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538878 No.538878 [Reply] [Original]

It truly baffles me. I find female managers to be a total pain to work under. They are overly concerned with correct process and have a real hard-on for discipline. They also make the last approachable managers.

If you get placed under a female manager you're career will literally be set back a number of years than if you were placed under a male manager. Since female managers show no respect if you do anything for them and will take all the credit themselves for their workers.

I've recently been promoted to lower management, from underneath a female manager. I had to go way outside my department to impress higher up male managers. If I had a male manager myself I'm sure I would have been a manager several years earlier.

>> No.538889


>> No.538912


>> No.538914

Ummm your full of shit. Your subjective experience is not proof of a national trend. I have had several female managers. Many of them were great people. One was the biggest bitch I ever met. Ugh but most were awesome. That's my subjective experience. Do you have any statistics or evidence to back up your claims?

>> No.538917

My experience with female managers is that they are absolutely incompetent, worthless, gossiping bitches who don't give credit where credit is due. The day I have to once again work under a female manager is the day I quit. I'm sure there are a few very talented female managers but most of them are just godawful at their jobs.

>> No.538920


Womyn detected

>> No.538921

So that the managers and executives have their pick of ass to select from the eye candy menu.

>> No.538944

>you're career
your inability to distinguish between "your" and "you're" might also hinder your career

>> No.538947

Worked with one for a short time, nice enough lady buy I got received some femsplaining about things she knew nothing about.

>> No.538949

Top blog post OP

Seriously, I do my best to avoid working with women (if they're not my inferiors), they are unreliable and/or a major source of conflicts

Female managers are often a caricature of what they think a "solid, upright" male manager is

>> No.538950

You should know that spelling and grammar don't effect anyone's career now that anyone can press F7 and be perfect.

Lots of top level office managers can't spell for shit.

>> No.538951

Women in work

> HR department
Easily the laziest, most incompetent department. Manage to shat everything they touch

> Finance
One guy makes a lad joke in the midst of females and suddenly the entire department is sent on a dignity-to-work course.

> Customer Service
Sitting there chewing gum, gossiping and bitching about others. Then bitching at each other. We had one of them in tears at her desk about a month ago.

> H&S
One of them doing audits on the shop floor (manufacturing company), and I paraphrase "using that thing on this thing to twizzle the thingy and it's bad for your wrist". She was talking about a spanner and a nut.

Drives me mad.

>> No.538955

> spelling and grammar don't effect anyone's career now
What utter bullshit.

Go read the 1000 odd comment section.

>> No.538975

>Linking a comment section of a news article to prove a point


>> No.538990

> Not proving your own point beyond your own petty opinion


>> No.539010

I worked for a female manager in a high level post office and she was the most arrogant condescending botch I ever worked for. She treated me like her son (not in a good way) and acted like she knew everything at all times especially when she didn't know shit. Women in male dominated careers are a nightmare because they always have something to prove.

>> No.539050

If you end up with a female superior try to bring out her motherly side, you will literally have the easiest life ever get away with murder and when your promoted or do well they will never give you any hassle instead will literally sing your praises and just be "proud of how well your doing" this has landed me both jobs and promotions before, also free dinners/cakes.

>> No.539053

>try to bring out her motherly side

Any practical ideas how to do this?

>> No.539060

If you hate women you'll never be successful at business. They're not going away.
>capcha: career sealed

>> No.539071

Gotta agree with OP.

Almost all my female managers (and coworkers) have been persons who always got to fucking argue even if they are obviously wrong.

And if you prove you were actually correct they throw a tantrum.

>> No.539076


>> No.539092

Oh man. I work in a very female dominant industry, so my direct manager is female as is my retail manager as is the owner of the shop.

The owner will sit around and talk and drink coffee and gossip half the time, the retail manager will do the same and then delegate all her jobs to other people and demand an explanation of why the job isn't finished after a short amount of time
My manager will never admit she is wrong and gives me countless time wasting lectures on things that I either already know, don't need to know, or things which are simply irrelevant. She again falls into the category of gossiping and generally being lazy, doing as little work as possible while delegating other jobs and taking credit.

While the three women outside of work are fairly decent human beings, in the workplace they are catty, lazy and unwilling to accept external input or give you credit for good work/good ideas. I had one manager a few years ago who was also incompetent but on the upside she treated me very favorably which helped early on. She quit however because surprise surprise her and one of the other managers had a bitch fight.

The western female mindset produces very few hard working females who are capable of being fair and subverting their natural arrogance. On the inverse, the handful of men I work with are all fairly friendly, and work hard bar one.

