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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53885195 No.53885195 [Reply] [Original]

After talking with some friends I've come to a conclusion that we are doomed. People are brainwashed and don't know wtf is going on.
How can I profit from it so that in the future me and my kids won't need to be slaves to survive.

>> No.53885233

Not a single person in the world agrees with the WEF and its likely its just a false flag. If you really want to do something then join the millitary and become an officer

>> No.53885252

you should short them, socialism in the end will always fail
(you are a nigger btw.)

>> No.53885273

I don't agree with a lot of things, but they still happen. People who oppose them just get shut down and cancelled. It is inevitable. Humanity is doomed.

>> No.53885293

But most people don't know anything about it. 80% of people never heard of WEF and Klaus Schwab. They are taking the world little by little.

>> No.53885309

buy kaspa, probably

>> No.53885361

How do you long global capitalism? By an ETF like VT.

>> No.53885379
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>exclusive club consisting of the most important capitalists in the world

>> No.53885391

you long them with the The Hebrew™ Hashgraph; the gas for the future CBDC's.
The name 'Hedera' means it will consume everything.
HBAG is programmable currency (currency that can expire or only be used for certain goods/services, hey! that sounds like a coupon!)
HBAG is a digital ID (started using it for vaccine passports and eventually social credit scores!)
HBAG is coupon fraud prevention. Lots of people photoshop coupons, that's fucked up!
HBAG is GREEEEEN. Don't you care about the environment, anon?
The HBARF-oundation is the only cryptocurrency with enterprise adoption, Mance has alot of NWO connections, so Google, IBM, whoever is on the 'governing council'.
Transactions are pegged to the USD, so companies only need a handful of coins.
and those coins they only need a handful of? well there's 50 Billion and if the governing council unanimously votes, can mint more.
HBAG is on the WEF's website, they even setup a shop at Davos this year.
oh, and a final note, Dr Leemon is a schizophrenic who believes he can talk to god directly.
Hail the WEF!
Slava Ukraini!
Israel is our greatest ally!

>> No.53885454

Im pretty sure at least one person would have to agree with the WEF for a movement to take place but that isnt the case. 0% of people find it appealing

>> No.53885522

white cock is a commodity in Asia. Hundreds of millions of asian women lusting to taste one. Leverage this and you will become very very wealthy.

>> No.53885550
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Vitalik Buterin’s blockchain (ETH) is clearly linked with the WEF agenda.
And Vitalik has tweeted in support of child pornography in the past which aligns with WEF agenda too surprisingly

>> No.53885575
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Is ETH the coin of the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM?

>> No.53885585
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Here’s one big example of a WEF backed eth connection :

USDC- a major stable coin on ETH. A stable coin is a cryptocurrency that is supposed to be backed and supported by actual USD. It should have the value of $1. USDC is supported by the company Circle.


>> No.53885616
File: 292 KB, 750x531, A4AD66E3-F889-4E86-85D1-2CAE5C41BB22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is yet another ETH connection to WEF-

Remember chainlink , the ‘Oracle’ cryptocurrency (ETHEREUM) erc20 token “LINK” is aligned with WEF- the organization bent on programming human minds with brain chips [MUSK], banning petrol/ gasoline which would decimate global food supplies, making bug cuisine a reality for the average American consumer.


When WEF enforces bugs on the American population via these communist ‘capitalist’ conglomerates , every owner of the chainlink crypto currency [The logo of chainlink is a cube, literally Saturn worship . (It’s the Jews)] and ETH crypto currency platform is responsible and guilty of making this bug eating a reality for the average American

>> No.53885667

>Fight for America, die for Israel
No thanks schlomo

>> No.53885753
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>> No.53885833

You are also brainwashed, filled to the top with stupid nonsense conspiracies. This entire place and pol are deluded, thats why it was so easy for them to eat the Q Anon crap.

>> No.53885849

but ETH is trash. It is not meant for world wide adoption (at current state) and the development of ETH 2.0 is way too slow for their Great reset plans.

>> No.53885859

what are you smoking, it's the exact opposite
he has a lot of leaders and politicians in the bag, his influence can only go down

>> No.53885891

Ask any normie or boomer about WEF. They won't know what it is. Well at least in Europe they don't. Our politicians are doing everything to destabilize our country and our citizens cheer for it like stupid sheep. They really don't know what's coming.

>> No.53886052
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Fucking based and bugpilled. I need to know too. I’m truly at the point where I want to be on their side not just for the money, but I honestly believe the vast majority of humanity deserves what’s coming to them. I will even pretend to like troons while at work, just let me escape the shit show uncle Klaus.

>> No.53886060
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>he doesn't realise that capitalism is just a step in dialectical materialism towards socialism and eventually communism
>he thinks you can have capitalism without it ending in socialism
>he doesn't realise you have to reject materialism entirely to stop socialism

>> No.53886073

>Not a single person in the world agrees with the WEF
All elected politicians do kek

>> No.53886091

The only reason CP is illegal is because Jews don't want us to know how attractive children are

>> No.53886113

>become an officer
Certainly better advice, than /biz/ average.

>> No.53886135

no CP is illegal because it would make people realise that all pornography is bad and that women don't change significantly after menarche.

>> No.53886263
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>> No.53888816


>> No.53889129

The "you will own nothing, live in a pot and eat bugs" narrative is opium for the masses and a tranquilizer. Reality will be much more brutal and day to day fight for resources. Prepare accordingly.

>> No.53889610

Radio station in my country had the hosts joke about an article about how bugs have protein in them and how human could start eating them because times are tough. This is how they always start it, have the media joke about said thing before slowly turning the narrative to push it as normal.
It is so fucking over. Make it now or doom yourself to a life of slavery and poverty.

>> No.53889645
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>How can I profit
pic rel

>> No.53889654


this is your brain on pol. wealthy capitalist group is socialist because they donate to <party i dont like>. this people aren't worried about political parties, mouth breather. they're worried about MONEY, and that's by any means necessary. the illusion of political parties and politicians you dont like is to keep you angry but complacent. i honestly think OP is right because of the prevalence of the EXACT type of person this poster is. too easy to control. youre mad about bathrooms and social justice while these guys rob literal entire nations of wealth

>> No.53889790

Hbar is another nothing burger coin for schitzos like XRP

>> No.53889858

Kill yourself. The only reason it’s illegal is because if it weren’t then normies would start questioning the ruling powers. Jews are doing their best however to keep pushing the Overton window to the left so that one day it becomes socially acceptable just like how trannyism and faggotry are today. It’s their next step in their globohomo agenda.

>> No.53890586

There’s an ETF for this.