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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 48 KB, 899x359, Roberts Loans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53886773 No.53886773 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like we're going to have to pay our denbts.

>> No.53886788
File: 229 KB, 907x1076, it's over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over.

>> No.53886824

imagine thinking that they're getting anything now that he's already halfway into the presidency
(((democracies))) don't work that way, you got to keep things perpetually unfinished so that you will have something to sell your voters for the next election

>> No.53886881

That's just theatre, it'll drag on just long enough for the next election. The reset / inflation singularity will wipe out all debt anyways.

>> No.53886901

Good. College students are leaches on society.

>> No.53887384

not paying if it passes. not paying if it doesnt. simple as.

>> No.53887406

hey wagie we're cutting your salary by 20% due to the economy. thanks, i knew you'd understand.

t. wfh chad

>> No.53887408

I literally could not care less about the philosophical argument, I just want to not pay the $14k in loans I took out to get a retarded meme comp-sci degree because nobody will fucking hire me

>> No.53887486

That's your own fucking fault. Are you going to pay me $14,000 when you get a job? No? Then why are you asking me to give you $14,000? You fucking dipshit leech. I hope you fucking die, you fucking retarded parasite.

>> No.53887487

imagine wanting the government to pay off student loans lmao
your degree puts you ahead of people without a degree in the market, if it doesn't then you got a shit degree
paying this off for people only encourages more bad behavior and would cause a ton of class based resentment

>> No.53887529

Why shouldn’t I want the government to bail me out? They have no problems bailing out niggers and other minorities, no problem bailing out rich kikes and no problem bailing out failing corperations. Why does the buck stop when it’s time to bail out the regular citizen? I’m a white male and I deserve to be bailed out for the first time in my life.

It’s weird that /biz/ is so against this.

>> No.53887530

>Then why are you asking me to give you $14,000?
I'm not, I'm asking the people you give all your money to. You don't get a voice in the matter. Keep seething, let the cortisol harden your arteries and shorten your sorry bitter life.

>> No.53887550

I'm not saying I don't expect selfish behavior
but honestly dude if you're posting on a business and finance board and you got a shit degree and took on too much debt then it's your own damn fault
I got a worthwhile degree, took on moderate debt, and have already paid it all off

>> No.53887555

>would cause a ton of class based resentment
Good, because that's where it belongs instead of the media-induced race resentment

>> No.53887587

Yeah except I also got a good degree, took on moderate debt and now make 90k/yr. I still want to be bailed out. We are never going to stop bailing people out in this country so I may as well benefit for once.

>> No.53887593


This is a disingenuous argument I hear from people who suck the US governments dick.

I am sure you think the Ukraine situation is something that should be paid for because you're a fucking retard. I'm sure you don't even think about how much money goes to retarded monkey people. I'm sure all of this is fine because it keeps your specific financial interests afloat despite you being a fucking faggot.

Getting rid of the student loan debt shit in its entirety would mostly just shit up inflation which is what the government wants to clamp down on because they need to continually pump fake china money into housing and other lending scams.

You're a nigger and should be killed.

>> No.53887601

Because it doesn't bailout the regular citizen. It bails out managers and other middle class faggots that paid for a degree and job. Everyone who works for a living is in worse debt and has no hope in sight only to see their boss get 20k of debt forgiven? No way.

>> No.53887621

Good pay up you faggot

>> No.53887625
File: 94 KB, 735x485, why-isnt-my-drain-working-probably-because-the-pipe-is-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey wfh Chad, that new water heater will be $2900
t. tradie

>> No.53887635

God forbid we bail out the middle class for once instead of using the middle class to bail out the poor and the rich.

>> No.53887682

enjoy your debt bro

>> No.53887708

no, see, you're white
white people don't get bailed out

>> No.53887716
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America pays first then I'll pay my debts
Nuke America

>> No.53887736

How's the lower back plumber Joe

>> No.53887737

Good luck making money if nobody can even afford water heaters in the first place.

>> No.53887743

Fuck debtors. You signed the loan moron. Pay it back.

>> No.53887798

>take out a loan
>pay it back (with interest)

This confuses and enrages the millennial

>> No.53887831
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Come and take it.

