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53874520 No.53874520 [Reply] [Original]

I have 2 years in medschool left, will housing finally crash here ever, or should I just fuck off from this shithole? I'm literally getting priced out of everything and will struggle to even finish these 2 years with my budget with the permanent cost of living golden bull run

The government is literally bringing in close to 1m shitskins/yr in a country of 39m people just to prevent the housing collapse. Boomers have waged economic warfare on the young.

>> No.53874624
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I've spent a lot of time reading TA books, market history, Dow theory, Elliot theory, etc... and they all have a common theme that nothing goes up forever. Large needle-shaped pumps (like canadian housing) are supposed to have equivalently violent blowoff top patterns that dump -80%, but canada just seems to resist every economic principle known to man. Idk, I guess market principles don't apply if you just import the entire third world to come by the hordes every year. Nobody can afford to live here, but instead of letting the demand bring the market down, they just import endless humans to keep the supply artificially pumped

I hope housing goes to 0 here via some major event. Total leaf death. Rake us all. I hope putin dumps his entire nuclear arsenal here. I'd die happy

>> No.53874702

>but canada just seems to resist every economic principle known to man

It's odd. I don't think they factor in how deranged and antisocial the Leaf masses will get as they are forced to live in the pod and eat the bugs ... then not be able afford the pod and the bugs anymore. Like how your average normie is quietly going psycho as everything ticks higher and higher and they are one tock away from living on the streets.

>> No.53874731

As a med student what's your take on the medical system? From my POV shit has collapsed. It takes forever to get specialists. I need to see an ENT but shit will take like 2.5 years just to see somebody. This country is going to lose so many people to the US. If you are a doc you could get a studio in Vancouver or a mansion in any US city it's a no brainer.

>> No.53875132

Oh, it's totally going to belly up and is already on the verge of death. 60% of med students in canada are foreigners looking to take off to either the US or back where they came from. 20% of born in Canada docs also piss off to the US, leaving about 20% of medfags who stay here when all of our rounds and residencies finish up. My gf who's a nurse makes the same salary as my friend who's starting with general surgery because of how our tax brackets work. Canada is a pretty good place to be an entry level worker with zero skills, and excessively punishes you the more you become specialized and get a resulting higher salary.

Contrary to popular belief, needing to wait 2.5yrs for a specialist is not the fault of lack of funding. It's bloated and corrupt provincial bureaucracy, such as Quebec's RAMQ, that caps the appointment scaling and hours worked per specialty. For example - there's insane wait lists for podiatrists, and tons of med students who'd like to go that route, but the government won't allow residencies of that profession to fill past a certain cap.

>> No.53875142

housing in canada might actually crash desu (unlike america). hold out for it

>> No.53875180

Wondering this myself anon. I have a good opportunity to gain hungarian citizenship, but I'm starting to believe there no reasonable place here for me.

>> No.53875216

>Boomers have waged economic warfare on the young.
Hard to blame the immigration flood on boomers. Nobody voted for this and it's happening no matter who you vote for.

>> No.53875219

Canada is becoming as if you took California and made it a whole country

>> No.53875221

Canadians are incredibly stupid and docile, even more so than Americans
t. Canadien

>> No.53875256


I like Asian-Americans as workers, but politically they are pretty terrible. Happily anti-freedom, pro-state, will rubberstamp anything statist that comes their way, I'd imagine they're similar in Canada. You effectively have no conservative or anti-state party now, just super statists and slightly less super statists. This leads to things like crazy over regulation that impedes the growth of any new housing supply whatsoever. Ta da, instant artificial scarcity, perpetual home price bull run.

>> No.53875423

this is bullshit, boomers are demanding a 40 year holiday, that has to be paid for

>> No.53875535

Who told you bringing in brown people was a net economic positive? They are lying to you anon.

