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53879278 No.53879278 [Reply] [Original]

What are peoples thoughts on this one?

>> No.53879318

Gee I dunno maybe post 4-6 general threads filled with botspam and jeet ramblings that hit 300 replies when literally not a single fucking soul posts here anymore.
Definitely organic, definitely not a loser fucking PND like every shitty attempt you've made in the last few years.

>> No.53879328

wow the seethe has come so fast lmao

>> No.53879362

Kek how are those link bags holding up

>> No.53879376

I dunno I thought it was a pnd but the more I look at it the more I find myself related to this guy, not saying it won't rug but at current market cap it still have some space to grow

>> No.53879379

Helo ser I am liking the coin ser

>> No.53879388

Another shitcoin "community" scam. Can you make money on it? Sure. Doesn't mean it isn't a erc-20 that does nothing but be the shiniest shoe for the next gay hypebeast to shill.

>> No.53879400
File: 76 KB, 1179x853, 1677549601702124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the real DBI. DBI is finished already. If you're reading this its too late. To get in on DBI. But Its not too late to get in on DBIBonk.

>> No.53879409


that's how all the big shitcoin pumps begin though. rubic, shib, and countless others, regardless of their eventual fates, were brought into the consciousness of first biz and then the wider world first by blatant shilling, by paid shills and unpaid, by bizraelis and bots and schemers, so on so forth, this is how shitcoins get off the ground. you have to manufacture the impression of a community so that a genuine one has somewhere to root itself, and we're already seeing this transition take place. yes a huge amount of traffic around this shitcoin is driven by marketers and native advertising, but if you pay close attention you can see that many of the posters are new bagholders that are no different to the bagholders of any other coin, for example myself.

I've been watching closely, and DBI has real legs. this shitcoin will continue to pump, with sell offs here and there, at least until the NFT drop, and beyond...

Godspeed gentlemen

>> No.53879411

lol jeets are copying jeets jesus fucking christ both of you niggers kys.

>> No.53879424

You must be seriously hurting for money nigger, it's one or two faggots who run and make all these, all the posts are fake and less than a sentence long and way too quick.

Also you're shilling on a dead board for christ sakes haven't you faggots learned to move to a different platform?

There's no money here.

>> No.53879429
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Checked and dm'd

>> No.53879443

Based. I dumped my DBI bags already. Its plebbit tier now yet people still think they're early kek. Is there a whitelist limit?

>> No.53879451


How the getting whitelist?

>> No.53879452


there is for sure still money here. TSUKA is one recent shitcoin that had its origins in biz shilling and which did something like a 1000x. and just like TSUKA, DBI is playing the twitter game too, and playing it well, arguably even better.

>> No.53879456

t. subhuman nigger
KYS, your fud is weak, and you're an actual ESL while calling other's "jeets".

>> No.53879469 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 1500x1095, 41m3MEME200223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have huge DBI bags but would also like whitelist ser

>> No.53879482
File: 81 KB, 900x750, david-koresh-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Count me in. Following ghostbro unironically paid my mortgage off

>> No.53879487

Easy sir just message him and then send eth surely he will not scam you

>> No.53879510

You don't even know how to greentext you newfaggot jeet.
Your skin is as brown as the ring of my asshole

>> No.53879522

>DBI yay or nay?

>> No.53879545

It pumped like 500% in the last month and only in the last week started getting shilled frequently here, no thanks

>> No.53879560

DM me back

>> No.53879579

I have huge bags of DBI and D0B0. I will also take huge bags of this.

>> No.53879595

it's not even on reddit yet you moron, are you allergic to making money

>> No.53879601
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, who.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this does half as good as changpomp, I'll be able to retire. DBI is trash. DBIB0nk is life.

>> No.53879621

It got shilled here frequently at .004 before pumping and it will continue going up

>> No.53879654
File: 29 KB, 385x390, ac6 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, how are those DBI bags DBI cuck? Don't miss out on the DBIBonk whitelist and maybe you'll be able to leave Mommy's basement.

>> No.53879674
File: 159 KB, 981x949, 50fl13ykyy811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dm'd literally 5 times already and once on your first shill post about this.

>> No.53879679

Lmao bullish that relentless Mumbai shitskins have made a rip-off with bonk in it already

>> No.53879696

Bsc? Also is this a ghostbro coin, like anon up there insinuated?

>> No.53879706
File: 82 KB, 630x1200, MV5BMTYzNjI4ODg5N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDg2ODgzMQ@@._V1_UY1200_CR108,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DBI is jeeted AF lmao. Absolute newfags in this board anymore. DBIBonk is a white coin with a real White dev, not a puppet crack head. Kys for suggesting DBIBonk is jeeted

>> No.53879719

Everyone hyping this project up on biz in unison = you're already too late

>> No.53879743
File: 284 KB, 900x587, 173767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this from the same mind behind the fabled north equities deal of 2022? Im gonna be top 10 wallet if so. Please DM back

>> No.53879767

This is a gay scam. I've been dming for an hour and a half, he's online but not replying

>> No.53879780

you'll do anything for even a single sad sod's liquidity won't you ?

>> No.53879787

No shit, it was a fucking jeet copy of DBI created five seconds ago with bonk added… are you stupid?

>> No.53879804

DBI baggies detected kek
>show up 4 months late
>think they're early
>spammed on biz daily
You're literally plebbitors. DBIB0nk is the coin of biz

>> No.53879813

Ser DM back pls I'm doing good shilling, I can be janny and have launched projects myself.

>> No.53879815

call yourself a dirty curry nigger and i will give you $50 in exit liquidity

>> No.53879848

Your Mumbai dev can’t even get organized before scamming people lmao. You’re a joke and you are so poor you can’t even afford a sui stack of DBI

>> No.53879913
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>> No.53879985

Holy shit directed by THE legendary Raj Kanwar?

>> No.53880072


Based, ghostberg and cz have beef since changpomp. Won't be surprised if they swat this one too

>> No.53880347

wow u guys already pushing a derivative of a shitcoin already, I might get some dbi now

>> No.53880354
File: 212 KB, 612x612, ddi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont Dump Inu just launched on arbitrum

TG : dontdumpinu

>> No.53880608

This is the one.


>> No.53880636

It literally says dont buy

Dont cry when you get rugged

>> No.53882131

it also says it's honorable so....