>> No.53887895


>> No.53887948

>That's just theatre, it'll drag on just long enough for the next election.
Idk, to be honest I don't think Biden wins, either DeSantis or Trump will. They'll have to figure out this mess.

>> No.53887986
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>government will disburse more than half a trillion dollars to businesses in bailout programs in under 5 years because the businesses are incompetent
>government refuses to pay $430B over a 30 year period to help American students pay off their debt

>> No.53887993
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>> No.53888052

>he thinks the votes matter
Hate to break it to you bud but Biden didn't "win" the first time. It's not going to matter who "wins" the second time. It's gonna be democratic presidents and globohomo forever until [REDACTED]

>> No.53888060

>tfw my masters in philosophy was actually worth the price and time

Just pay your fucking debts

>> No.53888082

Why would anyone think that judges are immune from influence?

>> No.53888087

>free money for Boomers
>free money for Millennials
There was never any hope here.
The Boomers' last act will be to literally sell their grandchildren into slavery to buy an extra pudding cup at the old folks home.

>> No.53888086 [DELETED] 

But you are. That directly devalues my currency and also wastes tax dollars on faggots like you. I work 3 jobs, have a house, a wife, 2 kids, and I have to listen to sorry pieces of shit like you whine and bitch like communist faggots all the time. I'd much rather just kill you and all you other neet commie faggots than spend $0.01 on your worthless pathetic existence. I hope you're vaxxed and you die of a stroke you fucking jew

>> No.53888122

This is pretty disingenuous when you consider that the people that take out these loans have the mental capacities of retarded teenagers who have been told their entire lives by those they (hopefully) trust that they need a degree to be successful in this world, because they are retarded 17 and 18 year olds. Where are they supposed to divine the truth from? Why do you think the price of higher education has risen so much?

>> No.53888158

Yup, I grantee they will start phasing out social security after boomers die

>> No.53888200


The money has already been paid out to student loan borrowers. The $430 billion is future revenue that the government wouldn't receive if the $10-20k of debt was wiped out and borrowers no longer had to make payments on it.

And as unpopular as the TARP loans were at the time, banks have paid them back with interest and the US govt has actually profited off the program to the tune of $100 billion according to your own link.

>> No.53888213

To be fare isn't this fuck wit trying to circumnavigate the Senate.

>> No.53888270

No, you keep forgetting you don't get a choice or vote in the matter. You have plenty of other actual Jews to worry about if your primary concern is having your currency devalued. But it sounds more like your primary concern is just resentment for people getting a cut of big daddy government because you aren't and have some chip on your shoulder about commies and libs. Man, the world would just be paradise if it weren't for all those faggot commies and libs and jews.

Cool story about your job and house and wife and kids, I don't care about your insecurities. But now I hope Biden will find some other way to forgive the debt just so I can relish in how angry you'll be getting

>> No.53888409

but anon social security is SOCIALISM this is ebin and based fuck social security

>> No.53888456

NGL, the supreme court is an illegitimate institution.

>> No.53888473

>Publicly and repeatedly say your branch of government doesnt have the power to do something unilaterally
>Do it anyways
>Get challenged in court
>"Oh no it looks like we may lose!"
You dont say, you fucking retards.

>> No.53888496

it has been illegitimate since Marbury v. Madison. Why does Biden have to listen to the SCOTUS lmao he should invoke Jacksonian privilege and tell them to enforce their decision if they don't like what hes doing

>> No.53888567

Oh but we do get a say. We get to vote to block you. This is how the elites create class strife. And it will work too because I'm not budging. At most you'll get hate filled momentum creating a standstill and a non elite class of people split into tribes trying to steal from each other. Oh well. I'm not budging. You're not getting my money and I will damn sure ensure my politicians are held accountable for blocking yours from giving it to you. This is the game and we all gotta play. At least I'm not the idiot stuck with the debt though.

>> No.53888595

lol, lmao
Biden wins a second term because Trump won’t get the nomination and will drain votes from the actual GOP nominee

>> No.53888618

Do you not understand that in an atomized society, you and I are competition? This is like the gubmint dropping fines on a competitor of mine.