>> No.53875702

>Who told you bringing in brown people was a net economic positive?
Boomers. Their children refuse to pay $800k for homes boomers paid $50k for, and make no mistake, they're EXTREMELY spiteful over this. Boomers are happy to import the third world if it means keeping their property values up 500x. They know they have about 5-10 years left to live, so they don't care what social consequences this might have

>> No.53875732

This, boomers literally shut down the economy because of how scared they are of dying from the coof.
Can't wait until these spiteful demons die so we can have even a ghost of a chance of fixing all the damage they've done.

>> No.53875752

Anon speaks the truth. Boomers sold the whole world to the (((moneychangers))) and now it is all irreversibly fucked. At least we have an early death to look forward to.

>> No.53875777

Nice thread we had here, Moshe from Tel Aviv here derails it with yelling at the sky.

>> No.53875789

>jews literally shut down the economy
Fixed that for you.

>> No.53875793

I've read that mass boomer dieoff starts this decade and that will cause a flood of housing supply to hit the market which finally starts the housing crash. Is any of that true or just bullshit? Do I really have to wait 5 more years to buy a house?

>> No.53875795

Waste of digits on a faggot post. Boomers and unaffordable housing are inexorably linked.

>> No.53875806

Yeah but the only problem is that we still have things like endless Third World migraiton and (((Blackrock))) in the picture.

>> No.53875858
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umm, sweetie, this is your chance. Buy now or forever be a rentoid. What do you mean you don't have a million leaf buckaroos? You DO at least have 500k for the down payment, don't you?

>> No.53875903

It's bullshit. You think boomers control the CBC? Every political party? The money supply? Who do you think would like you to hate old white people and blame them for all the countries problems?

>> No.53876002

market principals don't apply when you have endless schemes, tricks and chicanery propping it up. it is tied to gdp and won't ever be allowed to correct. you'll be living in squalor on the streets long long before they allow it to correct so you can buy anything decent

>> No.53876075

Is it the Mormons?

>> No.53876077

If jeets can make it and you cant as a doctor then you are the problem. Go to vietnam or something but then your degree is basically wasted

>> No.53876106

Absolutely not, over 400k fresh immigrants per year need housing, demand will never decrease

>> No.53876218
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How are you going to fix it, start deporting 1M per year? By the time boomers are gone it will be too late. Might as well face it that Canada as we know it is done, everyone with a brain has fled to the US, Asia or EU and the rest are laying flat to pay as little tax as possible while siphoning resources from the bloated government.

>> No.53876240
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Actually I do have 1M leaf bucks. But I ain't spending it here. Instead I'm gonna spend it partying abroad and only return to Canada for free health care and gibs.

>> No.53876456

What's the general take on the vax vs anti-vax.. debate among med students?

>> No.53876463


>> No.53876479

So what, it's pretty 50/50?

>> No.53876531


>> No.53876533

Canada sounds like New Zealand, but we got our housing supply to immigration ratio slightly under control recently. Still a npc nation though.

>> No.53876555
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>> No.53876560

Do you really need 50% downpayment?

>> No.53876586

>free health care

Too bad the health care system is completely broken and mismanaged. When by some miracle you actually get a to see a doctor they will just offer you MAID.

>> No.53876591

How is Canada always considered higher quality of life than America?
>Higher cost of living
>Extremely higher cost of housing
>Lower wages than America but also stagnant year over year
>Biggest sector of economy is real estate fees, taxes, and construction
>Higher homeless population than America per capita
How is it all sustainable?

>> No.53876684

Canada was good until I would say somewhere around 2012-14ish. Then oil crashed and the country bet its entire future on laundering foreign money through housing and printing money at 0% interest rates. In the last decade medical care has slipped dramatically and housing has gone fucking insane. This place now feels like if a dollar store was a country. A cheap shithole swarmed by people trying to scam each other. Every young person without a fat trust fund has an escape plan and the government's solution is to turn it into a third world country.

