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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53877757 No.53877757 [Reply] [Original]

Oh no no no, HE PAID OFF HIS LOANS!!!

>> No.53877783

Not yet I didn't. I owe 40k. I made ~$130k last year and not a single red cent went towards my student loans

>> No.53877801

in before they're hoping these people will take on more debt to stimulate the economy.

>> No.53877804

honestly don't give a fuck one way or the other

>> No.53877806

conservative supreme court is not going to let biden take this W, you WILL pay the loan

>> No.53877838

code is law

>> No.53877876

Forgiveness is only for poorfags making <70k lol

>> No.53877901

I was a poorfag when I was in college. I've already been approved for the extended 20k

>> No.53877906

whats the question thats being decided..?

gimme fucking money you already gave ulrain 1000x

>> No.53877961

SCOTUS is batshit rightwing now, it's dead in the water.

>> No.53878265

>batshit rightwing
Not really. It has a rightward lean, but it hasn't been ultra-political. It's not truly batshit until it's at the point where it would've given Trump 2020.

>> No.53878317

Conservatives always cuck out in the end, there's a good chance they let it happen. Especially on the Supreme Court, where justices will literally adjust their views immediately after getting on the court to provide "balance." This only happens with the conservative ones, of course.

>> No.53878325

i hope they finally get the ball rolling again. I’m in sofi and I hope that it gives it a nice bounce back up cause I’m currently under water :(

>> No.53878343
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Why are people here so opposed to helping down trodden people out?

>> No.53878353

Yeah why can't we all just split everything we own equally amongst ourselves?

>> No.53878368

Umm sweety that money belongs to the chosen people of israel

>> No.53878381

>I’m a neet give me free shit
>how DARE you help out young, recent grad worker?

>> No.53878402


Lol. Lmao even. I wouldn't have even been too opposed to forgiveness if it was capped at people making less than $40k or something like that, but the income caps of $125k for single filers and $250k for joint filers is a fucking joke. If you and your spouse make $200k you're not downtrodden. You're bringing in like $13k a month after tax with that income, just fucking cut all unnecessary expenses for a few months and you can pay off $10k of debt in no time. You don't need the fucking government to forgive it for you.

>> No.53878408
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I paid off my $180k in student loans 5 years ago. I hope this dumb forgiveness plan gets knocked down by the courts.

>> No.53878426

how long will it take for a verdict to be reached?

>> No.53878434

>tfw when I'll get my loans forgiven just in time to get promoted later
Feels good being born under a lucky star

>> No.53878476

that's not most people who have student loans though lol. college only costs so much because it was jewed so hard by 3 decades of government subsidies continually raising prices and nobody gave a fuck. Now the government wants to fix the problem they created and retards like you chimp out about it. It doesnt even address the real issue of course, but for millions of people with retarded loans they were talked into getting at 18, it fixes the problem.

>> No.53878509

After we give another $100B to Ukraine

>> No.53878516

What is even the point? We're going to be right back at this point again in another 20 years. How about making student loans dischargeable in bankruptcy again? How about tuition caps on anyone receiving federal funding. Never solve any problems and then blame the boogeyman

>> No.53878524


Nobody is addressing the problems. Calling student loans exploitative and saying they should be forgiven while continuing to allow people to take new ones out is two-faced as fuck.

>> No.53878537

Stick and carrot

Amerigolems are not allowed to actually change the law in favorable ways - every year things just get less pleasant and less efficient

>> No.53878551

>conservative supreme court
lol, modern day conservatives are far more liberal than Obama. He hated gay marriage for one while chumps like Trump championed them and troons.

>> No.53878572

What actual reason is there to support this if you aren't personally in line to get free money from it? Out of all people to give free money to, why the college educated who on average will be better off than the rest of the population? And why do we want to give free money to stimulate spending and investment when we currently have the strategic goal of reducing consumer spending to regulate inflation?

>> No.53878575

Jokes on you. I owe $20001 and will refinance $1 for 30 years

>> No.53878602

Hilarious because if I was able to bet 10x1 odds on this I'd take it

>> No.53878617

why do baby boomers hate generational affirmative action? Those delusional privileged fucks want to see every kid broke because they paid for college with their paper round

>> No.53878619
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This court overturned Roe 6-3 FFS. Is there really any doubt to how conservative they are? They are not a rubber stamp, but we will never see a more conservative court in our lifetimes.

