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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 46 KB, 526x526, EE201EED-65B0-46D5-82A9-EB3AF368F4AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53878979 No.53878979 [Reply] [Original]

How does /biz/ cope with this image?

>> No.53878997

a coping poorfag full of student debt made that image

>> No.53879028

So only the rich cunt is above life?

>> No.53879034

desu I unironically want to be the man on the far right side, money is everything, I spent gargantuan years shaping my skills, learning new languages, reading, career planning. then, some ethot and her pimp of a boyfriend are roaming the world while feasting on fine dining and lavishly spending money here and there, while I on the other hand paying attention to the prices of daily food and other soul eating daily chores
don't believe the rich, money is everything

>> No.53879047

Just fuckin crouch down and you can look outside again wtf is this supposed to mean?

>> No.53879067

Poorfag cope is the worst kind of cope, lmao

>> No.53879200

>rich cunt doesn't have any perspective of reality.

>> No.53879208

I wanna aik for the red shirt guy. Parents were poor so that's the best I got

>> No.53879229


>> No.53879296

you're delusional. If anything, the rich see the world clearly. Once you have that money you realise everything has a buying point. Money is a commodity that you can create with either time or more money, more money = more power.

>> No.53879297

All of the men in that image have cuck jawlines.

>> No.53879425

Why do ethots make chuds on 4chan seethe so much? It literally does not spark a single ember of jealousy to me how much some thot makes.

>> No.53880583

>just sit and you can enjoy it

>> No.53880761

if you are strong enough just get it force, you can only blame yourself for being weak

>> No.53880768

Me on the far left (right now)
Me on the far right (the future)

>> No.53880782
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>> No.53881850
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>> No.53881859
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>> No.53882626

most take it as a meme, and then ignore it to go back to complaining about the price of btc, or some of their own bags, for example, I am getting impatient to try the new sora card, no one here cares about the implications of having money

>> No.53882829

Yeah that's why Musk is gradually losing his mind.

>> No.53882904

>t. guy on the far left

>> No.53882931

A fool and his money are soon departed. Your argument falls apart when analyzing retards who win the lottery. Or pro athletes who go broke. Having lots of money didnt exactly make them any wiser with it smart guy kek

>> No.53882987

Why didn't the ultra richfag just buy books?

>> No.53883021
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>> No.53883203
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>> No.53883223
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>> No.53883265

I wipe my tears with my money

>> No.53885750

>rich cunt doesn't even have to stand up to see "life," he can just sit comfortably with minimal exertion on his fat pile of cash
Money solves so many problems in life, far more than a higher education ever could (which is just a means of trading tons of time for small amounts of money).

>> No.53885783

i bet it was num3 who made that image

>> No.53885890


>> No.53885958


>> No.53886056

Cope. 95% of /biz/ are virgins who are near wizard status.

>> No.53886076

Wealth without education means you miss the forest for the trees.

>> No.53886090
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