>> No.53876795

>Canada is a pretty good place to be an entry level worker with zero skills, and excessively punishes you the more you become specialized and get a resulting higher salary.
Sums it up pretty well. Anyone who has any sort of skill can find better pay and lower cost of living elsewhere. We're supposedly the most educated country in the g20, but that leaves out the fact that most of the degrees that people here hold are meme degrees.
That's what happens when you have the highest number of social and political "science" graduates per capita. Everyone with a technical degree leaves. As soon as I'm done my degree I'm outta this shithole as well lol

>> No.53877067


It feels like the whole west divorced from reality around this time. Europe went into migrant rape flood mode, USA went into batshit PC BLM culture, and Canada is also doing great replacement shit.

I don’t think we ever healed the Great Recession. What’s going on in these countries and lands, it scares me. Not to mention worldwide dropping fertilities, even in Africa. Is social media partly to blame? Microplastics? Some political figure? The realizations that America’s war on terror was unwinnable?

What the fuck happened that led to this shit?

>> No.53877254

Canada didn't get fucked in 2008 because it got lucky with oil being expensive raising the value of the loonie, and because mortgage standards were a lot tighter. Since then mortgage standards have collapsed and since housing saw no correction in Canada it pumped even higher. Now the country is on the brink of collapse because if the fed raises rates higher and the BoC doesn't follow CAD collapses and if it raises rates anymore all the 5 year term mortgages getting renegotiated aren't going to be able to be financed and the entire real estate ponzi and the banks holding the mortgages goes bust.

>> No.53877280

because we don't get shot and we don't go bankrupt from medical bills.

>> No.53877332
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The solution is for Canada to stop existing, the country will balkanize: Asians will own BC, Alberta will become a US state, QC and the Maritimes will be the last bastion of Europeans and Ontario will be the great brown horde

>> No.53877374

We have way less niggers than USA, that's a significant boost to QoL

>> No.53877425

generally you get 5x your salary in mortgage. 500k if you make 100k/year. Sure you can do a lower down payment if you make more money

>> No.53877438

Who the fuck in their right mind would buy this chart, not even counting the fact that Europeans are a minority in Toronto

>> No.53877777

It won't go to zero, there are at least 1 million people coming into this country every year. Temporary foreign workers, new immigrants, non permanent residents
international students, illegal aliens and refugees coming in.

>> No.53877821

This is also not including multi million, billion and trillion dollar companies, hedge funds, blackrock and blackstone, REITs buying up all our real estate. and the money laundry being conduct by foreigners like from the China Communist Party, and the Chinese triad.

>> No.53877835

those digits.

>> No.53878070

Checked quints. Rapefugee migrant pajeets/chinks get rugged on their mortgage, foreclosed on, and forced back to their countries. Horror stories spread and they stop seeing Canada as such an attractive prospect and financial speculation on housing decreases heavily.

>> No.53878351

wow someone vaguely understands Canada.
USA can keep rates higher for longer, Canada is going to have to sacrifice CAD, which means even higher food costs and even lower wages.

>> No.53878403
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>> No.53878612


God I wish

>> No.53879618

Canada had a prime minister that wasn't a drama school teacher but an economist. That is one of the reason it wasn't fucked by 2008. Also we didnt have low interest rates driving the cost of housing to go up.

>> No.53879833

This hurts the reddit jannies at /r/canadahousing

Also buy dogbat, we will use it to launch billboards that speak out about the housing crisis,I shit you not. Dogbat literally has revolutionized billboard advertising anonymously. Dogbat will save Canada housing and therefore the world.

>> No.53879866

I want Harper back bros...

>> No.53879908

Obviously it’s the Jews, you can blame the boomers for being retarded and falling head over heels for every psy op put in front of them. To be fair they kinda got hit right as they got really good at psy ops

>> No.53880014

what do the /r/canadahousing people say then about the housing crisis? We just need to build more houses somehow?