>> No.53878641

>fixes the problem
>entire country has to pay for it

>> No.53878649

Nice bait. Almost got me

>> No.53878655

Make them defaultable and a lot of problems will be solved

>> No.53878765

>we'll forgive your loan in 20 years as long as you keep refiling for debt forgiveness yearly to make sure you still qualify

>> No.53878773

qok redirect 1 day of ukraine spending

>> No.53878841

this shit better go through. i will get $4k back in cash and $6k in debt erased. pray for me bros.

>> No.53878859

Helping people rarely actually accomplishes anything. Welfare recipients quickly revert to their original state when the money runs out. People who declare bankruptcy often end up back in debt. Women who are bailed out by men/family end up chronically making bad decisions because they've never had to face the penalty for failure. It was their own stupidity that hurt them with debt; and they need to either overcome it to grow stronger, or they deserve to suffer the consequences.

>> No.53878912

i deserve this. fuck boomers and zoomers.

>> No.53878932

>but we will never see a more conservative court in our lifetimes.
Allah willing the beetus will knock one out in '25.

>> No.53878972

>print the currency to absolute shit
>give ookraine 1 $billion fafillion babillion shabadoodleoo million yen
>get US citizens on 26%APR student loans that are baked into your fucking DNA
>housing totally unaffordable
>cars both scarce and unaffordable
>laying off 40,000 people every other week
fucking based
our kind overlords are speedrunning the "insane autocrats plunge the entire world into war" RPG

>> No.53879087

I’m probably the most radically conservative guy on /biz/, and even I want student loan forgiveness. Fuck playing by the rules when boomers utterly fucked our society. They give money to Israel and Ukraine and won’t even help their own people.

>> No.53879105

this. Stats don't lie. Millennials and zoomers own less than our ancestors did at the same age. I've had enough. Boomers plunder the economy want us to keep paying their social security yet oh no this is the brakes you'll destroy the country.

The jig is up and if you're against this now after seeing how pointless it is as we gave away tons of money the last few years then you're a total faggot

>> No.53879727

Same, $10k is practically nothing for those with a lot but makes a big difference to poorfags, especially the ultimate poorfags who are eligible for $20k

>> No.53879779
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>The Supreme Court has to pass judgement on if it's legal for the Federal government to pay off people's personal loans.

How did this even get this far?

>> No.53879803

If this shit goes through the inflation through celebratory pending+more disposable income of poor people will be substantial won't it? I imagine the liquidity can pump asset prices equally with it

>> No.53879864

Exactly, the root cause of the problem hasn't been solved. Tax payers paying off student loans while at the same still giving students hundreds of thousands of loans for useless degrees is just peak joke country

>> No.53879876

i suffered through hell paying off my loans, why shouldn't everyone else?

>> No.53879905

It would certainly counter all the rate raising the fed has been doing, student loans are a big market. I would think inflation would spike again to near 10% yoy.

>> No.53879916

Next time you get sick, don't take any antibiotics because it wouldn't be fair to the billions of people before you that died of infections.

>> No.53879934

Ukraine has nothing to do with this. Fuck playing by the rules but make the people who didn't take a loan bear the burden of this for the people who did. That is a rule. Nobody can stop the money to Ukraine but there is a way to stop the money to these faggot zoomers. Being able to stop millennials and zoomers from robbing our pockets doesn't mean it's okay to get robbed for Ukraine it just means we can't stop them from robbing us for that. Whereas we can stop the pickpocketing in this instance.

>> No.53879937

student loan forgiveness is not a life-saving medicine. nobody dies from not having money

>> No.53880011

>The Court abolished a terrible and stupid precedent that was lampooned even by RBG
>This means they are hard conservatives
Lol. Lmao.

>> No.53880075

That's not what the case is about. Biden is trying to do it unilaterally using some obscure war on terror era law about being allowed to cancel debts to the government. The law gives him an argument to do so. But the law wasn't intended for that, and it's unclear if the president can even do that constitutionally or if this is something that needs congressional approval. If he did it the normal way and got this passed by congress, there would be no legal debate.

