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File: 52 KB, 457x507, angBbr0_460s~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53883667 No.53883667 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder about how im gonna buy more d0b0 again today.

Stopped drinking, smoking and junk food, all that money goes to d0b0. Whatever happens, i just cant lose, that money was wasted anyway.


>+40k holders
>Nice big liquidity which is locked
>+4 mil market cap
>BNB chain, no need for ridiculous gas fees

Whatever you might think, you must be retard if you dont have atleast small bag

>> No.53883696

Banned for racism was new one. I wonder who could be sooooo desperate. This makes me feel like there are some personal reasons to promote or put down different projects.

>> No.53883771
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Dbibonk is the new D0B0. D0B0 is brown.

>> No.53883779
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>> No.53883786
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Not buying this trash, I'm on DBIBonk whitelist

>> No.53883798

Been dming all day today and last night. Gonna DM back or not nigger?

>> No.53883806

>Dbibonk is the new D0B0. D0B0 is brown.
You make it sound like there can be only BTC or ETH, not both. Having mindset like that, why you pretend you are investing?

>> No.53883826


Ah, its firesquad. Why so bitter, why so angry, what are you so afraid of?

>> No.53883899


>Why are you so-ACK

DBIBonk is the future. Our core dev Ghostbro will lead us to great gains

>> No.53883987

>DBI is the future
Fixed. There’s been at least 2 wannabe tokens made, including yours. Don’t be a retard, and get the real thing. Reddit still hasn’t caught onto it

>> No.53884065
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Based strategy, my fellow bonker. Wagmi
Jennies tongue our anuses

>> No.53884078

Another rugpull is something we all need

With those prices atm it will take ages to make fortune or good profit if you buy now.

D0b0 doesnt have that problem, not at all.

>> No.53884089

Bonking is my anti drug.

>> No.53884091

Dbi is dumping already dbibaggie

>> No.53884128

>marked as spam
more like scam

>> No.53884150
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>> No.53884256

Thats good. Good for you. Nice to know.

You can call it as one, but you cant explain why it would be. I wonder why you so bitter and afraid?

>> No.53884320

I guess making a “fortune” is subjective, but once this goes mainstream, a 100x is going to be easy. Just look at what it did yesterday, all for no reason at all.

>> No.53884365

Follow the money retard. Early buyers are taking profits after it just pumped massively. New wallets are buying these dips and eventually, big money will continue to fomo into this. Check out the purchases from this morning

>> No.53884441

>I guess making a “fortune” is subjective, but once this goes mainstream, a 100x is going to be easy. Just look at what it did yesterday, all for no reason at all.

Dont get me wrong, im not against it, or any other coin. I think its stupid mindset to think there can be only one thing and another should not excist.

I have 14 different coins in my wallet, serious and not so serious. I would have even more, there are so many promising coins, but unfortunately there are other things too in life and there is no point to buy tiny bag of everything.

So far, what i know when i have done my research, d0b0 is one of a kind; kind of reject (lol), but has very good foundation and details, what makes it truly as sleeping giant. No matter how funnu it sounds, but thats how it is. Its progress might look slow at the moment, but i remember when shib was in precisely same situation, it was mocked and put down all the time and still it managed to go where it is now.

Its stupid to reject opportunity only because you have created personal feelings against something, it just makes you blind. Its better to take what workd offers fir you, one day some of them might turn your life completely different.

>> No.53884478

Anyone know why memetools is down? Is it justin preparing to rug d0b0?

>> No.53884503

You cant rug d0b0, its just not gonna happen. Look for your self and try to explain how could it be possible.

>> No.53884523
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>rug d0b0
How would he do that?

>> No.53884566
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Daily reminder to bizchads
The best way to kill the dog with bat cancer is to ignore the threads and let it die.

>> No.53884596
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Checked and ignored

>> No.53884609

>replies to thread
>bumps it
50b eoy

>> No.53884671

4.2m eoy, screencap this

>> No.53884710


I wonder why you are so bitter, angry and afraid? What you are afraid of? Why so bitter?

To me it seems some of you havent thought things few steps ahead. There is big push about some ETH based coin, backed up with big names. What would you do if you are CZ, or some other big name and you could use your name fir promoting some project? I would have giant whale bags in early stage with ridiculous low price. All of those guys can afford it, and all of those guys have been there since beginning. They are not doing it because they have good heart, they do it for profit. Putting your money innthis stage to those projects is just putting money in their wallet, and thats what its all about, but you ignore it and dont want to see it.