>> No.53880052

i mean youve really answered yoir own question here. how about another question: what would possibly motivate you to stay in canada to work in an already broken system when you could move somewhere else make substantially more money, purchase more with each dollar of that money, and have a drastically better qualoty of life?

>> No.53880067

>but canada just seems to resist every economic principle known to man
you can only resist so long.

>> No.53880122

There isn't much consensus, apparently they managed to ban AirBNB or the people in /r/halifax or whatever managed to ban AirBNB or there has been some steps taken towards that. We honestly need to get this dumb service economy bullshit to stop in my personal opinon, skip the dishes, Doordash, Uber, etc, none of them are needed is my personal opinion.

Honestly, I need to do some more data mining and data analysis on the subreddit to get a more clear picture, sentimental analysis etc. I whipped out some code that was able to data mine it successfully, so I will go revisit that when I can spin up a vm instance on AWS.

Hopefully come May or the summer when I am free I can do a more through analysis and deliver. Right now I am trying to make it a place for memes and want to encourage more memes or people to protest via memes, I think the Reddit admins will even fund us via community project if we as a community can decide what we want to spend it on. The Reddit admins have funded freaking kpop billboards in places like NYC, Los angeles for a popular kpop group. So anything can go really.

But yeah even in the main /r/canada subreddits and even on /r/ontario people have been openly talking about the main issues that are going on. /r/canadahousing is. a special kind of special, I am proud that we managed to beat /r/onguardforthee on some metrics, but we will see what happens in the future, I literally want to save this country if I can, but it seems like there are certain threat actors that keep dumping fucking oil to the fire. But ALAS with the AI breakthrough we will get those bad actors like realtors and what not. So many smug landlords and realtors and what not. There is no humbleness, earnestness in those people. So much lying going on.


>> No.53880189

rent is only going to continue to increase at a sharp rate over the next 4-5 years, but in the longer term we will actually find ourselves in an oversupply situation. But that's 5+ years out

housing will be highly dependent on the BOC. the US is the only developed country w/ 30 year fixed rate mortgages so their home buyers are less rate sensitive than other nations like canada. If the fed continues to hike, either the BOC is forced to follow (which will eventually nuke housing), or the BOC pivots and holds rates (like they've said they'll do at the last meeting), which likely leads to the CAD weakening which itself drives inflation if we're importing things with our shit dollar

if you're in med school you'll make decent money so you shouldn't really seethe that much about housing, but if you're that asshurt just go to the US and make more money with a cheaper cost of living from a housing POV. Plenty of gunshot victims to treat, too

>> No.53880205

>nobody can afford to live here

Canadians are also so fucking hyperbolic it's hilarious. Average asking rents in toronto right now are probably $2,500 or $4psf. That's not cheap, but go to other major cities like NYC, SF, LA, etc and you're paying way more IN USD

yes our salaries are lower generally speaking but it's not dramatically lower depending on industry. If you can't afford $2,500/mo rent then go move somewhere else you entitled fuck. The fact is that people CAN afford it, which is why shit's that expensive

>> No.53880221

why are you talking about /r/canadahousing as if it's something good, it's a shitty astroturfed sub where the jannies are retards and have a blanket ban on any immigration talk, /r/canadahousing2 is the only place to go

>> No.53880234

it was actually 2015 when we elected Trudeau and he ramped the immigration figures

go look at CMHC reports that cover market rents and see how things skyrocketed beginning in 2015-16, or even the image in >>53875858

>> No.53880607

There's a reason why our wise government just legalized suicide by medical professional, that's the pressure release valve... and it's working. It's also being successfully used to quietly dispose of trannies who have regretted pumping themselves full of the wrong hormones and destroyed their bodies.

As for the housing market, I bought 2 years ago, and even though it felt bad doing it, I knew that it was the only responsible move. Even after prices sagging a bit lately, I'm still up like 100k from what I bought at (at the time my purchase price was a record breaker here).

