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53872288 No.53872288 [Reply] [Original]

Dude was right about EVERYTHING and you all know it.

One will be worth 50k this year.

Just wanting to shit on some trannies and flex my stack of 50.

I know you liberal fucks hate me but your wife won't leave me alone. My ginger balls are just TOO SEXY.

>> No.53872350

My Trumpie doin a lil sumthin

>> No.53872486
File: 2.95 MB, 2711x2978, 0227231105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The speed in which the normies learn the truth is infuriating but these little Trumpies are the harvest from 2 years of being the light bringers in a world full of darkness.

>> No.53873470

What if I copy them and re-sell them?

>> No.53873504


HERP DERP! what if I just download your bitcoin?!?!!?! LOLOLOL

why are you even on this board?

>> No.53873569

NFT is a file on the blockchain. I can download it re-upload it and sell it. Some idiot will buy it.

>> No.53874578

Go ahead and do it you passive cuck

>> No.53874764

these will be the only NFTs that survive the coming bear

>> No.53874834

Sure they will, and yet somehow you're still here and poor? You've found a money printer friend, get to it!

>> No.53875264

kek, don't get me wrong i kind of agree that most NFTs are just money laundering scams being used by crypto nigs to launder coins they got through illegal means either on darkweb or through scammy tactics. however, "collectable" so-called NFTs that are using actual images of people or of things that have their own "perceived" value aren't in the same category as monkey pictures. for example, baseball cards, soccer cards, nba cards, any of those things would have a "value" assigned to them by the people who seek to collect them. similar to the pokemon card craze of the last couple of years or retro gaming craze. the point is that this being an official "Trump" collection gives it value outside of the "crypto" world, so when shit goes to zero Trump NFTs will still have independent value that's given to it by outside forces, aka him winning the elections, him being a meme president etc. but BIZ will miss out because jannies wont let these threads spread like they could/should, but that wont stop the collection from pumping.

>> No.53875301

You're underestimating how driven humans are to collect anything at all even if you see no value in it

People collect old newspapers. People collect cats. People collect literal garbage. The market is there, profit from it or mock it but don't pretend it's not real.

>> No.53875422

Literally just being shilled and re bought by whales the same whales. They recycle each others nft’s making an artificial floor. You can check the buys and all the same accounts buy each others jpegs

it’s literally israelis scamming trump supporters

>> No.53875441
File: 73 KB, 900x900, 9D4EDA5F-69A3-4CB9-8AAA-BE76FF187103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump minted 45k NFTs on Polygon, an l2 Ethereum scaling network because the Ethereum blockchain is Incapable of scaling without third-party blockchain support (a tangled mess of code on top code on top of code) Why is trump supporting inferior blockchain technology that needs level2 layers just to operate?

Is ETH the coin of the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM? Isn’t this something trump supporters are against? Why on earth is trump minting NFTs on a blockchain supported by the WEF?


>> No.53875463
File: 548 KB, 723x1038, 36B20525-5B4B-4817-BD13-C4AC3A7B8654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitalik Buterin’s blockchain (ETH) is clearly linked with the WEF agenda.
And Vitalik has tweeted in support of child pornography in the past

I thought trump was anti pedo/ anti CP?

> https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2017/11/14/ethereum-cryptocurrency-creator-defends-possession-of-child-porn-claims-it-can-have-social-benefits/


>> No.53875481
File: 326 KB, 534x933, A776DA20-8AA4-40DC-A126-94D1CA6F65C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s one big example of a WEF backed eth connection :

USDC- a major stable coin on ETH. A stable coin is a cryptocurrency that is supposed to be backed and supported by actual USD. It should have the value of $1. USDC is supported by the company Circle.

> https://www.weforum.org/organizations/circle-internet-financial

So why on earth is trump releasing NFTs on blockchain technology that enables stable coins that are supported by the World Economic Forum? What are the consequences of humanity being made to submit to a financial system ran/ supported by the WEF agenda?

>> No.53875510
File: 292 KB, 750x531, FA822076-0EC4-4CB8-ACF0-24BD63F09B6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is yet another ETH connection to WEF- why on earth did Trump decide to shill jpegs on a blockchain that operates on an oracle known as Chainlink that has direct ties to the WEF? ;

Remember chainlink , the ‘Oracle’ cryptocurrency (ETHEREUM) erc20 token “LINK” is aligned with WEF- the organization bent on programming human minds with brain chips [MUSK], banning petrol/ gasoline which would decimate global food supplies, and making bug cuisine a reality for the average American consumer.


When WEF enforces bugs on the American population via these communist ‘capitalist’ conglomerates , every owner of the chainlink crypto currency [The logo of chainlink is a cube, literally Saturn worship . (It’s the Jews)] and ETH crypto currency platform is responsible and guilty of making this bug eating a reality for the average American

>> No.53875520

Whales are simply accumulating and wash trading for OpenSeas airdrops. Don't forget that the creator fee is 10% which means whales can also make "donations" to the creator by wash trading. OpenSea also cut their own fees to 0% for the last few days so they could promote the airdrop which means there's been even more of an incentive to wash trade.

>> No.53875523
File: 220 KB, 750x413, 72FE16F8-8631-49F3-98A8-C63FBC1A5AEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do patriots who care about America set up pathetic cash grabs like this on WEF approved (communist) blockchains?

After telling his base that the election was stolen ? After ensuring “patriots were in control”. After shilling the jewish rushed vaccines to boomer family members with vulnerable-aged immune systems ? After lying to america that they were “safe and effective”? WARP SPEED right?

Trump THEN decides to shill jpegs and make his followers pay $99 for pictures on a screen that illustrate himself as a super hero of America?

>> No.53875533

Nice schizo post

>> No.53875543
File: 38 KB, 800x582, A0D14FB6-7F03-4A30-93F2-247764E34294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In conclusion —

Trump released 45k NFTs on Blockchain technology that is aligned with the WEF- pro- bug eating, human brain-chip programming, gasoline/petrol hating communist blockchain ran by a gay pedo that can’t bench 100lbs

>> No.53875612
File: 655 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230227_151041_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're going to print more of these and dilute you lmao.

>> No.53876012

I don't think people want to collect randomized jpgs in the era of AI art. Even tf2 hats are a more sound economic concept.