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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53882491 No.53882491 [Reply] [Original]

will run up to 1000$? it was probably around mid '18 when it became clear they are in cahoots with big financial institutions

>> No.53882512

Damn. Crazy to think that the founder is dumping his bags for whatever he can get even with this insider knowledge.

>> No.53882956

What *exactly* does this have to do with Chainlink?
Ok then

>> No.53882979

In March 2018 when I made my first purchase.
It's actually impossible without Chainlink. Token is very obviously needed.

>> No.53883032

I am so tired of the extreme price suppression Chainlink is getting...
There is no other choice than to expose all the market manipulators and to throw them out from a yacht into the sea.

>> No.53883128

Turns out NEVER SELLING was the opposite of what /biz/ should be doing.

>> No.53883196
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if the token was needed the price would have pumped.

insiders know the team has capitulated. various tokens will be used to pay for the infastructure depending on the use case.

in hindsight the idea of a single oracle coin was extremely naive. They tried the game theory of using "tokenomics" to secure data but it turns out it's a NP problem and will always be vulnerable to novel attacks.YYAVG

>> No.53883209

You people are insane.

>> No.53883359
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image related

>> No.53883446

Cope more LINKcels

>> No.53883473

>"Sergey didn't sell half a billion tokens that he minted for free, AND HE WON'T SELL HALF A BILLION MORE. .. Bulgaria!!!"

>> No.53883820

yeah because even the most successful companies run for free

>> No.53883843

Chainlink literally told us they would do this back in 2017, BEFORE the ICO.
Why the fuck are you still crying about it now?

>> No.53883850

sounds like the average icp poster

>> No.53883859


>> No.53884049

I'm not crying about anything because I didn't hold fart tokens for a round trip over 5 years. The fag I was replying to seemed indicate that Sergey's entire network coming from something /biz/ will never do (selling link) was fud. I was just pointing out the absurdity. That's all. Bye.

>> No.53884074

>I'm not crying about anything
Except Sergey's dumps.

>> No.53884309
File: 184 KB, 592x1263, nolinky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, but - quite literally,

>> No.53884346

We re Gonna make it so hard its unreal
GG nolinkers.

>> No.53884375

Chainlink will power everything and no, I will not take my meds

>> No.53884388

I hope you're not in the US where
>SEC and banks want to kill eth/alts
>Mastercard and Visa SLAMMED BRAKES on crypto partnerships
peak delusion

>> No.53884412

make sure to read the news to find out what to think next! remember you are actually thinking not just parroting entertainment sources

>> No.53884473

lol you'd be jerking off if this reuters article was about MUH IOT 50B CRYPTO PROJECT, but it is instead grounded in reality, but have fun waiting 2 weeks - 2 months - 2 years, link will never pump to $50 again, that's a 9000% increase by the way

>> No.53884475

Didn’t Jamie Dimon say crypto is bullshit, but JP Morgan is hoarding all of crypto?

>> No.53884487

This is what a buy Signal Looks like. To all newfags watching this Poor soul who lost everything on Bancor, pull the trigger and hope in. We re going to retest 50$ in the next months

>> No.53884543

Municipal marmalade makes Mustafa mad

>> No.53884546

yep chainlink will pump 9000% in two short weeks, you heard it here first folks, this time it's really happening - it surely won't be another 18 months until the market starts moving via the only actual liquidity reducing event in the space, bitcoin halving - which happens to also be the only thing the SEC doesn't call a security, really makes you think

>> No.53884555

Morose marsupials marinate municipal marmalade

>> No.53884564

he literally bought pieces of metamask, infura, etc.

>> No.53884565

If chainlink has these types of powerful connections why do they have the need to announce bottom of the barrel trash scams like MOAB?

>> No.53884608

because the sell bagholders tokens from under them to subsidize the space, yes even the grifters get link for free lol while baggies suffer

>> No.53884651

Rent free mf

>> No.53884683

I didn't know about 4chan but i read a reddit thread talking about the fud on /biz and came here to have a look, a couple years ago. Spent a few days reading the threads and decided it was pretty obvious what was going on and went 50% in from my Litecoin stack, i later increased this to 100% and have changed just under half my BTC stack to Link also.
I guess you could say i have the fud to thank for this process. Oh, and $1000 eoy is fud lol

>> No.53884723

>a couple years ago... went 50%... increased this to 100%... have changed just under half my BTC stack to Link also
So you've been absolutely financial ruined beyond any hope of redemption?

>> No.53884739

Lol i was actually sitting waiting for the predictable reponse! Thanks for not disappointing me lol

>> No.53884773

>blocks your path
lol they got this out almost instantly didnt they...

>> No.53884774

the only rent being collected on me is from sergey via my 10k linky bag which has become heavier than dark matter

>> No.53884779

You're 85% down and dropping from your buy in "a couple of years ago". Good job! The response is predictable because that's just how fucking math works.

>> No.53884814

Dark matter doesn't exist and is just a theory made up so we don't throw the ludicrous relativity theory out, which we should have done ages ago but for the philosophical notion that we are but a speck in the vastness of space

>> No.53884832

well it's saying a lot that the only thing to compare the weight of link bags to can only be defined in theoretical terms

>> No.53884854

>it's real
my sides just exploded holy fucking shit, how many Ls can a community take in one fucking day lmao

>> No.53884899

So why should we listen to what (((they))) say?

>> No.53886017

They definitely had that article written because of the threads here. No fucking way that it just so happens to come out right after it’s discovered. This is insider attempt to make retail sell.

>> No.53886920

Shills said this 6 years ago. Now were approaching a decade later and link cant even break $10 and still has nothing to show for it. Sergey dumped another 15 mil recently and the circulating supply went from 490m something to 508m. Even your staking ""gains"" are completely offset and diluted by the supply being inflated. If you held 10k link since ico your stack has been devalued by 31% just from the dumps. Its basically an inflationary shitcoin no different from USD (except it dumps too)

>> No.53886962
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Checked and kangaroo pilled brother!

>> No.53888833
File: 14 KB, 745x411, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From everything I can dig the vdab sure went live yesterday, or the day before -it was then posted here as well as Reddit (op deleted house post but it was indexed). I wonder at what this means.

>> No.53888846