>> No.53880155
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You're my competition and it would devalue my money. That's why I'm against it.

>> No.53880171


It was sleezy as fuck the way they were trying to do it too, you could tell the goal was to try to implement the program and pass the forgiveness as quickly as possible (within months) to try to do it before any legal challenges could be mounted and go through the court system. Then at that point they could just be like "oops lol sorry we already forgave the debt, nothing we can do about it now even if the program was illegal :^)"

>> No.53880202

>sorry for fucking everything up by trying to force an outcome by spending tax payer dollars on our retarded scheme
>don't worry, we'll fix this with our new scheme that involves spending tax payer dollars to try to force a different outcome

A scam as old as time.

>> No.53880206
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>nobody dies from not having money

>> No.53880241

> battling inflation
> give suburban people 10k of loan forgiveness
I'm a bitter cunt but even the most hopeful have to admit the timing is really bad if you're trying to get inflation down

>> No.53880285

Because 99% of people are shit with money and crap, within a year it would be back to how it is now.

>> No.53880315

Why would Biden's handlers want to lower inflation? Inflation is the best weapon to use against goys, they're too stupid to understand that inflation is controlled by the government, and that it only really takes money from "people" that don't already own millions of dollars of assets.

>> No.53880323
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I am one of the lucky few who received their entire paycheck from their student loans. I want to say that I hate the current government and would prefer the orange man in his place in any situation, but for the first time I am happy about a governmental measure taken by democrats. 140k directly paid, my savings can now go to investing, in fact I already had a diversified portfolio of different currencies, which I will proceed to buy right now in large quantities (as much as I can afford at least).


At last I feel that the winds are blowing in my favor.

>> No.53880353

True, as you say, inflation is taxation without representation and dumb goy are too stupid to realize this. Is this what we do now? Just live with double digit inflation and barely any positive wage growth with some crumbs thrown our way every now and then?

>> No.53880445 [DELETED] 
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Debt forgiveness will never happen. This shit is constantly brought up, because it's great for training the minions.

Democrats bring a 'free shit' bill to the table because they love doing a heckin niceness for all the chillens and poor people, but it's struck down by the republicans (oooooh, they're so mean!) because they hate the chillens and they love doing a heckin racism.

No one intended for the bill to be passed or taken seriously.

>> No.53880517

You chose to take out a loan faggot. Nobody chooses to catch TB

>> No.53880539

Consider going back to red dit and staying there this time, you brown faggot.

So it's not based then.

>> No.53880547

>giving 10k
The debt is merely being wiped from debt that people aren't paying at the moment because the federal student loan debt is frozen. No one would actually get anything back.

This is besides the fact that interest on student loans is a tax writeoff and people in university get tax credits for being in university. It's not clear what merit this debate has besides shitting on redditors (but I can agree with that) but the fact is no inflation would be caused by merely wiping out debt.

>> No.53880550

Seriously under(you)ed coment.

>> No.53880556

>Being able to stop millennials and zoomers from robbing our pockets
Boomers deserve to be robbed though so you can eat that loss and have fun.

>> No.53880563

>true conservative here
>we need handouts
Don't lie nigga, just admit that boomers deserve to get rekt and people whining should point the finger somewhere else.

>> No.53880574

They want to see every 'kid' (especially the 40yo ones) broke because they resent you for not being on death's door and being able to smash pussy without needing cialis.

>> No.53880606


Because no one is helping me.

>> No.53880622

You're crazy if you think they will let the democrats get this W.

>> No.53880665

According to official statistics, 86% of those with exorbitant college debt are minorities or women. Aka, as a white guy, it isn't in my interest. And as a white guy, I've been taught that doing things in your group's best interest is what should be done. Ergo, I don't support it.

>> No.53880771


imagine unironically believing this. totally psyoped

>> No.53880773

No I'm pointing it at you not the boomers. I don't care that they are corrupt I'm specifically seeing a conscious choice by the zoomers faggots to rob my pocket because they want to fight a third party. This isn't a free jubilee across the board this doesn't include me it actively attacks me and the only thing I can do is side with the boomers knowing full well they are corrupt because the behavior of the zoomers is worse. You will not shake me down to fight them and if you try I will support them against you.

