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53868887 No.53868887 [Reply] [Original]

It's insane how much different development is going on in crypto right now. I don't think it's ever been harder to find and follow "the" narrative, simply because there is so much going on.
My general feeling is that we are at the most profitable and opportunity filled part of the cycle. Note how Gensler's most recent, ridiculously overreaching statement was shrugged off by the market. Dumps are all to higher lows, the paid of the FTX apocalypse is largely forgotten, and funds are starting to allocate again, with a "the worst is over" mindset.
If I asked what projects you're investing in, I would just attract all the usual retards. But if you feel like actually fleshing out an early bull market thesis, then maybe try the following as a little exercise in staying sharp:
>Without mentioning a token or project or specific investment, what is your general thesis moving into the next season of crypto? What narratives have legs?

>> No.53868902

to be honest I feel there will forever be a new supply of new crypto projects with new opportunities for at least a few decades
I hope exchanges end up adding regular stocks too, the ecosystem is just so much better and easier to work with, that might be why it grows so fast

>> No.53868912

My thesis is that crypto was always fueled by greater fools theory and now that every retard trying to make a quick buck has invested into it its just fucking over, some project will still moon like they do in the stock market but that will be the exception not the rule.

>> No.53868924

AI coins are the next meta.

>> No.53868940

You have absolutely no idea what is actually being built, dude. There is a circus around crypto but if you actually go into the tent, crazy shit is happening.
zkproofs will be such a massive game changer. Blockspace is fucking abundant these days, the settlement niche is well full for the point of development of other core functionalities.
But zkproofs will be the next huge surge in things you can actually build. Cryptographic proofs that show (x) was done without revealing the private contents of the computation. That's a baseline piece of infrastructure for any corporate entity that is protective of its knowledge.

The downside is that crypto is going to get neutered and people will end up piling into projects from the usual institutions because they are "trusted", rendering the whole thing pretty pointless, but if you can ride the wave right you can retire and live in the woods by the time it becomes an issue.

>> No.53868955

I would love to watch how you have sex

>> No.53868957

>L2 governance and/or gas
>individual L1 and L2 ecosystem rotations (dex to perps to lending to games to redacteds)
>crosschain liquidity/messaging protocols
>options/perps/options hedged dexes
>new batch of algo stablecoins
>zks tokens
>MAYBE privacy smart contract platforms beside zks
>NFTs unfortunately

>> No.53868967

Doesn’t matter what the fuck is being built, normies will not be buying again, it’s nerds vs nerds are the only people buying your bags and that’s not enough, crypto is great for money laundering tho

>> No.53869009

your post reads like 2019 sour grapes tbqh famalam

>> No.53869024

>it's nerds vs nerds
yeah that's called a bear market, retard. Is it your first one?

>> No.53869038

As someone who’s touching millions in crypto I don’t need to get rich it’s a tool tho lol problem with you faggots it’s either your crypto goes to the moon or back to the wage cage which is hilarious

>> No.53869096

Looks like crypto is approaching the actual use cases for it, which is great if you're in it for the tech, but won't exactly hype up cletus and tyrone to put their last $500 buying the top. As crypto matures you're increasingly trading against savvy investors, the kind of people that start selling as soon as a pump begins. Imagine a crypto bullrun where everything performs no better than L1NK did in the 2021 bullrun.
Scams may very well still do x1000, but good luck getting in early on the correct ones. Actually solid projects will find (or be found by) VCs, so good luck getting early there either. And even if you do, enjoy crabbing for 10 years until they are confident enough in their monopoly to monetize the fuck up and reap the benefits of their hard labor. Dunno man, might have to put the old kneepads to use.

>> No.53869099

I'm sticking with ETH and a little MATIC

>> No.53869108

Once the hype starts building as the recovery strengthens they will be back.

>> No.53869112

Lsd, zk. Meme coins shouldn’t be entirely discredited either.

>> No.53869133

have you read this yet?

>> No.53869144

>>Without mentioning a token or project or specific investment, what is your general thesis moving into the next season of crypto? What narratives have legs?
Everything that integrates with CBDC or helps to integrate with it.

>> No.53870270

Sound like inferior version of Cosmos zones desu

>> No.53870449

>I hope exchanges end up adding regular stocks too
We need on chain stocks.

>> No.53870458

been hearing about this since 2019

>> No.53870554

you stupid monkey all crypto is zkproof by definition including bitcoin and Ethereum

>> No.53870577

>NFTs unfortunately
Just an example, but look at CXO. NFTs are used for secure document transfer and the jpeg bullshit is just a magician wand to keep retards distracted from the actual usecase.
Invest in business oriented NFT platforms and operations.

The "value" of crypto is the value of the fax machine. Cost savings and time.
Find where there are costs, see who takes these costs to nearly zero using NFTs, profit.

>> No.53870583

>if you cant 1,000x it's lame
Many of these projects will do well enough over 20 years to retire anyone holding them just like MSFT and Apple.

>> No.53872323

Can you clarify what you mean by "secure document transfer" because it sounds like sending a file, and why would anyone use NFT to send a file?