>> No.53888630

AGI is literally 2-5 years away. I’m not paying shit

>> No.53888663

they'll by regardless. and pay $10,000 after credit card interest

>> No.53888705

quiet down and get back under my sink or bad google review for you

>> No.53888778

You don't get to vote anything. You're not budging on what (lol)? Like its inception, the fate of loan forgiveness will be determined by decree. The people responsible for blocking or allowing it are not elected, they're appointed, and to life-long seats that neither you nor I can do anything about.

I'll be okay either way, but I'd much rather have the +$14k. And I agree with what you're saying about this being a device to stoke resentment, but you should realize that the federal government steals from you no less whenever they print money for any other purpose (unless you're the one getting it). Temper your resentment for your fellow countrymen that suffer life in much the same way you do and instead get more angry when the people receiving that money are a lot less like you in wealth, holdings, or nationality. I know it's tough when half of them are insufferable faggots under the globohomo kike spell, but that sentiment was already enough to get someone as detestable as Trump into office.

>> No.53889636

I probably make 3x your wage with my bachelors and I haven't paid back that last 20k because I'm not retarded enough to pass up free money like you. Cool feigned morality faggot.

>> No.53889672

This has to be a glowie post
if not, it sounds like you came straight from Yahoo News comments

then mentions
>work 3 jobs

who is really being controlled?

>> No.53889691
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Adjusted Gross Income?

>> No.53889885
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Hey! Hey! Boomer! Get this! I'll pay off my student loans when:

- We stop sending vast quantities of money to Israel
- We stop sending vast quantities of money to the 3rd world
- We stop socializing losses, and privatizing gains
- We prosecute every last boomer who defrauded the Paycheck Protection Program
- We reinstate EVERY last regulation that has been overturned or removed since 1970.

Until then, i'm just not going to pay.

>> No.53889998

What type of fucking retard takes student loans to get a education for a job that can't repay that loan?

>> No.53890050

Remember that leftists think these people who are too young and can't make a proper decision on their future career or finances and they should Be refunded.

Leftest also think kids younger than this are smart enough to take puberty blockers and chemically castrated themselves to become trannies.

>> No.53890083
File: 507 KB, 1438x1262, Screenshot_20221115-204100_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddy you're smoking crack. This is absolute best case scenario Rs can hope for and they still get crushed.

>> No.53890092

No...? You can always not pay something.

>> No.53890114

Based… banks need that money more

>> No.53890127


My bachelors was free in UK.

>> No.53890137

no, see, you’re retarded

>> No.53890153

Two wrongs don't make a right you retarded nigger faggot. /biz/ has always been libertarian before the flood of reddit and /pol/niggers. Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.53890169

Kek, you don't make even half the average wage for the same work comparatively. Sorry yuro

>> No.53890232

It takes money to make money. Sorry yuropoors lol

>> No.53890253

I make money while not working. KEK

>> No.53890322

Who loanmaxxing?

I'm bullish on student loan debt being deleted.
>maxing out student loans to invest into shitcoins. They say the first $100k saved is the hardest, well you're allowed to take up to $138500 in student loans (lifetime). May as keep attending school to pump those numbers and acquire valuable skills.

>> No.53890345


>> No.53890363

Trump + congressional Republicans stacked the court with rightwingers. There is zero chance working people have any sort of chance.

>> No.53890417

>t. gets paid $20/hr to install it

>> No.53890436

Biden could've issued this in a bill when he had control of the house and senate for 2 years. EOs almost always get turned over in court

>> No.53890449

jesus christ this is what college education spits out? Kys, it's your best chance to be debt free.

>> No.53890479

>not paying debts is the same as murdering people


>> No.53890511

>he thinks someone with a college degree cant learn how to do his job
We'll set aside as a mathematical engineer consultant, I probably make in a single year what you make in five and I could piss out $2,900 and not even care. I replaced all the copper in my house with pex, installed my own water softener, replaced my own water heater, installed a PRV, and repaired my side of the connection to the sewer system, all for the cost of about $1600 in paying city inspectors to write off on it.
There is nothing you do that I can't teach myself in an afternoon.

>> No.53890608

Not an argument. You want to kys but you project that wish onto others. Get help.