>> No.53880779


i make 250k now but the forgiveness is backdated and also based on AGI which means -401k, -hsa, -anything else. if you only recently started making a bunch of money and are managing your agi fine you can squeeze by. i'm still eligible for 20k (also had pell grant)

>> No.53880993

Fuck you thats why. Neck yourself you bucket lobster.

>> No.53881783
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>Feels good being born under a lucky star
If you say so

>> No.53881797

I don't even care anymore. I stopped paying and life has been much better

>> No.53881858

Helping people is evil, it robs them of the opportunity to help themselves.

>> No.53881895

I'm in Canada but have been paying off loans since 2019 even though at $24 an hour I would qualify for RAP. I recently decided to enter the program. I'm paying $7 a month now on a 21k loan. Originally 37k. If debt like this starts to get jubileed I will government buildings

>> No.53881905

And they let the elections get stolen

>> No.53882481

This is a Muslim board, ya finna dumbass.

>> No.53882720
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Because politicians will get all the credit while they sold us all to Zio interest. If you think NPCs will think "Money to the people!!" You're delusional as fuck. It's gonna be Biden's forgiveness.

>> No.53882975

Post hands

>> No.53882983

I actually got a full ride, I have no dog in this fight

>> No.53883079

Meanwhile my wife's 330k medical school loan has been delayed nearly 7 years now with no interest with programs we used before this whole ordeal.
Inflation has already eaten up half it's real value.

Also the 1965 higher education act allows for complete forgiveness.
They used a shitty law they knew would lost, but take years.
They'll simply decree again using the real law that is much more likely to hold and either way it will be years again.
Then 330k will literally be a trip to the grocery store and her salary will be 1.5 million a year.
Poorfags btfo.

>> No.53883099


So basically just a fraction of the outstanding interest.

>> No.53883103

The electoral college voted retard.
Everything else is a dog and pony show.
Biden won legally and constitutionally. Seethe harder.

>> No.53883119

Youre still paying your student loans. Nothing is going to change.

>> No.53883184

I never had student loans. Full scholarship.
See here though >>53883079
So far we've cut them in half.
We can pay with a single check if they start again, but I've been correct for going on seven years now.
Forebearance to start.

>> No.53883201

Hey guys just want to say thanks for paying my loans off. Much appreciated. Instead of paying i aped shitcoins and make 100x last bull run.

>> No.53883258

Agreed, we need to stop gerrymandering. Too many Rs are stealing elections because of it

>> No.53883282

Once debt forgiveness becomes a thing you will see people taking on debt without any intent to pay it back. Not scum of the earth like you see now, but normalfaggots. I'm planning on going to my local community college and getting a free $6k towards my bathroom remodel if this goes through. I will not pay denbts.

>> No.53883306

>down trodden
That's the issue. It doesn't help poorfags wage slaving for 50k a year. It bails out what might as well be the elites by comparison.

>> No.53883314

Looking forward to the liquidity crunch after the Supreme Court shoots this down. By my rough estimation, the average 25-34 year old loanie will have to pay about $3k a year over 10 years. Short women's clothing, Nike tennis shoes and streaming services because that money has to come from somewhere.

>> No.53883323

This fucks ME the most, because I worked extremely hard to build up experience and competency in a professional field without going to college, to compete with people who literally bought there way into the same job without knowing jack fucking shit about the industry. It’s eventually going to happen one day and the best I can hope for I guess is that it completely nukes the value of a college education so my experience is worth more in the long run, but in the short run it will decrease wages across the board.

>> No.53883449

NOPE LMAO get fucked neet/wagie/tradie

>> No.53883575

>pay to bail out bad financial decision making
then what happens in 30 years when these same people realize they were supposed to save for retirement and are once again “downtrodden”

>> No.53883649
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Should I go back to school? I got halfway through a comp sci degree and stopped for some reason. I got a vaguely "tech" job at 60k but it sucks and is gay, and I want more money and more options to choose from.