>> No.53880639

There's a lot of statistics that show that a majority of home owners in major metropolitan places all over canada don't have mortgages so they can afford to weather a "crash". So even if a correction happens it won't be as severe as people hope.

>> No.53880642

You are failing to comprehend the situation, most people can't afford to live in the home they bought *at today's prices*.
Like most Canadians, you're financially illiterate.

>> No.53880656

BocC will probably fail to hike, then inflation, then panic hike.
Get out of CAD.

>> No.53880664

this is a retarded take. Lots of people can afford to rent and buy in Canada, they just don't post and bitch on 4chan and reddit as theyre busy working and raising families. There's also a lot of people just on the cusp of purchasing a home and they'll absolutely jump at the next opportunity.

God, you poor people and your mental gymnastics.

>> No.53880689

You are confused about tax brackets, you would make a fine US citizen. It's easy making a lot of money as a physician here if you incorporate. Dual doctor household speaking. I pay fuck all for taxes and the low wages keep voting against themselves for tax breaks kek.

>> No.53880697

people are affording basement apartments outside toronto and houses in the middle of nowhere. my friend has a condo in the city and only reason he affords it is because his dad bought it in the 90s kek

>> No.53880716

Reading a bunch of the posts here really make me wonder where and how the fuck people come up with the bullshit they post. If you walk away from this thread believing anything here then you deserve to be euthanized.

>> No.53880727

Most people who can "afford" that, are collecting credit card debt, haven't heard of a TFSA, and their retirement plan will be MAID.

>> No.53880737
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It’s not about the housing that we take in a million euro and Asian girls yearly.

We have a fuckton of land.

There’s countless abstract solutions to the housing situation

But yeah, obviously way more should be done. It’s fucked up that there has been a serve lack of doing enough about it.

But don’t trash talk Canada.

I love having free healthcare and legal drugs.

But I gotta get a girl and move to the wilderness.

>> No.53880921

At least 2/3 of the land is wilderness with nothing there or inhabitable tundra. Just because we have the land doesn't mean it's all usable.

>> No.53881065

harper sucked

>> No.53881319
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Canada will import 500 million Indians so their housing market with never crash. My thesis:

Arriving in Toronto airport, I thought I had landed in India. The security guard is a poojeeta that greeted me. The immigration officer is a poojeet. The taxi driver who solicited a ride is a ... poojeet. I went to Tim Hortons, a coffee store, and the cashier is a poojeeta. Her brown feces coated hands made my coffee and brought my donuts. I wonder if the poo I'd stepped on come from a poojeet's anus. This country is a sea of brown people. If you want the Indian experience without visiting Mumbai, just take the TTC to downtown Toronto.

The poojeets have over taken white people working at the airport. The baggage handlers are blacks and poojeets.

>> No.53881321
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Canada's housing market will never crash because there is still room for 500 million Indians.

There is an unbelievable amount of poojeets living in Canada - I would guess the country is at LEAST 25% poojeet at this point. You have no idea - there are towns of a million people that are 90%+ poojeet and they are in every small town. Go to Timiskaming Shores in Northern Ontario - town of 12,000, 300 miles away from ANYTHING - you will find families of poojeets. You can go to Golden, BC, a mountain town a days drive from anywhere - poojeets own all the hotels and franchises. It is simply unbelievable just how many there are, and at least a half million more arrive every year. It's o v e r for the white man, and this is coming from a man as white as anyone.

Having said that, poojeets are ok, they're just stupider dirtier whites but very kind and friendly, I honestly prefer them over the passive aggressive/beta/lazy/degenerate/liberal whites (which comprise the majority of them sadly)

>> No.53881329
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Canadian housing supply will go up forever because they have a plan to import 100 million poojeets, then 500 million poojeets.