>> No.539103
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>the biggest
>"Your subjective experience is not proof of a national trend" before giving subjective experience

>> No.539104

start groping for her breasts and calling "mummy, I want milk! mummy!"

>> No.539322

>And if you prove you were actually correct they throw a tantrum.

Inb4 feminist shills

>> No.539396

>overly concerned with correct process
>hard-on for discipline.

You answered your own question. Whoever they answer to doesn't want the bottom rung doing stupid shit like thinking for themselves, or deviating from company policy in any way. They hire people for lower management who can keep the peons in line, but are usually in no way any serious competition against them, for upward mobility within the company.

Don't kid yourself. The higher-ups know exactly what sort of bullshit goes on beneath their feet. They just don't care as long as things run relatively smoothly, and it doesn't affect the bottom line.

>> No.539417

I wouldn't believe this entire thread before I worked in corporate as an intern
Some of the women are hard working, but the majority blatantly do less work than their male counterparts.
The best example would be this bitch I knew in payroll, always miserable and just a pain in the ass to deal with.
Don't even get me started on the female interns, treated like diamonds.

>> No.539423

>Don't even get me started on the female interns, treated like diamonds.
This, holy shit, this.

My girlfriend interned for an engineering company last summer (as a sophomore - maybe 15% of engineering sophomores at my school get internships). I've asked her about her work - she filled out RFIs. No engineering knowledge needed. No engineering, period. She made $16/hour (plus they paid for housing so equivalent to an additional $5 or $7/hr) just like all the male interns. They all did real work, she did almost nothing.

Whoa, she got selected as the BEST intern in the lot (of 10-15 kids). She did nothing, and now they already offered her a position next summer and a full-time career the following summer after she graduates.

Being a woman makes engineering so fucking retardedly easy. You don't have to know engineering. You don't even have to do anything. You're just loved because you have a vagina. Kinda like the rest of life.

>> No.539475

I work in a female dominant area. My regional coordinator is a female but the CEO is a male.

My boss is pretty strict and she doesn't fuck around, she expects results and can be a stone cold bitch sometimes.

>> No.539848

>mfw my whole workplace is women
Thank god we never speak to each other since we're so busy.

>> No.539889


>> No.539908

If you were tall and good-looking, you'd love female managers.

>> No.539928

seems like your starting to understand the role of the vagina in capitalism. The vagina is a commodity that is bartered and traded. This specific commodity is also highly coveted and supply usually does not meet demand. Hence why her employers were so eager to hire her. Most engineers I assume are typically male and the typical engineering firm is probably a sausage fest. The owners have rights to the commodity for life and will either sell it(marriage) or rent it out(prostitution/relationships). Like every other perishable commodity it will eventually reach expiration after 30 years and reaches peak value between 18-22 years and slowly begins to decline in value until expiration. Most men buy vagina's later on because they are expensive during peak value years and this is why most women will use their peak value years to extract large amounts of resources from temporary partners and then look for a cash out around age 30. Every item in a capitalist system organic or inorganic that has quantifiable demand for said item will follow the laws of the market and the forces of supply and demand. Such is capitalism.

>> No.539943
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It could be sorta fun.

>> No.539960
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>telecommute position for yurop
>female manager interviewing me
>makes a bunch of racists suppositions about my third world country
>surprised we have roads
>surprised we have transportation
>asks if I know how to use the internet and computer
>I have to suck it up and reply politely
>got the job

>> No.539970
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>mfw I'm a woman wanting to go in finance.
I'll agree that an all women HR is fucking shit. At my last internship, I felt intimidated trying to talk to them.
I preferred the male analysts to the female ones too.

I think one of the analysts hated me because I was younger than her which meant she no longer was the youngest on the floor kek. She was also shit at her job and had to call tech support several times and they even gave her a new computer.

>> No.540017

>tfw all of my bosses have been females except one
>tfw they were all really nice and hard working people
>tfw they worked so hard they made me look like a lazy nigger

>> No.540030

>wanting to be a manager
>getting to be house nigger so you can tell the field niggers what to do

>> No.540033


Supreme gentleman pls go

>> No.540034

>have chill ass guy boss
>we all know company is shit so we just keep things quiet
>he gets promoted
>get newly promoted female as manager
>thinks she can fix the company with her tiny pebble of power
>has no idea what she is doing
>ruins the morale of the group

>> No.540044

Do you?