>> No.53883729
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They'll nationalize your racist 401ks and give a fair share to the downtrodden spic spawn that have bred within our boarders for the past 30 years and failed to even grasp what a 401k is let alone utilize one. In the name of equity your racist wealth hording will be shared with others.

>> No.53883773

I have little over 20k in student loans, I really dont care either way cause its all a circus and they steal my money one way or another so whats it matter.

>> No.53884265

youre not eligible

>> No.53884331
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>Be Biden
>Forgive loans
>Know it will lose in court anyway so his financial backers are cool with it
>Biden is Han Solo and Dumbledore fighting against Thanos

>> No.53884355

The one thing “conservatives” will not cuck on is fucking over kike banks.

>> No.53884359

if you're poor you can basically take infinite deferments. only the wealthy pay debts.

>> No.53884411
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It was based on 2021 income data, capped at $125k

>> No.53884562

>Chingchong (Lucy) Zhao

>> No.53884577

that money isnt going to ukraine, ultimately it ends up in isreal

>> No.53884684

printing money and giving it to the middle class is an absolute crime in the eyes of wealthy politicians.

Giving money to foreign countries and wealthy boomers thru the chips act is completely fine.

>> No.53884799


>> No.53884831

>mfw I've been paying off my tuition in FL every semester
>I could have just been a nig and not paid at all, then get it paid for free by the government
Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.53884838

I would feel really good if all of you just killed yourself instead of begging me for money, because you are a peasant

>> No.53884890

Hahaha you are fucking retarded boomer

>> No.53884927


>> No.53884954

Lmao get fucked retard

>> No.53884971

Listening now.
It's ENTIRELY about the HEROES Act. It will get struck down and then they'll use the more appropriate powers of the 1965 Higher Education Act to do the same thing and it will go on another few years and be upheld.
Meanwhile inflation will basically negate all the debt anyway.

>> No.53884984

>insults strong people of color
>is actually stupider than them

>> No.53885584

>implying being lazy, stupid and constanly having society pick up after you is a sign of intelligence

>> No.53885776

>implying paying back loans to scam artists when everything is telling you don't have to is intelligent
Intelligence is a hell of a quandary.
I think it's white person cope that all this bullshit they do makes them smart. I'm white by the way. Very white.
But it seems like we are destroying ourselves whilst the best way to survive is just to reproduce and spread out as far and wide as possible.
And if not for survival, what is intelligence for?

The guy paying his loans probably doesn't even have kids.

>> No.53885807

Because I paid off my student loans and won't see a retroactive penny of these Bidenbux. Fuck you.

>> No.53885824

You got a subsidized education you could not afford otherwise and are complaining. Wow.
Not a good look sweaty.

>> No.53885942

Just take out new loans and refuse to pay them back. Fuck em. That's what this is about. People didn't want to pay their debt and demanded the government bail them out. If it passes then just take on new debt and so the same.

>> No.53886509

Congrats on being super white and everything but you are missing my point completely. Im not saying paying back loans is intelligent or anything related to that, youre just putting words into my mouth. Im simply making a comment on what you call "strong" blacks who just happen to find a nut every now and again due to their own negligence and degeneracy. You're right, intelligence sure is a hell of a quandry, isn't it? Kek

>> No.53886521
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/biz/ is a bourgie, temporarily embarrassed crypt0-millionaire cope forum.

>> No.53886601

There is no such thing as government-funded
Everything the government says they pay for is 100% paid for by taxpayers

>> No.53886791

i do care but only so my brother can stop being a cuckold. muy own loans are already paid off and i almost certainly will not qualify

jews, anons

>> No.53886838
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>> No.53886899

What's the point of strawmanning so hard you put quotes around a word I literally never even wrote?
He slurred a group of people who handled the situation more intelligently than him.
That doesn't mean I think that other group isn't stupid as well for as many reasons as you could name.

>> No.53887094

Retard alert

>> No.53887116

why stop at student loans? why not every loan in existence right now?