100 million poojeets and Changs by 2100:




>> No.53881336
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Causes leading up to Canada's housing bubble:

1980s time line

- Anglo boomers and liberal whites in the 80s voted pro-immigration policies so they can benefit from cheap labour

1990s time line

- Poojeets slowly trickling into Canada and breed like crazy
- Poojeets and Changs start accumulating wealth, whatever means necessary

2000s timeline:

- Nouveau rich Changs do money laundry. They buy up homes around Canada and wash their money in Vancouver's casinos
- Canadian economy is unproductive, they get money from Changs and poojeets by investment visas

2010s timeline:

- Canadian govs import more Changs and poojeets to prop up the housing bubble, since all immigrants need a place to live
- Whites becoming increasingly homeless


- By late 2020s, Poojeets become a visible MAJORITY
- Poojeets vote for more pro-proojet migration policy


- Canada's first poojeet Prime Mininster, Jagmeet
- His long term plan is 100 million poojeets into Canada by 2100


- Canadian economy collapses into 3rd world, whites demand more socialism and free gibs
- Blacks and poojeets happy to get free gibs


- Canada population reaches 70 million, mostly poojeets and Changs. Whites becomes a visible minority.
- Poojeets creampie all the white women
- Poojeet man and white woman dating is now trendy

The root cause of the problem is greedy Anglo boomers and white liberals. You have nobody to blame but yourself.

>> No.53881344

Honestly, I'd prefer them to blacks. Thank god the blacks hate the cold

>> No.53881345
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>It's odd. I don't think they factor in how deranged and antisocial the Leaf masses will get as they are forced to live in the pod and eat the bugs

It's basically happening in Vancouver in real-time. Underclass whites either have help from their parents or shack up 5-6 in 1 house. Underclass pajeets/filipinos/browns put as many as possible into apartments or condos. Quality among service jobs has dropped significantly and no one really gives a fuck to do their job properly. The middle class that can afford to live on their own are usually in relationships in tiny spaces. Most restaurants are understaffed.

>> No.53881350

The anglo sphere countries are flooding their lands with poojeets and chinks BECAUSE they are paying for their sins -- think of it as subconscious white guilt at work. Anglos slaughtered millions of native "Indians" in Canada, America, Australia, New Zealand and claim it their land. Now they're inviting back the brown people to fill in their countries and replace whites.

>> No.53881357
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And just to add HOW the Canadian government props up its economy:

"Canadians are known for being the nicest people in the world"
"Canada is the best place to live in the world with the freshest air"

The Canadian government created and promoted the marketing campaigns mentioned above. The intention is to deceive immigrants from third world countries and poojeets into investing their life savings in the Canadian economy and supporting the property market.

While polite, Canadians are not kind.
They might run into you and say sorry, but they won't befriend you or invite you out to dinner.

They are peculiar, paranoid, and neurotic individuals, and it shows in the laws they pass (massive internet surveillance of residents, 6-month jail sentence if your address on your driver's license is different from your home address, etc.).

As the rest of the world knows that Canadians, especially white Anglo Canadians, are the worst passive aggressive retards, 4channel hates Canada.

>> No.53881369
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Yeah poojeets they just work and mind their own business. They open motels, gas stations, convenient stores etc.

As a Nordic man, my problem is white Canadians.

White Canada has a low level of trust. Even white people don't trust one another, which explains the enormous paperwork and background checks. If you've done business in China, you know that a simple handshake is enough to seal the transaction.

White Canadians are anxious and afraid. White Karens contact the cops over trivial imagined threats, such as a van parked on her block for an extended period of time. Karens no longer allow their children to play outside for fear of abduction. While visiting a school in Canada, you must check in and present identification. You may no longer enter by identifying yourself as the parent. A society with a low level of trust.

It's a poor way to live.

>> No.53881372
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White Anglos are incapable of genuine conversations. Their culture revolves around sarcasm and insults which they pass off as bantering. I have yet to meet a healthy minded Anglo that is a real bro. They're always passive aggressive, neurotic and weird (not in a good way)

There's why 4channel HATES Canadians, Brits and Australians because their culture is toxic. Westernized brown women act like retarded (white) Karens, adopting their Anglo accent, their hand waving gestures, their values.