>> No.53890724

>Trusting polls
Lmao lel

>> No.53890986

Another take is that they made the most of the failure or RBG to retire at the correct time.

The Dem establishment really never considered that Hillary Clinton might not win, and this is one of the many ways you can tell.

Hubris is the downfall of such people.

Anyway, that set in motion the result you complain about. It's an own goal of epic proportions, that allowed the scales to avoid being tipped too far to the left, which we have seen since with the latest communist diversity hire.

Trump's legacy is more about SCOTUS than anything else, in the long run. Thank whatever deity you believe in for that.

>> No.53891043

You don't know what the image you're replying to is do you?

>> No.53891235

>>53886788 checked

43.5 million people have federal student loan debt or 17% of the population. Lots of broke kids with worthless degrees will be paying their crypto to pay their loans. No refunds

>> No.53891248
File: 784 KB, 2315x1637, 56608106_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because /biz/ doesn't have educational attainment, simple as.

picrel: it's how I have sex

>> No.53891249

>Why shouldn’t I want the government to bail me out?
the government isn't bailing anyone out
the government is using d*llar holders as cash cows for bailouts

>> No.53891252

Hmm, nah I don't think I will. If wall street got bailed out, this puts us as even. What's that? Default? Delinquency? Nah haha not my problem.

>> No.53891262

They literally announced Bidens plan was dicked the day after midterms. Like thanks for the votes dumbfucks, no refunds.

>> No.53891263

You’re already giving welfare to half the country, least you could do is give a penny or two to me as well.

>> No.53891298

>devalues my currency and also wastes tax dollars
>my currency
if you are still in the d*llar you deserve to lose all your money
and if you pay your taxes you also deserve to lose all your money
all tax money is wasted
not a single fucking cent is used wisely

>> No.53891304
File: 224 KB, 800x764, merchant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It never ceases to amaze me how unaware people are of Jews. Did you really think the true masters of the USA would give up their power?

>> No.53891324

>I'd much rather just kill you and all you other neet commie faggots than spend $0.01 on your worthless pathetic existence
you won't do anything
you will keep paying your taxes like a good goy and holding d*llars like a good slave

>> No.53891345

are you talking about the loans as if the jews needed the money?
you don't really understand how bankers make money lol
tip: it isn't on the interest

>> No.53891356



imagine all these leftoid incels actually taking out loans. top fucking zoz. poor people shouldn’t be in college.

>post 9/11 = free for me

>> No.53891359

It's never going to pass the supreme court
It's just a political statement, the president and the party can claim they tried to solve student debt and can blame the other side for failing, winning thousands of voters for the next election
All the while they never really did anything nor plan to really do anything to begin with

>> No.53891394

if they charged me three grand to change out some piece of shit 40 gallon I'd learn to sweat copper myself

>> No.53891398

On the one hand just giving fuckers who willingly went loads into debt a free "hey no problem all is forgiven" pass is just fucked. Be like giving those who racked up credit card debt a pat on the head sending them on the merry way. On the other hand college is fucking insane cost wise anymore. There is no longer any reason to go unless your wanting highly specialized career (Legal or Medical) cause surprise fuckers; everyone now has least some degree in "something" so the value of it has plummeted. You tell H.R "Hey I'm a college grad" HR goes "Who gives a fuck, so are all the other applicants". So you've gotten your ass in the hole for no gain that's the point of it.

>> No.53891414

>It's never going to pass the supreme court
all they have to do is increase the court size and then fill it with democrat judges

code is law

>> No.53891424

lol anyone can do it on their own with a 12 minute youtube video, just like most other blue collar jobs

>> No.53892022

Student loan interest rates should be based on how useful that degree program is to society. Medicine, hard sciences, engineer = 0% interest. Grievance studies and race complaining studies = 100% interest.

>> No.53892402

>works 3 jobs
you are the ultimate cattle for kikes

>> No.53892546

Yeah I get salary too retard

>> No.53892741


you really think they paid it back and didnt cook the books? what about the auto industry bailout?

>> No.53892807

you can still run up your credit card debts and then declare bankruptcy.