>> No.53887196

This but unironically. It's called jubilee

>> No.53887254

yes, include mortgages while at it

>> No.53887300

>Everyone is back in gigadebt in 2 years

>> No.53887380
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This. Conservative justices always try to be fair and balanced like a proper judge which makes them unreliable for right wing causes. Meanwhile, lefty judges are radical and always vote left even if they have to fabricate a false constitutional interpretation in order to do so. This is why the right always loses, because the "Yes, but LEGALLY" meme is completely true.

>> No.53887399

>strong people of color
You literally said "strong"... that was your own wording retard holy fuck LMAO

>> No.53887534

>you put quotes around a word I literally never even wrote?
do you literally have a goldfish memory
this is your post >>53884984

>> No.53888019

Constitutionally yes, legally no.
The democrats literally cannot win another election without massive voter fraud. Cope all you want shitskin.

>> No.53888134

Need this shit to happen. I want to see the seethe and rage from wagieholics big mad that they played the game "right" by paying their shitty little loans early and still lost.

These entitled assholes are identical to the faggots who still think investment prices are based on fundamentals. You live in clown economy now and should operate accordingly. Doing the boring, hard boomer thing instead of listening to vibes and memes will only fuck you over.

Never pay the government back.
Never think things like TSLA or dog coins are dead.
Never underestimate how ugly and retarded the average person actually is.

>> No.53888320

>The democrats literally cannot win another election without massive voter fraud.
Voter fraud was a necessary evil to keep nazis from taking over the presidency. This country can survive economic turmoil but it cannot survive white supremacy.

>> No.53888348

Lol if anything you're the bucket crab.
>inherit my debt!

>> No.53888389

It's legal under the law (congress passed) but is the law legal? Regardless you gotta love how PPP loans, covid stimulus checks, and Fed/Treasury funny money was fine but now student loans is crossing a line. To say nothing of the Patriot Act.

>> No.53888467

So many future commies in this thread who can't get over neolib/uscuck brainwashing. Sad! You know the answer to all this is already exists but everyone thinks they will be the one controlling the capital flow.

>> No.53888672

>future commies
The answer to this already exists, and it isn't your modern utopian flight-of-fancy. The answer existed for thousands of years: A Christian Theocracy ruled by an absolute monarch, where the rights of the merchant class were severely limited, and usury outright banned. If you think the answer to the problems brought forth by modernity is just another modernist construct, then you are just a media-brained sheep like the ones you decry

>> No.53888828

How’s it feel being the woman in your relationship?

>> No.53888988

>protestant christian theocracy
no thanks, it was better anyways under the Church the first time

>> No.53889215

Where in my post did I say "protestant"? The (((reformation))) was the precursor to the enlightenment, humanism, the american/french revolutions, the rise in power of the banking dynasties, and all subsequent jewish modernist horseshit. Turn your back on Christ's Church, and look at the result

>> No.53889229

Correct, but I didn't say "blacks."
Now what?

>> No.53889394

Do you believe the government is going to tell the people it sold debt to that they can eat shit? Do you think that even if the democrats controlled 100% of government this would be the plan? The answer is no, in case you're disabled. So at some point dollars are going to magically appear in the bank accounts of debt owners despite not disappearing from the accounts of debtors.

>> No.53889414
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I'm just not paying them is all

>> No.53889451

why not $300 trillion to ukraine?
don't be stingy about $300 quadrillion.
the ukrainian people need that $300 quintillion more than you do, goyim. keep paying your taxes and be lucky if we give you so much as a gravel road.

>> No.53889479

look, here is how entitled boomers are. they expect this entitlement called a "pension" where, get this, even after they stop working, their employer still has to keep paying them their salary for the rest of their lives, however long they might live. ain't that whacky, timmy?

