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53883972 No.53883972 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a name for the GME, AMC, BBBY phenomenon? Why in the last few years have these short squeeze plays become so prevalent? And why do baggies insist it’s not about the money, it’s about the “message”? I think we need to coin a term for these types of moronic investments

>> No.53884433

Activist investing, it's not new it just hasn't been done by retail before.

>> No.53884440

exit liquidity for boomers selling off their shares in failing companies

>> No.53884727

>why do baggies insist it’s not about the money, it’s about the “message”?
Pure copium
When anti-hedge fund communists joined the gme discussions it was my sell signal and I timed the top pretty well (missed it only by a few hours)

>> No.53886997
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>Is there a name for the GME, AMC, BBBY phenomenon
baggies, baggots, bagbois, etc.
>Why in the last few years have these short squeeze plays become so prevalent?
idiots are trying to get rich quick. Same as it ever was just the new hotness is memestocks
>And why do baggies insist it’s not about the money, it’s about the “message”?
because after 2+ years of bagholding they need some truly weapons grade copium to get themselves out of bed in the morning. Same thing with the "I'm holding to zero" nonsense they love to spout

>> No.53887557

yeah speculative bubbles

>> No.53887609

You think these ticker followers invented short squeezes? Wait until they find out about low floats. You'll probably attribute that to them too.

>> No.53889395

this anon his the nail on the head as did

this one

the phenomenon actually did quite a lot to expose the massive amounts of bullshit that hedge-funds were doing out in the open, but as anyone who has invested more than 3 years will tell you, this shit was already pretty much known about. the government and sec are fully complicit with it and the system isn't going to change because a few hedge-fund overleveraged themselves on a couple of dying stocks - this happens literally all the time, it just got out of control with GME and a literal short squeeze happened. i don't know how people still believe there's another squeeze, Jan 21 is the definition of one. i strongly believe that more people than ever got into the "get rich quick" activist investing scheme and as a result there's still extremely high-tier copium being posted everywhere.

i mean, look at their reddit. they're trying to get people to petition the sec to do something. like what? lmao they're just gonna let the whole economy crumble because of the actions of a hedge-fund? get fucking real

>> No.53889437
File: 319 KB, 1000x894, die_hedgecunts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53889459
File: 882 KB, 1512x1512, jiemi_bubble_pops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]