>> No.53892831

there are plenty of scams that are illegal. meme degrees should be one of them. and all we have to do is allow bankruptcies to discharge student debts just like they do with credit card debts.

>> No.53892846

>the deepstate will allow an anti-war anti-globalist pro-america outsider back in power again
are you retarded

>> No.53892865

>Why do you think the price of higher education has risen so much?
It's risen because 25 years ago they changed bankruptcy law to no longer include student loans. That's when the for-profit schools and tuitions in general went into overdrive. You can charge as much as you want when there's no risk of bankrupting the person and losing the debt.

>> No.53892871
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Get fucked zoomers
t. 32 year old boomer

captcha: S0Y2S

>> No.53892880

NO we CANT forgive student debt, that money belongs to the heckin Ukrainians!!!!!!!!!

>> No.53892881

try again faggot over 90% of people who signed up and qualified for the 20k loan forgiveness make less than 60k a year
>noooo we can only bail out the billionaires and millionaires! helping poor people is LITERALLY unamerican!!

>> No.53892909

student debts under attack while congress trades stock? im fucking killing people. i dont care anymore.

>> No.53892917

Yeah they're fucking braindead retarded but that doesn't mean the teenagers that take those loans out aren't

>> No.53892950

if you agree that children shouldn't be enabled to troon out then you should agree that life long non-defaulting student loans given to psyop'd teenagers is also retarded

>> No.53893097

no innocents anon

>> No.53893321

Don’t care still not ever paying them back. GF owns a house with no mortgage and about to move in with her a marry her. College scammed me so why the fuck would I pay them back

>> No.53893361

Did anyone else notice his ID is brown and literally says NIGG3RZ??

>> No.53893375

no this is 2023 now there is no such thing as needing to pay back kikes. literally not your problem. when you owe kikes 1,000 dollars you have a problem. when you owe them 100,000 dollars they have a problem

>> No.53893402

I remember months ago all the zoomers mocked me when I said this shit would never pass the courts.
Get fucked retards. Pay your debts.

>> No.53893497

Good. You all agreed and must repay it. A contract is a contract.

>> No.53893510

GA NC and AZ should never be blue. Flip those and R’s win easily.

>> No.53893829


>> No.53893841
File: 74 KB, 779x584, it's ok, linky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure my linkies will pay it off eventually

>> No.53894164

Based and dead at 50 from myocardial infraction pilled


>> No.53894198

Hey you MotherFucking Millennials! You're gonna Fucking pay them debts whether you Fucking like it or not! We gonna get our Fucking money from you! Send them Fucking duckets over here!

>> No.53894445

Because they are cucks with kike religion morals that only they follow. Never listen to /biz/ is the first rule retard. Don't pay debts, tomorrow's money is not worth more than today's.

>> No.53894455

>debt is bad
/biz/ right there Boyz. BUY HIGH SELL LOW

>> No.53894716

>Trump's legacy is more about SCOTUS than anything else, in the long run.
Indeed, his presidency was a win for WEF-style global corporate capitalism and a loss for ordinary American citizens.

>> No.53895461

Exactly, also the jews are G-d's chosen people so we should instead give the money to Israel.

>> No.53895614

Trump gave the biggest tax cut to working people ever.
If you had a job you'd know that.
That said, he's not Ron Paul and generally retarded.

>> No.53895624

Where are the Biden stimmy checks?
Trump gave $2000-$5000 to everyone.
Also doubled the child tax credit.

What has Biden done. He had two years. What happened that benefited any average person?

Come to think of it, even BUSH gave $600 to everyone.
Has any Democrat ever? Or only bankers get money from Democrats?

>> No.53895625

pay your debts you little faggot

not my fucking problem

>> No.53895646

Trump was floated by ubi style welfare and his stimulus was a trial balloon the left should love him

>> No.53895666

Trump is USA Jews.
Democrats and the rest are Zionist Jews.
Take your pick.

But yes, the "left" is absolutely pathetic and has shown themselves to have no actual ideology. Only hate and what the TV tells them to say.

