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53872657 No.53872657 [Reply] [Original]

Rome crumbled because it used gold as its main currency. Inflation and fiat is good for the world and the economy. Prove me wrong.

>> No.53872696

Actually it crumbled because it used gold then it started debasing the currency with metals worth less. Basically the same inflation problem we have today

>> No.53872699

>yes it was the gold goy
>not the rampant immigration
>or soldiers who weren't roman

>> No.53872712

It crumbled well before the debasing. The reason for debasing was because the Roman society was already crumbling.

>> No.53872730

How do we re-based it? Coat small hats in acid?

>> No.53872736

>Me soldier
>Me want gold, I don't want no fiat

Good luck running a country with an illiquid asset. You can't sustain an army the size of America with gold. And you can't have security without the American military. You can't have pretty white women without security.

>> No.53872750

Stop jewing. Fiat is fine without jews.

>> No.53872770

Are you sure it wasn't minorities?

>> No.53872771

Unironically a genicide- reworking the US for instance with massive deportations and nigger death. Removing the lowest %15 extremely violently will do it. Always has-

>> No.53872780


>> No.53872796

Definitely not the jews in banks and politics who have access to limitless monetary funds, no absolutely not.

I believe 13% of the population can indeed destroy an economy (good argument retard).

>> No.53872812

>able to destabilize a world super power

that's a compliment. minorities must be 200 iq if they can do this. Russia has been trying to invade a tiny country for a year now. Russians should just become minorities if they want to destroy Ukraine.

>> No.53872864

You’re actually correct, to a degree. /pol/tards have it in their head that fractional banking is bad because it dilutes a currency, but it actually helps immensely with making sure your economy doesn’t just fucking suicide itself when the currency supply and demand curve gets all fucked.

I mean it’s simple really, with fractional banking you can adjust the rate for outstanding debt to decrease or increase the demand for currency, which lets you control the effects uneven supply may have on your economy. If one dude could just strike it rich with a gold mine and suddenly there’s massively maligned investment everywhere and insane inflation you’re going to choke your own economy to death. The problem is that demand is always greater than supply with currency, so the greed is always there to not just smooth an economy but to debase it yes, see the Faustian bargain

>> No.53872880

All that matters is trade. Rome artificially managed to make itself a massive node for Mediterranean trade through various factors (but mainly luck, engineering and warfare (What's the difference, huh?!). It eventually fell to the entropic fact of it not being a very good place to centre Med trade. There were always going to be much better places to centre that trade, and for those places it was just a matter of waiting.
So, the question should not be framed: 'Why did Rome collapse?'. Instead: 'why was Rome a thing in the first place?'

>> No.53872902

He's talking about the immigration policy in the USA (and the EU really) since the 1960s that openly aims to replace the native population with immigrants

>> No.53872915

>no goy your money has to be worthless or you will never have enough of it
>just let us worry about where it comes from
>you just worry about paying us back for those dollars we loaned you
day of the rope soon kike

>> No.53872933

Yeah that's a non-problem. Even if you put every immigrant on benefits, it would only account to a fraction of how much the jews stole from banks, bonuses, and federal treasury on yearly basis.

Poltards and majority of the population are being brainwashed to think immigrants are the problem so the jews are shielded from blame. Low IQ dolts always take the bait.

>> No.53872952

Whites killed native Europeans and colonized European land.

>> No.53872985

Hecking BASED indo-Europeans

>> No.53873019

Everybody understands who is bringing the immigrants in you simpleton. They do it for many, many reasons, and all of them are harmful for the natives.

>> No.53873025

You're not a native. And immigrants are not an economic issue. Get help.

>> No.53873098

How could something that is money be illiquid? You are retarded or a jew.

>> No.53873125

Actual retard alert
Nobody gives a shit who was "native" to the land, it's about who is native to the country that was built. Land is just land, that's why America was undeveloped until Europeans showed up and same with Africa. And illegals absolutely suppress wages, that's why large corporations are in favor of it. Now go back

>> No.53873132

You lie. If done properly, strategic inflation is very wealth building for (((those who issue the fiat.))) For everyone who works a regular job, it dilutes their savings. The same thing as slowly stealing their money and giving it to someone you like better as a new loan.

>> No.53873186

One dude can't just magically make tons of gold appear because he owns a mine. It takes time, resources and manpower to get the gold out of the ground. The inflation would be much slower if large amounts of gold were found, it wouldn't happen over night like can happen with a fiat currency.

>> No.53873288

Dimwit take.

>> No.53873321

"that's a non-problem"
except it means by default you have no reason to care about the country or it's future because it won't be inherited by your descendants

>> No.53873374

yes thats the same reason the great depression happened,if the amount of currency cant keep up with growth that happens (deflation spiral)

>> No.53873376

Okay retard.
Fiat = press a few buttons and you have inflation.
Gold = find land that has gold on it then dig up and process between 4 and 14 tons of dirt and rock to produce 1 toz.

>> No.53873390


>> No.53873395
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did someone say rebase?

>> No.53873448

See the California gold rush, see the spanish price revolution, see the Mali European tour. It did happen and didn’t kill economies because they practiced good fractional banking

Wether good or bad supply and demand is the basis of currency and markets. If you have someone holding the gold and adjusting outstanding or new debt to the bank, you can slowly ease in the new supply, artificially inflating demand to match the higher supply, and vice versa you can artificially decrease demand to match the lower supply.

>> No.53873451

Deflation is not sustainable
1.5% to 2% inflation is sustainable
if the money supply cant keep up with growth everything falls apart
you always need to inject some liquidity into the economy

>> No.53873467

Rome was built in a day be cause it wasn't real and was made up history in the middle ages

>> No.53873506

What happens if a nigger is above the bottom 15%?

>> No.53873518

there still romans ruins in north africa to this very day so yes it was real
but its still very misunderstood
rome collapsing was a good thing

>> No.53873636

you sound jewish

>> No.53873706

rome was reall
jews killed jesus, not based
but he died for their sins, based

>> No.53873772

>Yeah that's a non-problem
Opinion discarded. OP confirmed for nonwhite and ignorant of history.

>> No.53873783

Also, it isn't clear Rome "collapsed". The state had a major rupture that could be called a collapse, but the barbarians that supplanted the state were largely changed by that process too, so Rome could be considered a continuum of social development that sucked in the barbarians and ultimately spread more "Roman" models of urban and agricultural empire to them. The constant claims of inheriting Rome for centuries after and even up to the modern era attest to formation of a lineage, but while lineage implies death it also implies inheritance. Rome's "collapse" as framed by the OP is made into a failure, but Rome's "collapse" as a matter of lineage turns it into a successful propagation and reproduction of a model and system of meaning. Maybe nations and corporate entities aren't as capable of immortality as we'd like to think, and in terms of endings it is more meaningful to think of how Rome reproduced itself. Does anybody claim to be the inheritors of Carthage? Rarely, Carthage was largely annihilated and replaced, there is a different sense of that destruction and the "collapse" of Rome.

Either way, I definitely think OP is not well formed, but it's also a bait thread to talk about goldbuggery. Rome didn't fall because of gold, it was definitely more complicated than that.

>> No.53873844

>Whites killed native Europeans
The funniest part is when we did it it, we were technically African migrants. :^)

>> No.53874036

Deflation is sustainable when your entire economy is not dependent on borrowing money(aka not fake and gay). Tell me how that 2% inflation target is working out for Jerome Powell?
Uhh how about no factional reserve banking at all? How would a bank control the inflation from a new gold mine? The bank would have to create the inflation bubble themselves first then pull back the lending.