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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53874093 No.53874093 [Reply] [Original]

Algorand has nothing going for it besides tanking and now it's possible that their web wallet was compromised at one point. I can't believe there's still people who think that shitcoin isn't dead!

>> No.53874538

Holy shit this retalgo truly deserves a luna drop. Don't forget this was supposed to be an "intellectual" coin choice lmfao

>> No.53874914

This story makes no sense. MyAlgo is the equivalent of metamask i.e. everyone and their mother is using it. If it was "hacked" why aren't millions of wallets getting drained right now? Why just target 4-5 whales?
This was clearly a targeted attack. These retards probably clicked a phishing link or installed a virus by visiting some porn website.

>> No.53875023

news is spreading. it's just adding more fuel to the dumpster fire that is Algorand

>> No.53875049

Is this the final rugpull algo”””chads”””? The (((foundation))) and (((VC))) ran out of premine to dump and are now confiscating user assets? BAHAHAHAHA

>> No.53875059

tfw fell for the algo memes

>> No.53875108

I've been algocucked

>> No.53875371
File: 313 KB, 1176x606, Screen Shot 2023-02-27 at 11.53.11 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This retard has been sperging on twitter for days. I'm 100% sure he clicked a phishing link and trying to find a scapegoat.

>> No.53875390

Take it up with the wallet provider that's scrambling lmao

>> No.53875504

Algo is not sneeded cardano exists

>> No.53876108

Haven't we all

>> No.53876304

I hate the choices I’ve made

>> No.53876513

so XRP and Stellar were the winners all along...maybe IOTA for internet of things micropayments...XDC for finance, Flare for derivatives. Will ALGO make it?

>> No.53876526

I wouldn't made more money gambling on /smg/ than bagholding algo

>> No.53876652

Why didn't this take off the Algorand deal with Saudi Arabia? It has to hit $1k on the back of that at some point?

>> No.53876663

Have you tried using a privacy wallet to prevent prying eyes on your funds?
If those chads don't see your transactions, they may not be their target

>> No.53876696

There was a fake "My Algo Wallet" app on app stores. I wonder if that was the cause https://www.investing.com/news/cryptocurrency-news/algorand-warns-of-fake-algo-wallet-users-face-issues-2764275

>> No.53876698

What if the wallet provider has no solution to it?
The best way to prevent this from future happenings is considering private wallets

>> No.53876720

Algorand is a public blockchain, all addresses and transactions are visible. In any case, I only have about 5k algos that I got for free from swing trading shitcoins on tinyman. If there is an actual hack going on, which I highly doubt, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.53876755
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it isnt that hard

>> No.53876852

> muh partnerships
If you haven’t figured out that Algorand is a money laundering scheme where retail is left holding the bag, there is nothing I can do for you anon.

>> No.53876876

How dumb would Gard have to be to fall for a basic phishing scam? Although their UX has been quite atrocious. I had a feeling they don't know what they're doing. There's also been insinuations that this has affected more entities that haven't said so publicly yet.

>> No.53876946

If they’re dumb enough to enter the keys of their reserve account in a web wallet, they’re pretty fucking dumb.

>> No.53877015

MyAlgo urging everyone to disassociate with their site seems fairly extreme, even if it's precautionary. They shouldn't go that far if they felt like it was most likely your run of the mill phishing attack. And not to mention, their CEO/CTO has a history with getting his private seed phrase hacked in the past. Just doesn't bode well for an already faltering ghost chain to deal with this.

>> No.53877051

How can reddit lose this fucking often and this badly. Nano, GME, Algorand, I'm sure there's many more. Everything they touch just goes to absolute shit. It would be sad if they weren't so sure they are right all the time.

>> No.53877131

It's because of woke tranny culture. Reddit is full of them.

>> No.53877330

That doesn't mean you can't use a private wallet to prevent prying eyes on your asset
Your security and safety should be your priority

>> No.53877456


Using the Bermuda app you can obfuscate the blockchain and transfer tokens privately.

>> No.53877507
File: 136 KB, 1248x676, Screen Shot 2023-02-27 at 3.13.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be, but my theory is they couldn't find any explanation (there isn't any), they got scared and are now trying to minimize their liabilities.
Take a look at this retard who apparently lost millions and is threatening to sue Algorand Inc and MyAlgoWallet. I can tell by the writing style he probably suffered a concussion and would fall for a Nigerian prince scam.

>> No.53877556

What the hell is a private wallet? There is no such thing on Algorand. All wallets are public same as ETH or BTC.

>> No.53877890

He very likely got phished. Who bothers to even reply to these obvious scams?



And he doesn't remember if he interacted with an obvious phishing link?


He doesn't seem like the savvy guy he claims to be. It's hilarious that he sent everyone on a wild goose chase because he refuses to look at himself for fault.

Algorand is such a shitshow lmao

>> No.53877944
File: 1.02 MB, 264x360, me lmaoing in real life.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol dumb boomer

>> No.53878044

None of those shitcoins are fucking relevant today and they’ve been out for a while now. No wonder biz is poor.

>> No.53880379

>Algorand is such a shitshow
So much truth to this
Execute the tranny, in Minecraft

>> No.53880451

There is, with wallets like Railway, you can shield any token of your choice, you need to learn to understand what's happening in the system

>> No.53880717

Is it just me or have web wallets been top targets to scammers lately, more reason why I manage my risk by using non custodial wallets like Sylo to store my assets and NFTs

>> No.53880961

Sylo wallet is cool, but from my experience, I think Railway is a better option for nft shielding

>> No.53880985

I actually use samourai wallet for private transactions

>> No.53880996

Anon is a rookie in the space, he needs to learn more

>> No.53881039

Between these two wallets, which of them is a better option?

>> No.53881088

Were you forced to make them?

>> No.53881123

That path is not for the weak, you'll get rerk if you are not careful

>> No.53881185

Both wallets are cool, but Railway can hide your wallet balance, and as well charges zero cost for shielding your NFTs

>> No.53881235

> comfy thread
> random pajeet from discord comes spamming his shit
Fucking kys, nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.53881246

No which is why I hate them