>> No.53895715

I have not heard anybody who is opposed to the "debt-forgiveness" say that it is ok to give handouts to minorities or corporations. That sentiment is more compatable to your position of wanting a bailout for yourself. I have some student loan debt, but my opinion is we shouldn't have any more bailouts for anybody.

>> No.53895788

Bail me out too. Forgive 20k or my mortgage debt.

>> No.53895942


>> No.53895960

It's not a bailout when criminal fraud is the reason the person is in debt.
Baiting 17 year olds into massive amounts of debt is obvious evil and should be dealt with as such.
Loan officers should go to jail.

>> No.53896384

So what was the result? Did student loans get forgiven yet?

>> No.53896594

>Where are the Biden stimmy checks?
Are you trolling or really this stupid?

>> No.53896812

I did not get Biden stimmy checks. Did you?
I DID get an extra $2,500 off my taxes from the double child tax credit and about $3,600 from the Trump stimmies.
Answer his question.
What have you gotten from Biden? Seems like a fair question to ask since you are shilling against Trump the whole thread.

>> No.53896895

Everyone got stimulus checks from Biden, dumbass.

>> No.53896933

Weren't Biden's just a front on your tax return?

>> No.53896969


>> No.53896978

I have at least 500k in unpaid debt(so like 50k in actual real money) and I'm not going to pay it, sorry I'm just not. Hahahaha. Their problem for creating a usury debt based economy.

>> No.53897013

>borrow 5 bucks from a friend
>pay back the 5 bucks, the debt is settled
>borrow 5 bucks from a jew
>they ask for 500 bucks to settle the "debt"
Do you see the difference my cuckservative retard friend?

>> No.53897067

Then why was everyone pissed they didn't get a tax refund last year?

>> No.53897147

There were no stimulus checks last year.

>> No.53897177

>student debt erased
>inflation hits 12pct again
>PM and crypto skyrocket

>> No.53897233

You get refunds from the year before dumb dumb.
You don't have a job or pay taxes do you?

>> No.53897247

No clue what you're blathering about.

>> No.53897251

>nobody will hire me
Wtf are you doing wrong? You must be retarded anon or something
>t. CS major who made six figs

>> No.53897261

this whole thread is proof that society is toast
>'everyone else is getting free shit, I should get free shit too'
if that's the prevailing mindset of people, everything falls apart very rapidly. maybe you faggots should focus your fancy college brains on how to not give worthless niggers free shit instead of trying to join them

>> No.53897298

You pay taxes on the PREVIOUS year.
So when people were bitching about no refund LAST year, it was because of the stimmies from TWO years ago.
It was literally a tax refund they gave out early because it wouldn't pass the Democrat congress as free money so they used the IRS.

A few people got a tiny bit extra than they'd otherwise have gotten, but mostly they just got their refund early.

>> No.53897301

why are people who have the mental capacities of retarded teenagers going to college? only the non-retarded teenagers should even be thinking about higher education

>> No.53897308

Utter horseshit. You haven't provided a shred of evidence to support your claims.

>> No.53897331
File: 80 KB, 1024x803, 1676601966070010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all Trump's fault for packing the court. Biden tried because he cares. Vote Democrats 2024! No refunds.

>> No.53897369

You haven't either kek. Commies...

>> No.53897390

I already forgave myself for it

>> No.53897454

You are a delusional schizo.

>> No.53897531

botting in a bot thread

>> No.53897599

>anyone that remembers what really happened is a schizo
lamo at shills
That doesn't work at all.

>> No.53897654

good time to buy puts on american universities?

>> No.53897679

It didn't "really happen", nutbar. You made it up.

>> No.53897682

Congress controls the purse

>> No.53897729
File: 90 KB, 591x661, NO REFUNDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53897772

Nothing to do with the 2021 stimulus checks, mongoloid.

>> No.53897787

Literally they are articles from 2022. I didn't take out the couple from this year from laziness.
This is called COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA to bullshit people post facto.
You lose.
Shill harder. Or just become a productive member of society.

>> No.53897808

Are you clinically retarded? None of those articles are about stimulus checks.

>> No.53897927
File: 640 KB, 1274x2112, AA1A8999-07B4-405D-914D-DE89C4DD9A5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0% interest for over two years has been a blessing. Imagine not paying down your principal in preparation for this

>> No.53897953

I took out $155k in loans for my MBA in 2019. Haven't paid a cent still.