>> No.53889532

i'm done going broke to pay for boomer entitlements. social security is a bankrupt ponzi scheme mathematically proven to be insolvent. i'm being forced to pay into a progam which the government itself admits will be bankrupt by the time i would benefit from it. and i have no opt out option?

abolish this shit and refund me the money boomers stole from me. boomers lived it up and wasted everything they earned. they can pay for their own fucking retirement. and abolish medicare while we're at it. i can't even afford to see a doctor myself, and i have to shoulder a crippling tax burden so some boomer in a million dollar house can see a doctor every other week and take 20 different pills? fuck this shit i'm done. millennials are now the largest population demographic and either these cocksucking politicians cater to me or i vote their crusty asses out. everything is going to be ripped out just in time for boomoids to "retire" into a godforsaken gutter. boomer healthcare should be throwing them into a trash compactor the first time they open their stupid fat mouths to complain. i'm done being fucked over. houses are crashing 50% or i'm not buying. i'm not paying into social security. i'm not repaying the student loans. it's time i get something out of this country. boomers have eaten at the trough long enough. every boomer should be put against a wall and eviscerated with a wrecking ball and TNT. i want boomer guts sprayed like confetti over times square.

>> No.53889546

yet not one word out of your cum-gargling mouth about the PPP loans.

>> No.53889637

>my abusive parents who signed those parent plus loans because they dont bother to read documents, pay off their half of the loans for me
>i went no contact with their stupid asses, the government sends the tax form to me to take the writeoff for the interest portion they paid, they can't do shit about it
>if they don't pay their checks get garnished
>only i qualify for the forgiveness, not the parent plus loans
>i get that 20k poorfag bonus, they get jack
>i have no legal obligation to pay that parent plus shit
>they can't do anything but seethe
>they don't have any way to contact me to bitch about it because i hit that block button like a thick ass

oh boy it sure was fun abusing your kid, wasn't it, shit for brains? surely that one won't ever bite you in the ass. lmfao those niggers will lose their house because of this. all because that cunt couldn't manage to speak politely to me for even the duration of one single phonecall. now they can cope with it.

biden is helping me get revenge on my crappy parents. how based is that? if i can't have funny tweets then i will have financial annihilation. brings a smile to my face.

>> No.53889657

the elimation of debt without repayment is actually deflationary
everyone seething under 125 IQ

>> No.53889669

oh no, they're women? well let me inform you that unless you are a literal faggot you're talking about your future wife here, so it benefits you, too, dickhead, unless you admit to being a worthless fuckless incel

seethe cope dilate, just not paying the loans is all
never paying that shit
never paid that shit
boomers cry

>> No.53889703


meanwhile mine have been in deferment since i graduated 5 years ago. i never paid a cent and never will.

>> No.53889705

Similar story here. Wife and I are pulling in >180 + VA disability. She only just graduated nursing school this past year. Both of us had Pell Grant and I had GI Bill. Took out loans to support our kids throughout school.

>> No.53889809

I want this to go through so badly just to piss boomers off.

>> No.53889975

>i didnt say "strong" why are you strawmanning me
>ok ok ok im an idiot but i didnt say blacks so what now
Im about 80% sure youre a larping nigger at this point, just give it up.

>> No.53890138

The applicability of that law is still dubious.
>PPP loans, covid stimulus checks, and Fed/Treasury funny money
All were approved by congress, not executive orders claiming authority from some obscure provision in a completely unrelated law.

>> No.53890165
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Come on do it fgt i need handouts

>> No.53891216

>you're talking about your future wife here

No one wants to marry you when you're 50 just so they can pay off your student loans. Get married now or get fucked.

>> No.53891232

They are not just going to terminate your loan and the lenders take the hit, they will print money to pay them. You're an idiot and a woman, but I repeat myself.

>> No.53891268
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You will be sucking dicks at the truck stop after the economy collapses due to your inability to resist spending yourself into massive debt.

>> No.53891342
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He is LITERALLY Luke Skywalker fighting against Darth Vader.
He is LITERALLY Superman fighting against Lex Luthor. He is LITERALLY the allies fighting against Hitler.

>> No.53891344
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>> No.53891389

They were forced to close. You were not forced to go to college. You gambled on the diploma being an advantage in the job market and lost. I don't like the PPP loans either that doesn't mean I'm letting your faggot ass pickpocket me too. Where does it end let's all block our grievances into a group as to why we need money let's pickpocket everyone all the time. The difference is enough of the population played by the rules and will have the political momentum to tell you to shove it because they're getting screwed by your deal. PPP is irrelevant to you currently wanting to screw them now

>> No.53891641

Shidd for real? Maybe I don’t have to use my Ethereum gains to pay off my degree. Maybe Biden isn’t so bad

>> No.53891890

>three posts in a row insinuating i must be a woman because i recognize that white women are our counterparts and what benefits them benefits me

have sex touch grass get laid

>> No.53891911

>go to uni
<you made gamble, get fucked
>don't go to uni
<you should have worked harder and gotten a degree

love the boomer catch 22, where no matter what you do they throw it in your face, sometimes both ways in the same breath. imagine a generation who created an economy where you're damned if you do, damned if you don't, and they call it the greatest prosperity of all time.