>> No.540053
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Because its the ideal woman job, I know it sounds misogynistic or whatever tumblrtards call it nowadays but its true and I've seen it regularly throughout my somewhat short life.

They essentially feel power and control over you without putting in nearly as much work or having enough skills to do produce meaningful things. They like the feeling of being able to tell whoever to fuck off and powers that come with being a manager and all that glory when they look successful to their higher-ups eyes while its mostly the workers. And I'm not saying all managers are like this but most of the female ones I've seen are.

It feels like girls in highschool all grown up, prissy and that attitude of "treat me like a princess because if you don't like it i'll make your life hell". Women tend to not do JACKSHIT ever in just about every company. They always complain and bitch about things being too hard while all their coworkers are busting their balls without complaining, they just assume they're the ones being treated unfairly instead of it just being normal job responsibility everyone is doing.

With few exceptions Female workers are among the worst demographic to have.

I hope I find a nice gay company to join, say what you will about the sexual deviants but at least they're all men and relate-able.

>> No.540247

go back to r9k

>> No.541385


Affirmative action quotas.

They only hire them to fill the quotas.

They are a net loss to the company, as they only exist for legal reasons.

This is why it is becoming less and less profitable to open up a business in Burgeristan, Canadistan, etc, and is why they're all getting outsourced over seas to places without ridiculous quotas.

>> No.541393


No one is talking about hating women. We just understand that both men and women have their own strengths, and leadership/management isn't for women.

And we're talking about the obvious fact that they get hired into pointless positions just to fill AA quotas, which shouldn't exist in the free market, or any successful economy.

>> No.541403

Fortunately I've never had a female manager, and the women I've worked with were mostly nice.

I think I just work for a company that's savvy enough to hire people who know not to shit talk at work.

>> No.541431

Come for the job, stay for the cakes.
That is my motto at least.

>> No.541441
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I haven't noticed any correlation between gender and management quality. You get some bad ones, you get some good ones, you just have to roll with the punches man.

>> No.541513

maybe it was part of the interview

>> No.541519

i'll assume most of you are burgerpeople?

>> No.541571

I've had 4 male managers and 3 females. One of my female managers was an absolute bitch to work for, just a gossiping cunt who existed merely to crush you underneath her and inflate her ego. But the other two were stellar; they lead by example, coming in early and staying late, actively encouraged teamwork and co-operation, and regularly gave employees recognition for a job well done (and, conversely, reprimanded them for shitty work). They were sometime very demanding, but you felt good working under them.

My male managers were more either just mediocre or blatantly incompetent. As FRIENDS, they were probably better. I always felt a solid personal connection to them, and you could just shoot the shit with them, go drinking after work like you were best buds. But they were always sort of ineffective leaders or "lead from behind", never had a clear path to accomplish goals. One manager I worked under literally had no idea what we as employees did; the level of work we were performing was just way above his head. Sure, they gave recognition to "the team", but the way things were set up, it was implicitly assumed that the manager was responsible for team performance, and when we performed well, they got a proportionally higher raise and/or bonus.

>> No.541610


Against all odds I have seen first hand some decent female managers but they are the piddling minority. Women just cannot lead effectively. Even the strong A-types are terrible and are mostly just caricatures of strong male role models who they idolize, as this anon pointed out.

>> No.541715

This post reeks of a cunt.

>> No.541720

Please respond and agree with my opinions. I need validation from my only friends

>> No.541743

Honestly, I left the sales industry (that is a fancy way of saying i was a line level - supervisor sales clerk throughout a short term while going to school). My store was always male dominate (the sales field I think is in general).

The best times were always when our managers were male dominated. Maybe its because of the "boys club" type attitude, but nobody cared about your "Ps" and "Qs" it was just a matter of hitting your goals and getting shit done.

When we transitioned over the years to a more female dominated management staff I felt (again subjectively) that it wasn't that we hit numbers it was that we followed the policies and points. That isn't to say that we lied about anything we did, but we were allowed to let things be more organic. Additionally, certain aspects of the business which we used to never care about all of a sudden was primary focus and often was more important then the sales. Granted it may of been a company wide initiative but it just felt somehow pointless.

PS. All of the above is purely subjective, its my opinion based purely on my opinion. I am a firm believer in the corporate world, people are promoted just high enough to be incompetent at their job -- That is to say, you were good enough in the position under your current position but clearly not good enough to get to the next tier position.

>> No.541770
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Most females bosses I've had we're cunts, most males were retarded with the exception of a couple.
Anytime I've had a problem with either I talked to them one on one face to face. Better to talk it out than puss out.

>> No.541842