>> No.53898403

They are excuses for why your tax refund is not big or is non existent.
The reason was they fronted it to you.
The articles of course don't mention that.
That would be telling the truth. That's now how this works.

>> No.53898417
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>> No.53898474

Imagine being too retarded to read terms of a debt.

>> No.53898527

It's not really fair if the entire sphere of loaners are Jewish and the excessive interest from lack of competition cannot be avoided, fag.

>> No.53898556

nta but I have the same problem and I am retarded

>> No.53898576

Nope. Get fucked.

>> No.53898648

No matter what degree someone got, the economy is in shambles. I see programmers here struggling to find work who could have made upward of $400k in the right company not even 3 years go. Stop blaming the student. No one, absolutely no one, should have to pay several years salary to sit in a box with disruptive retards and crack open a $400 book and YouTube tutorials 8 hours a day because the "professor" is a fucking hack. You're not being given a $40k-140k service. My dad finished college in the late 70s at a decent university for $2k. His yearly salary was around $10k. Fuck kike "loans." What dos not exist should not have to be forgiven. There is no labor or product to be paid back. Classrooms are nothing but temporary jail cells. Niggers get those for free on the off chance they're ever held accountable. SUCK MY ASS GLOWIES.

>> No.53899264

How? Did you not do any internships or personal projects or something? I'm doing comp sci next year and was under the impression its extremely in demand

>> No.53899323

I hope it doesn't go through so bad just to see you smug tards seethe. Not sure what planet you're on where you can take out a loan and not pay it back

>> No.53899442

They must not have. Entry can be tough to break in to but if you have good personal projects and an internship you'll be fine. Make sure you are not autistic in interviews either but thats not hard. Just practice at the college with the career center they have if you are unsure. They can help with your resume too

>> No.53899443

wow you have to be fucking retarded
who the fuck pays a 0% loan? youre better off just keeping it in savings LMAO

>> No.53899501

So the option are
>(A) government does nothing and gets away with interfering with citizens financials- cringe

>(B) government pays student loans thus causing tuition (and student accommodation) to go up in price again as now they'll expect they're asking price to be paid in full - mega cringe

>(C) The government undoes it's previous law where student could declared bankruptcy on their loans meaning banks will actually have to thier jobs and vet people before giving them money and tuition will go down as a consequence so potential students could just take jobs instead to earn a reasonable amount of money in a few short years to pay for college outright- based

>> No.53899757

They're either lying or totally socially inept. I have three years experience now and have a few recruiters in my inbox every week.

>> No.53900222

i am pleased with this outcome

>> No.53900292

>hey can I take loan
>what do you mean I need to pay it back ?
What is going on with americans ?

>> No.53900350

I don't support any of those bailouts. However I am personally invested in student loans because I tried my best to keep loans down by working in between classes while every normie I know partied and drank through college, now I lived like a homeless monk for the past 2 years to pay off my loans, while those fucking normies are whining that their loan isn't getting erased for free.

>> No.53900396

its more like
>age 8: told college is the only way to not be destitute by everyone
>age 12: told college is the only way to not be destitute by everyone
>age 15: told college is the only way to not be destitute by everyone
>age 17-18: here you go little goy, its college itll solve all your problems just sign here thats right good goy
>btw this is the only type of loan that exists that you cant default on
>btw we drove up the price of college by 2500% on average since your parents were college aged
>btw degrees are basicslly worthless now
>but too late you signed, you now owe mr shekelberg at jew bank international 50 thousand dollars

>> No.53901113

>white people can't think for themselves

>> No.53901337
File: 280 KB, 926x922, 1674489119366648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing ID and only one anon responded to it, wow

>> No.53901431

what happened?

>> No.53901929

He's not wrong, the government did "make money" off of the "investment." It's still helicopter funny money, but what should really be attacked is:
>Why were students the last priority of either administration?
>Where is the line between investing in corporations and investing in people if corporations "are people?"
To say nothing of the fact that neither party did much for students with CARES.

>> No.53902138

they're fudding tech to keep out competition