D0b0 is different in that way, pure community driven project you cant rugpull.

>> No.53884837
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>bitter angry afraid
What are you tolking about? I'm on your side.

>> No.53884851
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>> No.53884866

plausible, this coin is indestructible

>> No.53884915

Sorry, i tapped wrong post, pretty common with mobile when reply screen is taking most of the screen.

>> No.53885001
File: 1.19 MB, 1340x1650, Screenshot 2023-02-28 at 11.23.13 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you that faggot who tried to fud d0b0 in the other thread with the "would take 2million to move 70%" retarded take? If yes, then you got btfo hard with the buys coming in last 3 days, proving you know shit about crypto.


Thinks he can fud do8o making references to ghostbr0, okay boomer.


Good, let meme tool die. Only addicts use memetools

50b EYO

>> No.53885011
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If you're on android, i recommend to use this app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zchandev.zchanapp

>> No.53885016

Not only is it a copycat of the superior coin DBI but the superior coin d0bo too? What is this new level of brownskinned pajeet scamming?

>> No.53885054

Oh no, that's the fag who don't understand liquidity.

>> No.53885080

I wasn’t implying that you should only own this, but saying that there is no potential to make good profits on this at this entry point is something I disagree with completely.

>shib was mocked
So has pretty much every coin in existence. It’s always the same story whether it’s btc or a shitcoin, but I’m not sure how that’s relative to my point.

>> No.53885159

Based I'm love ghost bro rugs, always making the money when with him

>> No.53885187
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Brown hands typed this.

>> No.53885211

Ghostbro always does great projects. He is one of the top devs of biz, maybe of all BSC or crypto. Following Ghostbros journey and legacy has always enriched my life and I have unironically paid for the birth of 2 children because of Ghostbro's glory. Ghostbro saved my life and I will always buy his projects. Death to all ghostbro fudders.

>t. Caucasiod

>> No.53885229


Name doesn't exist on tg?

>> No.53885243

Twitter: @somecrypt0guy
Tg: @gh0stbr0

Make a new graphic please

>> No.53885244
File: 39 KB, 547x456, 167709395288254429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked, very organic posting ser

>> No.53885284

I agree. Only women, Jews, browns/blacks, baggies, and wagies dislike Ghostbro

>> No.53885313

Ghostbro has a personal vendetta with CZ and is his hidden rival . its our duty as b0nkers to support.him in all his endeavors...we must rally behind /ourcoin/ and /ourdevleper/ Ghostbro. Everyone need to selling their bags of d0b0 and ape into DBIBonk for ghost bro.

>> No.53885319

>but saying that there is no potential to make good profits on this at this entry point

I totally disagree. Look at stats, this needs only small push to right direction, and being BNB based coin, it means even better news for d0b0 when bull market starts.

Same amount, you use every weekend for alcohol and cigarrets, can turn in short time to something lot bigger. Probably most safest project atm, even if it looks totally opposite. Just look at stats.

>> No.53885343

This guy is worse than the pol top signal guy from last year. Give it up dobaggie. Dbibonk is the way. No one cares about D0B0 anymore.

>> No.53885366

I'm going to be top 10 wallets. I will never sell

>> No.53885389
File: 228 KB, 1080x1466, Screenshot_20230228_175049_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"would take 2million to move 70%" retarded take?
That's a fact. Every non d0bobaggies knows it.
Why don't you tell us how much those pathetic buys moved the market cap.

>> No.53885399
File: 306 KB, 1200x1200, rs_1200x1200-210519201724-1200-Aubrey-Graham-Degrassi-mp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

{Id:1 post: OK moshe,Id: 2 post: whatever you say chaim,Id:3 post: sure thing levi}

>> No.53885494
File: 142 KB, 351x711, 167676580494169336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and based

>> No.53885524

>Give it up dobaggie. Dbibonk is the way. No one cares about D0B0 anymore.

Agree. Only thing we need is another ghostbro rugpull.

Can you explain again why you think this mysterious 2 mil is so important to you, and why you think 2 mil is big money on crypto market? I know you did "explain" it in previous threads, but im asking this only for entertaining reasons.

>> No.53885588
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