

This makes me want to buy. I'm looking for serious points on why I shouldnt

>> No.53889817

You don't deserve to be rich. You'll never amount to anything anyway, at least if you miss the Link boat you'll be able to blame that instead of having literally no excuse.

>> No.53889935

Token not sneeded (seriously)

>> No.53889977

The Vodafone thing they first posted about a full year ago yet haven't done anything to make any progress toward, whatsoever?

>> No.53889982

Shitty Tokenomincs. When you buy Chainlink you are not buying into the company like a stock. You are just buying a coin thats future utility is to be used as collateral on nodes/data feeds. The token is not needed any reliable asset could be used instead to be staked as collateral such as usdt or Eth for a couple examples. The Chainlink token was at the end of the day just created to get more funding from the public. It’s Ponzi scheme tokenomics that they only are allowing Chainlink token to be sued as collateral, the bull case is that when the system goes online and there is high demand for reliable offchain data that they’ll be a supply shock as all Chainlink tokens are staked as collateral on these nodes, the moment other coins can be used as collateral is the moment Chainlink token losses all it’s value

>> No.53890001

>some more
it's too late then, your mind is already shutting out dissenting voices, bagholder syndrome is setting in. just know this: the less money you have riding on this, the more you'll heal

>> No.53890056

I hop in and "fud" link, gme, rose, and assorted cultbag threads periodically throughout the day, and I genuinely don't care whether you buy more or not. I'm leaning towards buy more desu.
That way I'll always have people to argue with for a cheap dopamine hit when I take a smoke break.

>> No.53890082

wait for $2

>> No.53890106

Nevermind that you contradicted yourself like three or four times, but the truth of the matter is (and always has been): node operations will always be paid in the LINK token.
I assume you're just fudding for fun or spite, and didn't actually believe any of the "token not needed" memes.

>> No.53890187

the token is mandated, it's not needed. just look at the bnb version, it's trivial to rip out the extraneous token. but that's splitting hairs: node operators need $, not tokens, so every buy pressure s offset by equal sell pressure. it's obvious to everybody, that's why they are dangling the staking carrot in front of "investors" / donators to keep them from selling. it's been going on for over 5 year now, no reason it's going to change soon

>> No.53890230
File: 234 KB, 651x1185, EE306295-5E7C-4EBE-B5FB-F8CA5ACE992F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry anon, the risk of rapid adoption and appreciation of the LINK token price is just too great. Best to steer clear for your own safety

>> No.53890235

They don’t need to be paid out in link token though and they don’t need link token to be used as collateral when staking. The Chainlink team just set it up that way so people would be forced to use their token and so the value of their token would go up. That’s the point I am trying to make, the token isn’t needed in the technological sense, it does nothing except act as a unit of value and to pay out fees which any token can already do. The redflag and scam is that Chainlink team is preventing other forms of value being used to be staked as collateral so that all value has to go through their token so they can make the most money off their token. The project should have just been tokenless and just an ecosystem in which you could use any approved unit of value to stake and any fees accumulated get paid out in stable coins

>> No.53890264

in a multichain environment staking security can only depend on a token directly tied to the value and activity of the entire oracle network, other forms of collateralization are a security risk

>> No.53890263

you would need to be retarded to buy anything else

>> No.53890332

>multichain environment
not a single public chain is used for anything serious, it's all just more crypto bullshit, an end in itself. adoption isn't hindered by a lack of "multichain", there isn't even "singlechain" happening. it's ridiculous to solve non-problems like that, just like all those "scaling solutions" when there are like 10 transactions happening per second

>> No.53890395

Not all tokens would be used. Only approved tokens. Having many approved tokens is higher security then just one token as all would have to fail to destroy the protocol vs just one.

Also the tokenomics are fucked. 1 billion token fixed supply. How do you pay out fees and stake when supply is fixed? Lets say for example 99% of tokens are staked 0.5% are in wallets and the other 0.5% in a pool that are used to pay fees, how does the fee pool re grow if everyone is staking? Would the fees just keep lowering in amounts so that it never depletes and start rewarding stupid small amounts like 0.0000001 link? Also when the token price is highly volatile nodes will constantly become over collateralized if price goes up or under collateralized if price goes down. Stable coins are what solves all these issues

>> No.53890400

it's amazing to see such ignorance professed with such arrogance

>> No.53890405
File: 234 KB, 442x446, 1677628266544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pumps the least dumps the most
thanks but no thanks, ill take the coin that pumps the most and dumps the least instead

>> No.53890426

>Having many approved tokens is higher security then just one token as all would have to fail to destroy the protocol vs just one.
The opposite is true, having a larger attack surface makes the protocol more vulnerable, in the same way that 4pool was drained after UST's demise even though the other stables were fine.

Didn't read the rest of your post

>> No.53890456

if you don't include arguments in your reply, it looks like you have none

>> No.53890473
File: 231 KB, 705x951, 1659653582058518~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink will ruin your mental health. Imagine knowing how powerful and important chainlink is to crypto and yet it's not even top 10 and everytime good news comes out, bitcoin instantly dumps stopping link from pumping at all. Eric Schmidt the man who made google what it is today is the advisor to chainlink and said how revolutionary the token is. Swift has even stated that they are working with chainlink on a proof of concept. Citibank has stated that over time Link will become more important than bitcoin itself. Yet despite all of this Link is 7. Fucking. Dollars. Why is no one buying at these insane prices? Are they retarded or is the token really not needed like everyone says here? One last thing before i go ask yourself what other crypto project has threads dedicated about how the project is bad? Why do people spend hours arguing with people about how terrible of an investment Link is and telling others NOT to buy Link? Once you find the answer, everything will make sense. Good luck anon dont fuck up this opportunity.

>> No.53890552
File: 59 KB, 694x1199, 20230227_160339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like LINK will break out and Binance will be sacrificed next cap this

>> No.53890671
File: 368 KB, 850x436, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The website they released alongside plans that include firm intentions to produce 160 million wallets for connected devices such as EV vehicles and their charging stations isn't anything

>> No.53890680
File: 74 KB, 700x693, 1676254805427559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And ETH will rug hard with the Shanghai fork. Hodl ETH get Shanghai'd kek

>> No.53892559

I keep seeing this all over the web, fuck it's real isn't it. They keep finding black swans

>> No.53892663

only a stupid bastard would buy this shit. fucking shame on you idiot.

>> No.53892735


>> No.53893211

>They keep finding black swans



Fixed it for you

>> No.53893277

it is nothing
proof: no price action

>> No.53893294

Not buying anything close to this anon, would rather buy a DeFi gateway project or the ones building the future of finance.

>> No.53893383

Don du it

>> No.53894002

not really seeing a convincing argument not to buy it myself op
if no one minds ill buy 200 more link next payday

>> No.53894127

They are already letting people pay with USDT but they just automatically buy chainlink with it.

>> No.53894225

I'll buy 50 more units immediately I got my paycheck as I've others in my radar to stock up on TRB, RIDE, and QWT.

>> No.53894433
File: 175 KB, 2242x466, 1559143939860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53894563

Wait till it's lower than 5 dollars. It will happen

>> No.53894588
File: 68 KB, 500x513, 3287823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see link reaching it's previous ATH ever again bros... I'm tired.