>> No.53891983

this is effectively a tax on boomers and so the GOP have convinced their cattle that this is evil and they eat it up. God forbid that the generation that owns the least get any sort of help at all ever

>> No.53892032

Is there even a consequence to not paying these loans?

>> No.53892042

You literally become stupider by going to college, and incur a huge debt for it. You pay money you can’t afford in order to become stupider.

>> No.53892063


That's me lol, household making $230k and I'm getting all $10k erased, wife getting $20k cause she had a pell, die mad about it kek

>> No.53892066

I don't think they can be discharged in bankruptcy but I also haven't heard of wages being garnished for delinquency. Idk.

>> No.53893192

Kek... don't sell eth by any chance.
The bulls are coming back in action, so it's best to hold onto your bags strong.
Banking on EGLD, UTK, QRDO, METIS and ETH as of now.

>> No.53895302

Based. I owe $35k and won’t ever pay a cent

>> No.53897468

>average boomer has around 130k in retirement savings, per Forbes
>the generation that lived through the most retarded high asset inflation in history is going to probably be underwater and asking for gibs, even though they've fucked over and kicked the ladder out from younger generations time and time again
>what little inheritance their children will get will be chipped away by expensive medical procedures to prolong the boomer life of overconsumption and greed for a few more months

I'm just glad my parents and grandparents aren't like this. Fuck boomers and fuck the ponzi scheme economy they've created. Most entitled generation in world history, and they decided to fuck over their kids so much and so often that Millennials and Zoomers will piss and shit on their graves

>> No.53898459

Is the US going for all-time speed running champions of the rise and fall of an empire?
It's like the boomers want to check "watching the world burn" off their bucket lists and they're almost out of time.

>> No.53898956

they still have these things called "filial responsiblity laws" on the books in the US. so basically you have no say in how your parent handles their finances through their life, you had no say in how they cared for their health, but when they rack up a billion dollars in medical expenses due to a shit lifestyle with zero exercise and have no money to pay for it because they spent all their money on RVs and televisions, suddenly the state will come after YOU to pay THEIR bills. the same generation that tried to charge their own children rent money. hell, boomer greed is so wild that some parents actually wrote down all their expenditures on their children through their lives and handed their kids the bill for it (which is illegal, but still massively traumatizing for the kid.)

boomers will fuck their kids over with their dying breath. you will be forced to pay for their medical care and their retirement while you will never be able to afford either for yourself.

>> No.53899010
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my student debt got completely wiped out. Thanks frens for paying your taxes :D

>> No.53899204

>the same people who think they were too young to enter into a financial contract fully informed are the same people who think children should be able to delay puberty with hormones
wow epic style
good job americans, good job
maybe if you keep blaming boomers for everything while continuously lowering standards to suit women and minorities your country will magically stop declining

meanwhile your generation has lived through bitcoin and is still poor and retard, kek, what a joke
lmao are the boomers in the room with you right now? touch grass reddit scum

why do many poorfags and rentcucks on /biz/ these days

>> No.53899372

If it will cost less than $20k to finish I would finish it if you don’t mind the time commitment. Otherwise try to leverage your existing experience into a better position.

>> No.53899466
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>Crypto assets surely could have made an entire generation rich!
Surely you can't be this retarded

>> No.53901080

what would you feel like if poor people started murdering and raping rich people?

>> No.53901691

not him but please i want a good show

>> No.53901855

I am this retarded, and dont call me Shirley.

>> No.53901884
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>> No.53901905

>let's forgive the debts of people who are capable of getting jobs that pay higher by taxing people that don't have that option
Real fuckin' generous right there.

>> No.53902352

fuck boomers