When you think of virgin kissless incel, you're probably thinking of a mentally ill Anglo. The German race is more autistic and weird than the Anglos. At least the Anglo cope by drinking beer and bantering with his mates. Germans cope by eating each other's shit.

I feel sorry for people growing up in Anglo-centric countries.

>> No.53881377
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I dread living in Canada. I dread getting food poisoning when a poojeet makes my burger with his feces coated hands. I get dread encountering a moronic white cop. I get dread having the 20 year old chink dabbing on his with his 60K BMV. I dread the horrible cold wind whipping my face and getting cold feet from the snow. I dread see another poojeet reporter on TV. I dread another faggot white poltician that fleece this country to line his deep pockets. I dread walking pass a piss drenched white homeless. I dread talking to another white tranny faggot.

>> No.53881382
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The COVID lockdown has shown that Canada is an authoritarian shithole. It's WHITE cops that punched and kneeled on protestors. It's a white cop that rode a horse that trampled over an old lady. It's a WHITE leader that passed the "War Measures Act" to crush the protesters.

Do you see changs or poojeets abusing other Canadians? No. They're busy working in low paying jobs and minding their own business. It's WHITE people that run government. It's the whites operating CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) that is spying on citizens and arresting dissents.

Many Canadians are waking up to this fact and are fleeing Canada at an alarming rate.

>> No.53881397
File: 634 KB, 1122x617, CANADIAN-WOMAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canada is the worse country to live in. Anglo boomers passed laws to import 100 million poojeets to infinitely prop up the housing market.

When I order pizza, it's a poojeet with feces coated hands making my pizza. When I drive up to Tim Horton, it's a pojeeta with her thick Mumbai accent taking my order. When I order something from Star Bucks, it's a gay white kid.

I can't find a skinny white woman, so I'm resorting to fucking subhuman poojeetas. All my white friends are smashing poojeetas. We don't want to, we simply don't have options.

I am leaving Canada for America.

There is so much wrong with Canada, its not just the housing market.

>> No.53881444

if only they bought their house in toronto or vancouver 30 years ago they would be set for generations with chang money

>> No.53881650

canadahousing went downhill and they banned me when I was screaming at them to stop complaining about grocery increases and change their spending habits (look for deals and buy in bulk at cheap prices). I called them retards and they got assmad and permad me.

>> No.53881719

These targets are unrealistic since human pop growth is slowing in pretty much all countries.

>> No.53882314

Housing is collapsing. Don't worry about that. Your concern should be interest rates. Obviously, it's stupid to but now in year 2. Wait till your residency.

>> No.53882552

it's not lmao, where are those 400k+ immigrants not including family members gonna live? ontario-pradesh and hongcouver will never collapse, prairie provinces maybe because no one wants to live there

>> No.53882765
File: 338 KB, 617x346, sir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canada will have 100M poojeets by 2100. And they're having sex with all the white women.

>> No.53882773
File: 3.99 MB, 2046x1531, 1646762344640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Housing is collapsing.

Not when they have a target of 500K jeets every year.

>> No.53882924

Wow housing shill in the wild.
Reeks of desperation.

>> No.53883518
File: 173 KB, 1024x969, 1674483993010778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53883741
File: 387 KB, 1365x2047, poojeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nothing is more pitiful than a poojeet desperately attempting to pass for a white man. The poojeet takes on a white Anglo name such as "George", "Michael", or "Sam". To a white man, however, he will always be a stinky poojeet with feces-covered hands. When he speaks, the poojeet tries to hide his Indian accent, but you can smell the curry invading your nostrils.

I respect poojeet, who smells like shit and has a full INDIAN name and speaks with a thick accent. At the very least, he's an authentic curry chef, not a phony "George Chahal" who speaks like a white man and eats bread with mayo for breakfast.